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Sage ERP MAS 90 , 200 and 200 Upgrade Features

Versions 4.20 Through 4.50

Sage ERP MAS 90 and 200
Top New Feature Summaries

Versions 4.2 to 4.5

Be n e f i t s
Improve your decision-making with visibility to
information across your business
Turn data into actionable, fact-based
Streamline data entry with uncluttered and
user-friendly grid entry screens
Improve information sharing and collaboration
with other teams
Offer your customers superior service with
your choice of three CRM solutions
Work more efciently with new usability
Get more tax benets with the new Fixed
Assets module
Easily customize report output with expanded
Crystal Reports capabilities
Create your own user-dened elds and tables
Whats New in Sage MAS 90 and 200 v4.2?
Sage MAS 90 and 200 4.2 Works the Way You Do
For over 20 years, Sage MAS 90 and Sage MAS 200 ERP systems have set the standard for ease of use, have helped
businesses take the complexity out of their accounting and operational processes, and with the new 4.2 release, weve
raised the bar even higher.
New inquiry tools and reporting capabilities make analysis and decision-making more straightforward. Enhancements
throughout the software make data entry and navigation more natural and intuitive. The object-oriented architecture
introduced in version 4.0 has been expanded throughout the core accounting applications, plus integration with CRM
solutions and a new xed asset management module extend the capabilities of your software.
Many of these enhancements are a direct result of customer feedback. Were condent youll agree that Sage MAS 90
and 200 v4.2 is a release that can help your business take a leap forward with enhanced information access, integration,
and agility.
Business Insights ExplorerGain Instant Visibility Across Your Business
Business Insights Explorer is an easy-to-use, on-the-y inquiry and analysis tool that improves your decision-making by
helping you identify opportunities, inefciencies, challenges, successes, and more. With a smartly designed grid interface, it
serves up information from across the Sage MAS 90 or 200 system. You get a perfect view into important information and
tasks, as well as immediate answers to unanticipated inquiries without an existing report. You can even drill down and edit
information at the transaction level directly from Business Insights Explorer!
Turn Data Into Actionable Knowledge
Turn your data into actionable, fact-based knowledge by using the powerful sort, group, and lter capabilities that you can
personalize for your specic needs and organizational role. And, save those views for future use! Get quick answers to
those what-if scenarios that may otherwise keep you awake at night. What if your largest customer increases their orders
by 10 percent? Business Insights Explorer provides a better way for you to access and understand your dataand you
dont have to be a programmer to use it! Beginners can start right away, and because of its intuitive exibility and depth of
functionality, it will continue to grow with you and your business far into the future.
With just a few clicks, Business Insights
Explorer provides daily quick and easy data
inquiries, those occasional what if scenarios,
and last-minute must-have executive requests.
Accounts Payable Made Easy
Version 4.2 brings a revolutionary user interface to the Accounts Payable module that
helps you raise productivity through a dual-grid entry screen and improved reporting
Streamlined, Personalized Grid Entry
With enhanced Accounts Payable in v4.2, the efcient, streamlined, and user-friendly
grid entry screens are now throughout the entire core accounting suite in Sage
MAS 90 and 200. Youll enjoy more efcient data entry and virtually limitless exibility,
capitalizing on a dual-entry grid. It gives you the ability to work the way you want to,
organize your more frequently used elds in a primary grid and your lesser-used elds
in a secondary grid to maximize viewing capacity.
Crystal Reports
Simplify your business reporting. All bundled reports and forms now leverage Crystal

. You gain tremendous capabilities to easily customize your reports, along

with many more report output options that are supported through the Crystal Viewer,
including Excel, Word, PDF, and e-mail.
Personalized Report Settings
Reduce potential errors in report generation and streamline your printing process by
creating personalized settings. Saved Report Settings are available with three different
types of security access (Public, Read Only, and Private).
Powerful UDFs
Now you can add user-dened elds (UDFs) to any data le within Accounts Payable,
Accounts Receivable, and General Ledger. You can easily include the UDFs you create
in your reports because they are considered the same as other data by the system.
You can populate a UDF value from another table within Sage MAS 90 and 200 so the
data appears where and when you need it. Plus, crosscheck your UDFs by building a
user dened table (UDT). UDTs can be used as a means for creating validations and
referential integrity against the UDFs within the system.
Improved Accounts Payable Workow Features
Improved Batch Auditing
Use enhanced auditing throughout your entire core accounting solution. View
additional detailed data for each batch, including user, date, and time.
Right Mouse Click Your Smart Memos
A right mouse click allows you to intelligently navigate memos. Bring relevant
information to where you need it from anywhere in your core accounting applications
or related tasks. Safeguard your data, reserving access and editing for those with
security rights for the tasks.
Vendor Maintenance
Youll enjoy new uncluttered tabs within your workow that are easier to use. Easily
sort columns to t your needseven hide columns from view. Prevent duplicate entry
of invoices from a selected vendor when you make entries through Receipt of Invoice
Entry in the Purchase Order module, automatically updating the entry in Accounts
Payable. Plus, invoice comments now appear on the check register for faster
reference and auditing.
Registers, Manual Check Entry, and Quick Print
Now you can print General Ledger account descriptions on your Accounts Payable
invoices and Manual Check Registers! And, you can post Accounts Payable Register
details to the General Ledger or keep it simple with summary postings. Alphanumeric
elds have been added to Manual Check Entry to help you facilitate wire transfer data.
Also, Manual Check Entry prevents data entry errors by notifying you of the existence
of a duplicate invoice. And theres more, including incremented check numbers in
Quick Print.
Forms and Reports
Ensure correct bank processing and gain efciencies for your business by printing
Accounts Payable checks on ANSI compliant forms. Plus, to streamline daily check
processing, you can save the last form type used when performing Check Printing,
Manual Check Printing, and Quick Print.
Sage MAS 90 and 200 4.2 Accounts Payable Enhancements
Quick and easy grid entry is efcient and
exible personalize by moving items between
primary and secondary grids.
Manage Your Customer Relationships the Way You
Want To
Customers are arguably your most valuable asset. And to assist your efforts in
providing them with superior service, version 4.2 integrates with three CRM solutions
from Sage Software. You have the freedom to choose the CRM level thats right for
your business. Our CRM solutions will help you push customer service levels to new
heights, improve customer loyalty and retention, and boost sales.
Your staff will be able to readily manage customer relationships with immediate
access to critical customer data. Plus, youll increase productivity throughout your
business with real-time data sharing between your CRM solution and your Sage
MAS 90 or 200 system.
Integrating industry-leading Sage Software applications provides savings for
your business by improving data integrity and eliminating the potential for costly
order processing errors. Youll also gain remarkable efciencies by allowing your
salespeople to issue sales orders, perform customer inquiries, or view detailed orders
and invoices from Sage MAS 90 or 200 without leaving the CRM solution. Connect
your sales force with the data in your accounting system, and watch your productivity
and protability rise.
ACT! by Sage Integration
Build long-term customer loyalty by enabling your front ofce immediate access to
critical contact and customer information, customer details on invoice sales, and order
history. ACT! by Sage is used by millions and praised by business experts.
SageCRM Integration
SageCRM is an award-winning wireless and Internet-based CRM system that provides
enterprise-wide access to your vital customer, partner, and prospect information.
Beginning with v4.2, youll be able to take full advantage of this feature-rich CRM
solution with comprehensive sales force automation and marketing campaign features.
Sage SalesLogix Integration
Acquire, retain, and develop protable relationships using Sage SalesLogix.
Sage SalesLogix is the leader in customer relationship management for small
to midsized businesses that require exible, easy-to-use solutions for customer
relationship management, sales force automation, marketing campaigns, and
customer service management.
CRM Integration - Connect Sales with Accounting
Sage MAS 90 and ACT! by Sage Integration empowers ACT! users with
seamless access to Sage MAS 90 and 200 information.
From Sage SalesLogix customer records, you
can generate Sage MAS 90 and 200 sales
orders and view credit history, payments, and
shipping information.
Look up contact information, enter a sales order, perform customer
maintenance, and access Sage MAS 90 and 200 information using
Business Insights Explorer, directly from SageCRM.
Sage Software supports the needs, challenges, and dreams of more than 2.7 million
small and midsized business customers in North America through easy-to-use, scalable,
and customizable software and services. Our products help manage a complete range of
business functions including: accounting, operations, customer relationship management,
human resources, time tracking, merchant services and the specialized needs of the
construction, distribution, healthcare, manufacturing, nonprot, and real estate industries.
2007 Sage Software. All rights reserved. The Sage Software logo and the Sage Software product and service
names mentioned herein are registered trademarks or trademarks of Sage Software, Inc., or its afliated entities.
Crystal Reports is the registered trademark and technology of Business Objects SA. All other trademarks are the
property of their repective owners. 5MAS154 03/07 07-3545/0307
Sage MAS 90 and 200 | 4.2 Enhancements
Introducing Sage MAS 90 and 200 Fixed Assets Module
Fixed Asset Accounting and Depreciation
Manage your assets effectively from acquisition to disposal. With the new Fixed Assets
module for Sage MAS 90 and 200 v4.2, youll fully utilize assets, account for their
value, and reap tax benets whether your xed assets inventory is 10 or 1,500. Fixed
Assets provides you with fast, dependable, customizable xed asset management so
you can maximize your bottom line.
Utilize over 300,000 IRS and GAAP rules, seven books (Internal, Tax, ACE, AMT,
State, and two user-denable books) and over 50 methods of depreciation including,
MACRS, ACRS Straight Line, and Declining Balance. As a vital part of your core
accounting solution, Fixed Assets combines acknowledged depreciation expertise
and user friendliness with the added power, data security, and functionality that your
business situation demands.

Run projection depreciation calculations, create IRS-ready depreciation tax forms, and
move xed assets between business units with ease. Youll also be able to execute
partial and whole transfers and disposals, conduct bulk disposals with automatic
gain/loss calculations, and track transfer activity with as little as a single keystroke.
Plus, you get extra security features at the system level, company level, and user-
dened menu levels, including complete audit histories on all changes made to the
asset system. In addition, SmartLists provide user-dened values for each asset
descriptor, ensuring a high level of consistency throughout your asset system.
Easy to install, customize and use, the Fixed
Assets module is a comprehensive xed asset
management solution.
Go greensave money, time, and the
environment using electronic document e-mail,
fax, and efcient storage capabilities
Turn your data into actionable knowledge
Immediately access up-to-date information
the way you want to see it
Streamline your tax reporting process
Provide employees safe and secure direct
deposit choices
Whats New in Sage MAS 90 and 200 4.3 ?
Sage MAS 90 and 200 4.3 Delivers Customer Value
Based on the solid foundation that Sage MAS 90 and Sage MAS 200 ERP solutions
have set for over 20 years, our latest release works the way you doand delivers more
value to growing companies like yours. Focused on the most requested customer
enhancements, Sage MAS 90 and 200 4.3 incorporates more business intelligence,
paperless ofce capabilities, direct deposit functionality, usability improvements, and
complete business solutions.
The list of 4.3 enhancements is led by additional Business Insights Explorer views, new
charting capabilities, and Business Insights Dashboard features. To help you drive efciency,
enhancements include the incorporation of paperless ofce e-mail, fax, and document
storage functionality, built-in Federal and Sate Tax reporting and eFiling capabilities. For
both you and your employees, full direct deposit capabilities provide more efcient payroll
and options for deposit selections. Many of the enhancements are process and module
specicresulting in streamlined workows and improved everyday operational value.
With Sage MAS 90 and 200 4.3, we continue to listen to our customers and provide the
functionality that you tell us is most important to you. The addition of new features and
enhancementsalong with a simplied upgrade process moving from 4.2continues to
provide you a low total cost of ownership.
Use Business Insights Explorer for ad-hoc inquires
in Sales Order, Accounts Receivable, and now
General Ledger, Accounts Payable, Inventory
Management, and Purchase Order. Quickly
convert your grid information into a chart on-the-y
and display it the way you want to see it.
Increase Efciencies Using
Paperless Ofce
Save time, money, and the environment by using the paperless
ofce capabilities provided to you in 4.3. Improve communications by
efciently e-mailing and faxing documents to your customers, prospects,
vendors, resellers, and employees in the same ofce or remote locations.
Utilizing the powerful paperless ofce features, youll reduce paper costs
by eliminating the need to print lengthy reports and waste precious ofce
space for storage, and reduce the time you and your employees spend
searching through old les and reports. With paperless ofce, you can
quickly and easily nd les, view reports and forms, and print only the
pages you want. And, when you need them again, retrieve them from
the archives using intuitive search and sort tools.
Enhanced Payroll and Accounts
Payable Tax Reporting
To streamline your tax reporting processes, weve added more federal
and state eFiling and reporting functionality in 4.3. Over 250 federal
and state Unemployment, Withholding, and New Hire reports are now
included to assist you with ling payroll tax information. Automatically
eFile W-2s and 1099s to the appropriate state and federal agencies,
then print and mail the forms directly to your employees, while securely
posting the information on a Web site for their immediate access.
Offered on a transaction fee basis, our eFiling Service provides the ability
to streamline the tax reporting process for you. Or, for no additional fees,
all federal and state forms will be available to you to print and mail. You
can use blank, perforated W2 and 1099 forms, available for purchase
from our Forms Division.
Visibility Across Your Business
Business Insights Explorer and Business Insights Dashboard offer new
capabilities in 4.3 to better enable you to turn data into actionable
knowledge. New data-centric views have been added to Business
Insights Explorer so you can gain even more visibility into your business.
And, since a picture is worth a thousand words, from any personalized
view you can create a chart to illustrate what you want to emphasize.
Business Insights Dashboard allows you to print your dashboard
sections or drill into the detailed information with ease.
Explore New Views and Charts
In addition to the original Sales Order and Accounts Receivable views,
Business Insights Explorer now provides ad-hoc inquiry, drill-down, and
drill-around capabilities into General Ledger, Accounts Payable, Inventory
Management, and Purchase Order. The smartly designed, easy-to-use
interface continues to provide drag and drop, sort, lter, calculations,
color highlighting, and the ability to save your personalized views. The
standard and additional views will allow you to provide your customers
with even better customer service, improve your operations monitoring,
and get more efcient use of Sage MAS 90 or 200.
Quickly convert your Business Insights Explorer grid information into a
chart and display your information the way you want to see it. Convert
the data that best visualizes the knowledge youve discovered into a
bar, line, area, or pie chart, add your title, and narrow to one or more
selected seriesso you can share with others inside or outside your
company. You can further personalize by reordering data points and
choosing how many data points you want to display with your charts
created on-the-y.
Start Your Day With the Information You Need Most
Select up to twelve standard graphical reports included in your
4.3 Business Insights Dashboard, to display the information you want
to see right on your desktop startup page. Use a simple startup wizard
to select which reports and graphs to display, the order in which you
want to see them, and the level of detail that you want to include.
Access more details directly from the dashboard, or view real-time
summaries on the main dashboard page.
Productive and Secure Direct Deposit
Add direct deposit functionality, for an additional fee, to your Sage MAS 90
and 200 4.3 Payroll system to reduce the time and cost associated for you to
process and print checks, as well as time spent by your employees traveling
to their nancial institutions to deposit their pay. Offer your employees split
disbursements between multiple accounts, such as savings and checking,
even if they are with different institutions, based on xed dollar amounts or
percentages. Your employees can view their own direct deposit stubs
through the password protected employee self-service viewer.
You Asked for It!
Weve incorporated many enhancements as a direct result of your requests and from recently conducted
usability studies. Weve focused on adding value and efciencies to enable your growing business to work the
way you do. These customer-requested options allow you to:
Simplify report selection with straightforward terms
such as: Yesterday, Today, Tomorrow, Last Week,
Last Month, Last Year, Last 7 Days or Newer, 30 Days
or Older, etc.
Readjust your selection criteria with ease. Did a
No Data Selected to Print message appear? No worries,
now the report selection window will stay open so you
can produce your desired report.
Set your Income Statement Format to Actual, Budget,
and Budget Variance values for comparative information
between any nancial periodsPeriod to Date, Year
to Date, or Both Period and Year to Date period options.
In General Ledger, you can reduce the number of
pages printed for a Financial Trend Report by choosing
condensed formatting.
Allow information to be automatically entered into boxes 8
and 9 in the new Internal Revenue Service 1099-INT form.

Get up-to-the-minute status of customer orders
through a status column that can be viewed and shared
by your shipping and customer service personnel.
Status messages include: New, Lines Complete, and

Streamline the process of updating your customer
records in Accounts Receivable by utilizing the Global
Customer Change Field Utility to change the assigned
salesperson. When a salesperson leaves or joins the
company, youll be able to completely reassign your
accounts throughout the system.
Utilize the Split Commissions option in Sales Order,
so the commission percentage of your pre-assigned
salesperson will appear as the default amount.
Thwart errors if your users enter a discount where it
isnt allowed; a new warning will require them to choose
an action and make adjustments to the lines on their
Sales Order before invoicing.
Scan multiple items for shipment more efciently
when youre using a wedge scanner. A new system
option will recognize the item scanned, and your shipping
personnel will quickly move through the order without
keyboard interaction.
Print your standard reports and forms automatically
on your default printer, regardless of who previously
saved the report.
Return to the report selection screen after previewing
and printing your reports, so you can adjust your
selection criteria; available in General Ledger, Accounts
Receivable, Accounts Payable, Bank Reconciliation,
and Sales Order. Change your mind? Simple, now you
can vary your date range or make changes to the print
criteria selections until you choose to close the screen.
Reduce the time you spend selecting report criteria,
view all print criteria on one screen and utilize smart
selection the system will choose an operand (equal
to, range, etc.) intuitively, depending on your entry.

