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United States National Risk Management

Environmental Protection Research Laboratory

Agency Cincinnati, OH 45268
Research and Development EPA/600/SR-97/061 September 1997

Project Summary
SITE Program Evaluation of the
Sonotech Pulse Combustion
Burner Technology
S. Venkatesh, W. E. Whitworth, Jr., C. Goldman, and L. R. Waterland

A series of demonstration tests was each containing three data points, the
performed at the Environmental Pro- data sets are different, at the 95 per-
tection Agency’s (EPA’s) Incineration cent confidence level, when corre-
Research Facility (IRF) under the Su- sponding ranges do not overlap.
perfund Innovative Technology Evalua- The results addressing the primary
tion (SITE) program. These tests, 12 in test objectives of the test program are
all, evaluated a pulse combustion as follows: the average CO emissions
burner technology developed by at the afterburner exit decreased from
Sonotech, Inc., of Atlanta, Georgia. The 20 ppm (range of 8.0 to 40.0 ppm) for
burner system incorporates a pulse test condition 2 to 14 ppm (range of
combustor, the pulsation frequency of 12.6 to 16.0 ppm) for test condition 3;
which can be tuned to induce large the average NOx decreased from 82 ppm
amplitude sonic pulsations inside a (range of 78.3 to 85.1 ppm) for test con-
combustion process unit such as a dition 2 to 77 ppm (range of 68.0 to
boiler or an incinerator. 87.1 ppm) for test condition 3; the av-
The primary objective of the test pro- erage soot emissions decreased from
gram was to develop test data to allow 1.9 mg/dscm (range of 0.9 to 2.7 mg/
evaluating whether the Sonotech pulse dscm) to less than 1.0 mg/dscm (range
combustor applied to the IRF rotary of <0.8 to 0.9 mg/dscm). Benzene DRE
kiln system (RKS), when compared to for all 12 tests was greater than 99.994
conventional, non-pulsating combus- percent. Naphthalene DRE for all 12
tion, resulted in: decreased flue gas tests was greater than 99.998 percent.
NOx, CO, and soot emissions; increased The combustion air requirements
POHC DRE; decreased combustion air showed a decrease from the 38,400 to
requirements; decreased auxiliary fuel 40,600 dscfh range to the 34,800 to
requirements; and increased incinera- 39,900 dscfh range when the Sonotech
tor capacity. The waste feed for all tests combustor was used; the auxiliary fuel
was a mixture of contaminated materi- requirements (natural gas) were practi-
als from two manufactured gas plant cally equal under conventional and
(MGP) Superfund sites. One component Sonotech conditions; and the waste
of the test waste was a combination of feedrate capacity increased by 13 per-
pulverized coal and contaminated cent with the Sonotech burner opera-
sludge waste from the Peoples Natural tional. As the demonstration waste had
Gas Company site in Dubuque, Iowa. a significant heat content (8,500 Btu/
The other components of the test waste lb), the capacity increase may be trans-
consisted of soil borings and a tar lated into a reduction in auxiliary fuel
waste from an oil gasification process needed to treat a unit mass of waste
obtained from an MGP site in the south- from 21.1 kBtu/lb for conventional com-
east U.S. To address the demonstra- bustion to 18.0 kBtu/lb for the Sonotech
tion objectives 12 tests were performed system.
under four different test conditions. This Project Summary was developed
Each condition consisted of three iden- by EPA’s National Risk Management
tical tests to obtain data in triplicate. Research Laboratory, Cincinnati, OH,
Test data were statistically evaluated to announce key findings of the research
using the rank sum test. When the rank project that is fully documented in a
sum test is applied to two data sets, separate report of the same title (see
Project Report ordering information at Description of the Technology of the demonstration test program was to
back). A pulse combustor typically consists of develop the data needed to allow objec-
an air inlet, a combustor section, and a tive and quantitative evaluation of these
Introduction claims. Accordingly, the primary test pro-
Sonotech, Inc., of Atlanta, Georgia, has tailpipe. Periodic variations in fuel oxida-
tion and heat release produce pulsations gram objective was to develop test data
developed a pulse combustion burner tech- to allow evaluating whether the Sonotech
nology that claims to offer benefits when in the combustor section pressure, tem-
perature, and gas velocities. When prop- pulse combustion technology applied to
applied in a variety of combustion pro- the IRF RKS, when compared to conven-
cesses. The burner system incorporates a erly applied, a pulse combustor can excite
large-amplitude (150 dB or greater) pulsa- tional, non-pulsating combustion, resulted
pulse combustor that can be tuned to ex- in:
cite large-amplitude sonic pulsations in- tions within a cavity downstream of the
pulse combustor tailpipe. This cavity could • Increased incinerator capacity or
side a combustion chamber such as a productivity
boiler or incinerator. Sonotech claims that be the combustion chamber of a boiler or
an incinerator, for example. • Increased principal organic hazard-
these pulsations serve to increase the ous constituent (POHC) destruction
rates of heat, mixing (momentum), and A retrofit application of the Sonotech
pulse combustion system was evaluated and removal efficiency (DRE)
mass transfer in the combustion process; • Decreased flue gas CO emissions
and claims that these rate increases are in this test program. Specifically, the kiln
section of the RKS at the IRF was retrofit- • Decreased flue gas NOx emissions
sufficient to result in more complete com- • Decreased flue gas soot emissions
bustion. ted with a pulse combustion burner ca-
pable of delivering up to 73 kW • Decreased combustion air require-
Sonotech has targeted waste incinera- ments
tion as a potential application for this tech- (250,000 Btu/hr) of heat input from natural
gas fuel to the kiln. This corresponds to • Decreased auxiliary fuel require-
nology. Accordingly, to demonstrate the ments
claimed benefits of the technology within 15 to 20 percent of the typical heat input
to the kiln. The RKS was configured as The secondary test program objective
a well-established forum for providing tech- was to develop test data to allow evaluat-
nically sound and unbiased evaluations, shown in Figure 1, with the Sonotech com-
bustion system retrofitted into the end plate ing whether the application of the Sonotech
Sonotech proposed a technology evalua- technology, when compared to conven-
tion test series under the Superfund Inno- at the ash discharge end of the kiln.
tional, non-pulsating combustion:
vative Technology Evaluation (SITE) Demonstration Objectives • Reduced the magnitude of transient
program. The Sonotech proposal was ac- Sonotech claims that the application of puffs of CO and total unburned hy-
cepted, and an evaluation test program pulse combustion technology to an incin- drocarbons (TUHC)
was performed at EPA Incineration Re- eration system has several significant ad- • Allowed reduced incineration costs
search Facility (IRF) in Jefferson, Arkan- vantages over conventional (non-pulsating) • Caused significant changes in:
sas. incineration. Thus, the general objective

