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We all know that, as technology advances, social media has become

one of the most significant aspects of our society. And, in

today's epidemic era, it's one of the most important tools for

running a business. And it is extremely beneficial in large

enterprises, such as the hotel industry, because social media

allows customers to view and learn about guest feedback on their

experiences with an establishment's services. And according to

UNLV Theses (2010), the Hospitality industry can use social media

to engage customers and clients in dialogue and recognize their


Through these networking sites, the hospitality industry can

interact with consumers before, during, and after the vacation

experience. and according to Chocolatier Thibaut, France (2018),

social media today is not just to find a friend and talk to

family but in the years that have passed social media has now

become a place where people, governments and organizations can

interact with each other.

The growth of social media has not changed the purchase decision

process of customers itself. However, it has completely changed

the purchasing pattern.

Social media is a social platform where people are allowed to

share their knowledge, ideas, interest, or experiences through

the internet. Users can hold conversations, share information,

and produce web content on social media sites. Blogs, microblogs,

networking websites, photo-sharing sites, messaging services,

multimedia sites, podcasting, widgets, virtual social worlds, and

other types of social media exist. Facebook, twitter, Instagram,

are some of the famous organizational businesses. According to

the study of International Journal of Creative Research Thoughts

that decision process of consumers for purchases widely

influenced by social media. Internet-based life has involved a

significant situation as a specialized device. Individuals over

the globe utilize online life to interface with others or

associations. Individuals have a great deal of associations via

webbased networking media, in this manner data is devoured by

numerous individuals. This data turns into a wellspring of effect

on shoppers and their purchasing conduct. From all around the

world people begun to utilize online networking, for example,

Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and LinkedIn to share their


As clients, individuals share item audits, data about help,

exhortation on food or wellbeing, admonitions about items, tips

on utilizing certain items, and substantially more.

Review of Related Literature

Theoretical/Conceptual Framework

It is stated biblically “To everything there is a season,

and a time to every purpose under the heaven” (Eccl. 3:1).

Retirement often perceived as the realization of a life goal and

it represents the happier time of life. Akinboye (2004) stated

that retirement is a process in which an individual disengages

from routine work performance. Work is the means by which an

individual can achieve improvement of self either physically,

mentally, socially/spiritually or economically. Work is a basic

need in human life. Work provides money, regulates life

activities, gives a sense of purpose, removes boredom, provides

status and stimulates interpersonal relationship with others.

Adamolekun (2011) stated that when people retire from active work

role, they are clearly cut off from the benefits derived from the

work culture, hence some psychological, economic, social and even

health problems may occur. Without challenging work, man is bound

to be unhappy, lonely and terminally depressed.

Retirement is one of the modes of termination of employment.

Under the Labor Code (Art. 287), an employee may be retired upon

reaching the retirement age established in the collective

bargaining agreement or other applicable employment contract. In

the absence of such agreement, the employee may retire upon

reaching the age of 60 or more, but not more than 65, provided he

has served at least five years or more, but below 65, is

considered as the voluntary retirement age. Sixty-five is

considered as the compulsory retirement age (Retirement Pay Law

in the Philippines, 2014). On the other hand, the Government

service Insurance System (GSIS) offers various retirement

programs depending on the qualifications of the member. GSIS has

retirement packages generally acknowledged to be one of the most

generous government agencies in the country which ensures

financial freedom for its members, especially after they leave

the service. GSIS enumerated the following retirement programs:

Retirement under R.A 8291, five-year lump sum or cash payment

with instant pension-choose personal reward. Retirement under R.A

660, also called “magic 87”, this option provides both annuity

and lifetime pension. Retirement under R.A 1616, Refund your GSIS

premiums with this “take all” at the same time get gratuity

payment from employer. Portability Law (R.A 7699), combine your

GSIS and SSS creditable years of service to qualify for

retirement program offered by both pension funds. Retirement

under Presidential Decree 1146, only those who have been in

government service after May 31, 1997 but before June 24, 1997

can avail of this retirement program by which giving a member a

choice between a Basic Monthly Pension (BMP) and Cash Payment.

Retirement brings changes and commands a new routine which

requires a new repertoire for its reinforcement changes. It

brings about adjustment which can pose a significant problem

depending on the perception and attitude of the retiree towards

the retirement change (Nwizu, 1997). Changes could be negative or

positive; therefore, effects of retirement and its planning for

future depend on a large extent on its perception by the teachers

and their attitudes towards it. Whether the perception is

negative or positive, pension reform scheme or not, planning for

retirement is a process that involves the past, present and the

future to review current and past understanding and use these to

plan for future adjustment (Uzoeshi and Ubulom, 2006).

Based on the above, the research paradigm below was used in

the study.

Type of

Type of
Rank upon Educational
Retirement Institution


Statement of the Problems

This study intended to determine the impact of social media

in customer decision process of the 3rd year HM student of


Specifically, it sought to answer the following questions:

1. How may the profile of the respondents be described in terms

of the following:

1.1 age;

1.2 gender;

1.3 Year level;and

1.4 academic performance

2. What is the assessment of the respondents on the effect and

advantages of social media in customer buying decision


3. What is the assessment of the respondents on the process of

selecting of the information before a purchase?

