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Kalea Hardison

Period 4
A PIan of Investigation

at were te factors tat Ied to te buiIding of te BerIin aII?

%e purpose of tis investigation is to explore ow over time te government of
Germany ad led to te rise of te Berlin Wall from May of 1945 to August 4, 1961. %e
Berlin Wall was built in order to prevent East Germans from migrating into te West
German border. After World War As te years progressed between 1945 and 1961
te population tat was migrating from East to West was steadily increasing to a point
were 2000 people migrated per week. %e temes tat will be explored are te
government's actions witin te Easter German Sector, wy tese actions were or were
not displeasing to te East German inabitants, and te reasons as to wy te East
German government tried to prevent teir people from leaving. %ese temes will be
explored using te researc metods tat include sources suc as news articles from
te day of August 13, a pamplet written by Ulbrict and articles and essays wic
establis te reasons beind te building of te wall.

Word Count: 169
B Summary of Evidence
Division of Germany
O During July-August 1945 Postdam Conference takes place and Germany is
divided into four occupation zones, U.S., Britain, France, and Soviet Union. Berlin
is also divided into four sectors.

O n 1947 political differences arise between Soviet Union and te oter occupying
powers (trying to make Post-war Germany self-sufficient and asked for a detailed
accounting of industrial plants, goods, and infrastructural already removed by
Soviets wo refused to teir plans).

O Allies followed troug on teir plan, creating West Germany (Federal Republic
of Germany (FRG)); Soviets proclaimed teir land te German Democratic
Republic (GDR), or East Germany on October 7, 1949

O %is formation was a reaction to FRG's sponsorsip of te "Basic Law in May

PIans of Eastern Germany
O Ulbrict initial task was to elp te Red Army reestablis vital services for
conquered German population.
Publised a pamplet wic expressed is ideas
of te "%e Five Year Plan

O %e Five Year Plan was to "develop te German Democratic Republic. and
proposed even faster growt. ndustrial production [would] more tan double by
1955 wen compared to 1936

O Ulbrict also stated in tis pamplet tat "te nature of a democracy consists to
an important degree in te rigt of te people to criticize problems and

O A policy tat forced agricultural collectivization over te closing monts of 1959
and 1960.

Eastern Germany puts te blame on te West
O n is pamplet Ulbrict stated tat "n te west too, unfortunately, te
government is part of American war plans.

O %e orders of te Wall would stand "as long as West Berlin is not canged into a
neural demilitarized free city.

O Warsaw Pact declaration stated tat te wall would "create certain discomforts
for te population but said te blame for tis rested squarely on te West.

Dissatisfaction wit East Germany
O n 1950, 187,000 people moved to West Germany; in 1951, 165,000; 1952,
182,000, and in 1953 331,000 people left (GDR lost 15% of its population)

O %oug Ulbrict ad establised tese great plans in te second alf of 1959
problems guaranteeing an adequate supply of consumer goods were becoming
increasingly acute. Not only tat but te publication of te Soviet space
tecnology success only aggravated popular discontent due to te large sums
spent on tose projects wile tere were sortages on basic commodities.

O Protest and treats against functionaries, disruption of founding assemblies,
destruction of propaganda posters, and worse tings suc as arson and alleged
sabotage against collective farms.

O n 1961, 2.5 million fled to Western Germany 50% were igly educated most of
wic were engineers, tecnicians, and oter igly skilled workers and instead
of bettering Western economy wo lost $7-9 billion it elped Eastern Germany

O Karl Wilelm Fricke pointed out tat anyone wo opposed political ideas were
seen as de facto and a political opponent and criminalized for being one

East Germany's attempts to stop immigration westward
O April 1, 1952, East Germany leaders meet wit Stalin in Moscow; Vyaceslav
Molotor proposes visitor's passes system to stop free movement and Stalin
agreed, citizens were later banned from olding jobs in Western Germany.