ID fan

Quench Packed
Scrubber Stack
Afterburner Venturi
Air extension scrubber
Natural Scrubber
gas, Solids liquor
liquid Bed
Solids recirculation Carbon bed HEPA ID fan
Afterburner filter
feed feeder adsorber
Natural burner Flue gas Baghouse
gas reheater
Air Ash
Sonotech Rotary
Burner Natural
kiln gas
system Ash hopper
liquid feed

Secondary Air Pollution

Rotary Kiln Incinerator Primary Air Pollution Control System Control System

Figure 1. Schematic of the IRF rotary kiln incineration system.

— The distribution of hazardous Sonotech pulse combustion system in op- containing three data points (the case for
constituent trace metals among eration. Test Condition 4 was at a further this program) are statistically different at
the incineration system dis- increase in waste feedrate, with the pulse the 95 percent confidence level when the
charge streams (kiln bottom combustor in operation, such that routine data ranges in each set do not overlap.
ash, scrubber liquor, baghouse afterburner exit flue gas CO spikes re-
flyash, and baghouse exit flue curred. This condition could be termed Test Results
gas) borderline acceptable operation under Incinerator Operating
— The leachability of the toxicity pulse combustion operation. Three test Conditions
characteristic leaching proce- runs (triplicate testing) at each test condi-
Table 1 provides a summary of the av-
dure (TCLP) trace metals from tion were completed to allow the precision
erage incineration system operating con-
kiln bottom ash, scrubber liquor, of each emission and discharge stream
ditions for each of the four program test
and baghouse flyash composition measurement to be assessed.
conditions. Each operating parameter
This last secondary objective item does As indicated above, the test waste feed
noted in the table was recorded nominally
not relate to any Sonotech claim, but is of material for the test program was a mix-
every 30 seconds over a 4- to 5-hour flue
general interest to the overall IRF research ture of materials from two MGP Super-
gas sampling period for each test by the
program. fund sites. One component of the material
RKS data acquisition system. Test aver-
was a combination of pulverized coal and
Test Program contaminated sludge/soil waste from the
ages were calculated for each parameter.
To address the test program objectives, The data in Table 1 represent the aver-
Peoples Natural Gas Company Superfund
tests at the following four different incin- age value determined for the three tests
site in Dubuque, Iowa. This site is an
eration system operating conditions were performed for each test condition.
abandoned coal MGP site, and the sludge
performed: The data in Table 1 show that the kiln
waste at the site contains high concentra-
• Test Condition 1: Conventional exit gas temperatures collected for all con-
tions of coal tar constituents. The other
combustion under baseline, typical ditions averaged close to the test program
components of the test feed material were
RKS operation (28 kg/hr [61 lb/hr]) target of 925°C (1,700°F), and that aver-
contaminated soil borings and a tar waste
• Test Condition 2: Conventional age afterburner exit gas temperatures were
from an oil gasification process, both ob-
combustion at the maximum RKS right at the test program target of 1,095°C
tained from an MGP site in the southeast-
waste feedrate without pulsations (2,000°F). Afterburner exit flue gas O2 lev-
ern United States.
(33 kg/hr [73 lb/hr]) els averaged close to 9 percent for all test
The hazardous constituent contaminants
• Test Condition 3: Sonotech pulse conditions, although slightly lower aver-
of all three test waste components were
combustion at nominally the same age levels existed for Test Conditions 3
several polynuclear aromatic hydrocarbon
feedrate and conditions as Test and 4, the two pulse combustion test con-
(PAH) compounds, and the VOCs ben-
