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home care | preservation

Sorbates: Nature Identical, Non-Sensitizing, Label Friendly Preservatives

for Home Care Detergent Products
S. Nefkens, A. van Kooij


W ith the preservative methylisothiazolinone under regulatory pressure due to its skin-sensitizing potential, and consumers in-
creasingly looking for home care products that are both human- and environmentally friendly, formulators are searching for
alternatives to isothiazolinones to preserve home care products. Sorbates have a long history of safe use in food, pharmaceutical
and personal care applications. They are considered nature identical and are ecolabel compliant. As biocidal products, under
the applicable Biocidal Product Regulation (EU) 528/2012 (BPR), Nutrinova® Potassium Sorbate BFX Granules and Nutrinova®
Sorbic Acid BFX DF have now been made available for home care formulations by Celanese, the only western manufacturer of
potassium sorbate and sorbic acid.
Their efficacy at use levels of 0.1-0.4%, both bactericidal and fungicidal, is demonstrated in a range of home care detergent
formulations, such as manual dishwashing liquids, fabric conditioners and all-purpose cleaners. Their viability as a possible effi-
cacious alternative to isothiazolinones in such formulations is thus supported.

Introduction An additional impact will be that products containing MIT

and requiring a H317 classification after reclassification, will
Sorbates have a long history of use in the preservation of food, no longer qualify for ecolabels such as Nordic Ecolabel or EU
feed, pharmaceutical and personal care products. In personal Ecolabel. Under the Ecocert standard for natural detergents,
care applications, the use of sorbates and preservative blends chloromethylisothazolinone (CMIT), MIT and benzisothiazoli-
with sorbates is well established [1,2]. In home care deter- none (BIT) will no longer be allowed after the end of 2019.
gent applications, they have not been widely used up to now, In 2018, both the German consumer organization Stiftung
mainly due to the fact that isothiazolinones have been the Warentest [4] and Ökotest [5] negatively remarked on the
main preservatives of choice in home care formulation. presence of methylisothiazolinone in the majority of the man-
Isothiazolinones, however, have come under pressure not only ual dishwashing liquids evaluated.
due to regulatory changes, but because of a growing negative Product manufacturers, currently using MIT and wishing to
image related to their skin sensitization potential, are also criti- avoid a hazard pictogram and warning statements related to
cally regarded by consumers and consumer organisations. The the skin sensitizing properties of MIT, or looking at maintain-
EU Commission recently adopted Regulation (EU) 2018/1480, ing or acquiring certain ecolabels, may want to reformulate
amending Regulation (EC) No 1272/2008 on classification, la- and are looking for alternative preservatives.
belling and packaging of substances and mixtures (CLP) [3]. This Sorbates as a possible alternative to isothiazolinones have
included an update on the harmonized classification of the pre- only recently become available to formulators of home-care
servative methylisothiazolinone (MIT). A specific concentration products with the notification/registration of Nutrinova®
limit of 15 ppm was introduced for MIT, down from the general Potassium Sorbate BFX Granules and Nutrinova® Sorbic
concentration limit of 1000 ppm for general category 1A skin Acid BFX DF as biocidal products in many countries in the
sensitizers, bringing it in line with CMIT/MIT. The new harmo- EU under the currently applicable transitional legislation
nized classification and labeling will apply from 1 May 2020. of the Biocidal Product Regulation (EU) 528/2012 (BPR).
The impact of these updates is that products containing MIT Although sorbates are already used in some consumer
will require re-classification. A use level of ≥15 ppm will trig- home care detergent products, not much has been known
ger H317 labeling and a concentration ≥1.5 ppm will trigger about the efficacy of sorbates in home-care formulations,
EUH208 labeling. especially with respect to usage levels and the effective pH

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26 sofwjournal | 145 | 04/19

preservation | home care

Celanese SOWF Fig 1_eng_2019-02-18.pdf 1 19.02.2019 16:56:12

This difference is expected to be reflected by

2.0 3.0 4.0 5.0 6.0 7.0 8.0 9.0 10.0 11.0 12.0 pH
the effective use concentrations of both ac-
ids and their salts, especially for formulations
Fabric condi�oners
with a pH close to 7.
Typical product Manual dishwashing liquids
pH As sorbic acid is only sparingly soluble in wa-
All purpose cleaners
ter, its highly water soluble potassium salt is
Laundry detergents
preferentially used in aqueous formulations.
Sorbates The active form of sorbic acid is subsequently
Suitable pH range for
CMIT/MIT formed in solution upon acidification (Fig. 2).
selected preserva�ves

