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A process-based model to evaluate

site quality for Eucalyptus nitens in

the Bio-Bio Region of Chile

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1 Corporación Nacional Forestal, Barros Arana 215, Concepción, Chile

2 Facultad
de Ciencias Forestales, Universidad de Concepcion, Casilla 160-C, Concepción, Chile
3 Department of Forest Science, Oregon State University, 321 Richardson Hall, Corvallis, OR 97331-5752, USA

*Corresponding author. E-mail:

A simplified, physiologically based (3-PG) model was used to evaluate the effects of spatial
variation in climate and soils on the potential productivity of Eucalyptus nitens Deane and Maiden
(Maiden). The model was parameterized based on the physiology of E. nitens to predict potential
productivity and leaf area index as influenced by environmental factors. Data obtained from
conventional weather stations were utilized by the 3-PG model to predict productivity site classes.
A final plantation suitability grid was mapped to show areas of the region with productivity classes
predicted to be very high (>52 m3 ha⫺1 year⫺1), high (47.5–52 m3 ha⫺1 year⫺1), moderate (45–47.5
m3 ha⫺1 year⫺1), low (35–45 m3 ha⫺1 year⫺1) and very low (<35 m3 ha⫺1 year⫺1). The lowest
potential productivity was attributable to soil water and nutrients limitations. A process-based forest
growth model that can be widely extrapolated using geographic information system is particularly
useful to screen areas as prospective plantation sites.

Introduction three significant limitations. First, it is based on a

single variable that is not sufficient to represent
In a particular region, potential site productivity, the stand’s real growth potential (Bernier et al.,
expressed as wood production, is linearly related 2003). Second, it requires the presence of trees for
to leaf area index (LAI), a variable that expresses measurement, which strongly limits its use in areas
the amount of foliar surface available for pho- where trees of a given species have not been previ-
tosynthesis (Waring et al., 2005). The maximum ously established (Ford and Bassow, 1989). Third,
potential LAI on a given site in turn depends on it gives no direct information about LAI and con-
the structural properties of particular tree species, sequently cannot be used to construct mechanistic
climate and site resources (Waring and Running, models (Ford and Bassow, 1989). Process-based
1998). models simulate productivity by directly modelling
Potential productivity has been traditionally cal- the effect of environmental factors on physiologi-
culated by modelling height growth for a selected cal processes (Landsberg and Gower, 1997). The
group (dominant height) of trees in the stand. 3-PG model developed by Landsberg and Waring
This approximation, called site index, has at least (1997) is used in natural and planted forests in
© Institute of Chartered Foresters, 2009. All rights reserved. Forestry, doi:10.1093/forestry/cpn045
For Permissions, please email: Advance Access publication date 15 January 2009

the US (Landsberg et al., 2000; Coops and Waring, growth over the study area, we applied a GIS
2001), South Africa (Dye, 2001), New Zealand with spatial layers of climate and soils to the
(White et al., 2000), Australia (Coops et al., 1998; 3-PG model. The accuracy of model predictions
Sands and Landsberg, 2002) and Chile (Rodríguez was assessed by comparison with existing plot-
et al., 2002). The model incorporates basic physi- based data.
ological characteristics of many species as well as As described by Landsberg and Waring (1997),
the genus Eucalyptus, making it possible to predict the 3-PG model:
growth and LAI after crown closure with accept- 1 Estimates gross primary production (PG)
able precision (Landsberg et al., 2003). based on the utilizable photosynthetically ac-