Condition 2 (34 kg/hr [74 lb/hr]) ditions.
zene, toluene, ethylbenzene, and xylenes
• Test Condition 4: Sonotech pulse The baseline (Test Condition 1) waste
(BTEX). Although concentrations of sev-
combustion at the maximum RKS feedrate was 27.7 kg/hr (61.0 lb/hr). This
eral contaminant compounds were quite
waste feedrate with pulsations (37 feedrate was increased to 33.1 kg/hr
high in at least the tar component of the
kg/hr [82 lb/hr]) (72.8 lb/hr) to give the borderline accept-
waste mixture, it was decided that spiking
The test waste feed for all tests was a able operation associated with Test Con-
the waste feed with benzene and naph-
mixture of contaminated materials from dition 2. Test Condition 3, with the pulse
thalene would be necessary to guarantee
two manufactured gas plant (MGP) Su- combustion system in operation, was per-
meaningful DRE calculations.
perfund sites. (The specific components formed at nominally the same (just slightly
To address the test program objectives,
of this feed are discussed later.) This waste higher) feedrate as Test Condition 2, as
the composite waste feed, the kiln ash
feed was batch fed to the RKS via the planned. The Test Condition 3 feedrate
discharge, the scrubber system liquor, the
system’s fiberboard container ram feed was 21 percent greater than the Test Con-
collected baghouse ash, the afterburner
system, which feeds 1.5-gal (5.7-L) fiber- dition 1 feedrate. A further 13-percent
exit flue gas particulate, the afterburner
board containers to the kiln at virtually feedrate increase over that for Test Con-
exit flue gas, and the baghouse exit flue
any specified feed frequency. When a rela- dition 2 was possible before incinerator
gas for each test were sampled and ana-
tively high heat content material is being operation entered the borderline accept-
lyzed for sample-matrix-specific combina-
fed, the maximum allowable waste feedrate able regime with the pulse combustion
tions of PAHs, VOCs, contaminant trace
is established based upon the onset of system in operation. Thus, with respect to
metals, polychlorinated dibenzo-p-dioxins
puffs of incompletely combusted organic the Sonotech claim that increased incin-
and polychlorinated dibenzofurans
constituents (CO and TUHC) that survive erator capacity can be realized with pulse
(PCDDs/PCDFs), and TCLP-leachable
the afterburner. combustion, test data show that a capac-
trace metals. In addition, the total organic
Given this, Test Condition 1 was at a ity increase in the range of 13 percent
carbon (TOC) content of the afterburner
waste feedrate consistent with stable in- (comparing Test Condition 4 to Test Con-
exit flue gas particulate was determined
cinerator operation under conventional dition 2) can indeed be realized.
and used as the measure of soot emis-
combustion, with infrequent spikes of CO The data in Table 1 further show that
sions. Later in the test program, measur-
and/or TUHC at the afterburner exit. Test the total system heat input needed to main-
ing the heating value of each test’s kiln
Condition 2 was at an increased waste tain target incineration temperatures was
ash discharge was added as an indication
feedrate that resulted in routine afterburner relatively constant for all four test condi-
of waste treatment residue quality in terms
CO spikes. This condition could be termed tions at about 645 kW (2.2 MBtu/hr). Spe-
of completeness of waste burnout.
borderline acceptable incinerator opera- cifically comparing the auxiliary fuel use
Test data from the program were evalu-
tion under conventional combustion. Test for Test Condition 3 to that for Test Con-
ated using the rank sum test. The rank
Condition 3 was at the same waste dition 2 shows that the auxiliary fuel re-
sum test says the two data sets, each
feedrate as Test Condition 2, but with the quirements were nominally the same.