Efficacy of Sorbates in Various Home Care

Fig. 1 Typical pH range of home care detergent products and suitable pH range for
selected preservatives. Formulations
To understand what use levels are effective
range. Therefore, the following study has been conducted and get a better understanding of the limits of the pH that
to better understand how sorbates can perform in these sorbates are effective at in home care detergent formulations,
products. preservative efficacy studies were done in manual dishwash
formulations, fabric softener and all-purpose cleaner spray
formulations. All surfactants used in the frame formulations
Sorbates as a Possible Alternative to Isothiazolinones were preservative free. In all cases where a Ph. Eur. challenge
for Home Care Products test was performed, E.coli was included as a test microorgan-
The typical product pH of home care products is depicted in
Fig. 1 [6], alongside the suitable pH range of MIT, the CMIT/ Preservative Efficacy in Manual Dishwashing
MIT preservative system and sorbates. Formulations at pH 5.5 and pH 6.0
As sorbates exhibit their highest activity in the acidic range
they can serve as an alternative to MIT and CMIT/MIT in de- The efficacy of Nutrinova® Potassium Sorbate BFX Granules in
tergent products that can be formulated to a pH up to 7. manual dishwash formulations was demonstrated using a Ph.
Suitable products would be fabric conditioners, manual dish- Eur. challenge test protocol. The pass criteria in log reduction,
washing liquids and certain all-purpose cleaners, Celanese SOWF Tab 1_eng_2019-02-18.pdf 1 19.02.2019 16:54:25
such as bathroom cleaners, which are generally
formulated in the acidic range.
Organic acid pKa % of un-dissociated acid at different pH values
(at 25° C)
3 3.5 4 4.5 5 5.5 6 6.5 7
Sorbic acid 4.76 98 95 86 65 37 15 5.4 1.8 0.6

Efficacy of Sorbates in Function of pH Benzoic acid 4.20 94 83 60 31 13 5 1.5 0.5 0.15

Tab. 1 Percentage of un-dissociated acid as a function of pH for sorbic acid and

Sorbic acid is a weak acid, that only partial-
benzoic acid.
ly dissociates in water. The undissociated acid
is generally understood to be the most active
Celanese SOWF Fig 2_eng_2019-02-18.pdf 1 19.02.2019 16:55:47
against micro-organisms [7,8,9]. The efficacy is
therefore influenced by the pH of the formula-
tion: the lower the pH, the more sorbic acid is H2O
+ K⁺
present in its undissociated state, and therefore, O K⁺ O-
the higher the antimicrobial activity. Potassium Sorbate Sorbate anion
The amount of undissociated acid present in
solution is a function of the pH of the formula-
-H⁺ +H⁺ Acidifica�on
tion and the pKa of the acid. When compared
to other organic acids, such as benzoic acid, it
can be calculated, using the Henderson-Has- O
selbalch equation, that the amount of acid in
the undissociated state is higher for sorbic acid
Undissociated Sorbic Acid
than it is for benzoic acid in the pH range 3-7
(Tab. 1). The calculated difference becomes
Fig. 2 Equilibrium of potassium sorbate and sorbic acid in aqueous solution.
more pronounced as the pH increases.

