+++ Eye Problems in Livestock - Infonet Biovision

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Eye problems (new)



Different types of eye problems may have different causes such as:
Insect bites in the eye
Ticks attached around the eyelid
Eye worms
Foreign bodies in the eye
Injury to the eye, for instance by thorns aor herders' sticks
Infectious diseases such as pink eye or camel pox
Irritating sap from plants such as Euphorbia candelabrum (Luo: bondo, ojouk /
Kikuyu, Meru: mathori / Kamba: ndau / Maasai: olpopongi)
Snake venom
Sun induced cancer

The most common signs are:

Watery or yellowish discharge from the eye
Partially or totally closed eye
Swollen eye
Reddish eye
Thick, whitishfilm covering the eye
Abnormal growths in the eye

Prevent eye problems by doing following:

Apply tick grease or other repellants around the eyes.
Manually remove ticks.
When spraying make sure NOT to spray directly into the eye.
Do not hit the animal especially not around the eyes
Do not herd where there are many thorny plants or plants with irritating sap
Use only leafy trees and shrubs for fencing in the animal pen
Separate animals with infectious eye diseases from the rest of the herd
Control Camel pox

Pink Eye
Pink Eye or Infectious Kerato conjunctivitis is an infection of the eyes of cattle, sheep, and
goats with a mixture of micro-organisms which include Moraxella Bovis, Mycoplasma
species, Listeria monocytogenes and Chlamydia.

The infection occurs in animals of all ages but is more severe in young animals. The
disease is generally less severe in sheep and goats. One or both eyes may be
affected. Zebu cattle appear to be less likely to be affected than European breeds of cattle.

Keratoconjunctivitis in a Sheep caused by MmmLC

(c) R.A.J. Nicholas. Reproduced from the Animal Health and Production Compendium, 2007 Edition.
CAB International, Wallingford, UK.

Mode of Spread
Moraxella bovis is the organism primarily responsible for the severest form of the
disease in cattle.
When cattle are eating silage, Listeria may cause conjunctivitis, but less severe in
than when caused by Moraxella.
In sheep Clamydia is the most common cause. The disease is generally less severe
in sheep and goats.
Infection does not spread between small ruminants (like sheep and goats) and cattle
since the causative agents of the disease for small ruminants differ from those which
affect cattle.
Spread by direct contact with infected animals, especially when animals are crowded
In cattle, dry dusty conditions, shipping stress, irritants such as grasses and pollens,
grasses contaminated by eye discharges, bright sunlight, lack of pigment in the
eyelids and flies may increase disease occurrence.
Flies also spread the disease in cattle.

Pink Eye is spread by flies

(c) John B. Bashiruddin. Reproduced from the Animal Health and Production Compendium, 2007
Edition. CAB International, Wallingford, UK.

Signs of Pink Eye

The incubation period is usually 2-3 days but can be up to 3 weeks after infection.
One or both eyes may be affected.
The eye becomes watery, the lining under the eyelid becomes red and inflamed and
the animal blinks repeatedly and diverts the affected eye(s) away from bright sunlight.
A small unclear area appears in the centre of the eye. Within a few hours a faint haye
appears which becomes denser. After 48-72 hours the whole cornea may be unclear,
blinding the animal in that eye. If the eye is hazy white to blue this is due to
accumulation of fluid. If it is milky white or yellow this is due to white blood cell
infiltration and indicates severe infection.

Pink eye signs - a small unclear area in centre Pink Eye signs
of the eye

(c) John B. Bashiruddin. Reproduced from the (c) John B. Bashiruddin. Reproduced from the
Animal Health and Production Compendium, Animal Health and Production Compendium,
2007 Edition. CAB International, Wallingford. 2007 Edition. CAB International, Wallingford.

Thickened corenea after healing of Pink Eye.

(c) John B. Bashiruddin. Reproduced from the Animal Health and Production Compendium, 2007
Edition. CAB International, Wallingford.

Severe Pink Eye

(c) John B. Bashiruddin. Reproduced from the Animal Health and Production Compendium, 2007
Edition. CAB International, Wallingford.

Ruptured cornea after pink eye

(c) John B. Bashiruddin. Reproduced from the Animal Health and Production Compendium, 2007
Edition. CAB International, Wallingford.

Blood vessels invade from the edge of the cornea.

A small ulcer is apparent near the centre of the cornea.
Continued active ulceration may cause the cornea to rupture.

Appetite is often suppressed due to pain and visual impairment, milk yield is likely to
drop and there may be loss of weight.
Most animals slowly recover over a period of about a month, sometimes a small white
scar remains. About 2% are left blind in the affected eye. In severe cases the eye
becomes conical in shape, with ulceration at the tip. These eyes are liable to rupture.

