Cultural Transformation in Early Modern Europe

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Cultural Transformation in Early Modern Europe

● All questions carry equal marks (22.5)
● Attempt all the questions
● Questions 1 and 2 have a choice, only one has to be answered
● All the best

Q1) Explain the meaning of the term Enlightenment and write down the views of
the major enlightenment philosophers of eighteenth century Europe.
Enlightenment was a reflection of the changing socio-political and intellectual
structure of Europe during the 16th and 17th century. Elaborate.

Q2) Trace the main developments in the field of literature during the period
1560-1660 in Europe.
Discuss the developments in the fields of art and music during the period 1660 -
1760 in Europe.

Q3) ‘Cultural changes in early modern Europe led to improvement in the condition
of women’. Comment.

Q4) ‘The history of modernity is influenced by political consciousness and popular

protests’. In the light of this statement discuss the process of changing mentalities
in early modern day Europe.

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