4. Is there Is there a significant relationship between the

profile of the respondents and their assessment on the

effect and advantages of social media in customer decision


5. Is there a significant relationship between the assessment

of the respondents on the effect and advantages of social

media in customer decision process on the effect of social

media in customer decision process?


The following hypotheses were tested in this study:

1. There is no significant difference among retired teachers’

lifestyle changes in terms of physical, mental, social, and

economic aspect.

2. There is no significant difference among retired teachers in

terms of type of retirement, type of educational institution

and rank upon retirement.

Significance of the study

The study “Life after Service: A Close Study of Retired

Government Educators in Cabanatuan City” will show how the

retired teachers’ lives go on after having retired from the

teaching profession. This study aims to know the retired

teachers’ physical, mental, social/spiritual, and economic

condition or aspect. The research also wants to know the

significant differences between the retirement that the

respondents have, the type of retirement they took, the type of

educational institution they belong before they retired and their

academic rank upon retirement, but above all, this study aims to

aspire and inspire future educators through providing facts about

the lifestyle and progress of the retired government educators.

Scope and Delimitations

The study focused only on the growth, development, and

lifestyle changes of the retired government educators based on

four aspects - physical, mental, social/spiritual, and economic

aspect. Only retired teachers, from selected government schools

from elementary, secondary and tertiary, who have taught in

Cabanatuan City, from year 2005 - 2015, and who were available,

were used as respondents of this study.

Definition of Terms

The following terms were technically and operationally

defined in the context of this study:

Academic Rank. Identifies the hierarchical rank or the rank of

the faculty member in Department of Education and Commission on

Higher Education.

Commitment. It is an agreement or pledge to do something in the

future; especially, an engagement to assume a service obligation

at a future date.

Early Retirement. It is the practice of leaving employment before

the statutory age, especially on favorable financial terms.

Educational Institution. It is a place where people of different

ages gain education including elementary, secondary and tertiary

or state, universities and colleges.

Government Educators. These are the teachers who teach in

government specifically in public schools.

Government Service Insurance System (GSIS). The GSIS is a social

security institution created by Commonwealth Act No. 186 that was

passed on November 14, 1936, and later amended under Republic Act

No. 8291 dated June 24, 1997. GSIS, as designed in its charter is

a social insurance institution under a defined benefit scheme. It

ensures its members against the occurrence of certain

contingencies in exchange for their monthly premium contribution.

Lifestyle. It is a typical way of life of an individual, group or


Lump sum. A single payment made a particular time as opposed to a

number of smaller payments or installments.

Mandatory Retirement. Also known as enforced retirement is the

set age at which people who hold certain jobs or offices

are required by industry custom or by law to leave their

employment, or retire.

Pension. A regular payment made during a person's retirement from

an investment fund to which that person or their employer has

contributed during their working life.

Retirement. It is withdrawal from one's position or occupation or

from active working life.

Service. It is the occupation or function of serving.

Type of Retirement. It is the specification whether an individual

is retired from early retirement or mandatory retirement.



This chapter covers the explanation of the method of the

research used and the data gathering techniques adapted. The

procedure used in testing the productivity of the different

sample is also included.

Research Methodology

The descriptive method of research was used in the study. It

is a research method concerned with describing the

characteristics, properties of group of persons, places or things

that was based on easily verifiable facts. It organizes

presentation, description, and interpretation of data gathered.

The research utilized documents from the library, internet and

other books related to the study for literature regarding the

life of the retired government educators after their teaching

career. In here, the researchers also did a comparison between

the early retirees and mandatory retirees. This study deals with

the life after service of the retired government educators from

elementary, secondary and tertiary level in the locale of

Cabanatuan City.

Sampling Design

Incidental or accidental is the type of sampling in which a

researcher picks up data or information from those who fall into

hand or present at the time of research. It continues the process

until the completion of the sample size. It is accidental because

it is selected accidentally from all types of people come to face

like students, teachers, etc.

Participants of the Study

Prior to the data gathering process, permission to conduct

the interview with the respondents was asked from the

researcher’s research professor, research adviser, and the dean

of the College of Education. Such permission is necessary in

order to establish rapport and cooperation of the researchers to

the respondents.

The data used in this study were gathered from the

responses of the respondents who are retired government educators

from elementary, secondary and tertiary level in Cabanatuan City.

Research Instrument

Questionnaires were used and administered to determine the

lifestyle changes of the retired government educators in

elementary level, secondary level and tertiary level, and to

generate information about the respondents.

The research instruments were composed of profile of the

respondents like name (optional), age, gender, type of retirement

(early, mandatory), type of educational institutions (elementary,

secondary, tertiary), rank upon retirement (elementary/secondary:

teacher, master teacher, head teacher and principal) (tertiary:

instructor, assistant professor, associate professor and

professor) and the different aspects namely: physical aspect,

mental aspect, social/spiritual aspect, and economic aspect.


The research instruments measured what they supposed and

intended to measure. The research instrument used was answered by

their respondents who were the retired government educators

coming from the locale of Cabanatuan City.


The researchers made their own research instrument used in

their data gathering. The research instrument of the researchers

was secured and approved by their research adviser, research

professor, and the dean of the College of Education. Signed

letters were also attached to the research instrument.