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Additionally, the 3-PG model can be extrapo- tive radiation (φp.a.u) and the canopy quantum
lated to large areas through the use of geographic efficiency (αC). The value of φp.a.u is obtained
information system (GIS). Based on its reliabil- by reducing the photosynthetically active
ity in the diagnosis of environmental factors that radiation (φp.a.) through non-dimensional
limit productivity, Bernier et al. (2003) recom- modifying factors whose values vary between
mended the use of 3-PG or other process-based 0 and 1. The modifying coefficients reflect
models to estimate potential productivity on sites constraints imposed on the utilization of φp.a.
where tree species of interest are not growing. by vapour pressure deficit (D), drought and
In this study, we used the 3-PG model together stand age. Soil fertility determines allocation
with local information on climate and soils to of carbon to above- and below-ground com-
evaluate site quality for Eucalyptus nitens and to ponents. Drought is defined for soils of dif-
develop potential productivity maps for the Bio- ferent textures by the ratio of water in the
Bio Region of Chile. Environmental factors limit- root zone to the maximum available (θ). The
ing productivity were also identified. model also includes suboptimal temperature
and frost modifiers.
2 Estimates net primary production (PN) from PG.
Methodology The model uses the proportion PN /PG = ⊂ pp ,
which has been found to be 0.47 ± 0.04 for
diverse types of forests and geographic loca-
Study area tions (Waring et al., 1998).
The Bio-Bio Region comprises 36 929 km2 extend- 3 Estimates carbon in root biomass using two
ing north–south from latitude 36° 00′ to 38° 30′ basic relations: (1) the inverse relation be-
south and east–west from longitude 71° 00′ west tween stem growth and the PN fraction allo-
to the Pacific Ocean. The Andes Mountains to the cated to soil (Beets and Whitehead, 1996) and
east and the Coastal Mountain Range to the west (2) the effects of drought and nutrition on the
define four agro-climatic areas located longitudi- annual allocation of carbon to root biomass
nally: the coastal dry sector, the inner dry sector, (Santantonio, 1989; Beets and Whitehead,
the central valley and the Andean foothills. The 1996).
climate and soils of each agro-climatic area deter- 4 Calculates changes in stand density over time
mine potential land uses and productive capacity using a submodel derived from the self-thin-
(Del Pozo and Del Canto, 1999). The National ning law coupled with stem growth rates.
Growth and Yield Simulation Project (Facultad 5 Apportions carbon among aboveground tree
de Ciencias Forestales, Universidad de Concep- components using allometric relations:
cion and National Forest Companies) provided
information on 46 widely scattered plots as well wˆ i = aiwˆ N i ,
as physiographic information (Table 1).
where ŵ is the tree’s total biomass and i is the
tree component. The parameter Ni reflects the
species’ genetic characteristics.
6 The growth rate of trees decline with age. To
To assess the appropriateness of a simplified this respect, the hydraulic limitation theory
process-based model to predict potential forest proposes that the decline of forest productiv-

Table 1: Information on the locations of plots, physiographic setting, rainfall, available soil water-holding
capacity and MAI at 10 years for 10-year-old Eucalyptus nitens in the Bio-Bio Region

Available soil MAI at

Physiographic Rainfall water-holding 10 years
Name of plots setting Soil fertility (mm year⫺1) capacity (mm) (m3 ha⫺1)
Elías Andean foothills Poor 1390 154 44.62
Laurel Andean foothills Poor 1815 102 52.90
Los Angeles (1) Inner dry sector Very poor 1093 190 22.60