Sage Software supports the needs, challenges,
and dreams of 2.8 million small and mid-sized
business customers in North America through
easy-to-use, scalable and customizable software
and services. Sage Software is a subsidiary
of The Sage Group plc, a leading international
supplier of business management software and
services formed in 1981 and listed on the London
Stock Exchange since 1989.
End-to-end solutions. Expert advice.
Ongoing support. Thats Sage 360.
Sage MAS 90 and 200 | Version 4.3
2008 Sage Software, Inc. All rights reserved. Sage Software, Sage Software logos and the Sage Software product and
service names mentioned herein are registered trademarks or trademarks of Sage Software, Inc., or its afliated entities.
All other trademarks are the property of their respective owners. 5MAS176 04/08 08-07146
Prociently Manage Your
Fixed Assets
Sage MAS 90 and 200 Fixed Assets provides fast, dependable,
customizable management of your xed assetswhether
you have 10 or over 1,000 items. In 4.3, you can more
efciently track assets and realize tax savings by auto-creating
assets when youre entering invoices in Accounts Payable.
Alternatively, during Purchase Order Entry assign an asset
template, so in Receipt of Goods with an invoice, your register
will automatically update the asset so you can manage it
effectively from acquisition to disposal.
Start your day with the information you need most
using Business Insights Dashboard. Use a simple
startup page wizard to choose the Sage MAS
90 and 200 information you want to see on your
desktop. Keep your nger on the pulse of your
business with the level of details you want.
Automatically create a xed asset during
Purchase Order Entry by assigning an asset
template, so during Receipt of Goods with
Invoice your receiving personnel wont be
required to make any additional entries.
Sage MAS 90 and 200 ERP
Whats New in Sage MAS 90 and 200 4.4?
Something for Everyone in 4.4
Based on the solid foundation that Sage MAS 90 and Sage MAS 200 ERP solutions have continued
to build on for over 20 years, our latest release provides something for everyone. From Core Financials
and Project Management to Distribution and Manufacturing, Sage MAS 90 and 200 4.4 is loaded with
features. You can work even more efciently the way you want to with new features and enhancements
focused on workow and business process, especially in the inventory management, purchase order,
bill of materials, and bar code areas of the system. Features and functionality in Sage MAS 90 and 200
version 4.4 include some of the most requested customer enhancements, and incorporates more
personalization options, increasing exibility in data entry and report creation, easier access to data,
and many other usability improvements.
The list of 4.4 enhancements is led by the ability to use expanded elds, additional customization
tools, more Business Insights Explorer views, personalized report settings, and the ability to perform
more efcient inventory counts. To help you drive efciency, moving up to the new version can
now be done with more control and at much greater convenience to your company, so you wont
need to interrupt your daily operations and normal workow in order to upgrade. Many of the
enhancements are business process specicresulting in streamlined workows and improved
everyday operational value.
Conveniently Move Up to the Current Release
Parallel Migration allows you to migrate to 4.4 from previous versions of Sage MAS 90 or 200
(versions 3.71, 4.0, 4.05, 4.10, 4.2, or 4.3) with more freedom and control over the process. You can
continue normal business operations and work with your Business Partner to begin your upgrade,
prepare and test, and then migrate when you are ready. Built-in premigration utilities scan your data
and help you make the repairs necessary for a smooth migration. These new tools and features
reduce the overall cost of upgrading by minimizing the impact on your business.
Increased Flexibility with Expanded Customer
and Item Number Fields
In 4.4, you can expand your Customer and Item number
elds, or elect to continue to use your existing eld lengths.
Twenty alphanumeric characters can be used for Customer
numbers, and 30 for Item numbers. These new character
eld lengths allow you to add specic information within
those character elds to improve your workow and
enhance business processes. Using up to 20 characters
for customer numbers allows full company names to
be used, or coded or themed information to be added,
which assists in easy identication for multiple accounts
of the same or similar names, and more. Expanding the
item number to 30 characters improves productivity and
business workow through the use of smart part numbers,
such as a UPC, recycling codes, a vendor number, special
handling requirements information, and more.
Improve productivity with more
information in expanded customer
and item numbers
Upgrade more conveniently with
signicantly less downtime
Simplify the process of applying
customizations that survive upgrades
Dual Grid streamlines data entry
throughout core Accounting,
Distribution, and Bill of Materials
Increase productivity by accessing
data with fewer clicks
Personalize reports, views, and other
options throughout the system
Sage MAS 90 and 200 ERP I Whats New in Version 4.4
Easy Access to Information on the New Desktop
Weve updated and enhanced the desktop area in 4.4
to provide you with an easy access point to information.
From one screen you can click directly to the Sage
MAS 90 and 200 Online Community, access current and
back issues of the customer newsletter, contact Customer
Support, view the most recent Training schedule, and
sign up for classes. For easy reference, the Resources
section provides access to the Whats New information,
Help Center, Business Insights Dashboard, Help topics,
Getting Started Guide, and Upgrade Guide PDFs. You
can also access an online suggestion box to make an
enhancement request, as well as view and vote on
enhancement requests that other customers have made.
Using this link, track the status of your submission as it
moves through the Sage evaluation process, to see when
and if its incorporated into a future version of the product.
Personalize Report Preview Setting
Did you ever want to have your own default setting for
previewing reports instead of having to change the setting
in order to work the way you want? You can now set your
personal default magnication level for previewing reports.
Others in your company can set their defaults at their
desired setting, as well. This customer-requested feature
provides ease of use, personalization, and efciencies
when viewing reports.
Enhanced Custom Ofce Features
In 4.4, Custom Ofce enhancements allow you to program
events to run with or without user interaction (clicking
a button) in addition to the ability to add user-dened
elds and additional buttons. Customizations done using
Custom Ofce now survive upgrades throughout most of
your system, including those in Inventory Management,
Purchase Order, Bill of Materials, and Bar Code, so the
customizations do not have to be reapplied to a new
release. For example, you can add expiration dates or other
attributes for lot and serial items, and that information ows
through the system. Or using standard scripting, Sales
Oder Quote Expiration dates can automatically change
according to the type of order or quote that you choose.
eBusiness Web Services
New Web services features and functionality have been incorporated into the 4.4 release. Available as a new module, eBusiness Web Services
provides a powerful programming interface for integration with third-party applications and facilitates interoperability between disparate systems
over the network, including the Internet. eBusiness Web Services can integrate operations for Customers, Contacts, and Sales Orders.
Utilize New Business Insights Explorer Views
New views have been added to Business Insights Explorer (BIE), our easy-to-use inquiry and analysis tool, and existing views
were updated to provide additional up-to-the-minute reports and business information. Drag-and-drop, sort, lter, calculate,
color highlight, and save personalized views in Inventory, Purchase Order, and Bill of Materials. For example, you can
personalize a view to see options for one of your BOMs, with revisions, when they were done, what components were
used, and the quantity on hand.
Sage MAS 90 and 200 ERP I Whats New in Version 4.4
Powerful Inventory Management Enhancements
Streamline your workows and inventory management process using new features in Inventory Management. You can now more efciently
make Standard Cost Adjustments and do Physical Counts, as well as increase the Decimal Precision used for your inventory costs. Your data
entry processes can also be streamlined using dual grids that are easily personalized in physical count entry and inventory transaction entry.
Physical Count the Way You Want
Save valuable time during your physical count with the new
Quantity On Hand report. To assist in streamlining the workow of
the physical count process and be assured of accuracy, you can
print the system Quantity On Hand directly on the physical count
worksheet, in the order you desire. The warehouse manager can
be aware of the expected count during the process and be able to
supervise employees as they go through the warehouse recording
the results of their item count. Then to streamline entering the
results, the expected quantity can be set as the default, so only the
changes require an entry.
Increased Decimal Precision
In 4.4, track inventory quantities more accurately by using up to four
decimal places, starting at raw materials and owing through your
workow process to nished goods. The increase is implemented
without decreasing the number of available characters to the left
of the decimal point. Cost of Good Sold, Inventory Counts, and
protability reports provide more granular nancial information and
more accurate data to your management team.
Greater Productivity Using Batch Entry
for Inventory Transactions
Increase productivity and employee accountability for anyone
entering Inventory Transactions. Use Batch Entry with personalized
grids to match your workows, and efciently navigate to essential
information directly from the transaction entry screens. Select
specic lot or serial numbers or specify a range to increase
efciencies and reduce necessary keystrokes. Unique batch
numbers also provide independent updating and printing.
Simplify Standard Cost Adjustments
If you use the Standard Cost method to track your raw material
costs, the new Standard Cost Adjustment feature streamlines
the process by automatically calculating and posting the General
Ledger variances. This preserves the accuracy of your Inventory
value on hand and will give you an accurate and simplied audit trail.
Zero Cost Valuation
In 4.4, you can carry inventory items with a $0.0 value to accurately account for manufacturing samples or vendor over-runs. The Inventory
Management Account in General Ledger will not be cluttered with $0.0 Standard Cost transactions.
Sage MAS 90 and 200 ERP I Whats New in Version 4.4
Purchase Order Workow Lnhancements
Increase productivity and employee accountability for anyone entering purchase order transactions using new options in 4.4. Your users can
personalize dual grids in their entry screens according to their preference and workow, select specic lot or serial ranges, and, by using unique
batch numbers, multiple users can enter transactions at the same time, printing and updating independently, without affecting other batches.
To help minimize data entry errors, the Purchase Order Variance Register calculates and prints before updating.
Auto-Generate Orders Selection
Improve and optimize your workow with new selection criteria, making it easier to quickly identify the Sales Orders you want to be available
for automatic purchase order generationincluding Sales Order Date, Customer Number, and Salesperson. New options ensure that critical
drop-ship sales order information is accurately communicated to the vendor. For example, if your customer requests that all his items are shipped
at one time to save shipping costs, your Order Entry Clerk can add a Sales Order Main Comment such as Ship Order Complete. That comment
then ows directly through to the Purchase Order Main Comment without rekeying. Also new in 4.4 is the ability to summarize by primary vendor
either select to roll up all orders for each primary vendor into a single Purchase Order (PO), or create individual POs for each item.
Informative Back Order Fill Reports
Handle backorders the way you want to. Identify your information quickly by sorting your Back Order Fill Report by Sales Order, Customer
Number, or Bill to Name. You can even choose to print only items received with a backordered quantity on a Sales Order, or all Sales Order
lines, to include all the Sales Order demand for the items you receive.
Greater Productivity with Batch Entry for Purchase Order Receipts, Returns, and Issues
Using batch entry, increase productivity and employee accountability for anyone entering purchase order transactions. With unique batch numbers,
more than one of your users can enter transactions at the same time, printing and updating independently, without affecting other batches.
Receipt Labels Print before Receipt of Goods Update
Now in 4.4, your warehouse personnel can print your Receipt Labels from Purchase Order Receipt of Goods, prior to updating the Receipt
of Goods Register. This allows your warehouse staff to cancel the Update and reprint the labels if they experience printing problems.
Enhanced Bar Code Features
Bar Code in 4.4 processes 15 types of Sage MAS 90 and 200 transactions for Sales Order, Inventory Management, Bill of Materials,
and more, streamlining warehouse processes by enabling your shipping and receiving staff to collect data rapidly and accurately.
Radio-frequency handhelds are supported, and now when you add important information to your items, sales orders, purchase
orders, or bills using user-dened elds (UDFs), it also ows through into your bar codes. For instance, if you add an
expiration date to serial or lot numbers, it prints and correctly scans during receipt of goods and sales order shipments.
Also, to simplify the resolution of import errors, a new Barcode Rejection Maintenance task provides clearly stated
reasons for the rejection, such as Invalid Item Codes or Insufcient Quantity Available.
Enhanced Bill of Materials Features
Get a more comprehensive and personalized view of information
using fewer keystrokes. The Bill of Materials Inquiry and Where
Used Inquiry programs have been enhanced in 4.4 to allow you
to see Single Level, Indented, or Summarized views in a list format,
with the ability to resize and sort. See the entire bill or its individual
components and their relationship at a glance. View Where Used
information, and see all components used in the current revision
or for all revisions by drilling directly into Item Maintenance or
Bill of Materials Maintenance. From within an inquiry screen, you
can see everything related to the billits subassemblies or its
componentswithout having to use more than one window,
saving time and streamlining the workow. Increase accuracy and
enhance your workow with the ability to print comments and
miscellaneous charges on your Picking Sheets.
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2010 Sage Software, Inc. All rights reserved. Sage, the Sage logos and the Sage product and service
names mentioned herein are registered trademarks or trademarks of Sage Software, Inc., or its afliated
entities. Business Objects and the Business Objects logo, BusinessObjects and Crystal Reports are
trademarks or registered trademarks of Business Objects in the United States and/or other countries.
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of Microsoft Corporation in the United States and/or other countries. All other trademarks are the property
of their respective owners. 09-19649/0110
Sage MAS 90 and 200 ERP I Whats New in Version 4.4
Now Throughout Most of Your System!
Weve incorporated powerful Business Framework features throughout most of your system to provide workow and business process enhancements in
Bar Code, Bill of Materials, Inventory Management, and Purchase Order. These customer-requested options already in General Ledger, Accounts Payable,
Accounts Receivable, Sales Order, Return Merchandise Authorization, and Bank Reconciliation, include:
Hyperlinks. Access related tasks with a single click to reduce access time
and cut down on errors.
Memos. Your memos follow the workow throughout the system to inform other
users of important information about orders, customers, or vendors. Documents
can also be attached to your memos to make sure theyre visible.
User and Date Timestamps. Retain valuable traceability information throughout
the system. Most date- and time-stamped actions are recorded and identied by
the user who performed them.
Reports and Forms. Popular benets of the business framework include exible
reporting and form generation, enables personalization, more efcient workows,
and simplied reporting. Narrow your selection to a specic date range and
specic data. Customize your reports using Crystal Reports

and Custom Ofce,

and save your report settings for future use. View on screen, print, use paperless
ofce to send by e-mail, and export the report data into Word or Excel.
Setup Wizards. Use intuitive Windows-standard wizards to set up and activate
new modules or functionality, including reports.
Fiscal Year and Period. The business framework allows each of your companies
to operate without having to close each accounting period or year. Instead, you
can obtain a snapshot of your companys nancial position at any time by running
reports for current, past, or future periods.
Flexible Security. Powerful security settings can be set according to each role
in your company, allowing you to determine what activities are allowed to be
performed down to the task level.
Business Object Interface. The Business Object Interface (BOI) enables
integration with other business applications. You can use the BOI with the
Customizer to automate tasks. The BOI also empowers third-party developers
to write add-on specialized programs for your Sage MAS 90 or 200 system.
Dual Grid Entry. Productivity is enhanced using dual grid
entry by personalizing the data entry screens to match your
workow and business needs.
Personalization. Tailor screens to individual users to
accommodate your specialized needs and speed data entry.
Resize screens, save settings, establish default printers,
remove unneeded tabs and elds, or establish user-specic
dashboards to monitor the pulse of your business.
Right-Click Menu. Locate and launch related tasks more quickly and
efciently. The Right-Click menu provides easy access to most common
actions that you make from the screens youre currently using.
Business Intelligence Data Access. Easily gain access to your data and
turn it into actionable knowledge. Business Insights Explorer offers ad-hoc
inquiry, drill-down, and drill-around capabilities using an intuitive interface with
drag and drop, sort, lter, calculations, and the ability to save personalized
private or group views, which can be quickly converted to a chart on-the-y.
Easily share what youve learned by e-mailing and exporting your views or
charts in a variety of formats.

Sage ERP MAS 90 and 200

Product Updates
ncluded in Version 4.40

Sage MAS 90 and 200 Product Update 2 Delivers Added Value!

The second Sage MAS 90 and 200 4.4 Product Update is available via a compact
download from Sage Online. Delivering additional features and functionality and product
enhancements as an additional on-plan customer benefit, Product Update 2 delivers value
across the system and in a range of modules including Bank Reconciliation, Accounts Payable,
and Paperless Office. Many of these enhancements are the result of incorporating the main
features and functionality of select Extended Solutions into the core product, and others are
totally new customer-requested features that solve pain points.

Also included in Product Update 2 is a new Pre-Installation Data Scan utility that will help
identify data issues prior to installation.

New features available to Sage ERP MAS 90 and 200 4.4 customers are:

Bank Reconciliation Automatically Reconcile Checks (similar to BR-1005)
Efficiently and automatically reconcile check information you download from your financial
institution. Use the new Auto Check Reconciliation Wizard to create the proper check setting
format for your financial institution per their specifications. Or, your Business Partner can
configure the setting in their office, export the file, and then import it into your system.

Bank Reconciliation Enforce Tighter Controls over Bank Reconciliation Adjusting Entries
Further refine and control who is allowed to enter modifications to the Current Balance in
Bank Reconciliation using a new option in Role Maintenance, Common Information. For banks
defined in Bank Code Maintenance, you can specify the users who are allowed to access and
make adjusting balance entries.

Bank Reconciliation Enter Checks, Deposits, and Adjustments On-the-Fly (New)
In Reconcile Bank, you have instant access to enter checks, deposits, and adjustments through
a quick link button to bring you directly into Check or Deposit and Adjustment Entry for that
bank without navigating all the way back to the main menu to open a data entry screen, or
exiting your Reconcile Bank screen.

Bank Reconciliation Conveniently Use Recalculate Outstanding Entries Totals Utility
To improve workflow, the Recalculate Outstanding Entries Totals Utility is available from the
Bank Reconciliation module, via the Utilities Menu. This utility allows you to recalculate the
totals of all outstanding check, deposit, and adjustment entries that have not been marked as

Bank Reconciliation - Positive Pay Export (similar to BR-1004)
Deter check fraud using the new Positive Pay features in the Bank Reconciliation module.
Positive Pay assists your financial institution to monitor against suspicious check activity
using a file you create and submit for comparison and verification. The Positive Pay file
contains key information, such as check numbers and dollar amounts, to identify only the
checks you have issued and authorized for payment. Components of the check must match
exactly, or the check will not be paid by the financial institution. Checks sent to the bank using
Positive Pay are identified with an Exported check box In Check, Deposit and Adjustment

July 2010
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Bank Reconciliation - Positive Pay Export Wizard (New)
Use the new Positive Pay Export Wizard to create the proper export file format specified by
your financial institution, for comparison of the file you send with the checks that are
presented for payment. To help you understand and translate formatting requirements, weve
included a reference document that outlines the most commonly used field formatting and
export details required by financial institutions. And, if your financial institution updates their
specified file format, you can also use the Positive Pay Export Wizard to make the necessary
changes without depending on a programmer to re-format it for you.

Bank Reconciliation - Expanded Comment Field (New)
In Check, Deposit and Adjustment Entry, the Comment field has been expanded to 2048
characters to allow you to add information to track why the adjustment was made.

Accounts Payable ACH Electronic Payments (similar to AP-1063)
Increase your efficiencies, improve your cash management, reduce operating costs and lessen
the risk of lost or stolen checks by paying vendors electronically using an ACH file created
from the Accounts Payable module. Enable ACH electronic payments, define how they will be
handled by your company, and the type of information that will be transmitted to your
financial institution.

You have the flexibility to select and set up one or more financial institution(s) for your
electronic payments, and for each one you select, define the format and layout of the ACH file.
The feature includes pre-note functionality, and flexibility in your electronic payment
distribution, including options to allocate amounts between one or more accounts.

ACH information on processed payments, historical information and vendors paid
electronically is available on AP Reports. They can include auto checks, manual checks, voided
checks, reversals, credit card transfers, electronic payments, wire transfer information in any

Paperless Office Accounts Payable Checks, Extended Stubs, and Electronic Payment
Remittance Advices (similar to AP-1095)
Save time, money, and the environment by utilizing Paperless Office to process, send and
retain electronic copies of Accounts Payable checks and extended stubs, and remittance
advices created for ACH Electronic Payments in PDF format. Add a unique message to include
when emailing or faxing electronic remittances. The PDFs you create are also available to e-
mail and fax, retrieve and archive. Easily access PDFs using the Vendor Viewer from Paperless
Office or the Checks panel in Vendor Maintenance Inquiry.

Product Update Pre-Installation Scan Feature (New)
Utilize the Product Update Pre-Installation Scan to identify data integrity issues during the
installation. Determine your datas health during the scan, and utilize Sage ERP MAS 90 and
200 Library Master Utilities for corrections as needed. The scan identifies suspect data and
the accompanying log provides the necessary steps to address issues prior to the product
update installation, streamlining the update process. Conveniently add this maintenance step
to your normal process whenever you install a new product update.

For more details on the new Pre-Installation Data Scan utility, please refer to the detailed scan
utility document posted on the Sage ERP MAS 90 and 200 download section of Sage Online.
July 2010
Page 2 of 2
Sage ERP MAS 90 and 200 4.4 Product Update 3 Delivers Added Value!

The third Sage ERP MAS 90 and 200 4.4 Product Update is now available via a
compact download from Sage Online. Product Update 3 delivers value to our customers with
new core features, and functionality enhancements, as an additional on-plan benefit. These
new customer-requested features streamline workflows and solve Bank Reconciliation pain
points. Also included in Product Update 3 is the Pre-Installation Data Scan utility introduced in
Product Update 2 that will help identify data issues prior to installation.

Sage ERP MAS 90 and 200 4.4 is now compatible with Microsoft Office 2010.

New features available to Sage ERP MAS 90 and 200 4.4 customers are:

Bank Reconciliation - Post to General Ledger (New)
Enhancements to Bank Reconciliation streamline the workflow for entering checks, deposits,
and adjustments such as bank fees and interest earned. Users can enter these adjustments
and post to the General Ledger directly from the Check, Deposit and Adjustment Entry screen,
and from the Reconcile Bank screen. Efficiently convert the Bank Reconciliation Report and
Bank Reconciliation Transaction Register to a PDF, file the reports or share them with others
using the Bank Reconciliation Paperless Office features.

Bank Reconciliation - Check, Deposit and Adjustment Entry and Reconcile Bank (New)
Easily select Bank Reconciliation transactions to flow to your General Ledger from the Check,
Deposit and Adjustment Entry screen using new columns Select for General Ledger Posting,
Distribution Account Number, and Comment for Checks. These will also be available fields
when entering checks, deposits and adjustments on the fly. Information you add into the
comment field will also flow through to the General Ledger when the transactions are posted.
And, when youre reconciling your bank statement, quickly access the Bank Recap Report and
Bank Reconciliation Transaction Register from the Reconcile Bank window.

Bank Reconciliation - Transaction Register (New)
This new task has been added to the Bank Reconciliation Main menu, as well as Check, Deposit
and Adjustment Entry and Reconcile Bank to provide the ability to post selected transactions
that are entered in Bank Reconciliation to the General Ledger module. To safeguard against
unintended entries, posting is only allowed for those transactions entered directly into the
Bank Reconciliation module.

Bank Reconciliation - Security Events for Bank Reconciliation (New)
In Role Maintenance, "Allow Updating of Registers from Preview" has been added for the Bank
Reconciliation Transaction Register as a standard security event. Additionally, "Allow Access
to the Select for G/L Posting Setting for Check Entries" and "Allow Access to the Select for G/L
Posting Setting for Deposit and Adjustment Entries" have also been added as options for the
Bank Reconciliation module.

