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Lesson Plan Basic Intermediate


Business/Materials Lesson Objectives

1. White board markers 1. The students will be able to distinguish between the
2. Power point presentation three main present tenses (including the structure
3. Name tags and usage)
4. Question cards
5. Notebooks 2. The students will be able to utilize the correct tense
in contexts of their own. (affirmative, negative,

Warm-up and Objective Discussion

Greet the students and ask them a few general questions. ( 2 minutes)

Eg: At what time do you usually wake up?

How do you come here?
What is your friend doing at the moment?
Have you ever lied to someone?

Students who wish to answer will be asked to put up their hands. After the answers are
given the teacher will state that all the given responses belong to present tense, and the
explanation begins.

Instruct and Model ❑ R

❑ ❑ W
❑ ❑ L
❑ ❑ S

Explanation will be done using a power point presentation. (8 minutes)

Slide 01 – The title

Slide 02 – The division of present tense

Slide 03 – 05 – Present simple tense (usage, structure, different forms , common mistakes)

Slide 06 -08 - Present continuous (usage, structure, different forms , common mistakes)

Slide 09 – 11 – Present perfect

Slide 12 – Tips

Slide 13 - Quick Response

Slide 14 – 18 - activities

• Each of the slide will be explained.

Guided Practice ❑ R
❑ ❑ W
❑ ❑ L
❑ ❑ S

• The teacher displays a set of common questions on the screen and the students will answer
it. (5 minutes)

Independent Practice ❑ R
❑ ❑ W
❑ ❑ L
❑ ❑ S

• Group Activity – A TV show on the title “Life at Work”. (10 minutes)
• Students will be divided into groups of four. One member from each group will be the
presenter while the rest are invitees.

• At least five questions should be prepared, including one or two questions from each type
of present tense.

• It is required that all the participants answer each question.

At each point a student makes an error in their sentence the teacher notes it down in her book
and at the end it will be presented to the entire class, by writing it on the white board and it’ll be
explained further

Preparation time – 2-3 minutes.

Assessment ❑ R ❑ W ❑ L ❑ S

The students will be asked to create a mini Vlog consisting of 8 – 10 sentences on a visit to one
of their favourite destinations or the best places to be visited at a certain country or a city.

It has to be imagined that this Vlog is created while they are still on their visit.

It should also consist the sentences from all three types of present tenses and they may utilize
any web application for this task. If preferred, they may add their own images or those
downloaded from internet. The sentences can be displayed below as subtitles.

This Vlog has to be presented in the next class (the voice can be added to the video along with

A sample Vlog would be shown in class if time permits, else it will be shared to the students.

( )

• Instructions will be displayed.

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