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Los Angeles (2) Inner dry sector Very poor 1093 135 44.97
Las Nieves Andean foothills Rich 1354 173 45.29
Santa Rosa Central valley Poor 1815 118 43.39
Santa Catalina Andean foothills Very poor 1390 227 36.45
Santa Catalina (2) Andean foothills Poor 1390 227 47.86
Santa Catalina (3) Andean foothills Poor 1390 237 50.07
Santa Catalina (4) Andean foothills Very poor 1390 231 35.67
Bellavista Central valley Poor 1390 226 45.51
El Carmen Inner dry sector Very poor 1134 175 24.29
El Castaño Andean foothills Rich 1354 201 57.10
El Huachi Andean foothills Poor 1815 170 45.83
El Huachi (2) Andean foothills Poor 1815 155 45.32
El Huachi (3) Andean foothills Poor 1815 154 46.23
El Huachi (4) Andean foothills Poor 1815 155 48.70
El Mirador Inner dry sector Very poor 1390 227 39.43
El Prado Andean foothills Poor 1505 224 45.01
El Prado (2) Andean foothills Poor 1505 225 40.82
El Prado (3) Andean foothills Very poor 1505 224 41.86
El Prado (4) Andean foothills Very poor 1505 225 41.73
El retiro Inner dry sector Very poor 1390 224 40.97
El retiro (2) Andean foothills Rich 1390 223 59.58
Estrella Andean foothills Very poor 1815 155 46.59
Huallenco Andean foothills Poor 1390 400 52.95
Huallenco (2) Andean foothills Poor 1390 226 50.73
Huallenco (3) Andean foothills Poor 1390 226 47.50
La Tranquera Inner dry sector Very poor 1390 223 44.40
La Acacias Andean foothills Poor 1390 226 47.15
La Acacias (2) Andean foothills Poor 1390 226 47.50
La Acacias (3) Andean foothills Very poor 1390 226 36.26
La Acacias (4) Andean foothills Poor 1390 226 46.41
Los Coihues Central valley Poor 1437 250 53.76
Monteverde Coastal dry sector Rich 1390 475 60.62
Pisagua Inner dry sector Very poor 1815 177 12.43
San José Central valley Poor 1390 145 49.01
San José (2) Central valley Poor 1390 160 44.30
San José (3) Central valley Poor 1390 150 47.70
San Ramón Coastal dry sector Poor 1390 293 55.80
San Luis Andean foothills Very poor 1354 233 39.28
San Luis (2) Andean foothills Poor 1354 325 51.73
Santa Sofía Coastal dry sector Poor 1390 345 54.44
Santa Teresa Andean foothills Poor 1390 340 51.51
Santa Cristina Andean foothills Poor 1390 397 54.94
Santa Cristina (2) Andean foothills Poor 1390 400 49.98

Data were provided by the Instituto de Investigaciones de Recursos Naturales (1964) and Instituto de
Investigaciones Agropecuarias (Del Pozo and Del Canto, 1999). Data of MAI were provided by National
Growth and Yield Simulation Project.

ity with age is a consequence of the loss of

Landsberg (1986); Waring (2000)

MJ⫺1; φp.a.u, photosynthetically active solar radiation utilized, MJ m⫺2 month⫺1; Top, optimum temperature for photosynthesis, °C; Tmi, minimum temperature
These differ from the original model (Landsberg and Waring, 1997), following Sands (2000) for 10-year-old Eucalyptus nitens. αC, canopy quantum efficiency,
whole-plant and leaf-specific hydraulic con-

for growth, °C; Tma, maximum temperature for growth, °C; L, LAI, m2 m⫺2; dia, average stem diameter (mm); m, soil fertility rank (m is 1 fertilized soil and
Landsberg and Waring (1997)
Sands and Landsberg (2002)
ductance with tree height caused by increased
friction. Based on this theory, the 3-PG model

decrease to 0, 1 in non-fertilized soils). To obtain maximum potential MAI, nutritional status was not limiting photosynthetic production and m is 1.
estimates the effect of age on tree growth

Battaglia et al. (1998)

Tickle et al. (2001)

Tickle et al. (2001)

Tickle et al. (2001)

using the linear relation between hydraulic
conductivity and PN, in which stem conduc-

Sands (2000)

Sands (2000)
Sands (2000)
Sands (2000)
tance declines with age and thereby induces a
lower stomatal conductance (gc) (Mencuccini

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and Grace, 1996). Table 2 shows the model
functions and parameters used in our study.

Predicting potential productivity

Battaglia et al. (1998) developed a simple ana-

lytic model for the relation between LAI and dry
matter production in E. nitens. In their model,

‘increasing LAI increased light interception and

Values of functions and parameters

Top was set at 20°C, Tmi 2°C and Tma 32°C

ηr = (0.8 × 0.3)/(0.23 + (0.8 − 0.23)mφp.a.u

hence dry matter production, but simultaneously

Foliage mass, kg = 0.00005 × dia (mm2.65)

Maximum αC ranges from 1.8 to 4.2 g C

Stem mass, kg = 0.00007 × dia (mm2.65)

increased canopy respiration. Consequently, for
a given light utilization coefficient, there was
a value of LAI that maximized NPP’ (Battaglia
et al., 1998). For this reason, for a given value
of mean annual temperature (T) and water stress