Table 1. Test Condition Operating Data

Test condition average (3 tests)

1 2 3 4
Conventional Conventional Pulsations Pulsations
Parameter baseline max. feed feed as in 2 max. feed
Waste feedrate, kg/hr (lb/hr) 27.7 (61.0) 33.1 (72.8) 33.5 (73.6) 37.5 (82.4)


Gas temperature, °C (°F) 935 (1,720) 940 (1,730) 925 (1,700) 925 (1,700)

Solids bed temperature, °C (°F) 965 (1,770) 990 (1,810) 1,020 (1,870) 1,030 (1,890)

Afterburner exit gas temperature, 1,095 (2,000) 1,095 (2,000) 1,095 (2,000) 1,095 (2,000)
°C (°F)

Afterburner exit O2, % 9.3 9.3 8.7 8.5

Heat input, kW (kBtu/hr)

Waste feed 153 (522) 176 (601) 184 (628) 204 (697)

Kiln auxiliary fuel

Main burner 193 (659) 148 (506) 82 (282) 60 (205)

Sonotech burner 0 (0) 0 (0) 59 (200) 59 (200)

Total kiln 193 (659) 148 (506) 141 (482) 119 (405)

Afterburner auxiliary fuel 297 (1,012) 303 (1,035) 321 (1,094) 317 (1,082)

Total auxiliary fuel 489 (1,668) 454 (1,551) 462 (1,576) 436 (1,487)

Total system heat input, kW (kBtu/hr) 642 (2,190) 630 (2,152) 646 (2,204) 640 (2,184)

Auxiliary fuel consumption per unit of 63.6 (27,400) 49.2 (21,100) 49.7 (21,400) 41.8 (18,000)
waste treated, MJ/kg (Btu/lb)

Thus, the Sonotech claim that decreased POHC DREs and Residue within the precision of the respective flue
auxiliary fuel use would be possible with Quality gas concentration measurement methods.
the application of pulse combustion is not The POHC DREs and emission rates at With respect to this, it bears noting that
supported by the test data. However, be- the two flue gas locations sampled are benzene emissions increased from Test
cause the waste treated in these tests summarized in Table 2. As shown in the Condition 2 to Test Condition 3 when mea-
had significant heat content, the capacity table, naphthalene DREs measured at both sured at the baghouse exit.
increase noted above equates to a corre- the afterburner exit and the baghouse exit The kiln ash heating value data shown
sponding decrease in the auxiliary fuel were uniformly 99.999 percent or greater in Table 1 suggest that incineration resi-
consumed per unit of waste treated. Com- for all tests, and were not affected by the due quality, as measured by residue (kiln
paring the auxiliary fuel consumption per different test conditions or different waste ash) heating value, was improved with
unit of waste treated for Test Condition 4 feedrates. Benzene DREs measured at pulse combustion. A decrease in kiln ash
to that for Test Condition 2 shows that the the two locations were uniformly heating value from 3.1 MJ/kg (1,340 Btu/
feedrate increase allowed by the Sonotech 99.994 percent or greater (one baghouse lb), for Test Condition 2, to <1.1 MJ/kg
system yields a corresponding decrease exit benzene DRE measurement was (<500 Btu/lb), for Test Condition 3, at the
in auxiliary fuel use per unit of waste 99.989 percent), and again not affected same nominal feedrate but with pulse com-
treated from 49.2 MJ/kg (21,200 Btu/lb) to by the different test conditions. bustion, was seen. The solids bed tem-
41.9 MJ/kg (18,000 Btu/lb). Visual obser- The average naphthalene emission rate perature data shown in the table are
vations suggest that the Sonotech system at the afterburner exit was reduced from consistent with this decrease. Solids bed
produced visually improved mixing in the 1.2 mg/hr (range of 0.4 to 2.6 mg/hr), for temperatures were measured at four axial
kiln chamber. conventional combustion at Test Condi- locations in the kiln during the tests. The
With respect to combustion air require- tion 2, to 1.1 mg/hr (range of <0.3 to temperature at the location recording the
ments, the data in Table 1 show that less 2.5 mg/hr), with the Sonotech system at peak temperature for each test was aver-
combustion air was required, when the the Test Condition 3. The average ben- aged over the flue gas sampling period
same feedrate was used, for the pulse zene emission rate at the afterburner exit for that test. The entries in Table 1 repre-
combustion test condition compared to the was reduced from 7.7 mg/hr (range of 2.1 sent the average of these individual test
conventional combustion test condition. to 12), for Test Condition 2, to 5.7 mg/hr averages for the three test runs at each
(range of 3.4 to 6.9), for Test Condition 3. test condition. The data show an increase
However, the significance of the decreases in average peak solids bed temperature
is also difficult to judge because both fall of from 965°C (1,770°F) (Test Condition 1)