Research Procedure

The study is about the lifestyle changes of the retired

government educators and this study is very rare. This study

looked for the possible queries that will surely encounter like:

lifestyle changes (physical, mental, social/spiritual and

economic aspects), type of retirement, type of educational

institution, and rank upon retirement. This research includes the

retired government educators from elementary, secondary and

tertiary. Upon requesting for the lists of retired government

educators from elementary and secondary, the researchers made a

formal letter with the consent of their research adviser,

research professor and dean of the College of Education. The

researchers went to the Division Office to personally give the

request. After a week, the researchers received the lists of the

retired government educators and went to their home one by one

and asked them to answer the questionnaires. The researchers went

to their statistician to ask help regarding on the tabulation and

computation of the collected data. The researchers interpreted

the computed data.

Data Analysis

To analyze the gathered data, the researchers used frequency

and percentage for the profile of the respondents, weighted mean

was computed using the formula with the verbal description

(strongly agree [5], agree [4], moderately agree [3], disagree

[2], and strongly disagree [1]). This type of question helps the

researchers to ascertain how strongly the respondents agree with

a particular statement. T-Test analysis was used as statistical

tools for describing the researchers’ respondents. The t-test was

used to compare the values of the means from two samples and test

whether it is likely that the samples are from populations having

different mean values. When two samples are taken from the same

population, it is very unlikely that the means of the two samples

will be identical. When two samples are taken from two

populations with very different means values, it is likely that

the means of the two samples will differ. The t-test was used

through the Microsoft Excel.



This chapter deals with the presentation of data, analysis

and results illustrated in the form of tables and figures for

easier comprehension. Such illustrations are given corresponding

interpretations which serve as the basis for formulating

conclusions and recommendations on the subject of the study.

Profile of the Respondents

Table 1.1 shows that majority or 53.33 percent of the

respondents are as old as 63-69 years old. This is followed by

respondents whose ages range from 56-62 years with 33.33 percent.

Table 1.1

Age of the Respondents

Age Frequency Percentage Rank

42-48 1 3.33 4.5

49-55 1 3.33 4.5

56-62 10 33.33 2

63-69 16 53.33 1

70 above 2 16.67 3

Total 30 100

Likewise, the minority 3.33 percent of the respondents are as old

as 42-48 and 49-55.

This implies that majority of the respondents are already at

the retirement age of 60 and above.

Table 1.2

Sex of the Respondents

Sex Frequency Percentage Rank

Male 7 23.33 2

Female 23 76.67 1

Total 30 100

Table 1.2 shows that majority or 76.67 percent of the

respondents are females while the male comprise 23.33 percent.

This implies that females are more predisposed to choose the

teaching profession in spite of the delicate task akin to this



Type of Retirement of the Respondents

Type of Retirement Frequency Percentage Rank

Early Retirement 19 63.33 1

Mandatory Retirement 11 36.67 2

Total 30 100

Table 1.3 shows that majority or 63.33 percent of the

respondents are early retirees while the mandatory retirees are

composed of 36.67 percent. It only shows that most of the

respondents are the young breed of retired teachers.

Table 1.4

Type of Educational Institution of the Respondents

Educational Frequency Percentage Rank


Elementary 12 40 1

Secondary 11 36.67 2

Tertiary 7 23.33 3

Total 30 100

Table 1.4 shows that majority or 40 percent of the

respondents taught in elementary schools. This is followed by the

respondents who taught in secondary schools. On the other hand,

the minority or 23.33 percent of the respondents taught in state


This implies that most of the retired teachers taught in

elementary schools.

Table 1.5.1

Rank upon Retirement of Elementary and Secondary Retirees

Rank upon Retirement Frequency Percentage Rank

Teacher 19 82.60 1

Master Teacher 2 8.70 2.5

Head Teacher 0 0 4

Principal 2 8.70 2.5

Total 23 100

Table 1.5.1 shows that majority or 82.60 percent of

elementary and secondary retirees ranked “Teacher” upon their

retirement and only 8.70 percent of the respondents ranked

“Master Teacher” and “Principal.”

This implies that most of the respondents in elementary and

secondary level did not pursue higher education.

Table 1.5.2

Rank upon Retirement of Tertiary Retirees

Rank upon Retirement Frequency Percentage Rank

Instructor 1 14.29 2

Assistant Professor 0 0 3.5

Associate Professor 0 0 3.5

Professor 6 85.71 1

Total 7 100

Table 1.5.2 shows that majority or 85.71 percent of the

respondents in tertiary level ranked “Professor” while the

minority or 14.29 percent ranked “Instructor.”

This implies that that most of the respondents in tertiary

level pursued their Doctoral Degree.

Table 2.1

Physical Aspect

A. PHYSICAL ASPECT Weighted Verbal Rank

Mean Description

4.2 Strongly 1
1. I travel locally.

2. I travel internationally. 2.5 Disagree 9

3. I do word games such as 2.7 Moderately 8

crossword puzzles or Agree


4. I do writing (such as 2.83 Moderately 6

letters, stories, or Agree

journal entries).