1 − (1.38 exp(−0.5 × L))

index (W), optimal LAI could be estimated using
the equation of Battaglia et al. (1998):

2% month⫺1
LAI = 1 / k ln[(sεΩk)/ro N F +γ], (1)

0.005 m s⫺1
4.0 m2 kg⫺1

500 kg m⫺3

0.02 m s⫺1
where LAI is the canopy leaf area index (m2 m⫺2),
Table 2: Functional forms and parameters used in this study

k is the canopy light extinction coefficient, s is the

specific leaf area (m2 kg⫺1 DM), ε is the light utili-
zation efficiency (kg C MJ⫺1), Ω is the annual inci-
dent radiation (MJ m⫺2 year⫺1), ro is maintenance
respiration rate per unit canopy N content (kg C
Fraction of radiation absorbed by the canopy
Light conversion efficiency of photosynthesis

kg⫺1 N year⫺1), NF is the average leaf N concen-

tration (kg N kg⫺1 DM) and γ is rate of carbon
Constraints on light conversion efficiency

Fraction of production allocated to roots

Maximum canopy stomatal conductance

loss as litterfall (kg C kg⫺1 DM year⫺1). We used

Maximum leaf stomatal conductance
Allocation equation for foliage mass

the parameter values of Battaglia et al. (1998) with

Allocation equation for stem mass

the exception of Ω, which was measured in the

associated with temperature

Bio-Bio Region, and ε which, as described below,

we calculated on a site-specific basis.
Light utilization efficiency (ε), therefore the op-
timal LAI, varies with site conditions, particularly
Foliage turn-over

water availability and temperature (Battaglia et al.,

Specific leaf area

1998). To estimate how environmental conditions

Wood density

affect the distribution of optimal LAI through-


out the Bio-Bio Region, we used Landsberg’s

(1986) equation relating ε to T and W.

ε = 0.00195fW fT , (2) tions. Because the 3-PG model contains a water bal-
ance subroutine, the effects of soil water storage on
growth can be identified. We bounded the effects of
where fT = max{0,(1 ⫺ (T ⫺ 13.2/9.2)2)} and fW = limiting water by predicting MAI when soil water
max[0,(1+0.9 ln W)]. was at the permanent wilting point. Similarly, we
In this modelled relationship, 13.2°C is a value bounded the effects of limiting nutrients by predict-
that maximizes net canopy production and 9.9 ing MAI with a fertility rating (FR) of m = 0.1.
is the value of temperature stress. W was cal-
culated as the annual mean of the daily ratio of

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actual to potential evaporation (Battaglia et al., Analysis of plot information and validation of
1998). Actual evapotranspiration was calculated the 3-PG model
as the product of potential evaporation and a fac-
tor crop as estimated by Worledge et al. (1998). Comparison between predicted and observed MAI
Potential evaporation was estimated from Mean in 46 permanent, 1000 m2 research forest plots
Class A pan evaporation distributed in the Bio- (Table 1), using the 3-PG model with parameter
Bio Region (Del Pozo and Del Canto, 1999). values derived from calibration (Table 2) against
In the 3-PG model structure, the maximum research plots, was used to validate the 3-PG model
rates of water vapour and carbon dioxide ex- in the Bio-Bio Region for E. nitens. The plots were
change through leaf stomata approach a con- part of the National Growth and Yield Simula-
stant by the time a forest canopy reaches a LAI tion Project and were scattered over the main area
of 3.0 (Kelliher et al., 1995) and that at LAI >3.0, of E. nitens plantations in the Bio-Bio Region.
maximum photosynthesis is a linear function Plots were hand planted at 1250 trees ha⫺1 and
of ε (Wang et al., 1991). The assumptions reduce established following intensive site preparation
the requirement for accurately assessing LAI that consisted of ripping and mound ploughing
and simplify the calculation of photosynthesis to improve soil rooting volume. Fertilization was
(Waring, 2000). applied in all plots: 120 g per seedling, as a com-
We examined the sensitivity of ε to the param- mercial fertilizer, consisting of N (16 per cent), P
eters of 3-PG and its temperature dependence, (12 per cent), K (8 per cent), S (4 per cent), B (4
assuming that water and nutritional status were per cent) and Mg (1.8 per cent). Following plant-
not limiting photosynthetic production and then ing, herbaceous and weed control was necessary
we ran the 3-PG model until reaching an opti- to provide a rooting zone free of broadleaf weeds
mum value of LAI (between 5.8 and 6.2) to ob- and grasses. The plots are measured annually and
tain maximum potential mean annual increment have between 6 and 12 measurements, at ages that
(MAI) because LAI is a critical integrator of vary between 7 and 17 years old. Data collected
water availability and productivity (Gholz et al., on each plot include age, diameter at breast height,
1990). height, volume and density together with climatic
Note that the LAI values estimated by the PN- and soil variables that describe site conditions.
maximizing model should not be interpreted as The accuracy of the 3-PG model was evalu-
those necessarily present in the plantations (Ludwig ated with the root of the root mean square error
et al., 1965) because trees are under competition (RMSE), in measurement units and percentages.
and there has been natural selection. Another im- To evaluate bias, the aggregated difference (AD),
portant facet is that there is a linear relationship in measurement units and percentages, was used
between canopy respiration and foliage mass. (Cao et al., 1980).
In this sense, LAI represents the target for trees
growing under particular conditions and the tar-
get is provisional on the assumption of the model
RMSE = ∑ (O − E )
i i
/ n,