Table 2. Test Program POHC DRE Summary

Benzene Naphthalene
Afterburner exit Baghouse exit Afterburner exit Baghouse exit
Feed- Emission Emission Feed- Emission Emission
rate rate, DRE, rate, DRE, rate rate, DRE, rate, DRE,
g/hr mg/hr % mg/hr % g/hr mg/hr % mg/hr %
Condition 1

Test 1 253.1 44 99.99 <1.2 >99.999 378.0 6.2 99.998 5.9 99.998
Test 6 253.1 7.6 8 2.1 99.999 378.0 2.9a 99.999 3.1a 99.999
Test 10 244.1 14.8 99.99 3.4 99.998 364.5 <0.3 >99.999 2.5a 99.999
Average 8.9 6 2.2 99.999 3.1 99.999 3.8 99.999
Condition 2

Test 2 298.3 9.0 99.99 31.0 99.989 445.5 2.6a 99.999 6.0 99.999
Test 7 307.3 2.1 6 <0.9 >99.999 459.0 0.6a 99.999 <0.3 >99.999
Test 11 289.2 12.0 99.99 0.6 99.999 432.0 0.4a 99.999 3.5a 99.999
Average 7.7 9 1.5 99.996 1.2 99.999 3.3 99.999


Condition 3

Test 3 289.2 6.9 99.99 6.4 99.997 432.0 2.5a 99.999 2.4a 99.999
Test 5 307.3 3.4 7 1.5 99.999 459.0 <0.3 >99.999 0.6a 99.999
Test 9 307.3 6.7 99.99 2.9 99.999 459.0 0.5a 99.999 1.6a 99.999
Average 5.7 8 3.6 99.998 1.1 99.999 1.5 99.999