5. I use computer for e-mail, 2.97 Moderately 5

Internet or other tasks. Agree

6. I do home or car 3.3 Moderately 3

maintenance or gardening. Agree

7. I bake or cook something 2.77 Moderately 7

special. Agree

8. I make clothes, knit, 2.3 Disagree 10

embroider, etc.

9. I play sports and exercise 3.17 Agree 4

every day.

10. I walk for 20 minutes or 3.97 Agree 2

more every day.

Average Weighted Mean 3.07 Moderately


Table 2.1 shows the physical aspect or changes undergone by

the retirees. As shown in the table, the respondents were

“Strongly Agreed” in travelling locally which garnered a weighted

mean of 4.2. It is also shows that making clothes, knitting,

embroidering, and etc. is the least among the given questions in

the physical aspect. The average weighted means is 3.07 with the

verbal description of “Moderately Agree.”

This implies that the respondents are still physically

active and they want something to do as their past time and


Table 2.2

Mental Aspect

B. MENTAL ASPECT Weighted Verbal Rank

Mean Description

1. In most ways, my life is 3.93 Agree 10

closed to ideal

(intrinsically and


2. I have peace in mind due to 4.57 Strongly 5.5

absence of many paper works. Agree

3. I am satisfied and contented 4.7 Strongly 4

with my life. Agree

4. So far, I have gotten the 4.27 Strongly 8

important things I want in Agree

life (travel, rest, business,


5. If I could live my life 4.2 Strongly 9

again, I would change almost Agree


6. In general, I feel confident 4.77 Strongly 2.5

and positive about myself. Agree

7. When I look at the story of 4.57 Strongly 5.5

my life, I am pleased with Agree

how things have turned out.

8. I like most parts of my 4.47 Strongly 7

personality. Agree

9. When I compare myself to 4.77 Strongly 2.5

friends and acquaintances, it Agree

makes me feel good about who

I am.

10. For me, life has been a 4.93 Strongly 1

continuous process of Agree

learning, changing, and


Average Weighted Mean 4.52 Strongly


Table 2.2 shows that the highest is in the item number 10

which they believe that, “Life has been a continuous process of

learning, changing and growth.” It has a weighted mean of 4.93.

The lowest in this table is in the item number 1 that has a

weighted mean of 3.93. Majority of the respondents were strongly

agreed with the verbal description of 4.52.

This implies that retired teachers have positive outlooks on

their lives and mentally satisfied on the results of their chosen


Table 2.3

Social/ Spiritual Aspect


Mean Description

1. I am attending mass every 4.3 Strongly 6

week. Agree

2. I believe in God who watches 5 Strongly 1

over me. Agree

3. The events in my life unfold 4.83 Strongly 2.5

according to a divine or Agree

greater plan.

4. I try hard to carry my 4.53 Strongly 5

religious beliefs over into Agree

all my other dealings in


5. I find strength and comfort 4.83 Strongly 2.5

in my religion. Agree

6. I receive a great deal of 4.17 Agree 7

social support from my


7. I talk freely and openly with 4.6 Strongly 4

my family and/or friends. Agree

8. My former employer offers 3.17 Moderately 10

classes, clubs and services. Agree

9. I actively involved in civic, 3.43 Agree 9

fraternal, volunteer or

service organizations.

10. I actively involved in 3.67 Agree 8

several retirement groups

(NGO’s, Environmental

Projects, and Church


Average Weighted Mean 4.25 Strongly


Table 2.3 shows that highest among the social/spiritual

aspect is the item number 2 that “They believe in God who watches

over us”, which got a weighted mean of 5, while the lowest is the

item number 8 that “Some of their former employers offer classes,

clubs and services” which has a weighted mean of 3.17. In this

table, the average weighted mean is 4.25 with the verbal

description of “Strongly Agree.”

This implies that during the last quarter of their lives,

they try to enhance their spiritual lives by getting closer to


Table 2.4

Economic Aspect

D. ECONOMIC ASPECT Weighted Verbal Rank

Mean Description

1. I already resolved my 4.3 Strongly 2

financial obligation. Agree

2. I have excellent health care 4 Agree 4

and life insurance.

4.5 Strongly 1
3. I own house and lot.

4. I own industrial lot. 1.97 Disagree 10

2.9 Moderately 8
5. I own agricultural land.

6. I own property for vacation. 2.1 Disagree 9

2.93 Moderately 7
7. I own a car.

3.03 Moderately 6
8. I own a vehicle (any type).

4.2 Strongly 3
9. I have bank savings.

10. I have invested in business 3.07 Moderately 5

ventures. Agree

Average Weighted Mean 3.3 Moderately


Table 2.4 shows the economic aspect. As shown in the table,

the respondents were “Strongly Agreed” that “They owned house and

lot” that garnered a weighted mean of 4.5. It is also shows that

“Owning an industrial lot” is the least among the given questions

with the weighted of 1.97. The average weighted mean is 3.3 with

the verbal description of “Moderately Agree.”

This implies that the retirees are economically secured upon

their retirement.