Bank Reconciliation - Paperless Office Options for Bank Reconciliation (New)
Choose to print the Bank Reconciliation Report and Bank Reconciliation Transaction Register
by specific bank codes, or by all bank codes, and use the go-green flexible Paperless Office
features to e-mail and fax the PDFs. Convert, save, and retrieve the Bank Reconciliation
Report and Bank Reconciliation Transaction Register in PDF.

Compatibility with Microsoft Office 2010 (New)
Sage ERP MAS 90 and 200 4.4 is now compatible with Microsoft Office 2010.

Sage ERP MAS 90 and 200 4.40 Product Update 4

Product Update 4 ( focuses on year-end changes and program fixes.
New features and functionality are added in other product updates. For more
information, click the Whats New link for the specific update version.

2011 Sage Software, Inc. All rights reserved. Sage, the Sage logos, and the Sage product and service names mentioned herein are
registered trademarks or trademarks of Sage Software, Inc., or its affiliated entities.
Sage ERP MAS 90 and 200 4.4 Product Update 5 Delivers Added Value!

The fifth Sage ERP MAS 90 and 200 4.4 Product Update is now available via a compact
download from Sage Online. Product Update 5 delivers new core features and functionality
enhancements in Accounts Payable, Inventory Management, and Library Master as an additional on-
plan benefit. These customer-requested features add more flexibility, streamline workflows, save time
and minimize errors in your Sage ERP MAS 90 and 200 system. The 941 Form 2011 update is also
included in Product Update 5.

Multiple Company Aged Invoice Report (similar to AP-1101)
You now have the flexibility to choose to print your Accounts Payable Aged Invoice report in a multi-
company format, and combine vendor information across all the companies you select. This can be
particularly useful if you have several companies, or unique operating units established as individual
companies, in your Sage ERP MAS 90 or 200 system. Youll get a complete picture of your vendors
across all your operating units with this new multi-company report. Identify opportunities for
improving your bottom-line, by negotiating better volume discounts, or consolidating your orders to
save on shipping and delivery charges.

Accounts Payable Check Sorting Options (similar to AP-1077)
In Accounts Payable, you can print checks alphabetically by vendor name, or continue to sort your
checks by vendor number. This flexibility allows you to group and mail checks for vendors that have
the same name and mailing location, but different vendor numbers across multiple divisions.
Consolidating your checks by vendor name may decrease your postage costs.

Expense Distribution Tables (similar to AP-1043)
Streamline the entry of your standard invoices in Accounts Payable when you need to regularly
allocate them across multiple departments. The new Expense Distribution Table feature allows you to
pre-define your GL account distribution and their percentages, removing the extra steps of keying in
the amounts separately each time an invoice needs to be paid. Utilizing up to six alphanumeric
characters, assign meaningful codes for your tables. For example, set up a table named RENT for your
monthly rent payments by allocating a percent of the $5,000.00 invoice to each of your 6
departments, using their GL codes. When creating a Sage ERP MAS 90 and 200 invoice you may select
one of the tables for your default distribution.

Security in Item Inquiry (similar to IM-1111)
To keep your company confidential information secure, four new permission settings can be used to
restrict unauthorized access. These new security events allow you the flexibility to prevent your order
entry personnel from accessing your standard cost information while still allowing them access to
price and the quantity on hand. You can also restrict access to your vendor information, including
vendor number and name, and specifics on receipts. New Inventory Management Role Maintenance
settings are:
Allow Access to All Item Inquiry Tabs Including Main and Quantity
Allow Access to Costing, Receipts, and Vendor Information in Item Inquiry
Display Standard Cost Information in Item Inquiry
Display Vendor Information in Item Inquiry

2011 Sage Software, Inc. All rights reserved. Sage, the Sage logos, and the Sage product and service names mentioned herein are
registered trademarks or trademarks of Sage Software, Inc., or its affiliated entities.
Inactive Items (similar to IM-1244)
You now have the flexibility in Inventory Management to designate an item as Inactive so it can no
longer be purchased or sold, while maintaining its associated information. Inactive Items will allow
you to process returns using RMA or a credit memo in Sales Order, or maintain history for warranty
purposes. This designation can also be used for your seasonal or holiday items that are available
only during certain periods of time. The new inactive functionality can be useful for a new product
line that you dont want to be sold until a specific launch date. Your exciting new products can be in
your system ready to be activated, and safeguarded from unintended early sales.

Physical Count with Count Cards (similar to IM-1119)
To assist you with conducting a physical count of diverse inventory in a large warehouse, you can
now more easily enter your individual count card information. This new functionality will help
prevent you from counting the same inventory twice, and is useful when you have the same items
located in multiple locations across your warehouse. When you enter your individually numbered
count card information, it can be more accurately tracked, and missing cards can be easily
spotted. To speed the data entry process, multiple users can enter information thats been noted
on your cards. Once youve entered all your count card information, your quantities can be
totaled by item for each warehouse, and you can make any necessary adjustments before
finalizing your Physical Count reports.

Company-Specific Background Colors (similar to LM-1028)
When you establish multiple companies within Sage ERP MAS 90 and 200, you can choose to assign
an easily identifiable background for each of the different companies. Color-coding is particularly
helpful to ensure entries are made in the correct company. In Company Maintenance you can select
these background colors from the normal Windows color-picker pallet, ranging from the basic
colors to the definition of custom colors. RGB values can also be entered to produce a specific color.
To see how your color selection will display when combined with text, a sample text box window is
displayed using your background color.

941 Form 2011 Update
Sage ERP MAS 90 and 200 4.4 Quarterly 941 eFiling and printing has been updated for the changes to
the 2011 IRS 941 Form (Rev. January 2011). Included is a new entry field for Tax Due on Unreported
Tips, and the necessary calculation changes to the following form types: Entire Form, Pre-Printed, and
Worksheet. Please note that the IRS did not make changes to Schedule B. The 941 Form 2011 Update
is also available as a separate download.

2011 Sage Software, Inc. All rights reserved. Sage, the Sage logos, and the Sage product and service names mentioned herein are
registered trademarks or trademarks of Sage Software, Inc., or its affiliated entities.
Sage ERP MAS 90 and 200 4.4 Product Update 6 Delivers Added Value!

The sixth Sage ERP MAS 90 and 200 4.4 Product Update is now available via a compact
download from Sage Online. Product Update 6 delivers additional printing features from a variety of
modules, provided as an addition on-plan benefit. These customer-requested features add more
flexibility, streamline workflows, save time and minimize errors in your Sage ERP MAS 90 and 200

Save Printer by Workstation for Report Settings and Form Codes
When saving Form Code and Report Settings, Sage ERP MAS 90 and 200 4.4 retains the last printer
used by workstation ID. This can be particularly useful in multi-user and multi-location environments
where each user wants to print to their specific printer, or where specific printers are used for
different types of printing. This feature is available for forms and reports for most Sage ERP MAS 90
and 200 4.4 modules, including Accounts Payable, Accounts Receivable, Bank Reconciliation, Bill of
Materials, Bar Code, Credit Card Processing, General Ledger, Inventory Management, Purchase Order,
Return Merchandise Authorization, and Sales Order.

Sage ERP MAS 90 and 200
Whats New in Sage ERP MAS 90 and 200 4.5?
Compelling value. More flexibility. Inspired by You.
Sage ERP MAS 90 and 200 4.5 is packed with compelling value, new features and
functionality, and even more flexibility. The enhancements in this exciting release
are inspired by youour customersmainly in Accounts Receivable, Payroll,
Purchase Order, and Sales Order. Customers upgrading to 4.5 will receive a FREE
fully functional SageCRM 7.1 user and server license, and one Sage ERP MAS
Intelligence Report Manager License. Intelligence now includes new Reporting Tree
capabilities and enhanced report distribution. 4.5 is so flexible, you can choose to
remain on your current system, or move to Sage ERP MAS 200 SQL*, running on a
Microsoft SQL Server database. Also incorporated in 4.5 are the 37 enhancements
provided through downloadable Product Updates since Sage ERP MAS 90 and
200 4.4 shipped last year, in Accounts Payable, Accounts Receivable, Bank
Reconciliation, Inventory Management, Job Cost, Paperless Office, Payroll, Sales
Order, as well as additional system-wide features and functionality.
National Account Management
You asked Sage for a more streamlined way to manage your customers who have a
corporate or parent company, and subsidiaries or branches. So weve incorporated
a new type of customer in 4.5, a National Account. Using this designation, youll
be able to identify and bill the parent company for goods and services you sell and
provide to the branchwhile still keeping a unique customer account for each entity.
Options in Accounts Receivable let you associate existing accounts, and establish
the billing relationships you want for each. Then use Sales Order just as you normally
do to enter National Accounts orders, check credit and inventory, and ship and bill.
Efficiently provide goods and services to your customers, and correctly show whats
Billed To the parent company using its name and address, and then shipped to
the branch.
Stream||ne your branoh and oorporate
customer billing using National Account
Eff|o|ent|y hand|e |noreas|ng oomp|ex|t|es
of Payroll, Deductions, and Recalculations
Beat the oompet|t|on w|th f|ex|b|e Pr|o|ng
Reward your Sa|es teams w|th automat|o
Split Commissions
F|ex|b|y traok and b||| for work-|n-progress
using enhanced Job Cost processing
A||ooate speo|f|o produots by |ot and
Serial numbers
lmprove your oash f|ow w|th stream||ned
Purchase Orders created from Sales Orders
t|||ze powerfu| Oustomer Re|at|onsh|p
Management to improve your
communication and marketing results
Get rea|-t|me SageORM data feeds
anywhere you want to see them
Empower your staff w|th mean|ngfu|
information distributed automatically
from across your business
Estab||sh Report|ng Tree struotures
ranging from simple to sophisticated
*Additional fees may apply, and not all modules are available on Sage ERP MAS 200 SQL.
Efficiently Handle Payroll Complexities
Enhancements in Sage ERP MAS 90 and 200 version 4.5
will provide more assistance with handling the complexities
of your Payroll processing and deduction calculations. Weve
added five new methods of calculations for use with a variety
of speo|a||zed deduot|ons. New features w||| stream||ne
your Payroll data entry process so you can more easily
run recalculations, and do regular imports using standard
formats. Even use 4.5 to manage your benefit accruals
more efficiently when based on hours workedfor salaried,
union, and part-time employees. Set the conditions, and
4.5 will compare whatever minimums you establish. Accruals
will only occur if the conditions you set are achieved. Rest
easy using new Payroll features and functionality in Sage
ERP MAS 90 and 200 4.5 knowing that youre making
the appropriate deductions.
Sage ERP MAS 90 and 200 I Whats New in Version 4.5
Powerful Sales Order Enhancements
Beat the CompetitionEncourage Customer Loyalty with Unique Pricing
Motivate customers to buy your goods and services with flexible pricing enhancements in Sage ERP MAS 90 and 200 4.5. Reward the
loyalty of your preferred customers with favorable pricing through price code or ship-to codes. Beat the competition with the ability to
establish your pricing by total quantity, by item category, and for the totals purchased by product line. Encourage large purchases across
mu|t|p|e produot ||nes, or by oomb|n|ng speo|f|o |tems, oo|ors, or s|zes. 4.5 prov|des you w|th max|mum pr|o|ng f|ex|b|||ty-an un||m|ted
number of customers and item combinations are possible so you can be more responsive to marketplace changes and make more sales.
Reward Your Sales Team and Encourage Collaboration
t|||ze new oomm|ss|on f|ex|b|||ty |n 4.5 to eas||y estab||sh and
maintain default splits between multiple salespeople, and identify
the splits by customer. When your customers place an order,
your sp||ts w||| ooour automat|oa||y-m|n|m|z|ng the t|me you`re
spending today recalculating or overwriting commissions. If you
pay multitier commissions, 4.5 will easily use rate tables and
ensure your salespeople are paid correctly, even if you use many
different commission rates by combinations of salespeople,
customers, items, and effective dates.
Sage ERP MAS 90 and 200 I Whats New in Version 4.5
Also create Purchase Orders easily
when you enter a sales order, using
the Generate PO button. Your Purohase
Order will be created using the vendors
information for each line item, whether
its a regular, miscellaneous, or special
inventory item.
Improve Your Cash FlowStreamline Purchase Orders
To m|n|m|ze the t|me and effort p|ao|ng an order for a produot
you sell but dont normally stock, enhancements in 4.5 will
create Purchase Orders automatically from Sales Orders. When
your customer buys that item, an order will flow through to the
appropriate vendor without your staff having to reenter anything,
saving time and eliminating those secondary data entry mistakes.
Using the flexible selection criteria, youll be able to preset the
conditions you want to use so your business processes will flow
eff|o|ent|y, order|ng on|y when you make a sa|e. M|n|m|ze your
inventory and keep your customers happy.
Allocate by Lot and Serial Number
New functionality in Sales Order will allow you to select lot and serial numbers when youre creating a Sales Order.
This will allow you to reserve limited-quantity lots or serial numbers for your best customers, or match the product
youve previously shipped to a specific customer. For example, if you sell material of different types, colors, and
grains for home construction, you can reserve a specific large piece that your customer chooses for their remodeling
project, to be used at various stages. The lot and/or serial numbers will print on the sales orders and picking sheets
to have more reliable processing and communication.
Sage ERP MAS 90 and 200 I Whats New in Version 4.5
Enhanced Sales Order Integration with Job Cost
The enhanced interaction between Sales Order and Job
Cost in 4.5 will provide you with more flexibility in how you
process and track work-in-progress. Use the additional
options to efficiently post invoice costs to Job Estimates,
post drop ship costs, and automatically mark the job as
complete when you generate the invoice. Information will
automatically flow through your system to relieve inventory.
Depending on how you want to display a kit and its
components, choose various methods to update Sales
Kits, including by the Job Transaction Detail Report. New
fields in Customer Maintenance will allow you to establish
Default Cost Codes and Defaults Cost Types. Youll also
be able to more efficiently ship and bill work-in-progress
multiple times against the same invoice.
Improve Communications and
Drive Marketing Using Your Free
SageCRM License
SageCRM builds upon the Sage ERP MAS 90 and 200
4.5 systems core functionality by providing you with
the ability to communicate more effectively, collaborate
better internally, and compete in todays marketplace.
The new features in SageCRM 7.1 have been
designed with you in mind and include total campaign
management, Microsoft Exchange server integration,
an Interactive Dashboard, new report charts, and a
fully integrated eMarketing solution*.*
Sage eMarketing enables you to execute high-quality,
targeted, end-to-end eMarketing and drip marketing
oampa|gns qu|ok|y and eas||y. A s|mp|e, 3-step w|zard
helps you create new attention-grabbing eMarketing
campaigns with ease. Automatically track open, click,
and bounce rates so you can calculate accurate ROI
and deliver hot leads to your sales team.
For consistent execution, SageCRM 7.1 total
campaign management functionality comes with
campaign workflows, so you can map campaigns to
your business processes. They enable your marketing
team to execute multichannel marketing campaigns
and then reuse the ones with the best results.
SageCRM integration with Microsoft Exchange
delivers ease-of-administration as well as a seamless
experience. Your Sales, Marketing, and Management
teams will benefit from having access to their calendars,
tasks, and contact information in real time, across
your smartphone, laptop, or desktop PC for maximum
ease-of-use and productivity.
7.1 gives you the ability to link multiple data feeds on
a single screen with the Interactive Dashboard. Using
data widgets the freestyle interactive dashboard
g|ves you oomp|ete f|ex|b|||ty. W|dgets oan be res|zed
and repositioned anywhere on the screen so your data
feeds are presented the way you want to see them.
The new look and feel of the report charts provides
you with at-a-glance business insight. Report charts
and graphics are now more visually impactful, making
it easy for management to see comparisons, patterns,
and trends in their data.
Sage ERP MAS 90 and 200 I Whats New in Version 4.5
**A 60-day free trial of eMarketing is included, after that time additional fees apply.
Sage ERP MAS 90 and 200 I Whats New in Version 4.5
2011 Sage Software, Inc. All rights reserved. Sage, the Sage logos and the Sage product and service names
mentioned herein are registered trademarks or trademarks of Sage Software, Inc., or its afliated entities. Business
Objects and the Business Objects logo, BusinessObjects and Crystal Reports are trademarks or registered trademarks
of Business Objects in the United States and/or other countries. Microsoft SQL Server, Windows Vista and the
Windows Vista logo are trademarks or registered trademarks of Microsoft Corporation in the United States and/or
other countries. All other trademarks are the property of their respective owners. 11-73250-RRD 08/11
6561 Irvine Center Drive
Irvine, California 92618
Send Now
with Outlook profile
can be set up
for each unique
distribution method
per instruction
to use for your report
report in the Report
Manager to retain your
settings for each report
s3ELECTSend Now to
Instructions for the
current report
a scheduler command
Intelligence Reporting Trees and
Enhanced Report Distribution Capabilities
To stay oompet|t|ve, you need more than s|mp|e Genera| |edger
reporting. Sage ERP MAS Intelligence meets that need with
powerful financial reporting and analytics, empowering your
staff with meaningful and insightful information from across
your business. New features and functionalities for Sage ERP
MAS Intelligence in version 4.5 allows you to create and attach
Reporting Trees to Report Designer layouts, and distribute
meaningful information in the familiar face of Excel.
Intelligence automatically consolidates data from multiple
companies, divisions, and data sources for in-depth analysis.
At the click of a button, the new Reporting Trees allows you to
mode| a report|ng struoture and v|ew your organ|zat|on |n many
different ways. Easily add or change reporting units without
changing your financial dataaccommodating reporting
structures from simple to very sophisticated.
Improve your workflow and speed up your business processes using Sage ERP MAS Intelligence 4.5 to establish fully unattended,
convenient report distribution. In a variety of standard formats, send reports to a file, publish to an FTP site, and send via email.
Ohoose the reports you want to d|str|bute, who w||| reoe|ve them, and oustom|ze eaoh ema|| format us|ng your ex|st|ng MS Out|ook
profile and address book.