Other conditions can cause inflammation of the eye, so in every case, a close
inspection of the affected eye is essential.

Foreign bodies, such as grass seeds and awns can become stuck to the surface of
the eye.
Thorns can be embedded in the cornea.
Spitting cobras can project venom into the eye.
Corrosive fluids and saps can inflame the cornea.
Worms can live in the conjunctival sac.

Prevention and Control of Pink Eye

Avoid overcrowding of animals.
Sick animals should be isolated and treated.
Affected animals should have access to shade.
Cleanliness in the cattle yards should be maintained in an effort to keep fly numbers
to a minimum.
Insecticides in the form of pour-ons may be beneficial.
Recovered animals have an immunity lasting for about 12 months.

Recommended Treatment
Although many cases do recover spontaneously this is a potentially serious condition and
therefore treatement should be considered before ulceration of the cornea leads to
permanent blindness. A variety of antibiotics can be prescribed by a qualified veterinarian.
These can be given by injection or in the form of eye ointment.

Oxytetracycline is the drug of choice for systemic treatment as it is concentrated in

corneal tissue. Two injections (20mg/kgIM) of a long-acting oxytetracyline forumlation
(-200mg/ml) at 72 hour intervals is the treatment of choice (as per the manufacturer's
Ampicillin, penicillin, gentamycin and kanamycin can be injected into the eye,
sometimes in conjunction with a corticosteroid such as dexamethasone, but this
should be done by a skilled veterinarian.
Eye ointment require frequent application to be effective, as often as three times
daily. Oxytetracycline/polymixin B, gentamycin and erythromycin are effective. The
ointment must be instilled carefully under both upper and lower eyelids.
In severe cases the use of 1% atropine drops or ointment will prevent body spasms
within the eye and reduce the likelihood of stickiness forming within the eye.
If an ulcer ruptures the eye will collapse and shrink. In some cases there is continuing
discomfort, pain and discharge due to ongoing infection. In many cases removal of
the eye by a vet is the best option. This involves removal of the eye, leaving the eye
muscles and remaining orbital contents intact.

Eye Worms
These worms live in the conjunctival sac (eyelid) of the eye in many species of livestock, in
many countries. Cattle, sheep, horses, camels, goats, pigs, dogs, cats, birds, and humans
can be affected. The most common species in Kenya is Thelazia rhodesii, which
parasitizes cattle and sheep. The worms are up to 2cm long and are thin and white. One or
both eyes may be affected.

Eye Worm

(c) Courtesy of the United States Federal Government

Mode of Spread
Various species of fly, in which the worm has part of its life cycle, are responsible for the
spread of the worm from one animal to another. The fly has a preference for eye secretions
which are ideal for transmission. The fly ingests the larvae which become infective in 2-4
weeks. These larvae are mechanically deposited in teh host's eye by the fly during feeding.
Development of sexually mature worms takes about 1-4 weeks in cattle.

The worm lives under the eyelids, in the conjunctival sac and under the third eyelid. The
worm has a rough cuticle (skin) which causes irritation and inflammation to the cornea.

Signs of Eye Worm

Excessive production of tears which may contain pus.
Avoiding sunlight.
Inflammation of the thin membrane covering the white of teh eye and the inner
surface of the eyelid (Conjunctivitis).
Cloudiness of the cornea and sometimes ulceration and piercing of the cornea.
Lack of response to treatment with antibiotics.

Close inspection of the eyes will reveal small white worms swimming in the conjunctival
fluid. Several animals should be examined as it will not be possible to see worms in every
animal. Even if the worms can be seen with the naked eye, a veterinarian should be
consulted to confirm their presence.

Prevention of Eye Worms Infestation
The condition is less severe than Pink Eye. Control of the fly is not practical.

Recommended Treatment and Control

A qualified veterinarian can remove the worms with forceps after instillation of a local
anaesthetic solution or
Using an eye wash containing a local anaesthetic and wash the worms out of the eye.
A mixture of 10 ml of 2% local anaesthetic solution with 40-50ml of clean water
makes the eye wash. 5-10 ml is put onto the eye and after waiting for about 2
minutes, the worms are washed out of the eye using clean cold water.
Certain systemic dewormers such as Levamisole at 5 mg/kg under the skin and
Ivermectin and Doramectin both at 0.2 mg/kg SC or in the muscle are effective
Pour-on forumlations of Ivermectin and Doramectin, delivered on the back of the
animal to achieve a dosage of 0.5 mg/kg are also highly effective.
Treatment is also possible with topical application of Levamisole or topical Ivermectin.
Bother are given as a 1% aqueous solution directly into the eye. If the eye discharge
is cloudy or white it may be advisable to put an antibiotic ointment into the eye
following removal of the worm or following the administration of dewormers.