(Battaglia et al., 1998).

Results produced by the 3-PG model arise from
AD = ∑ (Oi − Ei ) / n,
interactions among carbon, water and nutrients.
Separating the effect of water from that of nutrients where Oi is an observed value and Ei the corre-
can yield more detailed insights into resource limita- sponding 3-PG estimated value.

The GIS Slope and exposure classes were derived using a

triangle irregular network, which is an elevational
Isoproductivity zones were delineated using GIS
data storage system (Crosier et al., 2004).
software (Chang, 2004). The following databases
were used.
Map Construction
Spatial soil model Each digital coverage layer was created, cleaned
The Earth Ordering System (scale 1 : 250 000) de- and processed using the Arc Info Work-Station
veloped by Schlatter (1994) and soil origin data System version 7.1 running in a UNIX platform.

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provided by the Instituto de Investigaciones de Re- GIS results were exported to the 3-PG model.
cursos Naturales (1964) were used to construct the Finally, the 3-PG estimations and the basic lay-
soils’ layer. Estimates of the soil physical properties, ers were converted to shape format and manipu-
such as bulk density, porosity and field capacity lated in Arc View 3.2, where the cartography was
and permanent wilting point, were obtained from built. The resulting maximum potential MAI val-
the Instituto de Investigaciones Agropecuarias (Del ues were grouped using the legend tool to define
Pozo and Del Canto, 1999). The maximum avail- potential productivity zones. The classification
able soil water was estimated from retention curves method used is the Natural Breaks default classifi-
provided by Carrasco et al. (1993). Data of the soil cation method in Arc View. This method identifies
chemical characteristics (pH, organic matter, Ca, breakpoints between classes using a statistical for-
Mg, Na, P, SO4, Fe, Mn, Cu, Zn and B) were ob- mula (Jenk’s optimization). Basically, the Jenk’s
tained from the Instituto de Investigaciones Agro- method minimizes the sum of the variance within
pecuarias (Del Pozo and Del Canto, 1999). 3-PG each of the classes to find groupings and patterns
requires a FR (0–1), describing the soil fertility in inherent in the data (Crosier et al., 2004).
the rooting zones. We used qualitative estimates of We used the program 3PGpjs (Sands, 2000) to
soil fertility for physiographic characteristics and predict potential productivity with a 3-PG inter-
distinguished very poor sites (m = 0.3), poor sites face from the Commonwealth Scientific and In-
(0.5) and rich sites (0.7) (Table 1) in the model dustrial Research Organisation (CSIRO) Forestry
validation for MAI prediction. For potential MAI and Forest Products & Cooperative Research
prediction, a value of m = 1 was used. Centre for Temperate Hardwood Forestry (CRC)
for Sustainable Production Forestry. The calibra-
tion of these models for diverse Eucalyptus species
Spatial climate model has been described by Landsberg et al. (2003). In
The spatial distribution of monthly maximum, this study, functions and parameters specific to
mean and minimum temperatures was obtained E. nitens were taken from Morris (1999) and
from Santibáñez and Uribe (1993). Estimates of other published studies (Table 2).
monthly solar radiation values were derived from
maximum and minimum data at direct measure-
ments performed by the Instituto de Investiga-
ciones Agropecuarias (Del Pozo and Del Canto, Results
1999) using the procedure of Bristow and Campbell
(1984). Maximum potential solar radiation on a
flat surface was obtained by correcting from lati- Effects of the annual mean temperature on the
tude and elevation (Running and Nemani, 1987). LAI
This potential value was corrected by the monthly Figure 1 shows the predicted effect of mean an-
variation of the angle of solar declination over nual temperature on LAI of E. nitens plantations
the earth’s surface (Waring, 2000). in the Bio-Bio Region, using Ω equal to 6.5 GJ
m⫺2 measured directly in meteorological stations
Digital elevation model within the region and assuming no water stress.
The slope and exposure models were derived From a low value of 5.7 m2 m⫺2 at 10.9°C, LAI
from a digital terrain elevation model generated increases sharply up to 11.5°C, then plateaus at
with information provided by regular Chilean LAI = 6.1 m2 m⫺2 between temperatures of ~12.2
cartography (Instituto Geográfico Militar, 2001). and 13.2°C (Figure 1). This maximum LAI is

