HL: Filipinos Continues To Fight Against Jeepney Phaseout (Unfinshed) News

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HL: Filipinos continues to fight against jeepney phaseout (unfinshed)

NEWS: Several Filipinos continue to strike against the public utility vehicle modernization

program (PUVMP) and save jeepneys as the deadline for the phaseout in the

country approaches.

Transport groups like Bayan, Anakbayan and PISTON said based on current

statistics, around 30 000 jeepneys could be taken out of roads by 2024 due to

the phase out, leading to an “imminent transport crisis”

“The Dec. 31 deadline for the mandatory franchise consolidation forces over

60,000 jeepney operators to give up their franchises and join just a few transport

cooperatives or companies,” Gabriela partylist Rep. Arlene Brosas said.

HL: China continues to claim the South China Sea (finished)

NEWS: Tension between Chinese and United States warships in the South China Sea

heightened due to US ally the Philippines, which resulted in conducting rival

exercises in the waters on Thursday, January 4.

Chinese People’s Liberation Army (PLA) was carrying out “routine patrols” of its

navy and air force in the sea when the US reported an aircraft carrier strike group

in the sea.

Additionally, Beijing claimed majority of the South China Sea and has ignored

national tribunal ruling that their claims have no legal basis.

China’s PLA drills follow a month of tense fights between China and the

Philippines due to a collision between vessels from both countries and Chinese

ships sending water cannons to Philippine boats.

“The South China Sea is becoming… a key defensive zone for China,” according

to assistant professor and military expert at Singapore’s Nanyang Technological

University, Michael Raska.

Moreover, an expert told the Air Force of the Philippines that Beijing was wanting

to make the South China Sea into a Chinese-controlled waterway and a planned

chokepoint for other countries.

HL: PH Gov’t, to conduct annual community development events (finished)

NEWS: To support the conducting of programs and events in celebrating community

development week and community development day, all national government

agencies, even local government units (LGUs) were encouraged by a

memorandum made to raise awareness about the said events this January 3.

In Proclamation No. 316 (s. 1994), it stated that the first week of January and

January 6th of every year is when the activities will take place in order to build

communities based on justice, equality and mutual respect.

The Department of the Interior and Local Government (DILG) will be the lead

agency in the annual celebration with the help of all executive departments,

bureaus and offices.

Hence the DILG, non-government and people’s organizations will lead the

conduct of activities along with all national government agencies and

instrumentalities during the community development event.

HL: memorandum no.40


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