Condition 4

Test 4 343.5 10.4 99.996 2.5 99.999 513.0 0.6b 99.999 1.4b 99.999
Test 8 334.4 11.7 99.996 <1.5 >99.999 499.5 0.5b 99.999 2.2b 99.999
Test 12 334.4 50.9 99.998 1.1 99.999 499.5 1.3b 99.99 0.4b 99.999
Average concentration of three pairs of M0030 VOST tubes.
Analyte detected below lowest calibrated level.
“<“ = Analyte below method detection limit.
to 990°C (1,810°F) (Test Condition 2), for tent with both the kiln solids bed tempera- bustion operation were lower than under
conventional combustion, to 1,020°C ture and the kiln ash residue quality data conventional combustion operation, while
(1,870°F) (Test Condition 3) to 1,030°C in Table 1. As discussed above, pulse kiln exit levels were higher, may be that
(1,890°F) (Test Condition 4), for pulse combustion caused increased kiln solids organic constituent combustion in the kiln
combustion. Specifically, comparing the bed temperatures and decreased kiln ash was more complete under pulse combus-
data for Test Condition 3 to those for Test heating values, suggesting that pulse com- tion operation. More complete organic con-
Condition 2 shows an increase from 990°C bustion caused a greater degree of waste stituent combustion can result in higher
(1,810°F), for conventional combustion, to feed organic content devolatilization into CO (the final incomplete combustion prod-
1,020°C (1,870°F), for pulse combustion, the kiln combustion gas. The observation uct) levels, while other unburned hydro-
at the same waste feedrate and other that kiln exit CO levels were increased carbon levels, including soot, would be
system operating conditions. These data with pulse combustion suggests that the decreased. In such cases, the burden on
suggest that the Sonotech claim of in- greater amounts of devolatilized organics the afterburner to carry the destruction
creased heat transfer rates with pulse com- were not completely destroyed in the kiln. process to completeness would be less-
bustion, specifically to the solids bed, is Average afterburner exit CO levels were ened, resulting in lower afterburner exit
justified. An increase in heat transfer rate decreased to 15 ppm at 7 percent O2 CO levels.
to the solids bed would cause the in- (range of 8.7 to 25.6 ppm), for Test Con- The afterburner exit soot emissions data
creased bed temperatures seen and the dition 1, and to 20 ppm at 7 percent O2 (measured as TOC in the afterburner exit
corresponding decrease in kiln ash dis- (range of 8.0 to 40.0 ppm), for Test Con- particulate) show a consistent pattern. The
charge heating value. dition 2. Compared to conventional com- soot emission levels given in Table 3 again
bustion, pulse combustion produced represent the average of the levels mea-
CO, NOx, and Soot Emissions slightly lower average afterburner exit CO sured for each of the three tests at each
Table 3 summarizes the continuous levels. Comparing Test Condition 3 (pulse respective condition, with the exception of
emissions monitor (CEM) and soot emis- combustion) to Test Condition 2 (with con- the level noted for Test Condition 1. The
sions data for the test program. As for the ventional combustion), both of which had afterburner exit particulate for only one
operating conditions data, summarized in the same waste feedrate, shows that pulse Test Condition 1 test was analyzed for
Table 1, CEM readings were recorded at combustion resulted in decreased aver- TOC, so the Test Condition 1 value in
nominally 30-second intervals on the RKS age afterburner exit CO emissions of Table 3 reflects only this one measure-
data acquisition system. These readings 14 ppm at 7 percent O2 (range of 12.6 to ment. Soot emission levels were <1.3 mg/
were averaged over the flue gas sampling 16.0 ppm. Even at the increased waste dscm at 7 percent O2 for Test Condition 1,
period for each test. The CEM entries in feedrate achieved with pulse combustion the baseline, conventional combustion test
Table 3 represent the average of each for Test Condition 4, afterburner exit CO condition. They were increased, to 1.9 mg/
test’s average for the three tests at each levels were only marginally increased, to dscm at 7 percent O2 (range of <0.9 to
test condition. 17 ppm at 7 percent O2 (range of 10.5 to 2.7), for Test Condition 2. However, with
The data in Table 3 show that average 26.2 ppm) — higher than the Test Condi- pulse combustion at the same feedrate
kiln exit CO levels substantially increased tion 3 level, but still lower than the Test for Test Condition 3, soot emissions de-
with pulse combustion, from 68 ppm at Condition 2 level. creased to <1.0 mg/dscm at 7 percent O2
7 percent O2 for the two conventional com- CO is the final incomplete combustion (range of<0.8 to 0.9). Even at the in-
bustion test conditions (1 and 2), to product in the series of reactions that con- creased waste feedrate achieved for Test
117 ppm at 7 percent O2 for Test Condi- verts the carbon in organic constituents to Condition 4, afterburner exit soot emis-
tion 3 and to 153 ppm at 7 percent O2 for CO2. Thus, an explanation for why after- sions, at 1.3 mg/dscm (range of <0.9 to
Test Condition 4. This increase is consis- burner exit CO levels under pulse com- 1.8), were less than those measured for
Test Condition 2.
Afterburner and baghouse exit NOx
emissions were comparable from test con-
Table 3. Continuous Emissions Monitor Data dition to test condition and were 90 and
88 ppm at 7 percent O2 (ranges of 85.5 to
Test condition average (3 tests) 93.9 and 85.8 to 91.1), respectively, for
Test Condition 1, and a slightly decreased
1 2 3 4
Conventional Conventional Pulsations Pulsations 82 and 85 ppm at 7 percent O2, (ranges of
Constituent baseline max. feed feed as in 2 max. feed 78.3 to 85.1 and 83.6 to 86.3) for Test
Kiln exit: Condition 2. Levels of afterburner and
baghouse exit NOx were, respectively, 77
CO, ppm at 7% O2 68 68 117 153 and 78 ppm at 7 percent O2 (ranges of
68.0 to 87.1 and 76.6 to 79.6), for Test
Afterburner exit: Condition 3 (under pulse combustion), and
CO, ppm at 7% O2 15 20 14 18 78 and 72 ppm at 7 percent O2 (ranges of
73.7 to 81.4 and 68.7 to 75.5), for Test
NOx, ppm at 7% O2 90 82 77 78 Condition 4 (also under pulse combus-
tion). Although the Sonotech claim that
Soota, mg/dscm at 7% O2 <1.3b 1.9 <1.0 1.3
pulse combustion would result in de-
Baghouse exit: creased NOx emissions was confirmed by
the test data, the reductions achieved were
NOx, ppm at 7% O2 88 85 78 72 small, and from low initial NOx levels.
Measured as TOC in particulate.
Measured for only one test.

