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God’s relationship with the Messengers

Recite “RABBI ZIDNEE I'LMAA” after salat to increase knowledge.

1. Surah 2:30-37 – Surah Baqrah

Main theme:

1. The main theme in these verses is about Allah’s messenger.

2. Allah tells us about the creation of the first prophet who will live on earth, Adam (A.S).

God’s relationship with the Messengers
3. These verses tell us that Allah gives knowledge to whom He wills.
4. Allah tells us how he ordered the creatures such as Angels and jinn to bow down to Adam.
5. All angels bowed, except Iblees, who was jealous.
6. As Iblees did not listen to God, “He is open enemy” (2:168).

7. Satan tricked Adam and Eve to disobey the limits set by Allah.
8. Adam (A.S) asked Allah to forgive him for committing a sin by praying: “Our Lord, we have
wronged ourselves and if you do not forgive us and have mercy upon us, we will surely be
among losers.” (7:23)
9. The verse shows the humility and repentance of Adam and his wife.

Importance of the theme:

1. These verses are related to the belief in the Prophets which is an article of Faith.
2. Muslims learn to avoid Satan in their daily lives as he misleads mankind into evil.
3. It is our responsibility to follow the laws of Allah in this world.
4. Muslims understand that they can make mistakes but they will be forgiven if they realise and ask
for forgiveness.
5. We learn the importance of acquiring knowledge as it makes us different from other creatures.

God’s relationship with the Messengers

2. Surah 6: 75-79 – Surah Al Anaam

Main Theme:

1. The theme of this passage is about Allah and His messenger.

2. These verses talk about Prophet Ibrahim (AS) who asked his people to worship the creator and
not creations.
3. He knew that the sun, the moon and the stars cannot be the Creator, since they are not
4. He recognized God as the Master who is free from all limitations.
5. As Allah says, “follow the religion of Ibrahim and he was not of polytheists” (2:135).
6. This shows that messengers spread the same message, which is of Oneness of God.

God’s relationship with the Messengers
Importance of the theme

1. The passage strengthens the belief of Muslims in the prophets, which is an article of faith.
2. Muslims learn in their daily lives they have to serve God by obeying Him and worshipping Him.
3. The verses are important in lives of Muslims as it encourages them to purify their belief in the
4. Muslims should search for the truth and ask Allah to guide them.

3. Surah 5:110 Surah Maidah

Main teachings

1. The passage talks about God’s relation with Jesus.

2. God gave him scripture with complete wisdom and knowledge.
3. He used the scripture to guide people to the right path.
4. Quran says, “We gave him the Gospel in which was guidance and light and confirmation of the
Tourat that had come before it” (5:46).
5. The birth of Jesus was a miracle from Allah.
6. He was born to Mary without a father.
7. He could heal the blind and cure the dead.
8. Jesus was also rejected and called as magician.

God’s relationship with the Messengers
9. God saved him from Jews like said in Quran, “then in end we save our messengers” [10:103]

Importance of the theme

1. This passage strengthens our belief in Prophets.

2. One who doesn’t believe in prophets is not Muslim.
3. We must follow the teaching of the messengers as they were sent for our guidance.
4. God gives power and knowledge to whom he wills.
5. Muslims must believe in God’s power to control everything.
6. Allah protected Jesus from Bani Israel.
7. This strengthen our belief that nothing can harm us is we are in Allah’s protection.

4. Surah 93- Doha

God’s relationship with the Messengers
Main Theme

1. The theme in this surah is about Allah and His messengers

2. This was revealed when prophet was depressed because he was not getting revelations from
3. The disbelievers laughed at him and said Allah had left him.
4. Then Allah sent down this surah telling the prophet not to be upset.
5. As Allah has not left him and the hereafter is better than this life.
6. He reminded the prophet of His support.
7. Such as how Abu Talib raised him when he was an orphan.
8. Also, he got married to Khadija which gave him independence financially.
9. Since Allah helped him, Allah tells the prophet to also help orphans and those in need.
10. “And feed with food the needy, the orphan and the prisoner for the love of Him” [76:8].

Importance of the theme

1. This surah teaches Muslims when they are upset, they should not lose hope as God is with them.
2. This should give them hope as even though this life can get tough the afterlife will be better.
3. This surah also teaches if Muslims are loyal to God, He will support them as He supported the
4. We should be thankful for the blessings Allah has given to us.
5. And because of the blessings, we should treat the orphans and needy with kindness.

5. Surah 108

God’s relationship with the Messengers

Main teachings

1. This Surah revealed when Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) was sad when his infant child died.
2. He was promised with rewards in Heaven.
3. In surah Al-Duah it is said: “And your future will be better than the present.” (93:4)
4. Allah asked Prophet to stay firm and loyal to HIS faith by offering prayers.
5. It also tells us that the enemies of Prophet (PBUH) will be destroyed as happened with Abu
Lahab who used call Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) Abtar.