Table 2.5

Over-all Average Weighted Mean of Lifestyle Changes

Aspects Average Verbal Rank

Weighted Mean Descriptions

Physical Aspect 3. 07 Moderately 4


Mental Aspect 4.52 Strongly Agree 1

Social/ 4.25 Strongly Agree 2



Economic Aspect 3.3 Moderately 3


Over-all 3.79 Strongly Agree

Weighted Mean

To sum it up, the lives of the retired government educators

changed in the different aspects such as physical, mental,

social/ spiritual and economic aspect. In the mental aspect the

respondents were “Strongly Agree” on the changes of their lives

regarding on this aspect and got an average weighted mean of 5.52

and falls on the firs rank. Next is the social/spiritual aspect

that has an average weighted mean of 4.25 and falls on the second

rank. Third rank falls on the economic aspect which they

“Moderately agreed” on the changes of their lives regarding on

this aspect and has an average weighted mean of 3.3.Lastly, the

physical aspect that has an average weighted mean of 3.07.

This implies that retired teachers were “Strongly Agreed”

that there is really a big change on their mental aspect. The

over-all weighted mean of these four (4) aspects were 3.79 with a

verbal description of strongly agree. In an over-all assessment,

the lives of the retired government educators changed a

differently after their service.

Table 3

Significant difference between Retirees’ Lifestyle Changes and

Type of Retirement

Lifestyle t Stat t Critical Remarks


Physical Aspect 13.45428982 1.699127 Significant

Mental Aspect -31.1879 1.699127 Significant

Social/Spiritual -21.9442 1.699127 Significant


Economic Aspect -12.3424 1.699127 Significant

The result of the data shows that there is a significant

difference between type of retirement and retirees’ lifestyle

changes and it is shown in the computed t stat which is larger

than the critical value of T. This only shows that type of

retirement affects the physical, mental, social/spiritual, and

economic aspects in terms of lifestyle changes of the

respondents. Definitely once a teacher retires, he/she would make

a difference based on the type of retirement he/she is enjoying

likewise, his/her physical, mental, social/spiritual, and

economic state will also affect retirement because there will be

a sudden change of routine entirely different from the time

he/she was active in the field.

Table 4

Significant difference between Retirees Lifestyle Changes and

Type of Educational Institution

Lifestyle T Stat t Critical Remarks


Physical Aspect -7.73361 1.699127 Significant

Mental Aspect -17.8132 1.699127 Significant

Social/Spiritual -13.454 1.699127 Significant


Economic Aspect -8.69626 1.699127 Significant

The result of the data reveals that there is a significant

difference between type of educational institution and retirees’

lifestyle changes and as shown in the computed t stat which is

larger than the critical value of T. This shows a difference on

the lifestyle changes of the retirees and the type of educational

institution they belong.

Table 5

Significant difference between Retirees Lifestyle Changes and

Rank upon Retirement

Lifestyle t Stat t Critical Remarks


Physical Aspect -5.36054 1.699127 Significant

Mental Aspect -11.0457 1.699127 Significant

Social/Spiritual -9.16837 1.699127 Significant


Economic Aspect -6.37016 1.699127 Significant

As shown in the computed data, the t stat is larger than the

critical value of T meaning there is a significant difference on

the lifestyle changes of the retired government educators and the

rank upon retirement.



This chapter presents the summary of the findings,

conclusions that proponents have arrived at, and the

recommendations offered.


The study is entitled “Life after Service: A Close Study of

Retired Government Educators in Cabanatuan City.” This study will

show how the retired teachers’ lives after being committed on the

teaching profession. This study aims to know the retired

teachers’ physical, mental, social/spiritual, and economic

condition or aspect. This study also want to know the significant

differences between the retirement that the respondents have, the

type of retirement they took, the type of educational institution

they belong before they retired and their academic rank upon

retirement, but above all, this study aims to aspire and inspire

future educators through providing facts about the lifestyle and

progress of the retired government educators. In line with this

study, the researchers want to convey to the readers how they

last in the noblest profession which is teaching. Only retired

teachers, from selected government schools from elementary,

secondary and tertiary, who have taught in Cabanatuan City, from

year 2005 - 2015, and who were available, were the focus of this


The researchers used the descriptive method and incidental

or accidental sampling in which units are selected into a sample

on the basis of pre-specified characteristics so that the total

sample has the same distribution of characteristics assumed to

exist in the population being studied.The questionnaires used and

administered to determine the lifestyle changes of the retired

government educators.To analyze the data that were gathered, the

researchers used a verbal description (strongly agree [5], agree

[4], moderately agree [3], disagree [2], and strongly disagree

[1]). This type of question helps the researchers to ascertain

how strongly the respondents agree with a particular statement.

T-Test analysis used as statistical tools for describing the

researchers’ respondents.


Profile of the Respondents

1. Age of the Respondents

Majority or 53.33 percent of the respondents are as old as

63-69 years old. This is followed by respondents whose ages range

from 56-62 years with 33.33 percent. Likewise, the minority 3.33

percent of the respondents are as old as 42-48 and 49-55.

2. Sex of the Respondents

Majority or 76.67 percent of the respondents are females

while the male comprise 23.33 percent.

3. Type of Retirement of the Respondents

Majority or 63.33 percent of the respondents are early

retirees while the mandatory retirees composed of 36.67 percent.

Instantly, it shows that most of the respondents are the young

breed of retired teachers.