Residue Discharge gener group or specific isomer concentra- of 21.1 kBtu/lb (range of 21.0 to
Composition tion is reported as not detected. Thus, for 21.3 kBtu/lb) to an average of
No PAH or BTEX constituent, with the concentrations reported as a range, the 18.0 kBtu/lb (16.6 to 19.0 kBtu/lb).
exception of benzene in a few cases, was low value corresponds to assuming con- • Increased POHC DRE. POHC
detected in any kiln ash or scrubber liquor stituents not detected were present at zero DREs measured for all test condi-
sample from any test. Detection limits for concentration; the high value corresponds tions were uniformly 99.994 percent
PAHs were 0.1 to 0.3 mg/kg, in kiln ash, to assuming these constituents were or greater, with no observable ben-
and 1 to 3 µg/L, in scrubber liquor. Detec- present at their detection limit. efit, or detriment, due to pulse com-
tion limits for BTEX constituents were 1 to The data in Table 4 show that total bustion. Benzene emission rates at
10 mg/kg, in kiln ash, and 1 to 10 µg/L, in PCDD/PCDF emissions at the baghouse the afterburner exit were reduced
scrubber liquor. Benzene was found in exit were quite low, at 0.15 ng/dscm at from an average of 7.7 mg/hr (range
the kiln ash samples from one Test Con- 7 percent O2 or less, for all test condi- of 2.1 to 12) to an average of
dition 2 test, from one Test Condition 3 tions, and were not affected by the test 5.7 mg/hr (range of 3.4 to 6.9).
test, and from all three Test Condition 4 condition differences. On a TEQ basis, Naphthalene emission rates at the
tests, but at levels only slightly above the emissions were 0.005 ng/dscm at 7 per- afterburner exit were reduced from
method detection limit of 1 mg/kg. cent O2, or less, and, again, were not an average of 1.2 mg/hr (range of
Incinerator feed, flue gas, and residue affected by the test condition differences. 0.4 to 2.6) to an average of 1.1 mg/
discharge samples were analyzed for an- hr (range of <0.3 to 2.5).
Conclusions • Decreased flue gas CO emissions.
timony, barium, beryllium, cadmium, chro- The objectives of this test program were
mium, lead, and mercury. No antimony or Average afterburner exit flue gas
to develop test data to permit the evalua- CO levels were reduced, from
mercury was found in any test program tion of Sonotech’s claims regarding the
sample. The data show that the distribu- 20 ppm at 7 percent O2 (range of
performance of the Sonotech pulse com- 8.0 to 40.0) in a maximum waste
tion of these metals in the kiln ash dis- bustion technology applied to a hazard-
charge did not vary from test condition to feedrate operating condition under
ous waste incinerator in comparison with conventional combustion operation,
test condition. Concentrations of barium the performance of conventional combus-
and chromium in the scrubber liquor were to an average of 14 ppm at 7 per-
tion technology. In evaluating the claims, cent O2 (range of 12.6 to 16.0) at
slightly lower and in the baghouse exit test data were evaluated using the rank
flue gas were higher for the pulse com- the same feedrate with pulse com-
sum test. The rank sum test allows an bustion. Pulse combustion allowed
bustion operating conditions. assessment of whether observed differ-
The concentrations of the five metals in a higher waste feedrate to be
ences in data sets are statistically signifi- achieved, with average afterburner
TCLP leachates of test feed, kiln ash, and cant. When comparing two data sets, each
scrubber liquor samples ranged from not exit CO emissions of 18 ppm at
containing three data points, the two data 7 percent O2 (range of 10.5 to 26.0),
detected to low. At the concentrations sets are different, at the 95 percent confi-
measured, neither the test waste feed or still below the conventional com-
dence level, when there is no data over- bustion maximum feedrate condi-
the incineration residual discharges would lap. With respect to the Sonotech claims,
be a toxicity characteristic (TC) hazard- tion.
test data show that the application of the • Decreased flue gas NOx emissions.
ous waste for any test condition, and no Sonotech pulse combustion technology
significant variation in leachate concentra- Both afterburner exit and baghouse
resulted in: exit NOx emissions were marginally
tions with test conditions was seen. • Increased incinerator capacity. Ap- decreased from 82 (range of 78.3
Dioxin Emissions plication of the Sonotech pulse com- to 85) to 85 (range of 83.6 to 86.3)
Chlorinated dioxins and furans were bustion system allowed a waste ppm at 7 percent O2, respectively,
measured in the baghouse exit flue gas feedrate increase of 13 percent in a conventional combustion maxi-
for all tests. Test condition average flue compared to corresponding operat- mum waste feedrate operating con-
gas concentrations are summarized in ing conditions under conventional dition, to averages of 77 (range of
Table 4 in terms of the two summary con- combustion. Because the waste 68.0 to 87.1) and 78 (range of 76.6
centration measures commonly reported: treated had significant heat con- to 79.6) ppm at 7 percent O2 at the
total PCDD/PCDF and 2,3,7,8-TCDD tox- tent, the capacity increase equated same feedrate with pulse combus-
icity equivalents (TEQs). The entries in to a corresponding decrease in the tion. At the higher waste feedrate
Table 4 are cited as ranges. This arises auxiliary fuel consumption per unit achievable with pulse combustion,
from the fact that, in many cases, a con- of waste treated from an average average NOx emissions were 78
(range of 73.7 to 81.4) and
72 (range of 68.7 to 75.5) ppm at
7 percent O2.
Table 4. Dioxin/Furan Emission Results • Decreased flue gas soot emissions.
Average afterburner exit flue gas
Condition average concentration, soot emissions, measured as total
ng/dscm at 7% O2 organic carbon or particulate, were
Test condition Total PCDD/PCDF TEQ decreased from 1.9 mg/dscm at
Condition 1 0.13 to 0.15 0.0004 to 0.0054 7 percent O2 (range of <0.9 to 2.7),
in the conventional combustion
Condition 2 0.092 to 0.099 0.0004 to 0.0050
maximum waste feedrate operating
Condition 3 0.10 to 0.11 0.0003 to 0.0041 condition, to <1.0 mg/dscm (range
of <0.8 to 0.9), with pulse combus-
Condition 4 0.13 to 0.14 0.0006 to 0.0046 tion at the same feedrate. Even in