Sage ERP MAS 90 and 200

Detailed Version 4.50 Release Guide

2011 Sage Software, Inc. All rights reserved. - 1 -

Sage ERP MAS 90, 200, and 200 SQL

Version 4.5 Release Guide

October 2011

Sage ERP MAS 90, 200, and 200 SQL 4.5 Release Guide

October 2011

OVERVIEW ........................................................................................................................ 4
AVAILABILITY .................................................................................................................... 6
NEW FUNCTIONALITY IN ACCOUNTS RECEIVABLE ................................................................. 6
NATI ONAL ACCOUNT MANAGEMENT . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
ENHANCEMENTS TO PAYROLL ............................................................................................ 9
ADDI TI ONAL DEDUCTI ON CALCULATI ON METHODS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9
DEDUCTI ON RECALCULATI ON I N PAYROLL ENTRY . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11
DEDUCTI ON CALCULATI ON BASED ON EARNI NGS TYPE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12
PAYROLL DATA ENTRY I MPORTI NG . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13
ENHANCED BENEFI T ACCRUAL . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13
NEW FEATURES AND FUNCTIONALITY IN SALES ORDER ...................................................... 15
PRI CE LEVEL BY CUSTOMER AND PRODUCT LI NE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15
PRI CI NG FLEXI BI LI TY FOR TOTAL I TEM QUANTI TI ES . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16
ENHANCED SALES ORDER I NTEGRATI ON WI TH JOB COST . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17
DI STRI BUTE BY LOT AND SERI AL NUMBER . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20
MAI NTAI N SPLI T COMMI SSI ONS BY CUSTOMER . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20
COMMI SSI ON RATE TABLE BY SALESPERSON, CUSTOMER, I TEM . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21
USAGE AND COST OF OWNERSHI P RESEARCH ........................................................ 23
SAGE ERP MAS INTELLIGENCE FOR 4.5 ........................................................................... 23
REPORTI NG TREES . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23
REPORT DI STRI BUTI ON ENHANCEMENTS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26
CONVERSI ON UTI LI TY ASSI STANT . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28
BUSINESS PARTNER CERTIFICATION FOR 4.5 ..................................................................... 29
AVAILABLE MODULES FOR SAGE ERP MAS 200 SQL 4.5 ................................................ 31
PRICING FOR 4.5 ............................................................................................................. 32
Sage ERP MAS 90, 200, and 200 SQL 4.5 Release Guide

October 2011
CONNECTED SERVICES .................................................................................................... 34
BUSI NESS CREDI T MONI TORI NG SERVI CES . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34
CREDI T CARD PROCESSI NG POWERED BY SAGE PAYMENT SOLUTI ONS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34
FEDERAL AND STATE EFI LI NG AND REPORTI NG . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34
PAYROLL SERVI CES . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35
SALES TAX FOR SAGE, POWERED BY AVATAX . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35
INTEGRATED SAGE SOLUTIONS......................................................................................... 36
SAGE HRMS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36
SAGE ACTI VE PLANNER . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36
SAGE MAS FI XED ASSETS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36
SAGE SALESLOGI X . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36
THIRD PARTY CONSIDERATIONS ....................................................................................... 36
BUSI NESS ALERTS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36
CRYSTAL REPORTS XI . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36
RETIREMENTS AND SUSPENSIONS ..................................................................................... 37
ACT! LI NK . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37
EXTENDED ENTERPRI SE SUI TE TERMI NOLOGY WI LL NO LONGER BE USED . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37
FRX FI NANCI AL REPORTER . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37
REPORT MASTER . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38
EXTENDED SOLUTI ONS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38

Sage ERP MAS 90, 200, and 200 SQL 4.5 Release Guide

October 2011
The Sage ERP MAS 90 and 200 4.5 release focuses on providing compelling value to
existing customers, being more competitive in the marketplace, and providing a smooth
upgrade transition. Substantial value is provided to existing customers by addressing their
top enhancement requests, including the ability to add SageCRM licenses to Sage ERP
MAS 90, 200, and 200 SQL. To encourage adoption, all Sage ERP MAS 90 and 200
customers are eligible to receive a free SageCRM Server license and one free SageCRM
user license when upgrading to 4.5. The Business Framework will allow the flexibility to
provide current and new customers to choose ProvideX or Microsoft SQL Server. A
migration process is provided to assist Business Partners with upgrading Sage ERP MAS
200 for SQL 3.7x customers to Sage ERP MAS 200 SQL 4.5.
The main features and functionality enhancements in Sage ERP MAS 90 and 200 4.5 are in
Accounts Receivable, Payroll, Purchase Order, and Sales Order. These customer-
requested features and functionality were obtained through various feedback and evaluation
methods, including the Sage customer enhancement request website and user surveys.
Many of the new features that have been incorporated are similar to the main features and
functionality of 14 select Extended Solutions titles. Also, all 36 enhancements that have
been provided through the Product Updates for 4.4 are included in the 4.5 release.
Sage ERP MAS Intelligence has been enhanced in 4.5 to include Reporting Tree
capabilities and enhanced report distribution. With 4.5, Intelligence is also compatible with
the Sage ERP MAS 200 SQL product.
Current Sage ERP MAS 90 and 200 Extended Enterprise Suite customers are provided with
the equivalent 4.5 system on user-based pricing, and they have been merged into the core
product line with equivalent Sage ERP MAS 90 and 200 licenses and separate SageCRM
licenses. Both named and concurrent SageCRM licenses are available, although each
customer is required to choose one type of licensing. It is not possible to mix the two types
of licenses in one system. Customers on Business Care plans can stay current with the
SageCRM product release schedule.
Both new and existing customers will find immediate benefit to their business operations
from the tremendous enhancements in Sage ERP MAS 90 and 200 4.5. Sage will continue
to listen to our customers and partners and provide the functionality that is most important to
them. In 2012 in addition to customer-requested enhancements, Sage ERP MAS 90 and
200 Version 5.0 will focus on web-enabling the product to improve usability and allow
customers more mobile access and additional web-based integrations. We strongly
encourage customers running older versions of Sage ERP MAS 90 and 200 to plan to
upgrade to the most current release and begin taking advantage of all the benefits outlined
in this document.
Sage ERP MAS 90, 200, and 200 SQL 4.5 Release Guide

Page 5
October 2011

SAGE ERP MAS 90, 200, AND 200 SQL 4.5


Use National Account Management features and
functionality to streamline your branch and corporate
customer billing, and sales order processing while
keeping unique accounts
Efficiently handle increasing complexities of Payroll
processing with new methods of deduction
calculations, benefits accruals, and recalculations
Beat the competition with flexible pricing set by
combinations of totals, items, groups, and by
Allocate products by lot and serial numbers, reserve
limited-quantity products for loyal customers or to
match previous shipments
Improve cash flow with streamlined Purchase Orders
created from Sales Orders
Flexibly track and bill for work-in-progress using
enhanced Job Cost processing
Reward your Sales teams with automatic Split
Choose to migrate to Sage ERP MAS 200 SQL for more
efficiency, scalability and flexibility
Utilize one FREE SageCRM 7.1 user and server license
to communicate more effectively, collaborate better
internally, and compete in todays marketplace
Establish Reporting Tree structures in Sage ERP MAS
Intelligence, ranging from simple to sophisticated
hierarchies, and use the new distribution features to
automatically provide information to key team
Sage ERP MAS 90, 200, and 200 SQL 4.5 Release Guide

Page 6
October 2011

Sage ERP MAS 90, 200, and 200 SQL 4.5 Beta was held during the month of August. General
Availability and a new Early Adopter program for customers followed closely in early September
2011. The Auto-Delivery mailing and 4.5 download availability to Sage ERP MAS 90 and 200
Business Partners and the installed base customers are expected to begin the last week of October
New features in 4.5 enable the creation of National Accounts in Accounts Receivable. This type of
customer account provides the ability to establish relationships between the one National Account,
typically a parent company, with multiple customer accounts, such as branches and subsidiaries.
National Accounts enables invoicing of the larger company for goods and services provided to
multiple locations, each with their own unique customer accounts. For example, these new features
and functionality gives a distributor the ability to ship their goods to one customer, and invoice the
National Account, rather than bill the Sold To customer account.

The new National Accounts
features and functionality in
4.5 provides the ability to
establish relationships
between a parent company
and branches or
subsidiaries assigned a
unique account. Goods and
services can be provided to
the associated Ship To
account while automatically
invoicing the Bill To
National Account.
Sage ERP MAS 90, 200, and 200 SQL 4.5 Release Guide

Page 7
October 2011

From Customer
conveniently access
the Bill To/Sold To
information on your
accounts using the
More button

In Bill To/Sold To
Maintenance, see
all the relationships
and the settings
youve established
for this account - for
example, the Credit
Hold, Credit Limit,
and Default Address
are set to use the
Parent company
Sage ERP MAS 90, 200, and 200 SQL 4.5 Release Guide

Page 8
October 2011

In Bill To Customer
Maintenance, Link
the branch to the
Parent company,
view account
details, and confirm
or change settings
From the Default button,
conveniently set default
values to be used for the
Sold To accounts
Sage ERP MAS 90, 200, and 200 SQL 4.5 Release Guide

Page 9
October 2011

New key Payroll features and functionality were added in 4.5, to offer more flexibility, streamline the
data entry process, and provide more consistent and accurate calculations for deductions. The new
4.5 Payroll functionality includes five additional deduction calculation methods for processing payroll,
the ability to automatically perform deduction recalculations and set deductions based on earnings
type, provide enhanced Visual Integrator importing of common time management software formats
into Payroll Data Entry, and the ability to establish a minimum number of hours worked for benefit
Five new calculation methods are available for Payroll deductions in 4.5 Based on Paid Hours,
Based on Pay Rate, Based on Regular plus Overtime hours, Percentage of Total Hours and
Percentage of Deduction Method. These additional calculation methods are often used for union
deductions and dues.
1) Based on Paid Hours will provide a calculation for the total hours worked multiplied by
the pay rate multiplier you choose.
2) Based on Pay Rate will calculate the selected pay rate multiplied by the number that is
3) Based on Regular plus Overtime Hours will automatically provide a calculation based
on the sum of regular and overtime hours multiplied by the pay rate.
4) Percentage of Total Hours will be calculated based on the total hours worked,
regardless of regular or overtime, multiplied by the percentage you establish.
When entering an
invoice, the National
Account informational
automatically populates
the necessary fields
youve previously
Sage ERP MAS 90, 200, and 200 SQL 4.5 Release Guide

Page 10
October 2011

5) Percentage of Deduction Method will be calculated during tax calculation such as
Percentage of Net Wages and is only available for Employer Contributions.

Five new Payroll options are available in Sage ERP MAS 90 and 200 4.5 to offer more flexibility, streamline
the data entry process, and provide more consistent and accurate calculations for deductions.

Additional Payroll deduction
calculation methods are
available in 4.5.
If Percentage of Deduction
method is selected, an
additional field is displayed to
allow the selected code to be
Sage ERP MAS 90, 200, and 200 SQL 4.5 Release Guide

Page 11
October 2011

In Payroll Data Entry, workflow has been improved to automate the deductions based on changes in
the earnings line. You are able to automatically recalculate the deduction while still in data entry,
instead of deleting the information and then reentering. This will save valuable data entry time when
running employee payroll, particularly with the various payroll complexities that businesses face

If Based on Pay Rate is
selected, an additional drop
down box is displayed to allow
the selected rate to be chosen.
Sage ERP MAS 90, 200, and 200 SQL 4.5 Release Guide

Page 12
October 2011

This new Payroll feature allows you to use payroll deduction codes according to a specified earnings
type in order to calculate based on Percent of Gross or Total Hours Worked. This allows an
employer to calculate benefits such as a Pension Plan and 401K contributions based only on
regular, sick and vacation earnings.

A new Earnings button is
available in 4.5 to allow the
selection of specific types to be
used for calculations.
Sage ERP MAS 90, 200, and 200 SQL 4.5 Release Guide

Page 13
October 2011

Visual Integrator is enhanced in 4.5 to support importing a few of the more common labor
management and time tracking systems into Payroll Data Entry. This enhancement will be
particularly helpful when performing multiple data imports for regular, vacation, and sick time. File
layouts and sample imports are included for the five most popular data import formats: Fixed Field,
ADP, TimeBank/Kronos and TimeTrack.
Sample imports are included for:
o Format 2 Fixed Field Format
o Format 3 ADP Format
o Format 8 TimeBank or Kronos Connect Format with department number +
employee number imported
o Format 8 TimeBank or Kronos Connect Format with only employee number
o Format M Fixed Field Format for Timetrack v8.0

New features and functionality have been added to benefit accrual processing in 4.5 that provides
the ability to manage accruals based on hours worked, which can be used to support salaried
employees, union employees, and part time employees. This new functionality uses the code
assigned to an employee, compares the Minimum Hours Required for Benefit Accrual with the hours
worked. If the conditions set are not achieved, then the accruals will not occur.
Sage ERP MAS 90, 200, and 200 SQL 4.5 Release Guide

Page 14
October 2011

New 4.5 functionality will automatically create a Purchase Order from a Sales Order, allowing
customers to save time and reduce data entry errors. Information will flow through to a Purchase
Order without having to reenter the information, removing secondary data entry mistakes. For
companies who operate on a business model where they dont place an order from their suppliers
for particular items until they make a sale, this will be a big time savings. They will be able to preset
the conditions they want to use for the creation of Purchase Orders directly from the Sales Orders
process to flow efficiently by entering the selection criteria.

Sage ERP MAS 90, 200, and 200 SQL 4.5 Release Guide

Page 15
October 2011

The Sales Order module is enhanced in 4.5 with features and functionality in six main areas. Pricing
is available to be set by product line, by customer, and for total item quantities. At Sales Order entry,
distribution can be set by lot and serial number. Commission splits can be established by customer,
and by using a rate table to match salesperson, customer and item. Additional functionality is also
added for Sales Order integration with Job Cost.
This 4.5 enhancement allows a company to set default price levels for each of their customers
by product line. This allows them to make it easier to incent or reward their customers with
special discount pricing at the product line level, providing greater buying power for customers
who purchase a large quantity of many items across a product portfolio, and not just for a large
quantity of a specific product. Because discounts can be pre-set for each customer by price
code or by ship-to code, order entry staff will not be burdened with having to remember, or refer
to additional documentation, to determine the correct pricing discounts for customers.
Especially helpful for companies with a large inventory and wide variety of items, combined with
hundreds of customers, this flexibility will reward those customers and enable the company to
more effectively challenge competitive pricing pressures.

Preset the conditions you
want to use for the creation of
Purchase Orders directly
from Sales Orders, and
information will efficiently flow
through without having to
reenter into Purchase Order.
Sage ERP MAS 90, 200, and 200 SQL 4.5 Release Guide

Page 16
October 2011

Pricing flexibility was enhanced in 4.5 to include the ability to establish unit pricing based on the
grouping of items and how item totals are calculated. Totals and associated pricing are able to
be specified by the total of products in a product line, or the total for specific groups of products
in a product category, or by the total sum quantity on the order. This flexibility is especially
useful for manufacturers and distributors of products who offer many different colors and sizes
of the same items.
For example, a company with multiple retail store outlets wants to run a special on widgets and
widget accessories. They stock the widgets in four different sizes and 10 colors. Accessories
fall into six different product groups and number in the hundreds. In 4.5, they will be able to
discount the entire widget Product Line by 10%, select two of the accessory Item Categories for
a 20% discount, and choose to discount the Total Order by an additional 5% if the total items
ordered reach three or more.
A new feature in 4.5 allows you
to enable and establish default
price levels for specific
customers. An unlimited
number of customers and item
combinations are possible.
Sage ERP MAS 90, 200, and 200 SQL 4.5 Release Guide

Page 17
October 2011

Enhancements in the interaction between Sales Order and Job Cost will provide customers more
flexibility in how they process and track work-in-progress. Additional Sales Order options will
efficiently post invoice costs to Job Estimates, post drop ship costs using Job Cost, and
automatically mark the job as complete when the invoice is generated. Information will automatically
flow through the system to relieve inventory. Sales Kits can be updated using various methods,
depending on how the customer wants to display a kit and its components, such as on the Job
Transaction Detail Report. New fields in Customer Maintenance allow customers to establish Default
Cost Codes and Defaults Cost Types. For easier reference, a new field displays the job number and
the description of the job on the Accounts Receivable Invoice History Inquiry screen. These new
options will allow customers to more efficiently enter multiple invoices for the same job, shipping
work-in-progress multiple times against the same invoice.

An additional set of features are
available in 4.5 to enable more
flexible pricing: by Total
Quantity, by Item Category, and
for quantity by Product Line.
Sage ERP MAS 90, 200, and 200 SQL 4.5 Release Guide

Page 18
October 2011

New Job Cost tab with
associated options will
provide more flexibility in
how work-in-progress is
processed and tracked.
Sage ERP MAS 90, 200, and 200 SQL 4.5 Release Guide

Page 19
October 2011

For easier reference, the
Job Number with its
description will display on
the Accounts Receivable
Invoice History screen.
In Customer
Maintenance, use
new fields to
establish Default
Cost Code and
Default Cost Type.
Sage ERP MAS 90, 200, and 200 SQL 4.5 Release Guide

Page 20
October 2011

New functionally in Sales Order allows a company to select specific lot and serial numbers in order
entry when creating a Sales Order. In addition to using lot and serial numbers to be tracked for
potential recall of their products, this enhancement allows companies to reserve limited-quantity lots
or serial numbers for their best customers, as well as to match the product previously shipped to a
customer. If, for example, a granite supplier sells different types, colors and grains to be used in
home construction, and allows their customers to choose a specific large piece to be used for a
remodeling project, that item can be reserved for that specific customer. The selected lot and/or
serial numbers can be printed on the sales orders and picking sheets for more reliable processing
and communication.

This 4.5 enhancement allows businesses to establish and maintain default Split Commissions
between multiple salespeople by customer. So if you have an inside and outside sales
representative, you will be able to set commissions so that each salesperson will receive the
established share of the commission for that sale. After the default split commissions has been set
up for a customer, this commission split will default automatically, rather than having to enter this
Enable the new Lot and Serial
Number Distribution option during
Sales Order Entry. This
enhancement allows companies to
reserve specific lots and/or serial
numbers for particular customers.
These new features and functionality
also allow for more specific tracking,
and for potential product recalls.
Sage ERP MAS 90, 200, and 200 SQL 4.5 Release Guide

Page 21
October 2011

information each time a Sales Order or single-step invoice is created for that customer. The new
default split commission customer settings provides the same functionality that exists today, for a
primary salesperson plus up to four additional salespeople.

This Sales Order enhancement will allow the user to setup salesperson commission rates by
combinations of salesperson, customer, item and effective date using a new maintenance program.
For companies with different pricing tiers for specific customers, a large number of items, and with
multi-tier commissions, these new commission rate tables will provide an established and automatic
method for ensuring their salespeople are paid correctly. Commission rates in the new maintenance
program will be used for calculating line item commissions for inventory items on the sales order
invoice, and will override any commission rates setup for items in Item Maintenance, or the
commission rate entered for the invoice.
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When Commission Type is Percent, the
commission rate will display.
When Commission Type is Amount, the
commission amount will display.
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October 2011

New features and functionality in 4.5 will assist us in driving the direction of the product to reduce the
customers total cost of ownership (TCO). The Product Enhancement Program gathers important
system and use information such as the platform and operating system information, usage of the
system and most frequently used tasks. This information provides a framework for future usability
and cost of ownership improvements. The information gathered will not include any confidential or
company specific data. No user action is required and periodic uploads of data to Sage are
seamless to the user. During installation the wizard alerts the administrator to the presence of the
tool and affords an opt-out opportunity.

Included in the 4.5 release are more than 35 enhancements that have been added to the product
since the introduction of 4.4. The additional features and functionality span across Accounts
Receivable, Accounts Payable, Bank Reconciliation, Credit Card Security, Inventory Management,
Job Cost, Library Master, Paperless Office, Payroll, Pre-Scan Utility, Purchase Order, and Sales
Order. For more details, please see the Whats New in Product Update 1, 2, 3, and 5 documents
posted on the Partner Marketing Resource Center (PMRC). Product Update 4 was limited to year
end updates and did not contain new features and functionality.

New features and functionalities included in Sage ERP MAS Intelligence for 4.5 include the ability to
attach Reporting Trees to Report Designer layouts. The new trees will expand the options that
companies can use for different reporting structures. A new 90 day trial period is included for Report
Designer so customers can experience the benefits of expanded importing and exporting
capabilities, and creating scheduler commands. Also included in 4.5 is more flexibility on how
reports or any Excel workbooks are distributed, to include distribution via email, publishing to a
public server, and FTP publishing.
The new Sage ERP MAS Intelligence 4.5 Reporting Tree structure allows the customer to generate
reports that automatically follow their internal company structure, with the flexibility to accommodate
anything from a simple to a very sophisticated hierarchy. Using Reporting Units, reports are able to
be set up to represent the companys hierarchies, and then easily generated at a Detailed or
Summary level. These Reporting Units can be departments by GL accounts, or higher level groups
in the company, established by building as many parent and child relationships as is necessary.
Sage ERP MAS Intelligence will provide the ability to set up hundreds of Tree Units for those
companies who have very complex corporate hierarchies, as well as meeting the needs of flatter
and more simple organizations who will require much fewer tree units. Once established, as
business needs change, the Reporting Trees will be able to be easily added to, changed, renamed,
and copied, without requiring a change to financial data.
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October 2011

The example below shows Worldwide Enterprises (the Summary Reporting Unit), a company with
locations in New York and Chicago, Sales and Services in each location, and their departments
(detailed units).

The Manage Reporting Trees screen will allow users to easily build, modify, add, rename and
duplicate existing trees.

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The Worldwide ABC example below shows the parent child relationship of the companys US

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Sage ERP MAS Intelligence 4.5 includes increased flexibility to distribute Intelligence Reports and
Excel workbooks, including sending reports to a file, publishing to an FTP site, or send via email in a
variety of standard formats. Customers can choose the reports they want to distribute, how they
want to send them, and the recipients. Report Distribution in 4.5 improves workflow and speeds up
business processes by automating report delivery and distribution.
4.5 Intelligence features includes the ability to establish unique settings for each email format,
choosing from PDF, HTML and XLSX, and to create custom criteria for report distribution.
Customers can send a report to different destinations, establish a regular distribution to managers
and executives, or use an existing outlook profile and address book. Flexible options include the
ability to add pertinent information to the report when its distributed via the chosen electronic
method, including the powerful ability to include a specific cell into the body of the email.

