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University of Johannesburg Faculty of Science Department of Mathematics and Applied Mathematies Lecturers: PG Dlamini, IK Letlhage & SM Simelane Fourier Transforms 1. Introduction In the second chapter ofthis module, you were introduced to the concept of transforms and we specifically looked into the Laplace Transform. In the preceding section, we saw that the Fourier integeal had three alternative forms: the cosine integral, the sine integral and the complex or exponential form, In this section we shall take these three forms of the Fourier integcal and develop them into three new integral transforms naturally called Fourier transforms. In Addition, we shall expand on the concept of a transform pair, that is, an integral transform and its inverse. We shall also see thatthe inverse of an integral transform is itself another integral transform 2. Fourier Transform Pairs Integral transforms appear in transform pairs (recall the definition of the Laplace and the inverse Laplace trans- forms). If f(x) is transformed into F(a) by an integral transform [ororioss » then the function f ean be reversed by another integral transform, Foo) st8- [ revtenes called the inverse transform. The functions K and in the integrands above are called the kernels oftheir respective forms. From Laplace transforms, we identify K(s,t) = ¢~* as the kernel of the Laplace transform and H(t) = e® (2a as the kernel of the inverse Laplace transfor "he onl ots ov gis Pn efits thane veg on nan pln: nin oer apa Detain Fore Tot ripoi= [Hae aver a“ Inverse Fourier transform: Free de = fx) oy Fron =x f Fagor = f Fl sinax dx = Fa) ° 2. Fourier sine transform: Inverse Fourier sine transform. 1 2 Fo Fan == [° Pad sinaxda= fis) o 1 3. Fourier cosine transform: FAfoo, ff teveoracde= Fe o diverse Forte cosine transform Foon =2 [~ Fle)covax da = fn ®) Pe nt ht the sontons under which thes transforms exist ar more singe th hose forthe Laplace tansforns, For instance we were able to compute £1) but (you should en) FUN EAD eso ae ae Suffcien condton for existence re hat f be absolutly integrable nthe apropiat tsa an he one Piecewise continuous on every finite inter, 3. Fourier Transform Suppose that s continuous and absolutely integrable on the interval (ec) ands piecewise continuous om very fst interval. If fx) > O a8 — 42, then negation by pare ene Fiyrei= [reve as = fnew {peo eae ena [fon eae FUN = ~iaF(a) 0 Similarly, under the added gssumptions that fis continuous on (~20, 0), (x) i piecewise continuous on every finite interval. and /*(x) ~» Oas x + 00, we have Fron ‘Generally, under conditions similar to those preceding the equation above, we have FUP = ia" FLU = Please not thatthe sine and cosine transforms are not suitable for transforming the first derivative and for any Gevivative of odd order. The dificult is brought by the fact tha the transform of (x) isnot expressed in terms ofthe ‘original integral wansform. Below is a representation of the sine and cosine transforms forthe fist derivate FAL) = ~0F AF) a2) FAL N= OF ASN ~ (0) <3) We conclude that Mia) F(a) = -0? Fle) (10) ia)" Fa), m= 0.1.23, any 4. The sine and cosine transforms siuppose that f and f" are continuous and absolutely integrable on the interval (-vo,08) and fis piecewise ‘continuous on every finite interval. If f(x) —» 0 as x» se, then integration by parts gives Fur) Fagen) ~@7Fla) + af) (4) Fla) - f') (as) 2 ‘The nature of the transform properties indicate that Fourier transforms are best suited for solving problems in Which the spatial variable or ¢is defined on an infinite or semi-infinite interval. Below we outline the rule of thane 'o follow depending on the nature of given boundary-value problem, ‘To use the Fourier transform 3, the domain of the variable to eliminate must be (co, 0), To use the sine or Gesine transform, the domain of at east one of the spatial variables in the problem should be [0, >). Now, to cide between the sine transform S and cosine transform 7, we study the given boundary condition specified damages t { = 0: That is, whether whether the dependent function or its partial derivative is given at this boundary. Example 1: Find the Fourier cosine and sine transforms of the function k if O O and f(x) = 0 ix < 0, Here a > 0. Fife) Example 4: Find the Fourier transform of f(x) Solution: From equation 3, we obtain Fle) 3 =a=ia) Exercises Orns the cosine transform F.( fix) of 1 if Ocxet 9 { it teres 0 otherwise € Find the sine transform FFs) of e if O 2 Find F.0) for fx) =O < x <1, fin) = Oi e> 1 3 Find Fe") Tein te Foe ossfrm ofthe following fix) Qo 1 if were fof oe fe otherwise wa otherwise fo-{y stewie ) © “1 if -lex

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