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Aydan Abbasova

8 Types of Power

Power is described as the ability to influence people. As mentioned in the required

readings, there are five types of power, such as referent, coercive, legitimate, expert, and reward.
However, there are three more sources of power. They are known as information, charismatic,
and moral power.
Information power is received when one individual possesses critical knowledge that no
one has, and which is important for decision-making. Leaders can gain this information through
their expertise, network, or by having special access to data. Information power can be observed
when teacher provide students with the information they did not even know existed, or when
scientists discover new findings about certain subject and share it with public for common
benefit of the society.
Charismatic power was shortly discussed in the reading material by presenting Barack
Obama as an example. Charismatic power is when someone has inborn ability to influence other
people. Charismatic power can be obtained by using certain communication style, paying
attention to your personal appearance, and having attractive personality. Charismatic leaders are
often confident, optimistic, empathetic, and creative. Most of the executives of an organization
can practice charismatic power. They decide how the company would operate and inspire
confidence and trust in the organization. Moreover, keynote speakers have obvious charismatic
power. Charismatic speakers have power to grab attention of an audience.
Finally, moral power is an influence that comes from one’s held ethical beliefs and
values. Moral leaders tend to be trustworthy, honest, and responsible. Such leaders not only talk
but set an example by showing the way to the common goal. While this type of power might be
extremely influential in an organization where both the values of an employer and employees
match, it might be a challenge where the values do not match. Moral power can be seen in non-
profit organizations. Leaders of non-profits ensure that they follow ethical principles and work
toward the benefit of the community.

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