Dirty Clean Washing!

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Mrs Smith was a nosey lady. She liked to know everything.

She looked over the fence

to watch her next door neighbour, Mrs Jones, all the time. Mrs Jones had a husband
and three children. She had lots to do! She
did a wash load every other day. It was
summer, good drying weather. Mrs Jones
always hung the clothes on her washing line to
dry. Mrs Smith could not understand one
thing: the ‘clean’ clothes hanging on the line
were always dirty! This continued for two
weeks. Eventually, Mrs Smith mentioned it to
her husband. He told his wife that it was not
their business. The next day, Mrs Jones hung
her washing out as usual. Mrs Smith looked
over the fence. This time, she was surprised.
All the clothes were clean! That evening, she mentioned it to her husband. She asked
him, ’Did you tell Mrs Jones what I said about her washing?’
‘No’, Mr Smith replied. ‘I cleaned our windows this morning.’

Say if the statements are true or false. Correct the false statements:

1. Mrs Smith liked to know everybody’s business.T/F

2. Mrs Jones lived next door to Mrs Smith.T/F
3. Mrs Smith had three children.T/F
4. Mrs Jones was lazy.T/F
5. It was winter.T/F
6. The clean clothes were dirty.T/F
7. One day, all the clothes were clean.T/F
8. Mr Smith did the washing for Mrs Jones.T/F

Answer the questions in full sentences:

1. What kind of person is Mrs Smith? ____________________________________

2. Who lived next door to her? _________________________________________
3. How many children did Mrs Jones have? ________________________________
4. How often did she do a wash load? ____________________________________
5. How did she dry the clothes? _________________________________________
6. What was the problem with the clothes on the washing line, according to Mrs
Smith? __________________________________________________________
7. Who did Mrs Smith tell about the problem? _____________________________
8. One day, what was different about the washing? _________________________
9. How did Mr Smith change the situation? ________________________________


1t, 2t, 3f – Mrs Jones. 4f – she had lots to do. 5f – summer. 6t, 7t, 8f – he cleaned the window.


1. She is very nosey.

2. Mrs Jones did/Mrs Jones lived next door to her.
3. She had three.
4. She did a washload every other day.
5. She hung them on the washing line.
6. They were dirty.
7. She told her husband.
8. It was clean.
9. He cleaned the window. (the window that his wife looked through).


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