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Class 6 (science)
1.) Which machine has groove in its circumference?
 Pulley
2.) How many seconds are there in 0.5hr?
 1800s
3.) Which type of energy in found in a dry cell used in a torch light?
 Chemical Energy
4.) Two features of simple technology?

Class 6 (Maths)
1.) Which shape has all the sides equal & parallel?
2.) What is the exponent of the term, 5a3 ?
3.) Express 75% into fraction & solve into lowest.

Class 7 (Science)
1.) What are the cells of a non-green plant?
 centrosume leucoplast and honoplast

2.)List all the phylums of the invertebrates.

 Protozoa
 Porifera
 Coelenterata
 Platyhelminthes
 Ajchelminthes
 Annelida
 Arthropoda
 Mollusca
 Echinodermata

3.) Structure of report writing for pratical works.

 Topic
 Objectives
 Materials required
 Procedures
 Observation
 Analysis
 Calculation
 Lesson
 Conclusion
 Precaution

4.) What is computer virus? (5 egs)

Class 7 (Maths)
1.) The integer which is five units right to (-1) is
 4
2.) If the SP of a article is more than the CP,is the seller at profit or
 Profit
3.) What is the value of (2x)^0?
4.) What is the supplement of 60 degree?
 120 degree

Class 7 (English)
1.) What is hallucination?
 Illusion
 Delusion

2.) The table is being moved by Ram. (passive)

 Ram is moving the table. (active)

Class 8 (Maths)
1.) If {i,o,u} are subsets of set A & {a,b,c} are subsets of B,what type of sets
are A & B?
2.) What is the scientific notation of 986000000?
 9.86×10^7
3.) Write any two differences between rectangle & square.
Class 8 (English)
1.) Jaydev asked me where I lived. (indirect speech)
 Jaydev said to me,”Where do you live?”

2.) A young man killed the tiger. (Into passive)

 The tiger was killed by the young man.

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