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October 2011

Using the File Publish tab, a customer will be able to easily distribute reports to locations within their
companys network in PDF, HTML and XLSX.

Using the FTP tab, a customer will be able to easily distribute reports to FTP locations in PDF,

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October 2011

4.5 Intelligence provides the ability to establish convenient, fully unattended report distribution. Once
the required Distribution Instructions are setup and linked to worksheets within a report, users will be
able to flag the linked distribution instructions to be automatically sent whenever the report is run by
a Scheduler Command within Report Manager.

With Microsofts permission, Sage is developing a utility that will decrypt proprietary FRx files. The
Conversion Utility Assistant will allow consultants or users familiar with FRx to recreate similar
reports in Intelligence more quickly, and reduce the effort in migrating FRx reports over to

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October 2011

The certification for 4.5 includes classes to provide all necessary information so that Sage Business
Partners can provide customers with flexibility in their choice of Sage ERP MAS 90, 200 or 200 SQL.
Certification for 4.5 has also been simplified we will no longer require separate certification for
Sage ERP MAS 90 and 200, Sage ERP MAS 200 SQL, and Extended Enterprise Suite. Version 4.5
certification includes all the new features and functionality in 4.5, installing SageCRM, configuring
the SageCRM and MAS integration, understanding the integration points, and effectively using the
features. The sessions also include installing and implementing Sage ERP MAS 200 SQL 4.5, and
upgrading 3.x SQL customers to 4.5.
For more details on Certification and re-certification, please refer to the Sage Partner University
product certifications section, or the Sage ERP MAS 90 and 200 4.5 Business Partner Frequently
Asked Questions document.
4.5 is compatible with SageCRM 7.1, and Sage ERP MAS 90, 200, and 200 SQL on-plan customers
are eligible to receive a free SageCRM Server license and free single-user license, including Small
Business Edition when upgrading to 4.5. Current Sage ERP MAS 90 and 200 Extended Enterprise
Suite customers are also eligible to receive a free SageCRM user license which will be added to
their existing user count when upgrading to 4.5. SageCRM v7.1 delivers the tools companies need
to communicate more effectively, collaborate better internally and compete in todays marketplace.
SQL Express will be allowed to be used to try the free SageCRM user license, but is not compatible
or supported with SageCRM when customers are running live data. Both named and concurrent
SageCRM licenses will be available in 4.5. For more information on pricing and licensing please
refer to the pricing section of this document, or the Sage ERP MAS 90, 200, and 200 SQL Price List.
The new eMarketing module for SageCRM delivers all the power of e-marketing software directly
through SageCRM for end-to-end e-marketing campaign management. It enables users to execute
high-quality, targeted email marketing and create drip marketing campaigns quickly and easily,
automatically delivering email communications to the right people at the right time for maximum
impact. Open, click and bounce rates will be automatically tracked, enabling marketers to calculate
accurate ROI and deliver hot leads to the sales team. Users will benefit from a simple 3-step wizard
to create new e-marketing campaigns with ease and a choice of over 90 templates to get started
immediately. Follow-up call lists can then be based on e-marketing responses, closing the loop
between email and telesales.
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SageCRM v7.1 total campaign management functionality comes with full campaign workflow so
organizations can map campaigns to their business processes for consistent execution. It enables
marketing users to execute multi-channel marketing campaigns and then clone those campaigns
that have worked the best for easy re-use. This drives marketing-wide collaboration by enabling
marketing users to share best practice within teams and re-create campaigns quickly and easily.
SageCRM v7.1 delivers a seamless calendar management experience thanks to real-time
synchronization between SageCRM and Microsoft Exchange, enabling users to access up-to-date
appointments, tasks and contacts within SageCRM on their smartphone, laptop or desktop PC for
maximum ease-of use and productivity.
SageCRM integration with Microsoft Exchange delivers ease-of-administration as well as a
seamless integration experience. Exchange Server integration can be created and synchronization
occurs rapidly. System administrators benefit from a single point of entry from where they can
manage existing Exchange users and add new users. 7.1 is compatible with version 2007 and 2010
of Exchange.
Users are able to create graphical report charts quickly and easily with SageCRM v7.1. Providing at-
a-glance business insight, report charts and graphics are now more visually impactful, making it
easy for management and users to see comparisons, patterns, and trends in their data.
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Current Sage ERP MAS 90 and 200 Extended Enterprise Suite customers will need to upgrade to
SageCRM 7.0 before installing 7.1. SageCRM 7.0 is available for download from the Extended
Enterprise Suite section on SSO, for those customers when upgrading to 4.5.

When Sage ERP MAS 200 SQL 4.45 was introduced in November 2010, it was available for new
license sales only. As previously stated, with the 4.5 release current customers are able to choose to
migrate to SQL. However, because not all Sage ERP MAS 90 and 200 modules are available for
SQL, customers should work with their Business Partners to carefully evaluate their business needs
before migrating to SQL and inactivating those modules. A process for migration will be provided to
assist Business Partners in upgrading Sage ERP MAS 200 for SQL 3.7x customers to Sage ERP
MAS 200 SQL 4.5. New for Sage ERP MAS 200 SQL 4.5 is the ability to add SageCRM, Sage ERP
MAS Intelligence, and FAS Asset Accounting.
Sage SQL Runtime Edition licenses, Microsoft SQL Server 2008 R2 Standard Edition licenses,
continue to be available from Sage in two licensing models per user or per processor. Licenses
are limited for use with Sage ERP and integrated third party or development partner solutions. Per
user licensing is sold as client server access licenses (CAL) with a minimum purchase of 5 users.
Per processor licenses may be more cost effective for customers with 20 or more users.

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Modules and Sage solutions that will be available for Sage ERP MAS 200 SQL 4.5 are:
Accounts Payable
Accounts Receivable
Bank Reconciliation
Bar Code
Bill of Materials
Business Insights Dashboard
Business Insights Explorer
CompuPay Service
Credit Card Processing
Crystal Reports Designer
Custom Office
eBusiness Web Services
Federal and State eFiling and Reporting
General Ledger
Inventory Management
Paperless Office
Purchase Order
Return Merchandise Authorization
Sage ERP MAS Intelligence
Sage FAS Asset Accounting
Sage HRMS Payroll & HR
Sales Order
Sales Tax powered by AvaTax
Visual Integrator

New license sales of Sage ERP MAS 90, 200 or 200 SQL 4.5 includes the option of either
traditional a-la-carte pricing or the user-based pricing model. User-based pricing is very similar
to the Extended Enterprise Suite model, requires a minimum purchase of 5-users, and includes
similar Sage ERP MAS modules. (See module list below.) One difference between the
Extended Enterprise Suite pricing model and the new 4.5 user-based pricing is that Fixed
Assets and SageCRM user licenses will be sold separately. The traditional a-la-carte pricing
has not changed from what is currently available today. Once a pricing model is selected,
customers will remain on that pricing model no migrations will be allowed to a different pricing
model. Existing Sage ERP MAS 90 and 200 customers (non-Extended Enterprise Suite) who
are current on a Business Care Plan will remain on traditional a-la-carte pricing. As of
December 1, 2011, the Sage ERP MAS 200 SQL 4.5 product will be priced at a premium of
$350 per user over the Sage ERP MAS 200 SQL 4.45 pricing, and M&S will be charged at the
new list price. Any current 4.45 customers will be merged into the 4.5 traditional a-la-carte
pricing model without incurring any fees. No product price changes have been made to the
Sage ERP MAS 90 Small Business Edition and the Sage SQL Server Runtime edition of
Microsoft SQL Server licenses.
Current Sage ERP MAS 90 and 200 Extended Enterprise Suite customers will remain as user-
based pricing. They will be merged into the standard product when upgrading to 4.5 without
incurring fees, with the same modules and number of users. As described in the SageCRM
section earlier in this document, because all customers will receive one free SageCRM user
Sage ERP MAS 90, 200, and 200 SQL 4.5 Release Guide
OCTOBER 2011 - 33 -

with 4.5, current Extended Enterprise Suite customers are also eligible to receive an
incremental SageCRM user license when they upgrade to 4.5, which will be added to their
account at no additional cost.
SageCRM offers two types of user licenses Named and Concurrent. Both Named and
Concurrent SageCRM user licenses will be available to be added to new and current Sage ERP
MAS 90, 200 and 200 SQL systems. All customers on a current Business Care Plan upgrading
to 4.5 are eligible to receive one free SageCRM server license, and one free SageCRM user
license. On each system, SageCRM user licenses must be of the same type, so when adding
licenses it is not possible to mix Named and Concurrent.
Platform migration pricing will be greatly simplified with the 4.5 release. Customers who want to
move up from their current platform, such as from Sage ERP MAS 90 to Sage ERP MAS 200,
or from Sage ERP MAS 200 to Sage ERP MAS 200 SQL will simply pay the price difference
between their current platform and their new platform, with their Sage Business Care calculated
based on their new platform.
User-Based Pricing will include the following modules:
o Accounts Payable
o Accounts Receivable
o Bank Reconciliation
o Bill of Materials
o Business Insights Dashboard, BI Explorer, BI Reporter
o Credit Card Processing by Sage Payment Solutions
o Crystal Reports Designer
o Custom Office
o Federal and State eFiling and Reporting
o General Ledger
o Inventory Management
o Library Master
o Paperless Office
o Purchase Order
o Return Merchandise Authorization
o Sage ERP MAS Intelligence single user Report Manager
o Sales Order
o Visual Integrator

For more detailed information on 4.5 pricing see the Sage ERP MAS 90, 200, and 200 SQL
Price List or refer to the Sage ERP MAS 90 and 200 4.5 Business Partner Frequently Asked
Questions document.

As a reminder, any new Sage ERP MAS 90 Small Business Edition sale will require a Silver
plan subscription the first year. Prior to the 4.5 release, changes to the overall Business Care
Plans changed the initial requirement from a six month Silver Plan to a one year Silver plan. The
six-month plan option is no longer available.

Sage ERP MAS 90, 200, and 200 SQL 4.5 Release Guide
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The following connected services offer Sage ERP MAS 90, 200, and 200 SQL 4.5 customers
accessibility to current and accurate calculations, and visibility into critical data from almost
anywhere and anytime.
Experian provides business credit reports and monitoring services to Sage ERP MAS 90 or 200
customers. They can purchase easy-to-read Experian business credit reports, and sign up for
Business Credit Monitoring and Alerts, which provides updates about the credit status of their
key business relationships. Access is through their Web browser, so they dont have to worry
about hardware or software requirements. Critical credit data is securely delivered through their
email address. This service allows the monitoring of issues that indicate when a business may
be headed for trouble, such as:
Indications of a key suppliers plans to go out of business
Alerts when a key account gets behind on payments
Opportunity to review their own credit report for errors that can negatively affect their
cash flow position
Additional information can be found at Experian Smart Business Reports for Sage ERP MAS.
Credit Card Processing powered by Sage Payment Solutions will continue to be compatible with
Sage ERP MAS 90 and 200 4.5 to provide a complete credit card processing solution. For new
sales, this module will be distributed on the Sage ERP MAS 90 and 200 product DVDs; no
special program download will be required. For upgrading customers, the credit card processing
module will be included with the Sage ERP MAS 90 and 200 product download.

A complete payment processing solution, the Credit Card Processing powered by Sage
Payment Solutions module gives Sage ERP MAS 90 and 200 customers the benefits of
comprehensive business management coupled with the benefits of credit card processingall
from Sage. Whats more, having all payment processing in-house with Sage Payment Solutions
enables Sage to pass savings onto customers, resulting in a lower total cost of ownership.

Credit Card Processing powered by Sage Payment Solutions provides a complete credit card
processing solution for mail order, telephone order, and Internet businesses, including corporate
and government purchasing cards. Data can be entered through the Sales Order and Accounts
Receivable modules and .store and .order e-Business Manager applets. Transactional
information, such as authorization codes, is captured and stored for historical and reconciliation
Sage ERP MAS 90 and 200 Federal and State eFiling and Reporting will continue to be
included in 4.5 to streamline tax reporting. With Sage ERP MAS 90 and 200 Federal and State
eFiling and Reporting, customers can print and mail virtually all federal and state forms.
Customers are able to automatically eFile W2s and 1099s to the appropriate state and federal
agencies, print and mail the forms to their employees, or they can choose to use the fee-based
eFiling service. W-2s and other Payroll forms are not available for Sage ERP MAS 200 SQL.
Sage ERP MAS 90, 200, and 200 SQL 4.5 Release Guide
OCTOBER 2011 - 35 -

CompuPay will continue to provide payroll services for Sage ERP MAS 90, 200, and 200 SQL
4.5 customers, ranging from small start-up businesses to national corporations with several
thousand employees.

Sales Tax for Sage, Powered by AvaTax, makes paying sales tax simple for any business.
This hosted, Web-based solution automatically performs address validation, sales tax
jurisdiction research, and rate calculationall on the fly within your accounting application,
with no change to your existing workflow.
Sage ERP MAS 90, 200, and 200 SQL 4.5 Release Guide
OCTOBER 2011 - 36 -

Sage will continue to provide solutions across the entire enterprise for Sage ERP MAS 90 and
200 customers, including:
4.5 will remain compliant with the most recent release of Sage HR, version 10.1, with no new
integration points. For additional details, please contact your authorized Sage HRMS Business
Sage Active Planner is now available for Sage ERP MAS 90 and 200 4.5 and 4.4, and will
provide customers with the ability to transform a budgeting nightmare into a collaborative
budgeting and planning process. Empowering the financial staff with more control, shorter
planning cycles and time to focus on continuous performance improvement will help the
company realize its strategic goals.

Sage ERP MAS 90 and 200 4.5 release will use Sage ERP MAS Fixed Assets 2011.1. The
Fixed Asset module is not compatible with Sage ERP MAS 200 SQL 4.5 - to address Fixed
Asset Accounting needs, FAS 500 is available. Sage FAS 500 includes a link to Sage ERP MAS
200 General Ledger.

Sage ERP MAS 90 and 200 4.5 will use DynaLink 7.1 for integration to Sage SalesLogix
versions 7.5.3. This option is not available for Sage ERP MAS 200 SQL 4.5.

Business Alerts 5.1 will be compatible with 4.5, to utilize email for notification to individuals or a
group of individuals whenever something significant happens in your Sage ERP MAS 90 and
200 system. Business Alerts can be used to automatically communicate shipment information to
customers, keep staff informed of specific events, and track important business functions.
Crystal Reports provides access to your data and allows you to format it and deliver it as
meaningful information inside and outside your organization. Crystal Reports XI will be used
with 4.5.

Sage ERP MAS 90, 200, and 200 SQL 4.5 Release Guide
OCTOBER 2011 - 37 -

To help you plan customer upgrades, we want to give you advance notice that with the 4.5
release, several retirements are planned.
The integration from ACT! to Sage ERP MAS 90 and 200 is retired as of the 4.5 release. It was
previous suspended with our 4.4 release. At this time, Sage will continue to focus future
development efforts on SageCRM for integrated Sage ERP MAS 90 and 200 and CRM
With the release of 4.5 and the merge of the standard and Sage ERP MAS 90 and 200
Extended Enterprise Suite products, the term Extended Enterprise Suite will no longer be used
to market the benefits of using SageCRM with Sage ERP MAS 90 and 200, for the user-based
pricing model, or the simplified installation process. Those benefits will be available for all three
versions of Sage ERP MAS 90, 200 and 200 SQL 4.5.
Prior to the 4.5 release, Microsoft announced the retirement of FRx so Sage started the
process of evaluating alternative solutions. Sage ERP MAS Intelligence was identified as the
ideal candidate to take customers from simple financial reporting to reporting and analyzing
their entire ERP solution. In the fall of 2010, Intelligence launched to Sage ERP MAS
customers. On January 31, 2011, Sage officially retired FRx. To help migrate customers over to
Intelligence, current FRx users were giving the equivalent Intelligence license(s) and/or
module(s). Over the coming year, Sage will work with customers and business partners to make
sure customers are using the ideal financial reporting solution for their business. With
Microsofts permission, Sage is developing a utility that will decrypt proprietary FRx files. The
conversion utility will allow consultants or users familiar with FRx to recreate similar reports in
Intelligence more quickly, and reduce the effort in migrating FRx reports over to Intelligence.
We expect v4.5 to continue to be backwards compatible with existing FRx installations and
reporting functionality.
Prior to the 4.5 release, and as of April 1, 2011, our relationship with VTechnologies changed,
and StarShip Parcel and StarShip Freight are no longer available from Sage. We are expecting
to introduce a new shipping solution this year. Please check this section for updated information
in the future.
The 4.5 release is the last version that will be compatible with Credit Card Processing powered
by PC Charge. We will support the solution until December 31, 2012. Credit Card Processing
powered by Sage Payment Solutions will continue to be compatible with Sage ERP MAS 90 and
200 4.5 to provide a complete credit card processing solution.

Sage ERP MAS 90, 200, and 200 SQL 4.5 Release Guide
OCTOBER 2011 - 38 -

With the 4.5 release, the Report Master will be fully retired. Report Master was partially retired
with the 4.2 release and was no longer able to use source data from any modules updated to
the new Business Framework. Currently Report Master is only compatible for existing
customers with Non-Framework modules which includes Job Cost, Payroll, and Work Order. We
recommend using Sage MAS Intelligence or Crystal Reports for any reports that are needed.
All Extended Solutions titles are now officially retired with the release of 4.5. The main features
and functionality of many Extended Solutions were incorporated into the core product in the last
few Sage ERP MAS 90 and 200 releases and Product Updates. The last of the select Extended
Solutions titles, shown below, are now retired with the 4.5 release.
PR-1067 Additional Deduction Calculation Methods
PR-1116 Deduction Recalculation in Payroll Entry
PR-1015 Deduction Calculation Based on Earnings Type
PR-1031 Payroll Date Entry Import Utility
PR-1091 Enhanced Benefit Accrual
SO-1005 Price Level by Customer/Product Line
SO-1173 Item Pricing by Total Quantity
SO-1530 Enhanced Sales Order Integration with Job Cost
SO-1175 Lot Serial/Distribution Entry from Sales Order
SO-1417 Maintain Split Commissions by Customer
SO-1354 Commission Rate Table by Salesperson/Customer/Item
AR-1068 Customers with National Accounts
PO-1020 Purchase Orders created from Sales Orders
SO-1489 Auto Generate Purchase Orders for S/O Entry

Business Partners and customers have a voice in our roadmap and in features and functionality
that will be incorporated into future Sage ERP MAS 90 and 200 releases. Please use your voice
on the new feedback and request site Sign up,
view ideas already submitted, suggest new ideas, collaborate on suggested enhancements,
andmost importantlyvote on the ideas that you value. It takes just a few minutes to
The information contained in this document represents the current view of Sage Software, Inc. on the
issues discussed as of the date this document was prepared. Sage cannot guarantee the accuracy of any
information presented after the date of publication. The capabilities, system requirements and/or
compatibility with third-party products described herein are subject to change without notice. Contact
Sage for the most current information. Always consult a network specialist to discuss the security risks
involved before implementing any Internet solution. Sage is not responsible for the content or
maintenance of third-party Web sites referred to herein. This document is for informational purposes only
and may not be distributed to third parties. SAGE MAKES NO WARRANTIES, EXPRESSED OR
6561 Irvine Center Drive
Irvine, CA 92618-2301
2011 Sage Software, Inc. All rights reserved. Sage, the Sage logos, and the Sage product and service names mentioned herein
are registered trademarks or trademarks of Sage Software, Inc. or its affiliated entities. All other trademarks are the property of their
respective owners.