4. Type of Educational Institution of the Respondents

Majority or 40 percent of the respondents taught in

elementary schools. This is followed by the respondents who

taught in secondary schools. On the other hand, the minority or

23.33 percent of the respondents taught in state university.

5.1. Rank upon Retirement of Elementary and Secondary Retirees

Majority or 82.60 percent of elementary and secondary

retirees ranked “Teacher” upon their retirement and only 8.70

percent of the respondents ranked “MasterTeacher” and


5.2.Rank upon Retirement of Tertiary Retirees

Majority or 85.71 percent of the respondents in tertiary

level ranked “Professor” while the minority or 14.29 percent

ranked “Instructor”.

Lifestyle Changes of the Respondents

1. Physical Aspect

The respondents were “Strongly Agreed” in travelling locally

which garnered a weighted mean of 4.2. It is also shows that

making clothes, knitting, embroidering, and etc. is the least

among the given questions in the physical aspect. The average

weighted means is 3.07 with the verbal description of “Moderately


2. Mental Aspect

The highest in the item number 10 which they believe that,

“Life has been a continuous process of learning, changing and

growth”. It has a weighted mean of 4.93. The lowest in this table

is in the item number 1 that has a weighted mean of 3.93.

Majority of the respondents were strongly agreed with the verbal

description of 4.52.

3. Social/ Spiritual Aspect

The highest among the social/spiritual aspect is the item

number 2 that “They believe in God who watches over us”, which

got a weighted mean of 5, while the lowest is the item number 8

that “Some of their former employers offer classes, clubs and

services” which has a weighted mean of 3.17. In this table, the

average weighted mean is 4.25 with the verbal description of

“Strongly Agree”.

4. Economic Aspect

The respondents were “Strongly Agreed” that “They owned

house and lot” that garnered a weighted mean of 4.5. It is also

shows that “Owning an industrial lot” is the least among the

given questions with the weighted of 1.97. The average weighted

mean is 3.3 with the verbal description of “Moderately Agree”.

Significant Difference in the Lifestyle Changes of the

Respondents regarding on the Type of Retirement

There is a significant difference between type of retirement

and retirees’ lifestyle changes and it is shown in the computed t

stat which is larger than the critical value of T. This only

shows that type of retirement affects the physical, mental,

social/spiritual, and economic aspects in terms of lifestyle

changes of the respondents. Definitely once a teacher retires,

he/she would make a difference based on the type of retirement

he/she is enjoying likewise, his/her physical, mental,

social/spiritual, and economic state will also affect retirement

because there will be a sudden change of routine entirely

different from the time he/she was active in the field.

Significant Difference in the Lifestyle Changes of the

Respondents regarding on the Type of Educational Institution

There is a significant difference between type of

educational institution and retirees’ lifestyle changes and as

shown in the computed t stat which is larger than the critical

value of T. This shows a difference on the lifestyle changes of

the retirees and the type of educational institution they belong.

Significant Difference in the Lifestyle Changes of the

Respondents relative to their Rank upon Retirement

There is a significant difference between type of

educational institution and retirees’ lifestyle changes and as

shown in the computed t stat which is larger than the critical

value of T. This shows a difference on the lifestyle changes of

the retirees and the type of educational institution they belong.


Based on the findings, the following conclusions were drawn:

1. Most of the respondents are females because they are more

predisposed to choose the teaching profession in spite of

the delicate task akin to this job. And the retirees age

range is from 42- 70. As regards on the retirees’ type of

retirement, it shows that most of the respondents are the

young breed of retired teachers. On the type of educational

institution, majority of the respondents came from

elementary and the minority came from tertiary. Most of the

respondents in elementary and secondary retired being a

teachers and the minority are principals. And the rank upon

retirement of the tertiary, majority retired from being a


2. The lifestyle changes of the retirees vary in different

aspects. For the physical aspect, the respondents are

moderately agreed with the given questions. In the mental

and social/spiritual aspect, majority of the respondents

were strongly agreed while on the economic aspect of the

retirees majority were moderately agree. Summing up, in an

over-all assessment, the lives of the retired government

educators changed a lot.

3. The type of retirement affects the physical, mental,

social/spiritual, and economic aspects in terms of lifestyle

changes of the respondents.

4. There is a significant difference between type of

educational institution and retirees’ lifestyle changes.

5. The rank upon retirement affects the physical, mental,

social/spiritual, and economic aspects in terms of lifestyle

changes of the respondents.


Based on the findings and conclusions of the study, the

following recommendations are hereby listed:

1. that different agencies related to teaching profession

should allot enough seed money for the retiree’s sake;

2. provide adequate retirement income at a reasonable

retirement age after a reasonable period of employment; and

3. for further study, the researchers must use other variable

to be conducted to validate this study.


