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As a leader, my reflection based in the above quote applying collaborative and

inclusive working relationship

In a choir, each person contributes to the whole and each has to work with each other
to neither eclipsed nor be eclipsed, as a group made up of sub-groups which in-turn
are made up of individuals. A choir is a complex organism, only by synergistic
teamwork does it function, each person has to exhibit a degree of professionalism and
expects it from everyone around him/her. One person out of tune can affect the whole
group. Sub-groups must work together to blend their voices.

In a choir where voice, body language and facial expression are integrated that
allowing the participation of people with and without functional diversity. Choral
practice develop personal and collective development by promoting self-esteem,
construction of identity within the group, friendship and the generation of new social
relationships. Participation in choir entails the acquisition of interpersonal interaction
skills, which implies a significant sense of social responsibility.

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