the increased-feedrate pulse com- age of 37,600 dscf/hr (range of significant differences in metals distribu-
bustion test condition, afterburner 34,800 to 39,900) with pulse com- tions among the test conditions are ap-
exit soot emissions were still lower, bustion, based on stoichiometric cal- parent, with the exception that barium and
at an average of 1.3 mg/dscm at culations. chromium concentrations were slightly
7 percent O2 (range of <0.9 to 1.8), • Decreased auxiliary fuel require- lower in the scrubber liquor, and were
than in the conventional combus- ments. No measurable change in higher in the baghouse exit flue gas with
tion maximum feedrate condition. auxiliary fuel requirements to es- pulse combustion.
• Decreased combustion air require- tablish a given set of combustion Although not the subject of the initially
ments. Total system combustion air conditions was observed. defined project objectives, heating value
requirements decreased from an A secondary test program objective was determinations performed on kiln ash resi-
average of 39,500 dscf/hr (range distribution of hazardous constituent trace due samples show that pulse combustion
of 38,400 to 40,600) under con- metals among the incineration system dis- operation improved residue quality by pro-
ventional combustion to an aver- charge streams. Test data show that no ducing a kiln ash discharge with lower
heating value than that measured in kiln
ash from conventional combustion opera-
tion. The observation that pulse combus-
S. Venkatesh, W. E. Whitworth, Jr., C. Goldman, and L. R. Waterland are with
tion operation caused increased kiln solids
Acurex Environmental Corporation, Jefferson, AR 72079.
bed temperatures, likely the result of im-
R. C. Thurnau is the EPA Project Officer; M. K. Richards is the SITE Project proved heat transfer to the solids bed, is
Manager. (see below).
consistent with the lower-heating-value kiln
The complete report, entitled “SITE Program Evaluation of the Sonotech Pulse
ash observed.
Combustion Burner Technology,” (Order No. PB97-189732; Cost: $35.00, sub- The full report was submitted in fulfill-
ject to change) will be available only from
ment of Contract No. 68-C9-0038, Work
National Technical Information Service
Assignments 3-4 and 4-4, by Acurex En-
5285 Port Royal Road vironmental Corporation under the spon-
Springfield, VA 22161
sorship of the U.S. Environmental
Telephone: 703-487-4650
Protection Agency.
The EPA Project Officer and Project Manager can be contacted at
National Risk Management Research Laboratory
U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
Cincinnati, OH 45268

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