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Figure 1. Effects of mean annual temperature on LAI of Eucalyptus nitens plantations in the Bio-Bio Region.
Symbol ○ is LAI as a function of mean annual temperature; the solid line is not a regression but is used to
emphasize trends.

Figure 2. A water stress index, expressed as the ratio of available soil water to the maximum supply, shows
a general increase in LAI above a threshold of 0.6 as the index approaches 1.0 (i.e. no limitations). Symbol ○
is LAI as a function of water stress index; the solid line is not a regression but is used to emphasize trends.

similar to that reported by Pinkard et al. (1999) a great variety of climates, soils and forest sites
for E. nitens in Australia. (Toro and Gessel, 1999). Predicted MAI classes
Figure 2 shows the effects of water stress on for E. nitens plantations ranged from 17 to 62 m3
LAI. There is a sharp increase in LAI between a ha⫺1 year⫺1 in the Bio-Bio Region. Figure 4 shows
water stress indices of 0.6 and 0.65, after which variation in potential productivity mapped across
the effect of increasing water availability (higher the Bio-Bio Region. In general, predicted MAI in-
water stress index) is approximately curvilinear. creased in mountainous terrain in the foothills of
the Andes following gradients in precipitation, an-
nual temperature and soil fertility (Table 2; Figure

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Model validation for MAI prediction
4). Not surprisingly, highest predicted MAI were
MAI values observed in the growth plots varied in areas with highest precipitation, coolest annual
between 23 and 50 m3 ha⫺1 at age 10 and were temperatures and the most fertile soils. Elevation
highly correlated with MAI simulated by the 3-PG by itself was not a good predictor of MAI, as highly
model (Figure 3). Additionally, a low bias was re- productive sites occurred at both low and high el-
corded with AD of 0.26 in absolute terms and 0.85 evations. Soil nitrogen concentrations on the most
per cent in percentage terms. The model also had productive sites varied widely, but on average, soils
acceptable precision; RMSE had an absolute value were considerably more fertile and held more water
of 4.55 and a percentage value of 14.6 per cent. than sites with lower productivity (Table 3).

Potential MAI in the Bio-Bio Region

Three main physiographic landscapes dominate the
Bio-Bio Region of Chile. The coastal range along to Combined with spatial information derived from
the Pacific Ocean and the Andes Cordillera enclose GIS, the 3-PG model can generate valuable informa-
the Central Valley from north to south and create tion for the development of operational silviculture

Figure 3. MAI simulated by the 3-PG model vs MAI observed in growth plots (m3 ha⫺1 year⫺1) for Eucalyptus
nitens in the Bio-Bio Region. Age in the plots varies between 7 and 17 years old. Symbols ○ are values of observed
MAI. Regression line (y = 0.3975 + 0.9954 × R2 = 0.997) is the predicted MAI as a function of observed MAI.