O n 1955, Soviets gave East Germany autority over civilian movement. n
September of 1955 Hallstein Doctrine stated tat te FRG would break off any
diplomatic ties wit states (except for te Soviet Union) tat accepted GDR's

O n 1956, restricted access to East Germany after deflection of large numbers
O December 1957, new passport law introduced (reduced number of overall
refugees) owever a "loop ole was found 60%-90% used it and penalties were

O On August 12, 1961, Ulbrict signed order to close border and on August 13, te
building of te wall began.

88C news 1lmelloe 8etllo woll 88C news AugusL 12 2011
88C news 1lmelloe 8etllo woll 88C news AugusL 12 2011
88C news 1lmelloe 8etllo woll 88C news AugusL 12 2011
88C news 1lmelloe 8etllo woll 88C news AugusL 12 2011

ComparaLlve ollLlcs vol 3 no1 pp 128 1be 5lu of ost 8etllo 1945196 8lchard L MerrlLL and Arnold A
lranclsco new ?ork CcLober 1972
Cur llve ?ear lan for eaceful 8econsLrucLlon Cesetz obet Jem looflobtploo zot otwlcklooq Jet
volkswlttscboft Jet uemoktotlscboo kepobllk 19511955 WalLer ulbrlchL
hLLp//wwwcalvlnedu/academlc/cas/gpa/3yrplanhLm hereafLer refferd Lo as 3 ?ear lan
3 ?ear lan
3 ?ear lan
!ournal of ConLemporary PlsLory vol 39 no1 !an 2004 pp 2343 ost Cetmoos ooJ tbe 8etllo woll lopolot
Oploloo ooJ 5oclol cbooqe befote ooJ oftet tbe 8otJet closote of Aoqost 1961 Carey 8oss 6 8onhlll SLreeL
London uk Sage ubllcaLlons LLd !an 2004
3 ?ear lan
1he new ?ork 1lmes ost Cetmoo 1toops 5eol 8otJet wltb west 8etllo to 8lock kefoqee scope8euLers n?
new ?ork 1lmes AugusL 13 1961 hLLp//wwwnyLlmescom/learnlng/general/onLhlsday/blg/0813hLml
1he new ?ork 1lmes ost Cetmoo 1toops 5eol 8otJet wltb west 8etllo to 8lock kefoqee scope8euLers n?
new ?ork 1lmes AugusL 13 1961 hLLp//wwwnyLlmescom/learnlng/general/onLhlsday/blg/0813hLml
88C news 1lmelloe 8etllo woll 88C news AugusL 12 2011
!ournal of ConLemporary PlsLory vol 39 no1 !an 2004 pp 2343 ost Cetmoos ooJ tbe 8etllo woll lopolot
Oploloo ooJ 5oclol cbooqe befote ooJ oftet tbe 8otJet closote of Aoqost 1961 Carey 8oss 6 8onhlll SLreeL
London uk Sage ubllcaLlons LLd !an 2004
!ournal of ConLemporary PlsLory vol 39 no1 !an 2004 pp 2343 ost Cetmoos ooJ tbe 8etllo woll lopolot
Oploloo ooJ 5oclol cbooqe befote ooJ oftet tbe 8otJet closote of Aoqost 1961 Carey 8oss 6 8onhlll SLreeL
London uk Sage ubllcaLlons LLd !an 2004
88C news 1lmelloe 8etllo woll 88C news AugusL 12 2011
8oss Corey 1be ost Cetmoo ulctototsblp Cxford unlverslLy ress 198 Madlson Ave new ?ork n? 2002
88C news 1lmelloe 8etllo woll 88C news AugusL 12 2011
McAdams !ames A ost Cetmooy ooJ uteote Cambrldge unlverslLy ress Cambrldge 1983
88C news 1lmelloe 8etllo woll 88C news AugusL 12 2011
88C news 1lmelloe 8etllo woll 88C news AugusL 12 2011

Word Count: 595
EvaIuation of Sources
D AnaIysis

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