Squamous Cell Carcinoma

Ocular Squamous Cell Carcinoma (Cancer Eye) is the most common tumour of cattle. It is
common in various European breeds in Kenya, especially Friesian/Holsteins, and

Zebu cattle are rarely affected.

When it occurs it results in significant economic loss due to condemnation at
slaughter and a shortened productive life.

Several factors play a part in causing Squamous Cell Carcinoma, including exposure to
sunlight, eyelid pigmentation, genetic predisposition, nutrition and perhaps viral
involvement. Ultraviolet radiation and a high plane of nutrition are important factors as are
whether the eyelids are pigmented or not. The latter is highly inheritable.

The lesionsbegin as non-cancerous, smooth, white growths on the eyeball surfaces.
These may progress to a papilloma (a small solid benign tumour with a clear-cut
border that projects above the surrounding tissue) and then to the cancerous
squamous cell carcinoma. Sometimes it goes directly to the cancer stage.
The eyelids, eyeball surface (third eyelid) and the point where the cornea meets the
'white' of the eye all may be affected and the lesions may be ulcerative.
Both eyes may be affected at the same time. At this early stage an unexpected
improvement or cure may occur in a large number of animals. But the tumour may
progress and become quite large and cauliflower-like.
There is a discharge from the eye which may trickle down the face. The tumour may
be large without invading the globe but later invasion into the globe and orbit and
spread to local lymph nodes may occur.
The whole eye may be destroyed accompanied by massive local swelling. At this
stage no treatment is possible.

Treatment and Control

Early treatment is usually successful, either bythe surgical removal of the tumour
itself, or, if this is not possible, by surgical removal of the eye.
Well equipped veterinarians may have other treatment options such as cryotherapy (a
technique that uses an extremely cold liquid or instrument to freeye and destroy
abnormal cells), hyperthermia (including extreme body temperature), radiation
therapy and immunotherapy.
But the most important factor in control is early treatment, preceeded by constant,
close observation, breeding of animals with pigmented faces is important as animals
with non-pigmented skins and non-pigmented eyelids are not suited to African
conditions. Avoid them.

Eye Symptoms as Signs of Other Diseases

Cloudy, whitish, milky blue eyes and shedding of tears: See East Coast Fever
Shedding of tears: See Rhinotracheitis
Excessive tears: See Mucosal Disease and Heartwater
Watery discharge and cloudy eyes: See Trypanasomiasis
Excessive tears which pay contain pus: Inflammation of the thin membrane covering
the white of the eye and the inner surface of the eyelid; Cloudiness of the cornea and
sometimes ulceration and piercing of the cornea:

Review Process
1. William Ayako, KARI Naivasha. Aug-Dec 2009
2. Hugh Cran, Practicing Veterinarian Nakuru. March-Oct 2010
3. Review workshop team. Nov 2-5, 2010

For Infonet: Anne, Dr Hugh Cran, private veterinary practitioner

For KARI: Dr Mario Younan KARI/KASAL, William Ayako - Animal scientist, KARI
For Department of Veterinary Services: Dr Josphat Muema - District Veterinary
Officer Isiolo, Dr Charity Nguyo - Kabete Extension Division, Mr Patrick Muthui
- Senior Livestock Health Assistant Isiolo, Ms Emmah Njeri Njoroge - Senior
Livestock Health Assistant Machakos
Pastoralists: Dr Ezra Saitoti Kotonto - Private practitioner, Abdi Gollo H.O.D. Segera
Farmers: Benson Chege Kuria and Francis Maina Gilgil and John Mutisya Machakos
Language and format: Carol Gachiengo, Journalist and editor.

4. Review by Dr Mario Younan, Regional Technical Advisor VSF-Germany (2013)

Information Source Links

Blood, D.C., Radostits, O.M. and Henderson, J.A. (1983) Veterinary Medicine - A
textbook of the Diseases of Cattle, Sheep, Goats and Horses. Sixth Edition - Bailliere
Tindall London. ISBN: 0702012866
Blowey, R.W. (1986). A Veterinary book for dairy farmers: Farming press limited
Wharfedale road, Ipswich, Suffolk IPI 4LG
CABI International 2007. Animal Health and Production Compendium. Wallingford
UK: CABI International.
Hall, H.T.B. (1985). Diseases and parasites of Livestock in the tropics. Second
Edition. Longman Group UK. ISBN 0582775140
Hunter, A. (1996). Animal health: General principles. Volume 1 (Tropical
Agriculturalist) - Macmillan Education Press. ISBN: 0333612027
Hunter, A. (1996). Animal health: Specific Diseases. Volume 2 (Tropical
Agriculturalist) - Macmillan Education Press. ISBN:0-333-57360-9
Merck Veterinary Manual 9th Edition


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