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Appendix A


Table 1

Age of the Respondents

Age Frequency Percentage Rank

42-48 1 3.33 4.5

49-55 1 3.33 4.5

56-62 10 33.33 2

63-69 16 53.33 1

70 above 2 16.67 3

Total 30 100

Table 2

Sex of the Respondents

Sex Frequency Percentage Rank

Male 7 23.33 2

Female 23 76.67 1

Total 30 100


Type of Retirement of the Respondents

Type of Frequency Percentage Rank


Early 19 63.33 1

Mandatory 11 36.67 2

Total 30 100

Table 4

Type of Educational Institution of the Respondents

Educational Frequency Percentage Rank


Elementary 12 40 1

Secondary 11 36.67 2

Tertiary 7 23.33 3

Total 30 100

Table 5

Rank upon Retirement of Elementary and Secondary Retirees

Rank upon Retirement Frequency Percentage Rank

Teacher 19 82.60 1

Master Teacher 2 8.70 2.5

Head Teacher 0 0 4

Principal 2 8.70 2.5

Total 23 100

Table 6

Rank upon Retirement of Tertiary Retirees

Rank upon Retirement Frequency Percentage Rank

Instructor 1 14.29 2

Assistant Professor 0 0 3.5

Associate Professor 0 0 3.5

Professor 6 85.71 1

Total 7 100

Table 7

Physical Aspect

PHYSICAL ASPECT Weighted Verbal Rank

Mean Description

4.2 Strongly 1
1. I travel locally.

2. I travel internationally. 2.5 Disagree 9

3. I do word games such as 2.7 Moderately 8

crossword puzzles or Scrabble. Agree

4. I do writing (such as letters, 2.83 Moderately 6

stories, or journal entries). Agree

5. I use computer for e-mail, 2.97 Moderately 5

Internet or other tasks. Agree

6. I do home or car maintenance or 3.3 Moderately 3

gardening. Agree

7. I bake or cook something 2.77 Moderately 7

special. Agree

8. I make clothes, knit, 2.3 Disagree 10

embroider, etc.

9. I play sports and exercise 3.17 Agree 4

every day.

10. I walk for 20 minutes or more 3.97 Agree 2

every day.

Average Weighted Mean 3.07 Moderately


Table 8

Mental Aspect

MENTAL ASPECT Weighted Verbal Rank

Mean Description

1. In most ways, my life is closed 3.93 Agree 10

to ideal (intrinsically and


2. I have peace in mind due to 4.57 Strongly 5.5

absence of many paper works. Agree

3. I am satisfied and contented 4.7 Strongly 4

with my life. Agree

4. So far, I have gotten the 4.27 Strongly 8

important things I want in life Agree

(travel, rest, business, etc.)

5. If I could live my life again, 4.2 Strongly 9

I would change almost nothing. Agree

6. In general, I feel confident 4.77 Strongly 2.5

and positive about myself. Agree

7. When I look at the story of my 4.57 Strongly 5.5

life, I am pleased with how things Agree

have turned out.

8. I like most parts of my 4.47 Strongly 7

personality. Agree

9. When I compare myself to 4.77 Strongly 2.5

friends and acquaintances, it Agree

makes me feel good about who I am.

10. For me, life has been 4.93 Strongly 1

acontinuous process of learning, Agree

changing, and growth.

Average Weighted Mean 4.52 Strongly


Table 9

Social/ Spiritual Aspect


Mean Description

1.I am attending mass every week. 4.3 Strongly 6


2.I believe in God who watches 5 Strongly 1

over me. Agree

3. The events in my life unfold 4.83 Strongly 2.5

according to a divine or greater Agree


4.I tryhard to carrymy religious 4.53 Strongly 5

beliefs over into all my other Agree

dealings in life.

5. I find strength and comfort in 4.83 Strongly 2.5

my religion. Agree

6.I receive a great deal of social 4.17 Agree 7

support from my partner.

7. I talk freely and openly with 4.6 Strongly 4

my family and/or friends. Agree

8.My former employer offers 3.17 Moderately 10

classes, clubs and services. Agree

9. I actively involved in civic, 3.43 Agree 9

fraternal, volunteer or service


10. I actively involved in several 3.67 Agree 8

retirement groups (NGO’s,

Environmental Projects, and Church


Average Weighted Mean 4.25 Strongly


Table 10

Economic Aspect

ECONOMIC ASPECT Weighted Verbal Rank

Mean Description

1. I have resolved my financial 4.3 Strongly 2

obligation. Agree

2.I have excellent health care and 4 Agree 4

life insurance.

