There Was - There Were - Was - Were

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NAME: _________________________________________________ DATE: ____________________________
GRADE: _________________ TEACHER: Miss C. Porto. GOAL: L2 There was / There were

1. Complete with THERE WAS/ THERE WERE in the affirmative, interrogative or negative:

a) _____________________ a new student in your class last week? Yes, _____________________

b) _____________________ any students in the library at 3 o'clock yesterday.
c) I think _____________________ a boy waiting for you yesterday.
d) _____________________ any chicken left when I arrived home at lunchtime.
e) _____________________ any water in the fridge last night? I don't think so.
f) _____________________ any people at the museum?

3. Change the following sentences to negative form, use short form

a) There was a girl at the door. ____________________________________________________
b) We were very happy with the test results. ____________________________________________________
c) Was there anyone at the door? ____________________________________________________
d) Were you in Italy in 2003? ____________________________________________________
e) William Shakespeare was born in 1566. ____________________________________________________

4. Complete the story using THERE WAS / THERE WERE / WAS / WERE

___________________ a house. Near the house ___________________ a garden. ___________________ many flowers in the garden.
___________________ a tree behind the house. It ___________________ tall and beautiful. ___________________ four people in the
house. ___________________ a mother, a father and two children. The boy ___________________Benjamin. He __________________
ten. The girl ___________________ Kate. She ___________________ eigth. ___________________ a cat. It ___________________
very fat. ___________________ four rooms in the house. They ___________________ big. We ___________________in the house.
___________________ in your house too? It ___________________ a sunny day. The picnic ___________________ great. We
___________________all happy.

5. Choose the right answer

A. ________ a terrible earthquake in Japan in 2005. D. How many children __________ at the party?
There was there were
Was was there
There were were there

B. The cake _________on the table when I arrived home. E. _________ any water in the bottle? No, _________ any!
were Was there / wasn't there
wasn't Was there / there wasn't
there wasn't Were there / there weren't

C. _________ any apples left when I came back home yesterday.

There weren't
There wasn't
There were

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