Sage ERP MAS 90 and 200

Supported Hardware
Supported Third Party Solutions

Sage ERP MAS 90 ERP Version 4.50
Supported Platform Matrix
Revised as of August 17, 2011

Copyright 2011 Sage, Inc. All rights reserved. Page 1 of 7
The information in this document applies to Sage ERP MAS 90 Version 4.50. Detailed product update information and support policies can be found on the Sage Online
Web site at:
This document is intended to cover all information regarding the compatibility of various operating systems with Sage ERP MAS 90 as of August 17, 2011. Any operating
system not listed should be considered incompatible.
Note: It is critical that before and during an installation, this document is thoroughly reviewed, along with the Sage ERP MAS 90 Installation and System Administrators
Guide and other documents found by clicking the Installation Information link of the main Sage ERP MAS 90 and 200 Support Web page. This Web page can be found on the
Sage Online Web site at If development partner or Extended Solutions customizations or modifications have been made to your Sage ERP MAS
90 software, coordinate with your Sage business partner and your development partner before installing Sage ERP MAS 90.
For information about integrated solutions compatibility, refer to the Integrated Solutions Compatibility Matrix on the Sage Online Web site at:
Web site content can change at any time. Sage has no control over, and cannot be responsible for, the content of other companies' Web sites.
If your platform is not listed in the matrices below, it is not supported.
Supported Workstations Remarks
The following information applies to all standalone (single user) workstations, peer-to-peer workstations, and client workstations attached to Windows servers, unless
indicated otherwise.
Peer-to-Peer Networks: In a peer-to-peer network where the computer acting as the file server is not dedicated, only 2 concurrent user seat accesses will be supported. If the
computer acting as the file server is a dedicated machine, a 5 concurrent user maximum is allowed.
Windows 7 (32 and 64-bit)
Professional, Enterprise, and Ultimate
Service Pack 1

Sage recommends installing Sage ERP MAS 90 to a location other than the C:\Program Files folder (for example,

Not Supported
The items listed here are intended to be used for clarification purposes only, and are not intended to represent a
comprehensive list of exclusions.
Windows 7 peer-to-peer networks are not supported.
Windows 7 Home Basic and Windows 7 Home Premium editions are not supported.
Windows Vista (32-bit)
Business, Enterprise, and Ultimate
Service Pack 2

Sage recommends installing Sage ERP MAS 90 to a location other than the C:\Program Files folder (for example,
Not Supported
The items listed here are intended to be used for clarification purposes only, and are not intended to represent a
comprehensive list of exclusions.
Windows Vista peer-to-peer networks are not supported.
Windows Vista Home Basic and Windows Vista Home Premium editions are not supported.
Windows Vista 64-bit version is not supported.
Windows XP Professional
Windows XP Tablet PC Edition
Service Pack 2-3

Sage ERP MAS 90 ERP Version 4.50
Supported Platform Matrix
Revised as of August 17, 2011

Copyright 2011 Sage, Inc. All rights reserved. Page 2 of 7
Supported Workstations Remarks
Microsoft supported servers defined as Operating System software specifically designed to be used as a network server (not peer-to-peer)
ERP Supported Servers Remarks
Windows Server 2008 (32 and 64-bit)
Standard and Enterprise
Service Pack 2
Windows Server 2008 R2 (64-bit)
Standard and Enterprise
Service Pack 1

Windows Server 2003 (32-bit)
Standard and Enterprise
Service Pack 2

Windows Server 2003 R2 (32-bit)
Standard and Enterprise
Service Pack 2

Windows Small Business Server 2011
Standard and Premium

Windows Small Business Server 2008
Standard and Premium

Windows Small Business Server 2003 R2 (32-bit)
Standard and Premium

Sage ERP MAS 90 is not a 64-bit application so it executes, by default, in a 32-bit mode when running on a 64-
bit operating system.
If eBusiness Manager is installed, the ISAPI Plug-in must be installed manually for new Sage ERP MAS 90
If a Windows Server 2008 64-bit server is to be used as the IIS Server to connect to the Sage Web Engine, the
Application Pool specified for the Web site must have True selected for the Enable 32-bit Applications option.
Workstations from remote sites are supported only through Terminal Services or Citrix. Running Sage ERP
MAS 90 over a Virtual Private Network (VPN) and/or a Wide Area Network (WAN) or through any other
remote means is not supported.
The eBusiness Web Services service can only be installed on a Windows Server platform, such as Windows
Server 2003 or 2008. For more information, see the eBusiness Web Services Installation and Reference Guide
found by clicking the Documentation link on the Sage ERP MAS 90 and 200 Autorun window of the install
Sage ERP MAS 90 should be installed on a dedicated member/application server. Although supported, certain
Windows configurations are not recommended due to possible instability and performance issues. Support
from Sage Customer Support may be limited in the following circumstances:
o Running Sage ERP MAS 90 on a Windows Small Business Server or a Windows server acting as an
Active Directory domain controller managing a large number of user accounts, computer accounts,
group policies, organizational units, remote sites, or other network resources.
o Running Sage ERP MAS 90 on any server actively running other applications or services, such as e-
mail (for example, Exchange Server), IIS, fax programs, or other software.
Not Supported
The items listed here are intended to be used for clarification purposes only, and are not intended to represent a
comprehensive list of exclusions.
Service Pack 1 on Windows Server 2003 is not supported.
Using a server operating system as a Sage ERP MAS 90 Workstation is not supported (not even as a client to
another server).
Sage ERP MAS 90 is not designed for any version of Windows Datacenter Server and is not supported on this
Windows Server 2003 R2 64-bit is not supported.

Sage ERP MAS 90 ERP Version 4.50
Supported Platform Matrix
Revised as of August 17, 2011

Copyright 2011 Sage, Inc. All rights reserved. Page 3 of 7
SageCRM Supported Servers Remarks

Windows Server 2008 (32- and 64-bit)
Standard and Enterprise
Service Pack 2

Windows Server 2008 R2 (64-bit)
Standard and Enterprise
Service Pack 1

Windows Server 2003 R2 (32-bit)
Standard and Enterprise
Service Pack 2

Microsoft SQL Server is required for SageCRM Server.
SageCRM can be installed on MS SQL Server 2005, 2008 (32- and 64-bit), and 2008 R2 Standard and Enterprise
SageCRM Server cannot be installed on a server running Microsoft Exchange or Lotus Notes Domino.
Outlook Plug-In for SageCRM
To install CRM Outlook Integration, download the Outlook plug-in from within CRM in the My CRM menu >
Preferences tab. The user must be an Administrator or Power User of the client machine to install the Outlook
If installing the CRM Outlook Integration in a Terminal Services environment, administrator rights are required
on the Terminal Services machine. All instances of Internet Explorer and Outlook must be closed to install the
plug-in. At the time of the installation, exclusive access to the server is required for each user. After the plug-in is
installed, administrator rights are no longer required.
CRM Outlook client integration is supported only for e-mail accounts running on Microsoft Exchange Server.
Terminal Services/Citrix Supported Servers Remarks
Windows Server 2008 (32 and 64-bit)
Standard and Enterprise
Service Pack 2
Terminal Services

Windows Server 2008 R2 (64-bit)
Standard and Enterprise
Service Pack 1
Remote Desktop Services
Windows Server 2003 (32-bit)
Standard and Enterprise
Service Pack 2
Terminal Services

Windows Server 2003 R2 (32-bit)
Standard and Enterprise
Service Pack 2
Terminal Services

Citrix XenApp 5.0
Citrix XenApp 6.0 (Sage ERP Only)

Windows Server 2008 R2 Remote Desktop Services is a new name for former Terminal Services Service.
Terminal Services or Citrix must be installed on a supported version of Windows Server, such as 2003 or 2008.
Windows thin clients are supported with Terminal Services and Citrix. For more information, refer to:
For more information on Terminal Services/Citrix, see the Miscellaneous Notes section in this document.
SageCRM Notes
Running SageCRM through Terminal Services or Citrix is only supported when run through a remote session to
the Desktop and not as a Published Application.
SageCRM is supported on XenApp 5.0 32-bit version only.
SageCRM does not support running on Citrix XenApp 6.0
Sage ERP MAS 90 Server can be installed on the same server as Terminal Services or Citrix, or on a separate
server. If Sage ERP MAS 90 is installed on a separate server from the Terminal Services/Citrix server, use 100
Mbps or better network components to connect the two servers.
Not Supported
The items listed here are intended to be used for clarification purposes only, and are not intended to represent a
comprehensive list of exclusions.
Service Pack 1 for Windows Server 2003 is not supported.
Running SageCRM on a Terminal Services session from a Terminal Services or Citrix server installed on a
Windows Server 2003 is not supported.
Citrix does not support Citrix XenApp 5.0 on Windows Server 2008 R2.
Sage ERP MAS 90 ERP Version 4.50
Supported Platform Matrix
Revised as of August 17, 2011

Copyright 2011 Sage, Inc. All rights reserved. Page 4 of 7

Virtual Platforms Remarks

Citrix XenServer 5.0
Citrix XenServer 5.6

VMWare Workstation 6.0
VMWare ESX 4.1
VMware vSphere Hypervisor (ESXi) 4.1

Microsoft Virtual PC 2007
Windows Virtual PC
Windows Server 2008 R2 Hyper-V

All supported Operating Systems listed under the Supported Workstations, ERP Supported Servers and SageCRM
Supported Servers sections are supported when hosted on these Citrix virtual platform products.
Hardware and software requirements (minimum and recommended) for Sage ERP MAS products apply to virtual
environments as well.
Some third party products might not support the same virtualization platforms as Sage ERP MAS products. For
verification, please check with the third party vendor.

Sage ERP MAS 90 ERP Version 4.50
Supported Platform Matrix
Revised as of August 17, 2011

Copyright 2011 Sage, Inc. All rights reserved. Page 5 of 7

Miscellaneous Notes
1. Antivirus software on your workstations and server should be configured to exclude files with the extensions SOA, LIB, M4T, M4L, DD, DDE, and DDF. If antivirus
software is configured to scan compressed CAB files, performance issues may occur. You may want to exclude scanning of CAB files and network drives. Also, you
should not have ..\MAS90\*.* files on the server scanned simultaneously by multiple instances of antivirus software. Desktop/Home versions of antivirus software that are
not supported by the publisher for business use are also not supported by Sage. Desktop/Home versions typically have less configurable options (such as exclusion of file
extensions over the network) for tuning the automatic, background, memory resident scans.
2. If you are using Symantec Antivirus Corporate or Enterprise Edition, review Resolution ID 415534 in the Sage InfoSource Knowledgebase.
3. Verify that you install the correct driver for your network adapter card (NIC), and use only high-quality cards. Using an incompatible or outdated driver or a low-quality
card can cause serious data corruption issues.
4. Always run Workstation Setup after installing, re-installing, or upgrading the Windows operating system, and verify that the Windows printers in Control Panel > Printers
are still operational.
5. Verify that all hardware involved in running Sage ERP MAS 90 is on your operating system vendor's Hardware Compatibility List. Incompatible hardware can cause
severe data corruption. For more information, refer to the Microsoft Hardware Compatibility List at:
6. The eBusiness Manager module may have additional separate program fixes for the Web Engine. You should apply the latest Web Engine bundle. For the latest program
updates, go to the Sage Online Web site at:
If third-party enhancements are installed, always contact your development partner to verify compatibility before installing any updates. Some program fixes are
specifically excluded from the program fix collection and should be installed only if you are experiencing the problem they address.
7. The eBusiness Web Services service can be installed only on a Windows Server platform, such as Windows Server 2003 or 2008. For more information, see the eBusiness
Web Services Installation and Reference Guide found by clicking the Documentation link on the Sage ERP MAS 90 and 200 Autorun window of the install CD.
8. Always validate compatibility of development partner enhancements before upgrading.
9. Sage is committed to supporting future Microsoft operating systems as they are released to market for all Sage ERP MAS 90 modules; however, Sage does not support
beta-level operating systems. As new operating system levels are scheduled for general release, Sage will verify their compatibility, and this document will be updated
when Sages evaluations are completed.
10. For more information about performance, log on to the Sage Online Web site at, and review Resolution ID 415534 "Slow Performance
when running Sage MAS 90 Version 4.0 across a network" in the Sage InfoSource Knowledgebase.
11. Wireless local area networks (WLANs) are not recommended for desktop or laptop connections, because using a wireless LAN may result in dropped packets and lost
12. The Microsoft Fax Services feature provided with Windows Server 2003 and 2008, Windows XP, Windows Vista, and Windows 7 is supported for Paperless Office and
batch faxing. For more information, refer to the Integrated Solutions Compatibility Matrix on the Sage Online Web site at:

Sage ERP MAS 90 ERP Version 4.50
Supported Platform Matrix
Revised as of August 17, 2011

Copyright 2011 Sage, Inc. All rights reserved. Page 6 of 7

Recommended Minimum Systems Hardware Configuration
Recommended Minimum
Single User/Client Workstation

Processor Physical Memory (RAM) Available Memory (RAM)
Workstation (client) operating system versions not listed in this document will not be supported with Sage ERP MAS 90 version 4.50.

Windows 7 (32 and 64-bit)
Professional, Enterprise, and Ultimate
Intel Core 2 Duo 2 GB 512 MB
Windows Vista
Business, Enterprise, and Ultimate
Intel Core 2 Duo 2 GB 512 MB
Windows XP Professional
Windows XP Tablet PC Edition
Intel Pentium 4 class 1.8 GHz 1 GB 512 MB
Network Bandwidth (for multi-user systems) Recommended Minimum
100 Base-T 100 Mbps at Full Duplex

The recommended minimum is designed to ensure the systems used for Sage MAS 90 are capable of providing adequate performance with a standard complement of
normally installed applications, such as virus protection software.
Regardless of the recommended minimum specified above, users should check the available memory on the workstation prior to installing Sage MAS 90 and use the
Windows Task Manager to check the Available Physical Memory on the Performance tab. A minimum of 256 MB of physical RAM should be available to Sage MAS 90 when
all other applications that will be used with Sage MAS 90 are loaded. A minimum of 512 MB of RAM should be available if using Windows Vista. Sage cannot guarantee
acceptable performance when running Sage MAS 90 concurrently with other applications that consume system resources required for Sage MAS 90 to perform at an optimum
Sage ERP MAS 90 ERP Version 4.50
Supported Platform Matrix
Revised as of August 17, 2011

Copyright 2011 Sage, Inc. All rights reserved. Page 7 of 7
Recommended Minimum System Configuration for ERP and SageCRM Servers
Recommended Minimum
ERP and SageCRM Supported Servers

Processor Memory (RAM) Additional Requirements
Windows Server 2008 (32 and 64-bit)
Standard and Enterprise
Windows Server 2008 R2 (64-bit)
Standard and Enterprise
Windows Server 2003 R2 (32-bit)
Standard and Enterprise
For 64-bit systems:
Intel or AMD 64-bit capable, such as
Intel Xeon or Quad-Core AMD

For 32-bit systems:
Intel Pentium 4 class 2.4 GHz
Dual processor recommended

2 GB + 4-6 MB per
concurrent user
100 Mbps network connection
Additional ERP Only Supported Servers Memory (RAM) Additional Requirements
Windows Server 2003 (32-bit)
Standard and Enterprise
Windows Small Business Server 2003 R2 (32-bit)
Windows Small Business Server 2008 (32 and 64-bit)
Windows Small Business Server 2011 (64-bit)
Windows XP Professional
1 GB + 4-6 MB per
concurrent user
100 Mbps network connection
Terminal Services and Citrix Memory (RAM)
Additional Requirements
Windows Server 2008 R2 Remote Desktop Services
Windows Server 2008 Terminal Services
Windows Server 2003 Terminal Services
Citrix XenApp 5.0
Citrix XenApp 6.0
Recommended minimum
and as required by
Terminal Services or Citrix,
plus 128 MB per
concurrent user
100 Mbps network connection

ERP and SageCRM Web Servers Processor Memory (RAM) Additional Requirements
Windows Server 2008 R2 Intel or AMD 64-bit capable, such as:
Intel Xeon or Quad-Core AMD Opteron
2 GB
Internet Information Services 7.0
Windows Server 2008 Intel Pentium 4 class 2.8 GHz 2 GB
Internet Information Services 7.0
Windows Server 2003 Intel Pentium 4 class 2.8 GHz 1 GB
Internet Information Services 6.0
E-mail Servers Processor Memory (RAM) Additional Requirements
Microsoft Exchange Server 2003
Microsoft Exchange Server 2007 (32-bit)
Intel Pentium 4 class 2.8 GHz 2 GB 100 Mbps network connection

The recommended minimum is designed to ensure the systems used for Sage MAS 90 are capable of providing adequate performance with a standard complement of
normally installed applications, such as virus protection software.
128 MB is based on an average of three concurrent tasks per user (Sage MAS 90 Desktop plus two
additional tasks, such as Sales Order Entry or Customer Maintenance). Averages of more than three concurrent tasks per user will require additional RAM.

Sage ERP MAS 200 Version 4.50
Supported Platform Matrix
Revised as of August 17, 2011
Copyright 2011 Sage, Inc. All rights reserved. Page 1 of 8
The information in this document applies to Sage ERP MAS 200 Version 4.50. Detailed product update information and support policies can be found on the Sage Online
Web site at:
This document is intended to cover all information regarding the compatibility of various operating systems with Sage ERP MAS 200 as of August 17, 2011. Any operating
system not listed should be considered incompatible.
Note: It is critical that before and during an installation, this document be thoroughly reviewed, along with the Sage ERP MAS 200 Installation and System Administrators
Guide and other documents found by clicking the Installation Information link of the main Sage ERP MAS 90 and 200 Support Web page. This Web page can be found on the
Sage Online Web site at If development partner or Extended Solutions customizations or modifications have been made to your Sage ERP MAS
200 software, coordinate with your Sage business partner and your development partner before installing Sage ERP MAS 200.
For information about integrated solutions compatibility, refer to the Integrated Solutions Compatibility Matrix on the Sage Online Web site at:
Web site content can change at any time. Sage has no control over, and cannot be responsible for, the content of other companies' Web sites.
If your platform is not listed in the matrices below, it is not supported.
Supported Workstations Remarks
Windows 7 (32 and 64-bit)
Professional, Enterprise, and Ultimate
Service Pack 1

Sage recommends installing Sage ERP MAS 200 to a location other than the C:\Program Files folder (for example,

Not Supported
The items listed here are intended to be used for clarification purposes only, and are not intended to represent a
comprehensive list of exclusions.
Windows 7 Home Basic and Windows 7 Home Premium editions are not supported.
Windows Vista (32-bit)
Business, Enterprise, and Ultimate
Service Pack 2

Sage recommends installing Sage ERP MAS 200 Workstation Setup to a location other than the C:\Program Files
folder (for example, C:\Sage).
Not Supported
The items listed here are intended to be used for clarification purposes only, and are not intended to represent a
comprehensive list of exclusions.
Windows Vista Home Basic and Windows Vista Home Premium editions are not supported.
Windows Vista 64-bit version is not supported.
Windows XP Professional and
Windows XP Tablet PC Edition
Service Pack 2-3

Sage ERP MAS 200 Version 4.50
Supported Platform Matrix
Revised as of August 17, 2011
Copyright 2011 Sage, Inc. All rights reserved. Page 2 of 8
Microsoft Dedicated Servers defined as Operating System software specifically designed to be used as a network server (not peer-to-peer)
ERP Supported Servers Remarks
Windows Server 2008 (32 and 64-bit)
Standard and Enterprise
Service Pack 2
Windows Server 2008 R2 (64-bit)
Standard and Enterprise
Service Pack 1

Windows Server 2003 (32-bit)
Standard and Enterprise
Service Pack 2
Windows Server 2003 R2 (32-bit)
Standard and Enterprise
Service Pack 2
Sage ERP MAS 200 is not a 64-bit application so it executes, by default, in a 32-bit mode when running on a 64-
bit operating system.
If eBusiness Manager is installed, the ISAPI Plug-in must be installed manually for new Sage ERP MAS 200
If a Windows Server 2008 64-bit server is used as the IIS Server to connect to the Sage Web Engine, the
Application Pool specified for the Web site must have True selected for the Enable 32-Bit Applications option.
The eBusiness Web Services service can be installed only on a Windows Server platform, such as Windows
Server 2003 or 2008. For more information, see the eBusiness Web Services Installation and Reference Guide
found by clicking the Documentation link on the Sage ERP MAS 90 and 200 Autorun window of the install
Sage ERP MAS 200 should be installed on a dedicated member/application server. Although supported, certain
Windows server configurations are not recommended due to possible instability and performance issues. Support
from Sage Customer Support may be limited in the following circumstances:
o Running Sage ERP MAS 200 on a Windows server acting as an Active Directory domain controller
managing a large number of user accounts, computer accounts, group policies, organizational units, remote
sites, or other network resources.
o Running Sage ERP MAS 200 on any server actively running other applications or services, such as e-mail
(for example, Exchange Server), IIS, fax programs, SQL Server, or other software.
Not Supported
The items listed here are intended to be used for clarification purposes only, and are not intended to represent a
comprehensive list of exclusions.
Running Sage ERP MAS 200 on any Windows Small Business Server operating system regardless of the
number of user and computer accounts it is managing, is not supported. Small Business Server runs Active
Directory and Exchange Server by default, and that has been a factor in many reported cases of instability and
performance issues. Instability may also result if Small Business Server is further configured to run other
applications concurrently, such as IIS, Shared Fax Services, and SQL Server.
Service Pack 1 on Windows Server 2003 is not supported.
Using a server operating system as a Sage ERP MAS 200 workstation is not supported (not even as a client to
another server). However, this configuration can be utilized for testing.
Sage ERP and SageCRM Suite were not designed for any version of Windows Datacenter Server and are not
supported on this platform.
Windows Server 2003 R2 64-bit is not supported.