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Figure 4. Potential productivity classes of MAI (m3 ha⫺1 year⫺1) for the Bio-Bio Region, as estimated by
the 3-PG model. (The predicted values of MAI in each site are not possible to reach under the operational

(Mummery and Battaglia, 2001; Almeida et al., and Carrasco et al. (1993). In addition, typical
2004; Dye et al., 2004). The AD values (0.85 per values of observed environmental variables are
cent) and RMSE values (14.6 per cent) obtained presented for very high, moderate and very low
for MAI confirm that process-based models have MAI classes (Table 3).
precision levels similar to traditional inventories. Highest productivity sites occur on inceptisols
Our work corroborates the suggestion of Tickle and on those alfisols that occur in areas with rela-
et al. (2001) that process-based models are a tively high precipitation and regularly subjected
valuable tool for predicting growth at a regional to freezing temperatures. In the Bio-Bio Region,
level. Additionally, process-based models provide inceptisols are derived from volcanic ash and have
insights into the role of environmental variables high water-holding capacity, good drainage and
in determining MAI that are very difficult to ob- high nitrogen concentrations. They also occur
tain with traditional inventories (Waring, 2000; in areas of relatively high precipitation. Alfisols
Almeida et al., 2004). are marine terrace soils with good drainage. In
To better understand the factors that explain addition to high precipitation, those alfisols with
potential productivity of E. nitens plantations in high productivity also have high water-holding
the Bio-Bio Region, we used soil and climate in- capacity, with relatively high average soil nitro-
formation from Del Pozo and Del Canto (1999) gen concentrations (Table 3). High productivity

areas span a wide range of elevation, mean an-

T (°C)
nual temperature and annual incident radiation.

mean annual temperature. Data were provided by the Instituto de Investigaciones de Recursos Naturales (1964) and the Instituto de Investigaciones
layer; N is soil nitrogen; WHC is available soil water-holding capacity; Ω is the annual incident radiation; P is the annual precipitation and T is the
MAI is the potential mean annual increment as estimated by 3-PG model; texture: Fr-arc is clay-like layer, Fr-lim is the lime layer and Are is sandy
Consequently, the productivity of E. nitens in
the Bio-Bio Region does not respond directly to
any of these three factors. However, the factors
considered here may affect productivity through

P (mm
several distinct mechanisms, factors can inter-
act or factors are related with seasonal variation
(Battaglia and Sands, 1997). Because water is

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Table 3: Soil and climate variables related to the potential productivity of 10-year-old Eucalyptus nitens in the Bio-Bio Region

considered to be the main factor limiting produc-

tivity, productivity is consistently related to the
Ω (MJ m⫺2

capacity of the soil to store water (Gholz et al.,

1990; Dye et al., 2004); this is the case with the
inceptisols derived from volcanic ash and alfisols
derived from marine terraces that have high wa-
ter-holding capacity and can explain the highest
WHC (mm)

productivity in these sites (Table 3).

The relatively small change in MAI over a large el-
evational span is consistent with the ecophysiology
of E. nitens. Optimal temperatures for photosyn-
thesis span a wide range (14–20°C) for the species
(Battaglia et al., 1996) – commonly occurring tem-
N (%)

peratures in the study area. Our results support the

hypothesis of Battaglia et al. (1996) that the broad
photosynthetic response of E. nitens enables it to
acclimate to a wider range of environments than

many other Eucalyptus species. Eucalyptus nitens



in the Bio-Bio Region occurs in elevations from 0


to 830 m a.s.l., with temperatures varying between

8 and 32°C in the summer and ⫺3.0 to 13°C in the
winter; the higher elevations experience frequent
Altitude (m)

winter frosts. Similar to the results of Battaglia


et al. (1998) for E. nitens in Australia, frost has

little or no effect on this species’ MAI in Chile.
Moderate levels of MAI were predicted for the
Agropecuarias (Del Pozo and Del Canto, 1999).

