EM - Quiz-1 - Final Answer Key-1

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et) SS eres matron iso Setectone: TEES @erwo Question 2 When two waves interfere constructively, the resultant wave has more: Not yet answered Select one: Marked out of 190 @ 2 Amplitude Flag question 2 b. Velocity © ¢. Frequency 4. Wavelength weston 3 eS Wich Instrument measures the mechanical length in terms of known wavelength of ight Notyet answered aed out 05.90 Wy Fasqueston —_Selectone: 2. Vernier calipers ».nterterometer © c Mie meter @ © Wave meter Question 4 Inout resistance and Output tesistance of an ideal OPAMP, respectively are: Not yotarowered Select one: Marked ou of 1.09 @a-o 1 Flag question obs © 00 O4oe ‘Quostion 5 Not yet answered Marked outof 1.00 YY Fleg question ‘The input and output of LVDT Transducer respectively are: Select one: @ 2 voltage, displacement b. voltage, voltage ) ¢. voltage. current 4d. displacement, voltage ‘question 6 In Electronic Measurement Systems. the following Is an essential component Not yet answered ‘Marked out of 1.00 = YF Flag question elect one: a. Display Element b Low-pass Filter © Noise Reducer @ « Anatog-to-Digital Converter Question 7 Not yet answered The average value of signal represented by x(t}=842sin(t) is: Select ne! Marked aut of 1 00 as Fig quoetion On2 0 @a3 ‘emets® An open op ample vith a ga of 00's comecean a eedback op wth eeback gan of, Ces op gi yranmm: || O82 ‘Question 12, Not yet answered Mackod out of 1.00 1 Fie question ‘Question 13 Not yet answered Marked out of 100 | Flag question Question 14 Not yot anoworod Marked out of 1.00 JY Fag question ‘The output voltage of piezoelectiic crystal is: Select one: ) a. Inversely proportional to thickness of crystal b. Independent of thickness of crystal ) ¢. Proportional to square of thickness of crystal @ 4. Proportional to thickness of crystal Express the Power gain of 100 in Decibels (48): Select one @ a 2008 b. 4008 c. 1008 4. 3008 Basic working principle of Electrostatic voltmeter is. Select one’ a. Newton's Law ) b. Faraday's Law @ © Coulombs Law ) 4. Loreniz Law Question 15, Not yet answered Markes aut of 100 | Flag question ‘Question 16 Not yet answeree Markee aut of 4.00, |p Flag question Question 17 Not yet answeree Marked out of 1.00 1 Flag question Potentiometer can be used as: Select one @ a. Voltage Measuring Device ) ». Linear Amplifier > ¢. Transducer for Rotational Measurement © 4. Variable Inductance based Shaft Encoder In an Electronic Measurement System, Wheatstone Bridge is used as: Select one: ) a. Signal Conditioner @ b. Maintaining Resistor Balance . Impedance Matching © 4. Amplification of Resistance An Oscillating Mechanical System consisting of Spring and Mass is ‘Select one: @ @ second order system © b. Damping system © © Linear System 4. First Order System Question 18 Not yetanswered Markee out of 1.00, Flag question von 19 au Not yet answered Marked out of 1.00, YF Meg question ion 20 au Not yet answered Markos out of 1.00 YF Mag question ‘When do we do ‘calibration’ of instruments. Select one a When we find offset b Atthe time of purchase © © When precision tails below zero @ 4 At frequent periods of use ‘The Flushing System in our Toilets is based on: Select one: a. Closed Loop Control System b. Conditional Loop System @ c Level Measurement with Float 4. Open Loop Control System For the primitive ammeter shown below, the deflection 'x' is given by: Figure Thegrintvecrmeee. Select one’ 2.x = KBIL b.x= BIL @cx=6LK x= (KILYB

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