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Final Term Level 3

Section “A” (Multiple Choice Questions) Marks: /05
Choose correct options for the given statements:

1. This block will make a line wider:

a) Change pen by b) Pen down c) Change pen color to d) Set pen size to
2. Cell reference is used for ________:
a) Making formulas b) Typing c) Both d) None of these
3. Ms Excel is used for ________:
a) Calculations b) Drawing c) Presentations d) All of these
4. Fixed Value is a value that _________:
a) Remains incorrect b) can be edit c) doesn’t change d) Changes
5. Pen blocks can be added by clicking on __________ option.
a) Sprite size b) Choose a sprite c) Add Extension d)Choose a backdrop
Section “B” (Questions Answers) Marks: /10

Q What are Degrees in scratch?

Q Differentiate among following types of charts? (2 points for each heading)

Pie Chart Bar Chart Line Chart

Q In how many ways we can find and fix errors? List their names.
Q How many degrees should be used if we want to make following shapes?
For Square:
For Triangles:
For Pentagon:
Q Write down the formula to calculate Growth of sunflower from Monday to Friday.

Q Define following terms:

Erase all:

Variable Value:



Activity 02: Marks: /10

Scenario: Ali worked in a shelter for homeless cats. Some kittens were born in shelter. Ali weighted the kittens
every week. He recorded their weights in a spreadsheet.

1) Ali wanted to add a new week of data where will he put the label ‘Week 5’?
2) In a week 5, fluffy weighted 400 grams, give the cell reference where you will enter this data?

3) Give the Formula to calculate the total weight gain for fluffy from week 1 to week 5.

4) Ali wanted to see the weight gain for every kitten. What could Ali do instead of typing the formula

5) What type of chart can you use to compare the weight gain of each kitten?

Activity 02: Marks: /10

Here is a program requirement.

Make a program that draws a square on the screen.

Here is a program made to meet this requirement.

1) Find one error in this program and say what it is.

2) Find and fix all the errors in the program.

3) Draw the following script again and fix all errors.

(Paper II)

Practical Marks: /15

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