Sage ERP MAS 200 Version 4.50
Supported Platform Matrix
Revised as of August 17, 2011
Copyright 2011 Sage, Inc. All rights reserved. Page 3 of 8
SageCRM Supported Server Remarks
Windows Server 2008 (32- and 64-bit)
Standard and Enterprise
Service Pack 2

Windows Server 2008 R2 (64-bit)
Standard and Enterprise
Service Pack 1

Windows Server 2003 R2 (32-bit)
Standard and Enterprise
Service Pack 2
Microsoft SQL Server is required for SageCRM Server.
SageCRM can be installed on MS SQL Server 2005, 2008 (32- and 64-bit), and 2008 R2 Standard and Enterprise
SageCRM Server cannot be installed on a server running Microsoft Exchange or Lotus Notes Domino.
Outlook Plug-In for SageCRM
To install CRM Outlook Integration, download the Outlook plug-in from within CRM in the My CRM menu >
Preferences tab. The user must be an Administrator or Power User of the client machine to install the Outlook
If installing the CRM Outlook Integration in a Terminal Services environment, administrator rights are required
on the Terminal Services machine. All instances of Internet Explorer and Outlook must be closed to install the
plug-in. At the time of the installation, exclusive access to the server is required for each user. After the plug-in is
installed, administrator rights are no longer required.
CRM Outlook client integration is supported only for e-mail accounts running on Microsoft Exchange Server.
Terminal Services/Citrix Supported Servers Remarks
Windows Server 2008 (32 and 64-bit)
Standard and Enterprise
Service Pack 2
Terminal Services

Windows Server 2008 R2 (64-bit)
Standard and Enterprise
Service Pack 1
Remote Desktop Services
Windows Server 2003 (32-bit)
Standard and Enterprise
Service Pack 2
Terminal Services

Windows Server 2003 R2 (32-bit)
Standard and Enterprise
Service Pack 2
Terminal Services

Citrix XenApp 5.0
Citrix XenApp 6.0 (Sage ERP Only)
Windows Server 2008 R2 Remote Desktop Services is a new name for former Terminal Services Service.
Terminal Services or Citrix must be installed on a supported version of Windows Server, such as 2003 or 2008.
Installing Sage ERP MAS 200 or SageCRM Server on the same server as Terminal Services or Citrix is not
Windows thin clients are supported with Terminal Services and Citrix. For more information, refer to
For more information on Terminal Services/Citrix, see the Miscellaneous Notes section in this document.
SageCRM Notes
Running SageCRM through Terminal Services or Citrix is only supported when run through a remote session to
the Desktop and not as a Published Application.
SageCRM is supported on XenApp 5.0 32-bit version only
SageCRM does not support running on Citrix XenApp 6.0
Not Supported
The items listed here are intended to be used for clarification purposes only, and are not intended to represent a
comprehensive list of exclusions.
Service Pack 1 on Windows Server 2003 is not supported.
Running SageCRM on a Terminal Services session from a Terminal Services or Citrix server installed on a
Windows Server 2003 is not supported.
Citrix does not support Citrix XenApp 5.0 on Windows Server 2008 R2.
Crystal Enterprise is not supported on any version of Windows Server 2008.

Sage ERP MAS 200 Version 4.50
Supported Platform Matrix
Revised as of August 17, 2011
Copyright 2011 Sage, Inc. All rights reserved. Page 4 of 8
Virtual Platforms Remarks

Citrix XenServer 5.0
Citrix XenServer 5.6

VMWare Workstation 6.0
VMWare ESX 4.1
VMware vSphere Hypervisor (ESXi) 4.1

Microsoft Virtual PC 2007
Windows Virtual PC
Windows Server 2008 R2 Hyper-V

All supported Operating Systems listed under the Supported Workstations, ERP Supported Servers and SageCRM
Supported Servers sections are supported when hosted on these Citrix virtual platform products.
Hardware and software requirements (minimum and recommended) for Sage ERP MAS products apply to virtual
environments as well.
Some third party products might not support the same virtualization platforms as Sage ERP MAS products. For
verification, please check with the third party vendor.

Sage ERP MAS 200 Version 4.50
Supported Platform Matrix
Revised as of August 17, 2011
Copyright 2011 Sage, Inc. All rights reserved. Page 5 of 8
Miscellaneous Notes
1. When running Sage ERP MAS 200 over a local area network (LAN) environment, the ping timings will vary depending on the speed and configuration of the network.
Typical ping timings with 1,800 bytes of data should be 20 30 milliseconds or faster. Unacceptable ping speeds are over 40 milliseconds.
2. In the Sage ERP MAS 200 client/server environment, integrated applications do their processing at the workstation, not at the server. As a result, users may experience
performance issues when running integrated applications from remote locations. Some of the applications affected include Crystal Reports, FRx, and F9.
Sage ERP MAS 200 includes a client/server based ODBC driver. This can be used instead of the client ODBC driver for faster processing.
Note: If the report was created using Business Insights Reporter (BIR) without runtime filters, and was not further modified with Crystal Reports, it is not likely to be a
report design issue because reports created using the BIR run off a single pre-populated view.
3. Virtual private network (VPN) and wide area network (WAN) connections should be set up as point-to-point connections, as opposed to Internet connections, for better
stability and performance. If an Internet connection is used, ensure the Internet Service Provider (ISP) can provide a guaranteed bandwidth; otherwise, users may
experience dropped sessions and lost connections. With any type of low speed WAN connection, for each remote user, select the Low Speed Connection check box in User
4. If a VPN connection is used, keep in mind the following:
VPN solutions are either software-based, hardware-based (such as a VPN firewall), or a hybrid of both.
If a hardware-based solution is used on Level 3.x, verify that it supports secure, encrypted connections for applications that use back channels.
Software-based VPNs result in slower connection speeds due to the security overhead of encrypting the data. Hardware-based solutions run faster.
Low-speed connections are subject to considerable performance issues when using a software-based VPN. It may cause the connection to have a bandwidth of less
than 128 Kbps. For information on guaranteed bandwidth requirements, see miscellaneous note above.
Printing or previewing Crystal Reports and forms will require the Client Server driver (see miscellaneous note 3), or a Terminal Server or Citrix connection.
5. Suggestions for faster remote printing of Crystal reports over a WAN and virtual private network (VPN) are:
Using the Sage ERP MAS 200 Client/Server ODBC driver provided with Sage ERP MAS 200
Using Citrix or Terminal Services
Using non-graphical forms (those not based on Crystal Reports) if available
6. Always run Workstation Setup after installing, re-installing, or upgrading the Windows operating system, and verify that the Windows printers in Control Panel > Printers
are still operational.
7. Verify that all hardware involved in running Sage ERP MAS 200 is on your operating system vendor's Hardware Compatibility List. Incompatible hardware can cause
severe data corruption. For more information, refer to the Microsoft Hardware Compatibility List at:
8. The eBusiness Manager module may have additional separate program fixes for the Web Engine. You should apply the latest Web Engine bundle. For the latest program
updates, go to the Sage Online Web site at:
If third-party enhancements are installed, always contact your development partner to verify compatibility before installing any updates. Also note that some program fixes
are specifically excluded from the program fix collection and should be installed only if you are experiencing the problem they address.
9. The eBusiness Web Services service can be installed only on a Windows Server platform, such as Windows Server 2003 or 2008. For more information, see the eBusiness
Web Services Installation and Reference Guide found by clicking the Documentation link of the Sage ERP MAS 90 and 200 Autorun window.
10. Always validate compatibility of development partner enhancements before upgrading.
Sage ERP MAS 200 Version 4.50
Supported Platform Matrix
Revised as of August 17, 2011
Copyright 2011 Sage, Inc. All rights reserved. Page 6 of 8
11. Sage is committed to supporting future Microsoft operating systems as they are released to market for all Sage ERP MAS 200 modules; however, Sage does not support
beta-level operating systems. As new operating system levels are scheduled for general release, Sage will verify their compatibility, and this document will be updated
when Sages evaluations are completed.
12. Sage requires a guaranteed minimum bandwidth of 128 Kbps per user for running Sage ERP MAS 200 through a low speed remote connection. For each user, 256k or
higher is recommended. Select the Low Speed Connection check box in the Sage ERP MAS 200 User Maintenance task.
13. TCP/IP must be installed and properly configured so that you can ping by computer name and IP address from the workstation to the server. The server must be able to
ping the workstation by IP address. You must be able to use the Windows TELNET.EXE utility or equivalent to communicate with the Application Server on a specific
port ID and IP address, or on a specific port ID and name from all workstations to the server. If this cannot be done, you must contact your Microsoft support organization.
Sage Customer Support cannot assist with this task. For more information on connection requirements, refer to your Sage ERP MAS 200 Installation and System
Administrators Guide.
14. The Sage ERP MAS 200 Application Server is a Windows Sockets application that listens on a single port (default port 10000). You must open this port on your
firewall/router so clients can properly connect to the Application Server. The client does not listen back on its own port, so opening ports for clients is not necessary. Also,
the Application Server is compatible with Network Address Translation (NAT).
15. If the Sage ERP MAS 200 Application Server is configured to run as a service and you are experiencing "connection timed out" errors, white screens, hanging, or slow
performance, but only after a certain number of Sage ERP MAS 200 users are in the system, review document SS3003-A on Sage Online at
If you are running the Application Server on the desktop instead of running it as a service, the same problem may occur in a very large multi-user environment. If that is
the case, review document SS3003-A on Sage Online.
16. Wireless local area networks (WLANs) are not recommended for desktop or laptop connections, because using a wireless LAN may result in dropped packets and lost
17. The Microsoft Fax Services feature provided with Windows Server 2003 and 2008, Windows XP, Windows Vista, and Windows 7 is supported with Paperless Office and
batch faxing. For more information, refer to the Integrated Solutions Compatibility Matrix on the Sage Online Web site at:

Sage ERP MAS 200 Version 4.50
Supported Platform Matrix
Revised as of August 17, 2011
Copyright 2011 Sage, Inc. All rights reserved. Page 7 of 8
Recommended Minimum System Configuration
Recommended Minimum
Client Workstation

Processor Physical Memory (RAM) Available Memory (RAM)
Workstation (client) operating system versions not listed in this document will not be supported with Sage ERP MAS 200 version 4.40.

Windows 7 (32 and 64-bit)
Professional, Enterprise, and Ultimate

Intel Core 2 Duo 2 GB 512 MB
Windows Vista
Business, Enterprise, and Ultimate
Intel Core 2 Duo 2 GB 512 MB
Windows XP Professional
Windows XP Tablet PC Edition
Intel Pentium 4 class 1.8 GHz 1 GB 512 MB
Network Bandwidth Recommended Minimum
100 Base-T 100 Mbps at Full Duplex

The recommended minimum is designed to ensure that the systems used for Sage ERP MAS 200 are capable of providing adequate performance with a standard complement
of normally installed applications, such as virus protection software.
Regardless of the recommended minimums specified above, users should check the available memory on the workstation prior to installing Sage ERP MAS 200 and use the
Windows Task Manager to check the Available Physical Memory on the Performance tab. A minimum of 512 MB of physical RAM should be available to Sage ERP MAS
200 when all other applications that will be used with Sage ERP MAS 200 are loaded. Sage cannot guarantee acceptable performance when running Sage ERP MAS 200
concurrently with other applications that consume system resources required for Sage ERP MAS 200 to perform at an optimum level. Refer to the article How to determine
memory on the Sage Online Web site at:
Sage ERP MAS 200 Version 4.50
Supported Platform Matrix
Revised as of August 17, 2011
Copyright 2011 Sage, Inc. All rights reserved. Page 8 of 8
Recommended Minimum System Configuration for ERP and SageCRM Servers
Recommended Minimum
ERP and SageCRM Supported Servers

Processor Memory (RAM) Additional Requirements
Windows Server 2008 (32 and 64-bit)
Standard and Enterprise
Windows Server 2008 R2 (64-bit)
Standard and Enterprise
Windows Server 2003 R2 (32-bit)
Standard and Enterprise
For 64-bit systems:
Intel or AMD 64-bit capable, such
as Intel Xeon or Quad-Core AMD

For 32-bit systems:
Intel Pentium 4 class 2.4 GHz
Dual processor recommended
2 GB + 4-6 MB per concurrent user 100 Mbps network connection
Additional ERP Only Supported Servers Memory (RAM) Additional Requirements
Windows Server 2003 (32-bit)
Standard and Enterprise

1 GB + 4-6 MB per concurrent user 100 Mbps network connection
Terminal Services and Citrix Memory (RAM)
Additional Requirements
Windows Server 2008 R2 Remote Desktop Services
Windows Server 2008 Terminal Services
Windows Server 2003 Terminal Services
Citrix XenApp 5.0
Citrix XenApp 6.0

Recommended minimum and as
required by Terminal Services or
Citrix, plus 128 MB per concurrent
100 Mbps network connection

ERP and SageCRM Web Servers Memory (RAM) Additional Requirements
Windows Server 2008 R2
Windows Server 2008
2 GB Internet Information Services 7.0
Windows Server 2003 1 GB Internet Information Services 6.0
E-mail Servers Processor Memory (RAM) Additional Requirements
Microsoft Exchange Server 2003
Microsoft Exchange Server 2007 (32-bit)
Intel Pentium 4 class 2.8 GHz
2 GB 100 Mbps network connection

The recommended minimum is designed to ensure the systems used for Sage ERP MAS 200 are capable of providing adequate performance with a standard complement of
normally installed applications, such as virus protection software.
128 MB is based on an average of three concurrent tasks per user (Sage ERP MAS 200 Desktop plus two additional tasks, such as Sales Order Entry or Customer
Maintenance). Averages of more than three concurrent tasks per user will require additional RAM.
Sage ERP MAS 200 SQL Version 4.50
Supported Platform Matrix
Revised as of August 17, 2011

Copyright 2010 Sage Software, Inc. All rights reserved. Page 1 of 8
The information in this document applies to Sage ERP MAS 200 SQL Version 4.50. Detailed product update information and support policies can be found on the Sage
Online Web site at:
This document is intended to cover all information regarding the compatibility of various operating systems with Sage ERP MAS 200 SQL as of August 17, 2011. Any
operating system not listed should be considered incompatible.
Note: It is critical that before and during an installation, this document be thoroughly reviewed, along with the Sage ERP MAS 200 SQL Installation and System
Administrators Guide and other documents found by clicking the Installation Information link of the main Sage MAS 90 and 200 Support Web page. This Web page can be
found on the Sage Online Web site at If development partner or Extended Solutions customizations or modifications have been made to your
Sage ERP MAS 200 SQL software, coordinate with your Sage business partner and your development partner before installing Sage ERP MAS 200 SQL.
For information about integrated solutions compatibility, refer to the Integrated Solutions Compatibility Matrix on the Sage Online Web site at:
Web site content can change at any time. Sage has no control over, and cannot be responsible for the content of other companies' Web sites.
If your platform is not listed in the matrices below, it is not supported.

Supported Workstations Remarks
Windows 7 (32- and 64-bit)
Professional, Enterprise, and Ultimate
Service Pack 1

Sage recommends installing Sage ERP MAS 200 SQL Workstation Setup to a location other than the C:\Program
Files folder (for example, C:\Sage).

Not Supported
The items listed here are intended to be used for clarification purposes only, and are not intended to represent a
comprehensive list of exclusions.
Windows 7 Home Basic and Windows 7 Home Premium editions are not supported.
Windows Vista (32-bit)
Business, Enterprise, and Ultimate
Service Pack 2
Sage recommends installing Sage ERP MAS 200 SQL Workstation Setup to a location other than the C:\Program
Files folder (for example, C:\Sage).
Not Supported
The items listed here are intended to be used for clarification purposes only, and are not intended to represent a
comprehensive list of exclusions.
Windows Vista Home Basic and Windows Vista Home Premium editions are not supported
Windows Vista 64-bit version is not supported.

Windows XP Professional
Service Pack 3

Sage ERP MAS 200 SQL Version 4.50
Supported Platform Matrix
Revised as of August 17, 2011

Copyright 2010 Sage Software, Inc. All rights reserved. Page 2 of 8
Microsoft Dedicated Servers defined as Operating System software specifically designed to be used as a network server (not peer-to-peer).
ERP Supported Servers Remarks
Windows Server 2008 (32- and 64-bit)
Standard and Enterprise
Service Pack 2
Windows Server 2008 R2 (64-bit)
Standard and Enterprise
Service Pack 1

Sage ERP MAS 200 SQL is not a 64-bit application so it executes, by default, in a 32-bit mode when running on
a 64-bit operating system.
The eBusiness Web Services service can be installed only on a Windows Server platform, such as Windows
Server 2008. For more information, see the eBusiness Web Services Installation and Reference Guide found by
clicking the Documentation link on the Sage ERP 200 SQL Autorun window of the install DVD.
Unless absolutely necessary, avoid installing Sage ERP MAS 200 SQL to system controlled folders, such as
C:\Program Files or C:\Program Files(x86). Sage recommends installing Sage ERP MAS 200 SQL to a dedicated
non-system controlled folder, such as C:\Sage.
The eBusiness Web Services service can only be installed on a Windows Server platform, such as Windows
Server 2008. For more information, see the eBusiness Web Services Installation and Reference Guide found by
clicking the Documentation link of the Sage ERP MAS 200 SQL Autorun screen.
Sage ERP MAS 200 SQL should be installed on a dedicated member/application server. Although supported,
certain Windows server configurations are not recommended due to possible instability and performance issues.
Support from Sage Customer Support may be limited in the following circumstances:
o Running Sage ERP MAS 200 SQL on a Windows server acting as an Active Directory domain controller
managing a large number of user accounts, computer accounts, group policies, organizational units, remote
sites, or other network resources.
o Running Sage ERP MAS 200 SQL on any server actively running other applications or services, such as e-
mail (for example, Exchange Server), IIS, fax programs, or other software.
Not Supported
The items listed here are intended to be used for clarification purposes only, and are not intended to represent a
comprehensive list of exclusions.
Running Sage ERP MAS 200 SQL on any Windows Small Business Server operating system regardless of the
number of user and computer accounts it is managing, is not supported. Small Business Server runs Active
Directory and Exchange Server by default, and that has been a factor in many reported cases of instability and
performance issues. Instability may also result if Small Business Server is further configured to run other
applications concurrently, such as IIS, Shared Fax Services, and SQL Server.
Using a server operating system as a Sage ERP MAS 200 SQL workstation is not supported (not even as a client
to another server). However, this configuration can be utilized for testing.
Sage ERP and SageCRM Suite were not designed for any version of Windows Datacenter Server and are not supported on this platform.