4.5 Strongly 1
3 .I own house and lot.

4. I own industrial lot. 1.97 Disagree 10

2.9 Moderately 8
5. I own agricultural land.

6. I own property for vacation. 2.1 Disagree 9

2.93 Moderately 7
7. I own a car.

3.03 Moderately 6
8. I own a vehicle (any type).

4.2 Strongly 3
9. I have bank savings.

10. I have invested in business 3.07 Moderately 5

ventures. Agree

Average Weighted Mean 3.3 Moderately


Table 11

Over-all Average Weighted Mean of Lifestyle Changes

Aspects Average Verbal Rank

Weighted Mean Descriptions

Physical Aspect 3. 07 Moderately 4


Mental Aspect 4.52 Strongly Agree 1

Social/ 4.25 Strongly Agree 2



Economic Aspect 3.3 Moderately 3


Over-all 3.79 Strongly Agree

Weighted Mean

Table 12

Significant difference between Retirees’ Lifestyle Changes and

Type of Retirement

Lifestyle t Stat t Critical Remarks


Physical Aspect 13.45428982 1.699127 Significant

Mental Aspect -31.1879 1.699127 Significant

Social/Spiritual -21.9442 1.699127 Significant


Economic Aspect -12.3424 1.699127 Significant

Table 13

Significant difference between Retirees Lifestyle Changes and

Type of Educational Institution

Lifestyle T Stat t Critical Remarks


Physical Aspect -7.73361 1.699127 Significant

Mental Aspect -17.8132 1.699127 Significant

Social/Spiritual -13.454 1.699127 Significant


Economic Aspect -8.69626 1.699127 Significant

Table 14

Significant difference between Retirees Lifestyle Changes and

Rank upon Retirement

Lifestyle t Stat t Critical Remarks


Physical Aspect -5.36054 1.699127 Significant

Mental Aspect -11.0457 1.699127 Significant

Social/Spiritual -9.16837 1.699127 Significant


Economic Aspect -6.37016 1.699127 Significant

Appendix B

Communication Letter


Appendix C


Republic of the Philippines

Nueva Ecija University of Science and Technology
Main Campus, Sumacab Este


“Life after Service: A Close Study of Retired Government

Educators in Cabanatuan City”

Part I. Personal Profile of the Respondents

Directions: Kindly provide the necessary data by writing on the

space provided. Provide a check mark on the appropriate items.
Rest assured that all your answers will be treated confidentially
and will be used for academic purposes only.

Name (optional) : ______________________

Age : _______
Gender : _______
Type of retirement:

_______ Early Retirement

_______ Mandatory Retirement

Type of Educational Institution:

_______ Elementary

_______ Secondary

_______ Tertiary

Rank upon retirement:

Elementary/Secondary Tertiary
_______ Teacher _______ Instructor
_______ Master Teacher _______ Assistant Professor
_______ Head Teacher _______ Associate Professor
_______ Principal _______ Professor

Part II. Different Lifestyle Changes of the Retired Government

Directions: Provide a check mark on the appropriate items to

describe the needed information, the following numerical
responses and verbal descriptions are to be used.

Numerical – Verbal Description

5 – Strongly Agree

4 – Agree

3 – Moderately Agree

2 – Disagree

1 – Strongly Disagree


I travel locally.
I travel internationally.
I do word games such as crossword
puzzles or Scrabble.
I do writing (such as letters, stories,
or journal entries).
I use computer for e-mail, Internet or
other tasks.
I do home or car maintenance or
I bake or cook something special.

I make clothes, knit, embroider, etc.

I play sports and exercise every day.

I walk for 20 minutes or more every

B. MENTAL ASPECT 5 4 3 2 1

In most ways, my life is closed to ideal
(intrinsically and extrinsically).
I have peace in mind due to absence of
many paper works.
I am satisfied and contented with my
So far, I have gotten the important
things I want in life (travel, rest,
business, etc.)
If I could live my life again, I would
change almost nothing.
In general, I feel confident and positive
about myself.
When I look at the story of my life, I am
pleased with how things have turned out.
I like most parts of my personality.
When I compare myself to friends and
acquaintances, it makes me feel good
about who I am.
For me, life has been a continuous
process of learning, changing, and


I am attending mass every week.

I believe in God who watches over me.
The events in my life unfold according to
a divine or greater plan.
I try hard to carry my religious beliefs
over into all my other dealings in life.
I find strength and comfort in my
I receive a great deal of social support
from my partner.
I talk freely and openly with my family
and/or friends.

My former employer offers classes, clubs
and services.

I actively involved in civic, fraternal,

volunteer or service organizations.
I actively involved in several retirement
groups (NGO’s, Environmental Projects,
and Church Organizations).


I have resolved my financial obligation.

I have excellent health care and life
I own house and lot.

I own industrial lot.

I own agricultural land.

I own property for vacation.

I own a car.
I own a vehicle (any type).

I have bank savings.

I have invested in business ventures.

Appendix D


The researchers while gathering and tallying the data of the respondents.

The researchers while administering their questionnaires.

Appendix E

Curriculum Vitae


#562 San Josef Norte
Cabanatuan City, Nueva Ecija
+63 905 732 3110
Age: 20
Gender: Female
Date of Birth: June 2, 1995
Place of Birth: Cabanatuan City
Height: 159 cm
Weight: 55 kg.
Religion: Roman Catholic
Civil Status: Single
Citizenship: Filipino
Father’s Name: Ernie C. Marcelo
Mother’s Name: Apolinaria C. Marcelo

Bachelor of Secondary Education (Major in English)
Nueva Ecija University of Science and Technology

San Josef National High School


San Josef Elementary School



Rajal Norte, Sta. Rosa
Nueva Ecija
+63 935 987 8623

Age: 19
Date of Birth: December 25, 1996
Place of Birth: Sta. Rosa
Height: 160 cm
Weight: 42 kg.
Religion: Roman Catholic
Civil Status: Single
Citizenship: Filipino
Father’s Name: Ben P. Visconde
Mother’s Name: Jocelyn F. Visconde

Bachelor of Secondary Education (Major in English)
Nueva Ecija University of Science and Technology

Santo Rosario National High School


Dr. Sancho T. Manubay Elementary School


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