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Question: Complete the following sentences by providing a reason for

1. In the story ‘To Build a Fire’ the man has the crazy idea to kill
the dog because he had to find what could possibly make his body
warm one way or another. Otherwise, he would inevitably die.
2. In the story ‘To Build a Fire’ the man feels the need to build a
fire before having his lunch because his fingers and toes are going
numb. He knows that if his hands become too cold, he will be
unable to start a fire.
3. The dog looks back at the fire because the dog knew that it was
too cold to travel in the snow.
4. Man held matchsticks between the heels of his hands because he
fails to catch hold of it as his fingers are numb. His hands have
stopped working.
5. Man at the sight of the dog had a wild idea and remembered the
tale of the man who was caught in a blizzard because it was
freezing and he thought to kill the dog and bury his hands in the
warm body until the numbness went out of them. Then he could
build another fire.

6. In the story ‘B. Wordsworth’ the world became the most exciting
place for the boy because he enjoyed the company of the poet.
7. The narrator say, ‘His English was so good, it didn’t sound
natural…’because the part of Spain where the narrator lives,
people speak inaccurate English with local dialect. Wordsworth
is speaking correct and accurate English, that is the reason he
sounds unnatural to the narrator
8. B. Wordsworth said that the poet can cry for everything because
a poet can look into the depth of things and understand them in a
way that the one can never understand. It is not just a sad cry but
it can also be a happy cry or an excited cry.
9. The narrator’s mother gets mad at him when he went back home
because he returned home at six in the evening with his shirt
10. The boy’s mother asked him to cut a whip because she
wanted to use her authority to make the narrator behave in a
disciplined way.
11. The poet waited for the boy at Miguel Street because he
wanted to invite the boy to go and eat mangoes of his yard.
12. B. Wordsworth’s answer to the policeman’s question funny
because his answer to the policeman was in the form of a question
which he has been asking himself that shows the humorous
nature of the poet.
13. Miss Meadows stared in hatred at the Science Mistress
because her deep despair Miss Meadow did not relish this
courtesy call.
14. Basil could not refuse the invitation of headmaster’s wife
because he couldn't afford to be unpopular.
15. Basil takes a strong decision of denying to marry the Miss
Meadows because he is not the marrying kind and feels
their marriage will be a mistake.
16. Miss Meadows chose 'A Lament' as the lesson that
particular day because Basil, the fiance of Miss Meadows had
sent a letter breaking his marriage and she was heart-broken.
17. Miss Wyatt summon Miss Meadows to her room because a
telegram had come for Miss Meadows.


18. The strange patient believed that the world is full of
powerful sounds and are untapped because he believed that there
was a whole world of sounds that people were not able to hear.
There was music so powerful to drive people mad if they could
tune their ear into it.
19. Mrs. Saunders made a dash in the house in about five
seconds because she was afraid with the unsual behavior of
Klausner. She wondered whether she should run into the house
and fetch her husband
20. Doctor began to feel tension in the room because Klausner
was engrossed in his work.


21. The death of Mrs. Mallard is ironic because Mrs. Mallard
dies just when she is beginning to live.
22. Great care was taken to break the news to Mrs. Mallard
because Mrs. Mallard was afflicted with a heart trouble.
23. Mrs. Mallard's heart trouble is ironic because Mrs
Mallard's heart cannot hold neither extreme joy and nor pain.
She can receive the news of her husband's death but his return
becomes too painful for her to bear.
24. Mrs Mallard was happy because she tasted freedom and
liberty for the first time since her marriage. She thought that her
married life was enjoyable. However, when she tasted freedom,
she found it much better.

The irony behind her death lies in the fact that she does not die because of the grief she
should feel at the news of her husband's death. Instead, she dies because she cannot handle
the thought of having her new found freedom (""Free! Body and soul free!" ) ripped away.
Her heart simply could not stand the thought.

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