Importance of the theme

1. It teaches us to have faith in God as in difficult times he will help us.

2. We should know the decisions by God are always for our better.
3. Muslims should be thankful for what God has given us.
4. We should remember that real rewards are in life hereafter.
5. Muslims learn that they should be ready to face difficulties from non-believers as our Prophet
Muhammad (PBUH) had to face difficulties as well.

God’s relationship with the Messengers
Exam Question

Using the Qur’an passages set for special study in the syllabus, outline the relationship between God
and His Messengers: (10)

The Quranic passages describe the stories of Adam in Al- Baqrah (2:30-37), Ibrahim in Al-Anaam (6:7-79)
and Isa in Al-Maida (5:110) which give us an understanding of God’s relationship with his Prophets.

1. Surah Baqrah (2:30-37) tells that Adam was the first human created by God.
2. God told angels that he would send HIS representative on earth.
3. God’s relationship with Adam was that of a teacher and student as HE gave him the
knowledge of all HIS creations.
4. Adam was given superiority of humans over angels. This shows his close relationship with
5. God required obedience from Adam and tested him.
6. HE told Adam and his wife not to eat from a specific tree but Satan tricked them in to eating.
7. Adam realized his mistake and asked God for forgiveness.
8. Since God is Merciful, HE forgave Adam.
9. This shows that God relationship with Adam was of mercy and kindness.

1. Surah Al-Anaam (6: 75-79) shows Abraham was gifted with special Wisdom.
2. HIS relationship with Abraham was that of a teacher and a guide.
3. God gave Abraham knowledge of Himself through signs of heavens and the earth.
4. God guided him through His signs, and Abraham turned towards Him.
5. Abraham used his wisdom to know that there is one God and rejected the idols.
6. Once Abraham found who his creator was, he stayed firm to his faith.
7. This shows that God and Abraham had a sincere relationship.


God’s relationship with the Messengers
1. His relationship with Jesus was that of a helper.
2. For this reason, He gave Jesus special miracles such as he could give life to the dead and cure
the sick.
3. God gave Injil to Jesus to teach people how to live their lives according to God’s laws.
4. It helped him convince people to message of God.
5. God’s blessing on Jesus made him realize God’s status as Creator and his status as a prophet.
6. God protected Jesus from being killed at the hands of children of Israel.
7. This shows God relationship with Jesus was that of a protector.

God’s Messengers experienced trials. How can their responses help Muslims face difficulties in their
own lives? (4)
1. God tests everyone, including prophets who are closest to Him.
2. Muslims should realize that facing hardships does not mean that they are far from God.
3. But it is an opportunity to become closer to Him.
4. Trials are also sent to teach people, so Muslims should learn what God is trying to teach
5. We should be patient and hope that good times will come after hardship.

God sends humankind messengers from amongst their own communities. Explain why this is
significant. (4)

1. Prophets sent from humans can better understand the needs of people so it is easier to
teach the message.
2. People will be able to relate to Prophets as they look like them.
3. People can see Prophets practice in their daily lives and learn from it.
4. If angels were sent, we would not be able to see them practice the message in their
everyday lives.

Using Qur’an passages you have studied from the syllabus, describe how God guided His messengers
to increase their belief in Him. Refer to at least four messengers in your answer. (10)

God’s relationship with the Messengers
1. Allah gave Adam the knowledge to guide him, which even the angels were not given.
2. He was taught the names of all the things of God’s creation.
3. Adam was given superiority of humans over angels and God asked the angels to bow to
4. This made Adam (AS) realize God’s greatness that everyone including angels obeys His
5. Iblis tricked Adam to have fruit from a tree which was forbidden by Allah.
6. Adam realized his mistake and turned to God for forgiveness.
7. God forgave him, which strengthened Adam belief in Him that only God can be

1. Abraham was guided to the truth through the system of the heavens and the earth.
2. He was searching for his Lord.
3. God gave him wisdom and he realized that the creations do not last forever and
cannot be worshipped.
4. Through these events he started believing in God and did not associate partners
with Him.

1. He was given special miracles which helped him understand the power of God.
2. Injil was revealed to him to teach his people.
3. He could give life to the dead and heal/cure the sick, by the will of God.
4. This all showed the favors he was given by God.
5. This made HIM realize God’s power and allowed him to believe in God that only HE gives
to whom HE wills.

Prophet Muhammad (PBUH)

1. He faced many hardships like other prophets.
2. God gave him shelter when he was orphan, guided him through revelations, and gave
financial independence through marriage to Khadija.
3. God promised blessings in the form of Kawthar, a river in paradise.

God’s relationship with the Messengers
4. All these favors made him realize that God never leaves HIS creations which
strengthened his belief in HIM.


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