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Wind energy, as a clean and renewable energy, is now being widely developed in order to reduce the
production of carbon dioxide from fossil fuels . The urgent needs for wind energy motivate larger
generators with lower cost, lower weight, and higher reliability and new, wich made energy
componies build large wind farms with lots of wind turbines.


Wind Turbine means a device that converts kinetic wind energy into rotational energy to drive an
electrical generator. A wind turbine typically consists of a tower, nacelle body, and a rotor with two
or more blades.

Main components :

The drivetrain on a turbine with a gearbox is

comprised of the rotor, main bearing, main
shaft, gearbox, and generator. The drivetrain
converts the low-speed, high-torque rotation
of the turbine's rotor (blades and hub
assembly) into electrical energy.

Main Specifications :

A typical 1.5 MW wind turbine in the US has a tower 80 m (260 ft) tall. The rotor assembly (blades
and hub) weighs 22,000 kg (48,000 lb). The nacelle that houses the generator weighs 52,000 kg
(115,000 lb). The tower's concrete base was constructed using 26,000 kg (58,000 lb) of steel rebar
and contained 190 cubic meters (250 cu yar) of concrete. The base is 15 meters (50 ft) in diameter
and 2.4 meters (8 ft) thick near the center.

How a Wind Turbine Works :

A wind turbine turns wind energy into electricity using the aerodynamic force from the rotor blades,
which work like an airplane wing or helicopter rotor blade. When wind flows across the blade, the air
pressure on one side of the blade decreases. The difference in air pressure across the two sides of
the blade creates both lift and drag. The force of the lift is stronger than the drag and this causes the
rotor to spin. The rotor connects to the generator, either directly (if it's a direct drive turbine) or
through a shaft and a series of gears (a gearbox) that speed up the rotation and allow for a physically
smaller generator. This translation of aerodynamic force to rotation of a generator creates electricity.

The advantages :

Wind energy has many advantages including, for example, being 100% natural, renewable and
sustainable energy. This energy is produced thanks to the winds, and it does not know the dangers of
shortage, unlike energies that contain basic fuels (nuclear, thermal, etc.). It’s offers many
advantages, which explains why it is one of the fastest growing energy sources in the world. To
further expand wind energy capabilities and benefits to society, researchers are working to address
technical, social, and economic challenges to support a carbon-neutral electricity future.

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