Coastal Range. The soils of Coastal Range are

derived from granitic and metamorphic rocks
Soil order



that compose the so-called ‘Batholitic Coastal’



and have been seriously impacted by erosion.

MAI values for the Coastal Range were lowest
in the north and highest in the south following a
gradient of precipitation and plant-available soil
ha⫺1 year⫺1)

MAI (m3

water-holding capacity (Figure 3). Lowest growth



rates occurred in Central Valley at middle eleva-

tions with decreasing precipitation, high evapo-
transpiration rates and a long drought period (~6
months). The sandy soils of the Central Valley
MAI classes

also have low inherent fertility and very low wa-

Very high
Very high
Very low

ter-holding capacity (Tables 1 and 3).

The very low productivities occurred in sandy
soils derived from metamorphic and granitic

rocks. These soils have low water-retention ca- m3 ha⫺1 of available water) and low nitrogen con-
pacity. The very low productivity sites were in centrations. Compounding the low water-holding
Central Valley on entisols; these are young soils capacity of soils, these areas also have low an-
originating in the Bio-Bio area from various rock nual precipitation (750–1000 mm) and high solar
types (e.g. granitic, metamorphic, andesitic and radiation potentials (>6.5 MJ m2 year⫺1), which
basaltic). They are sandy soils with excessive would increase evaporative demand (Table 3).
drainage, low soil water-holding capacity (<52 These factors suggest that productivity in these

Downloaded from at U. of Florida Health Science Center Library on December 4, 2013

Figure 5. Effect of soil nutrient and water availability in the soil on the MAI (m3 ha⫺1 year⫺1) across the
growth plots for Eucalyptus nitens in the Bio-Bio Region. The upper line shows the MAI without soil and
water limitations (simulated by the 3-PG model), the second line indicates the observed MAI, the third line
and the bottom line indicate the MAI under nutrients and water limitations, respectively (simulated by the
3-PG model).

areas is strongly controlled by water-holding ca- able to separate the effects of limiting water from
pacity and perhaps nitrogen limitations. Battaglia those of nutrients, and it is reasonable to conclude
et al. (1998) found that LAI of E. nitens plan- that soil water availability is an important fac-
tations in Australia increased sharply as annual tor controlling regional patterns of productivity.
mean temperature increased from 7 to 11°C and Highest productivity sites occur in areas with rel-
reached a plateau between 13 and 14°C (the atively high precipitation and regularly subjected
highest temperature measured for E. nitens). We to freezing temperatures. In our study, E. nitens
found a similar pattern; however, the LAI of E. reduced growth dramatically in areas with low
nitens plantations in the Bio-Bio Region plateaus water-holding capacity of soils. Additionally, we

Downloaded from at U. of Florida Health Science Center Library on December 4, 2013
at a lower temperature than those in Australia. found that large changes in elevation have only a
However, although mean annual temperature small influence of the productivity of E. nitens in
had a strong influence of LAI in our study, pro- the Bio-Bio Region.
ductivity was influenced more strongly by the
constraints on leaf efficiency exerted by water
availability and soil fertility. Acknowledgements
Figure 5 shows that the water availability is the
We thank Professor Richard H. Waring for his helpful
major factor influencing the productivity in the comments and suggestions to the manuscript. We also
Bio-Bio Region. This finding is consistent with thank National Growth and Yield Simulation Project
the hypothesis of Ollinger et al. (1998) that NPP (Facultad de Ciencias Forestales, Universidad de Con-
is strongly correlated with precipitation and sug- cepcion and National Forest Companies) for providing
gests that water is an important factor controlling sites data. The authors are also grateful to two anony-
regional pattern of productivity in forest types, as mous reviewers and the editor for valuable comments
well as in E. nitens, which was demonstrated in our on the manuscript.
study. Additionally, E. nitens was very sensitive
to water soil availability (Figure 4) in areas with
low water-holding capacity of soils. These findings Conflict of Interest Statement
are consistent with the hypothesis of Beadle et al. None declared.
(1995) and White et al. (1996) that water stress re-
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