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Inventions were created in ancient times Greek, Roman

1. Aqueducts (Roman): Romans were known for their highly developed water
management techniques, such as aqueducts, which carried water across great
distances. Several of these concepts are still used in contemporary water distribution
and supply systems.

2. Architectural Columns (Greek and Roman): Classical Greek and Roman architecture
frequently uses architectural columns in the Doric, Ionic, and Corinthian styles. These
patterns continue to be utilized in buildings today and have impacted architecture for

3. Roman Roads: The Romans were skilled in constructing long-lasting roadways by

employing methods like applying several layers of material. A few contemporary roads
and highways are built using Roman road construction techniques.

4. Theatre and Amphitheater Design (Greek and Roman): Theatrical arts and
amphitheater construction both benefited greatly from the contributions of the ancient
Greeks and Romans. Modern stadium and theater designs are influenced by the
amphitheater architectural principles found in structures like the Colosseum in Rome.

5. Cranes (Greek): Cranes were invented for use in construction and are attributed to
Ancient Greece. Some of the fundamental mechanical concepts discovered in Greek
designs are being used in modern cranes.

6. Medical Tools and Practices (Greek): The Greeks of antiquity achieved significant
advances in medicine. The Hippocratic Oath is still regarded as the primary ethical code
for medical practitioners, having been credited to the Greek physician Hippocrates in

7. Astrolabe (Greek): Greek astronomy is the source of the astrolabe, a device used to
solve time and celestial object position difficulties. It established the framework for later
navigational tools.

8. Water Mills (Roman and Greek): The first water mills were created by the Greeks and
Romans in antiquity to crush grain. Modern hydropower systems and later watermills
were developed with the idea of using water as a mechanical power source in mind.
9. Calendar Systems (Roman): The Roman calendar served as the model for the
current calendar system, which underwent changes over time. Roman custom gave rise
to both the weekday calendar and the names of the months.

Inventions were created in ancient times Persian

1.Windmills (Water Mills): The ancient Persians created sophisticated water

management techniques, such as the utilization of watermills and windmills for grain
grinding and other agricultural uses. Even though the design has changed,
contemporary wind and water turbines still use the same fundamental ideas.

2.Qanat System: Water is properly transported from highland springs to agricultural

fields with the Qanat, an ancient Persian subterranean irrigation system that reduces
contamination and evaporation. There are still comparable systems in use for
sustainable water management in many places of the world.

3. Postal System: The Achaemenid Empire (550–330 BCE) created the Royal Road, an
effective mail network that linked the empire's principal cities. The basis for
contemporary postal networks was established by this early method of long-distance

4. Persian Carpets: In Persia, carpet weaving has a rich and lengthy history that
extends over 2,500 years. Persian rugs are recognized for their exquisite patterns and
fine craftsmanship. Persian carpet weaving methods are still widely used in the world
carpet market today.

5 Economic Concepts: Standardized currency was developed by the Achaemenid

Empire, facilitating trade and commercial activities. The idea of a unified currency has
persisted and is a cornerstone of contemporary economies.

6. Medicine and Pharmacology: In the tenth century, the Persian physician Avicenna
(Ibn Sina) made important advances in pharmacology and medicine. His writings, like
the "Canon of Medicine," had a centuries-long impact on European and Islamic

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