Sage ERP MAS 200 SQL Version 4.50
Supported Platform Matrix
Revised as of August 17, 2011

Copyright 2010 Sage Software, Inc. All rights reserved. Page 3 of 8
SageCRM Supported Server Remarks
Windows Server 2008 (32- and 64-bit)
Standard and Enterprise
Service Pack 2

Windows Server 2008 R2 (64-bit)
Standard and Enterprise
Service Pack 1

Windows Server 2003 R2 (32-bit)
Standard and Enterprise
Service Pack 2
Microsoft SQL Server is required for SageCRM Server.
SageCRM can be installed on MS SQL Server 2005, 2008 (32- and 64-bit), and 2008 R2 Standard and Enterprise
SageCRM Server cannot be installed on a server running Microsoft Exchange or Lotus Notes Domino.
Outlook Plug-In for SageCRM
To install CRM Outlook Integration, download the Outlook plug-in from within CRM in the My CRM menu >
Preferences tab. The user must be an Administrator or Power User of the client machine to install the Outlook
If installing the CRM Outlook Integration in a Terminal Services environment, administrator rights are required
on the Terminal Services machine. All instances of Internet Explorer and Outlook must be closed to install the
plug-in. At the time of the installation, exclusive access to the server is required for each user. After the plug-in is
installed, administrator rights are no longer required.
CRM Outlook client integration is supported only for e-mail accounts running on Microsoft Exchange Server.
Not Supported
Small Business Server is not supported for SageCRM.
ERP and SageCRM Supported
MS SQL Servers
Microsoft SQL Server 2008 (32- and 64-bit)
Standard and Enterprise
Service Pack 1

Microsoft SQL Server 2008 R2 (32- and 64-bit)
Standard, Enterprise

Additional SageCRM Only Supported
MS SQL Servers
Microsoft SQL Server 2005 (32-bit)
Standard and Enterprise
Service Pack 3

Sage ERP MAS 200 SQL Version 4.50
Supported Platform Matrix
Revised as of August 17, 2011

Copyright 2010 Sage Software, Inc. All rights reserved. Page 4 of 8
Terminal Services/Citrix Servers Remarks
Windows Server 2008 (32- and 64-bit)
Standard and Enterprise
Service Pack 2
Terminal Services

Windows Server 2008 R2 (64-bit)
Standard and Enterprise
Terminal Services

Citrix XenApp 5.0
Citrix XenApp 6.0 (Sage ERP Only)
Windows Server 2008 R2 Remote Desktop Services is a new name for former Terminal Services Service.
Terminal Services or Citrix must be installed on a supported version of Windows, such as Windows Server 2008.
Installing Sage ERP MAS 200 SQL or SageCRM Server on the same server as Terminal Services or Citrix is not
Windows thin clients are supported with Terminal Services and Citrix. For more information, refer to
For more information on Terminal Services/Citrix, see the Miscellaneous Notes section in this document.
SageCRM Notes
Running SageCRM through Terminal Services or Citrix is only supported when run through a remote session to the
Desktop and not as a Published Application.
SageCRM is supported on XenApp 5.0 32-bit version only
SageCRM does not support running on Citrix XenApp 6.0
Not Supported
The items listed here are intended to be used for clarification purposes only, and are not intended to represent a
comprehensive list of exclusions.
Service Pack 1 on Windows Server 2003 is not supported.
Running SageCRM on a Terminal Services session from a Terminal Services or Citrix server installed on a Windows
Server 2003 is not supported.
Citrix does not support Citrix XenApp 5.0 on Windows Server 2008 R2.
Crystal Enterprise is not supported on any version of Windows Server 2008.

Virtual Platforms Remarks

Citrix XenServer 5.0
Citrix XenServer 5.6

VMWare Workstation 6.0
VMWare ESX 4.1
VMware vSphere Hypervisor (ESXi) 4.1

Microsoft Virtual PC 2007
Windows Virtual PC
Windows Server 2008 R2 Hyper-V

All supported Operating Systems listed under the Supported Workstations, ERP Supported Servers and SageCRM
Supported Servers sections are supported when hosted on these Citrix virtual platform products.
Hardware and software requirements (minimum and recommended) for Sage ERP MAS products apply to virtual
environments as well.
Some third party products might not support the same virtualization platforms as Sage ERP MAS products. For
verification, please check with the third party vendor.
Sage ERP MAS 200 SQL Version 4.50
Supported Platform Matrix
Revised as of August 17, 2011

Copyright 2010 Sage Software, Inc. All rights reserved. Page 5 of 8
Miscellaneous Notes
1. When running Sage ERP MAS 200 SQL over a local area network (LAN) environment, the ping timings will vary depending on the speed and configuration of the
network. Typical ping timings with 1,800 bytes of data should be between 2030 milliseconds or faster. Unacceptable ping speeds are over 40 milliseconds.
2. In the Sage ERP MAS 200 SQL client/server environment, integrated applications do their processing at the workstation, not at the server. As a result, users may
experience performance issues when running integrated applications from remote locations. Some of the applications affected include Crystal Reports.
3. Virtual private network (VPN) and wide area network (WAN) connections should be set up as point-to-point connections, as opposed to Internet connections, for better
stability and performance. If an Internet connection is used, ensure the Internet Service Provider (ISP) can provide a guaranteed bandwidth; otherwise, users may
experience dropped sessions and lost connections. With any type of low speed WAN connection, for each remote user, select the Low Speed Connection check box in
User Maintenance.
4. Always re-run Sage ERP MAS 200 SQL Workstation Setup after re-installing or upgrading the Windows operating system, and verify that a default Windows printer is
still available and operational.
5. Verify that all hardware involved in running Sage ERP MAS 200 SQL is on Microsofts Hardware Compatibility List. Incompatible hardware can cause severe data
corruption. For more information, refer to the Microsoft Hardware Compatibility List at:
6. Sage is committed to supporting future Microsoft operating systems as they are released to market for all Sage ERP MAS 200 SQL modules; however, Sage does not
support beta-level operating systems. As new operating system levels are scheduled for general release, Sage will verify their compatibility, and this document will be
updated when Sages evaluations are completed.
7. Using Citrix or Terminal Services is suggested for faster remote printing of Crystal reports over a WAN and virtual private network (VPN)
8. Sage requires a guaranteed minimum bandwidth of 256 Kbps per user for running Sage ERP MAS 200 SQL through a low-speed remote connection. For each user, 512
Kbps or higher is recommended. Select the Low Speed Connection check box in the Sage ERP MAS 200 SQL User Maintenance window.
9. If a VPN connection is used, keep in mind the following:
VPN solutions are either software-based, hardware-based (such as a VPN firewall), or a hybrid of both.
Software-based VPNs may result in slower connection speeds due to the security overhead of encrypting the data. Hardware-based solutions run faster.
Low-speed connections are subject to considerable performance issues when using a software-based VPN. It may cause the connection to have a bandwidth of less
than 256 Kbps. For information on guaranteed bandwidth requirements, see miscellaneous note above.
Sage ERP MAS 200 SQL Version 4.50
Supported Platform Matrix
Revised as of August 17, 2011

Copyright 2010 Sage Software, Inc. All rights reserved. Page 6 of 8
10. TCP/IP must be installed and properly configured so that you can ping by computer name and IP address from the workstation to the server. The server must be able to at
least ping the workstation by its IP address. You must be able to use the Windows TELNET.EXE utility or equivalent to communicate with the Application Server on a
specific port ID and IP address, or on a specific port ID and name from all workstations to the server. If this cannot be done, you must contact your Microsoft support
organization. Sage Customer Support cannot assist with this task. For more information on connection requirements, refer to your Sage ERP MAS 200 SQL Installation
and System Administrators Guide.
11. The Sage ERP MAS 200 SQL Application Server is a Windows Sockets application that listens on a single port (typically port 10000). You must open this port on your
firewall/router so clients can connect to the Application Server properly. The client does not listen back on its own port, so opening ports for clients is not necessary. Also,
the Application Server is compatible with Network Address Translation (NAT).
12. If the Sage ERP MAS 200 SQL Application Server is configured to run as a service and you are experiencing connection timed out errors, white screens, hanging, or slow
performance, but only after a certain number of Sage ERP MAS 200 SQL users are in the system, review document SS3003-A on the Sage Online Web site at If you are running the Application Server on the desktop instead of running it as a service, the same problem may occur in a very large
multi-user environment. If that is the case, review document SS3003-A on Sage Online.
13. Wireless local area networks (WLANs) are not recommended for desktop or laptop connections, because using a wireless LAN may result in dropped packets and lost
14. The Microsoft Fax Services feature provided with Windows Server 2008, Windows XP, Windows Vista, and Windows 7 is supported only for Paperless Office and batch
faxing. For more information, refer to the Integrated Solutions Compatibility Matrix on the Sage Online Web site at:

Sage ERP MAS 200 SQL Version 4.50
Supported Platform Matrix
Revised as of August 17, 2011

Copyright 2010 Sage Software, Inc. All rights reserved. Page 7 of 8
Recommended Minimum System Configuration
Recommended Minimum
Client Workstation

Processor Physical Memory (RAM) Available Memory (RAM)
Workstation (client) operating system versions not listed in this document will not be supported with Sage ERP MAS 200 SQL version 4.50.

Windows 7 (32 and 64-bit)
Professional, Enterprise, and Ultimate

Intel Core 2 Duo 2 GB 512 MB
Windows Vista
Business, Enterprise, and Ultimate
Intel Core 2 Duo 2 GB 512 MB
Windows XP Professional Intel Pentium 4 class 1.8 GHz 1 GB 512 MB
Network Bandwidth Recommended Minimum
100 Base-T 100 Mbps at Full Duplex

The recommended minimum is designed to ensure that the systems used for Sage ERP MAS 200 SQL are capable of providing adequate performance with a standard
complement of normally installed applications, such as virus protection software.
Regardless of the recommended minimums specified above, users should check the available memory on the workstation prior to installing Sage ERP MAS 200 SQL and
use the Windows Task Manager to check the Available Physical Memory on the Performance tab. A minimum of 512 MB of physical RAM should be available to Sage ERP
MAS 200 SQL when all other applications that will be used with Sage ERP MAS 200 SQL are loaded. Sage cannot guarantee acceptable performance when running Sage
ERP MAS 200 SQL concurrently with other applications that consume system resources required for Sage ERP MAS 200 SQL to perform at an optimum level. Refer to the
article How to determine memory on the Sage Online Web site at:
Sage ERP MAS 200 SQL Version 4.50
Supported Platform Matrix
Revised as of August 17, 2011

Copyright 2010 Sage Software, Inc. All rights reserved. Page 8 of 8
Recommended Minimum System Configuration for ERP and SageCRM Servers
Recommended Minimum

ERP and SageCRM Supported Servers Processor Memory (RAM) Additional Requirements
Windows Server 2008 (32 and 64-bit)
Standard and Enterprise
Windows Server 2008 R2 (64-bit)
Standard and Enterprise

For 64-bit systems:
Intel or AMD 64-bit capable,
such as Intel Xeon or Quad-Core
AMD Opteron

For 32-bit systems:
Intel Pentium 4 class 2.4 GHz
Dual processor recommended

2 GB + 4-6 MB per concurrent user 100 Mbps network connection
Additional SageCRM Only Supported
Memory (RAM) Additional Requirements
Windows Server 2003 R2 (32-bit)
Standard and Enterprise
1 GB + 4-6 MB per concurrent user 100 Mbps network connection
Terminal Services and Citrix Memory (RAM)
Additional Requirements
Windows Server 2008 R2 Remote Desktop Services
Windows Server 2008 Terminal Services
Citrix XenApp 5.0
Citrix XenApp 6.0
Recommended minimum and as
required by Terminal Services or
Citrix, plus 128 MB per concurrent
100 Mbps network connection

ERP and SageCRM Web Servers Memory (RAM) Additional Requirements
Windows Server 2008
Windows Server 2008 R2

2 GB Internet Information Services 7.0
E-mail Servers Processor Memory (RAM) Additional Requirements
Microsoft Exchange Server 2003
Microsoft Exchange Server 2007 (32-bit)
Intel Pentium 4 class 2.8 GHz
2 GB 100 Mbps network connection

The recommended minimum is designed to ensure the systems used for Sage ERP MAS 200 SQL are capable of providing adequate performance with a standard
complement of normally installed applications, such as virus protection software.
128 MB is based on an average of three concurrent tasks per user (Sage ERP MAS 200 SQL Desktop plus two additional tasks, such as Sales Order Entry or Customer
Maintenance). Averages of more than three concurrent tasks per user will require additional RAM.
Sage ERP MAS 90 and 200 Version 4.50
Integrated Solutions Compatibility Matrix
Revised as of October 14, 2011
Copyright 2011 Sage Software, Inc. All rights reserved Page 1 of 6
The Integrated Solutions Compatibility Matrix is intended to cover all information as of October 14, 2011, regarding all Integrated Solutions compatibility with Sage ERP
MAS 90 and 200 version 4.50. Any version not listed should be assumed incompatible. If your configuration is not listed, Sage Customer Support cannot provide support for
you. All hardware and system requirements must meet or exceed the minimum requirements as indicated in the Sage ERP MAS 90 and 200 Supported Platform Matrix. Only
additional requirements are listed in this matrix.

Note: It is critical that before and during an installation, this document be thoroughly reviewed, along with the Sage ERP MAS 90 or 200 Installation and System
Administrator's Guide and other documents found by clicking the Installation Information link of the main Sage ERP MAS 90 and 200 Support Web page. This Web page can
be found on the Sage Online Web site at:

Throughout this document, other companies' Web sites are referenced; the content on those sites can change at any time. Sage has no control over, and cannot be responsible
for the content of other companies' Web sites.

Please check for and apply any available Sage product updates from the Sage Online Web site at: For more information, consult your Sage
business partner.
Integrated product version compatibility indicated in this document does not necessarily imply that the integrated product vendor supports noncurrent versions. Refer to
the integrated product vendors Web site for specific information on supported versions.
Regarding support for integrated product 64-bit operating system and Microsoft operating system compatibility, consult the integrated product vendors Web site for the
most current information.

Product Version Sage ERP
MAS 90/200 PVX
Sage ERP
Hardware and System Requirements Remarks
Aatrix 2011 Qtr3 X X Workstation O/S installation only

eFiling & Reporting is only available for
Accounts Payable in the Sage ERP MAS
200 SQL version

Sage CRM
Product Version Sage ERP
MAS 90/200 PVX
Sage ERP
Hardware and System Requirements Remarks
7.1 SP1 X X The current patch is available on the Sage
Online Web site at:

Sage ERP MAS 90 and 200 Version 4.50
Integrated Solutions Compatibility Matrix
Revised as of October 14, 2011
Copyright 2011 Sage Software, Inc. All rights reserved Page 2 of 6

Sage Abra Suite
Product Version Sage ERP
MAS 90/200 PVX
Sage ERP
Hardware and System Requirements Remarks
9.07 to 9.X

X Abra HR 9.1 to Sage ERP MAS 90
requires Link version 4.23 others
require 4.22.
Contact Sage Employer Solutions
group for integration options.
Product Version Sage ERP
MAS 90/200 PVX
Sage ERP
Hardware and System Requirements Remarks
10.10 X Abra HR to Sage ERP MAS 90 Link
version 10.10 is required.
Contact Sage Employer Solutions
group for integration options.

Business Alerts
Product Version Sage ERP
MAS 90/200 PVX
Sage ERP
Hardware and System Requirements Remarks X Microsoft Outlook 2003/2007/2010
CDO (Collaborative Data Objects) must be installed prior to installing
Business Alerts if using MAPI or Exchange for Microsoft Outlook
SMTP E-mail Agent requires an available SMTP Server

Crystal Reports for Sage ERP MAS 90 and 200
Product Version Sage ERP
MAS 90/200 PVX
Sage ERP
Hardware and System Requirements Remarks

Sage ERP MAS 90 and 200 Version 4.50
Integrated Solutions Compatibility Matrix
Revised as of October 14, 2011
Copyright 2011 Sage Software, Inc. All rights reserved Page 3 of 6

DynaLink (D/L) / SalesLogix (S/L)
Product Version Sage ERP
MAS 90/200 PVX
Sage ERP
Hardware and System Requirements Remarks
DynaLink TBD TBD For more information, see
SalesLogix TDB TBD For more information, see the Sage SalesLogix Implementation Guide.

FAS 100 Asset Accounting
Product Version Sage ERP
MAS 90/200 PVX
Sage ERP
Hardware and System Requirements Remarks
2012 X

Remote access; cannot be used across subnets without Terminal Server and/or
Due to frequent tax law changes, the most
current version of FAS 100 Asset Accounting
should be used.
FAS 50 Asset Accounting
2012 X

Remote access; cannot be used across subnets without Terminal Server and/or
Due to frequent tax law changes, the most
current version of FAS 50 Asset Accounting
should be used.
Sage Fixed Assets
2011.1 X Remote access; cannot be used across subnets without Terminal Server and/or
Due to frequent tax law changes, the most
current version and Product Update of Sage ERP
MAS 90 and 200 should be used.
An upgrade for this release is anticipated to be
released in early February 2012, subject to
timely legislative changes.
Sage ERP MAS 90 and 200 Version 4.50
Integrated Solutions Compatibility Matrix
Revised as of October 14, 2011
Copyright 2011 Sage Software, Inc. All rights reserved Page 4 of 6

FAS 500 Asset Accounting
Product Version Sage ERP
MAS 90/200 PVX
Sage ERP
Hardware and System Requirements Remarks

X Remote access; cannot be used across subnets without Terminal Server and/or
Due to frequent tax law changes, the most
current version and Product Update of Sage ERP
MAS 90 and 200 should be used.
Sage ERP MAS 200 SQL Visual Integrator is
required. Only GL Depreciation Link is

FRx Desktop for Sage ERP MAS 90 and 200
Sage ERP
MAS 90/200
PVX Version
Sage ERP
Hardware and System Requirements Remarks
6.7.11027 X
FRx is not supported on 64 bit O/S Only for Existing User of Sage ERP MAS 90/200 4.40
The FRx OEM relationship has been terminated. FRx version 6.7 sp 11 is the
final version that will be supported with Sage ERP MAS 90 and 200.
Prior to performing an upgrade, compact the current spec set database and turn
off security.
Export all report, column, and row formats before upgrading from versions prior
to 6.7 to 6.7.x.
Note: Upgrades prior to version 6.7 must be installed to a new directory.

Microsoft Office

Sage ERP
MAS 90/200 PVX
Sage ERP
Hardware and System Requirements Remarks
2010 X X Exporting to Word and Excel on a Windows 7 64-
bit system is not supported.
2007 X X Exporting to Word and Excel on a Windows 7 64-
bit system is not supported.
2003 X X Exporting to Word and Excel on a Windows 7 64-
bit system is not supported.
Sage ERP MAS 90 and 200 Version 4.50
Integrated Solutions Compatibility Matrix
Revised as of October 14, 2011
Copyright 2011 Sage Software, Inc. All rights reserved Page 5 of 6

Microsoft Fax Services
Product Version Sage ERP
MAS 90/200 PVX
Sage ERP
Hardware and System Requirements Remarks
In supported
operating systems
X X Modem connected to analog line
Functioning modem driver

PCCharge Payment Server
Product Version Sage ERP
MAS 90/200 PVX
Sage ERP

Hardware and System Requirements Remarks X X Microsoft Jet Database Engine Service Pack 8 or higher loaded on the
Internet connection for TCP/IP communication
Contact VeriFone Technical Support at
877-659-8981. For a list of the supported
Credit Card Processors, refer to the
PCCharge Certified Processor list located
If you are upgrading, you must settle all
transactions prior to the upgrade.
Use the most recent version of PCCharge
Payment Server certified by Sage for your
version of Sage ERP MAS 90 or 200. The
latest certified copy of PCCharge Payment
Server is located at:
Print the Credit Card Settlement Report
from PCCharge. For more information, see
Resolution ID 518784 in the Sage
InfoSource Knowledgebase on the Sage
Online Web site at:

Credit Card Processing, powered by Sage Payment Solutions
Product Version Sage ERP
MAS 90/200 PVX
Sage ERP
Hardware and System Requirements Remarks
All (Web service) X X To apply for a merchant account, contact a Sage
Connected Services Specialist at 800-854-3415,
ext. 340123. For more information, go to:

Sage ERP MAS 90 and 200 Version 4.50
Integrated Solutions Compatibility Matrix
Revised as of October 14, 2011
Copyright 2011 Sage Software, Inc. All rights reserved Page 6 of 6
Sage ERP MAS 90 and 200 Sales Tax. Powered by AvaTax
Product Version Sage ERP
MAS 90/200 PVX
Sage ERP
Hardware and System Requirements Remarks
December 2011
December 2011
For connector information, go to:

Sage MAS Intelligence
Product Version Sage ERP
MAS 90/200 PVX
Sage ERP
Hardware and System Requirements Remarks
4.50.7107.015 X Report Manager module requires Excel
2003 or higher
Report Designer module requires Excel
2007 or higher
Not compatible with 64 bit Excel 2010

Sage Payroll Services - CompuPay
Product Version Sage ERP
MAS 90/200 PVX
Sage ERP
Hardware and System Requirements Remarks
All (Web service) X X

Sage TimeSheet MAS 90 Edition
Product Version Sage ERP
MAS 90/200 PVX
Sage ERP
Hardware and System Requirements Remarks
2011 X

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