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home care | preservation

Celanese SOWF Tab 2_eng_2019-02-18.pdf 1 19.02.2019 16:54:01

Sorbate BFX Granules passed the chal-

European Pharmacopoeia challenge test required log reduc�ons for pass, Criteria A (B)
lenge test A criteria (Fig. 3). The sur-
Time 2 Days 7 Days 14 Days 28 Days
factant concentration does not seem
Bacteria 2 3 - (3) No increase to have a significant impact on the use
Moulds & Yeasts - - 2 (1) No increase level required for adequate preserva-
tion in the formulations tested, which
Tab. 2 Pass criteria for Ph. Eur. challenge test
may be due to the fact that the higher
Celanese SOWF Tab 3_eng_2019-02-19.pdf 1 19.02.2019 16:53:35 concentration of surfactants is offset by
the lower concentration of NaCl used
Low High to obtain the targeted viscosity. The
Concentra�on Concentra�on addition of salt is known to reduce the
Ingredient Func�on % w/w % w/w water activity of formulations and thus
Water Solvent Ad 100 Ad 100 may have a boosting effect on the pre-
Sodium laureth sulfate (70%) Surfactant 10 20 servative efficacy [10].
C8-C16 Alkylpolyglucoside (52%) Surfactant 3 3 Surprisingly, as sorbates are generally
Cocamidopropyl betaine (45%) Surfactant 5 9
more known for their fungicidal than
for their bactericidal effect, a good bac-
Nutrinova® Potassium Sorbate BFX Granules Preserva�ve 0 - 0.2
tericidal efficacy was observed in this
Citric acid pH-Adjuster to pH 5.5
type of detergent formulation. To see
NaCl Thickener 2.4 0.2
if the same would be valid at a slightly
Viscosity 2000-3000 mPa.s
higher pH, a similar low surfactant con-
centration manual dishwash at pH 6.0
Tab. 3 Composition of the low surfactant concentration and high surfactant concentration
was tested. In this formulation, 0.3%
manual dishwash formulations at pH 5.5.
potassium sorbate was required to pass
the A criteria of the Ph. Eur. challenge
based on the count of colony forming units (cfu), are shown test (Fig. 4, results of the unpreserved formulation which fails
in Tab. 2. the challenge test are not shown).
Both a low surfactant concentration formulation, as well as With the addition of 0.1% of Na2EDTA as a chelating agent,
a high surfactant concentration formulation (Tab. 3) were known to be able to enhance preservative efficacy [11], the
evaluated, representative of the dif- Celanese SOWF Fig 3_eng_2019-02-18.pdf 1 19.02.2019 16:55:18

ferent manual dishwash formulations

Low surfactant concentra�on manual dishwash pH 5.5 High surfactant concentra�on manual dishwash, pH 5.5
encountered in the market. A pH 0.2% potassium sorbate 0.2% potassium sorbate
of 5.5 was chosen, as this is often
claimed to be the natural pH of the 1.0E+06
Celanese SOWF Fig 4_eng_2019-02-18.pdf 1 19.02.2019 16:54:49

skin, which could be an additional 1.0E+05 1.0E+05

1.0E+04 1.0E+04
marketing claim for manual dishwash Manual dishwash pH 6.0


1.0E+03 1.0E+03
0.2% Potassium sorbate
formulations. 1.0E+02
A. brasiliensis
A. brasiliensis
1.0E+01 C. albicans 1.0E+01 C. albicans
Both the low surfactant and the high 1.0E+00
E. coli
S. aureus
E. coli
S. aureus 1.0E+06

surfactant unpreserved formulations T0

Day 2
Day 7
Day 14
P. aeruginosa 1.0E+05
Day 2
Day 7
Day 14
P. aeruginosa 1.0E+05
Day 28 Day 28
failed the challenge test (results not Passes the Ph. Eur. challenge test A criteria Passes the Ph. Eur. challenge test A criteria
1.0E+04 1.0E+04


1.0E+03 1.0E+03

shown), whereas the formulations 1.0E+02 1.0E+02

Fig. 3 Challenge test results of low surfactant concentration and high surfactant concentration A. brasiliensis

with 0.2% Nutrinova® Potassium 1.0E+01 C. albicans

E. coli

manual dishwashing liquids at pH 5.5. 1.0E+00

S. aureus
T0 T0
Day 2 P. aeruginosa
Day 7
Day 14
Day 28
Celanese SOWF Fig 4_eng_2019-02-18.pdf 1 19.02.2019 16:54:49
Passes the Ph. Eur. challenge test B criteria

Manual dishwash pH 6.0 Manual dishwash pH 6.0 Manual dishwash + 0.1% Na2EDTA pH 6.0
0.2% Potassium sorbate 0.3% Potassium sorbate 0.2% Potassium sorbate

1.0E+06 1.0E+06 1.0E+06

1.0E+05 1.0E+05 1.0E+05

1.0E+04 1.0E+04 1.0E+04



1.0E+03 1.0E+03 1.0E+03

1.0E+02 1.0E+02 1.0E+02

A. brasiliensis A. brasiliensis A. brasiliensis
1.0E+01 C. albicans 1.0E+01 C. albicans 1.0E+01 C. albicans
E. coli E. coli E. coli
1.0E+00 1.0E+00 1.0E+00
S. aureus S. aureus S. aureus
T0 T0 T0
Day 2 P. aeruginosa Day 2 P. aeruginosa Day 2 P. aeruginosa
Day 7 Day 7 Day 7
Day 14 Day 14 Day 14
Day 28 Day 28 Day 28

Passes the Ph. Eur. challenge test B criteria Passes the Ph. Eur. challenge test A criteria Passes the Ph. Eur. challenge test A criteria

Manual dishwash + 0.1% Na2EDTA pH 6.0

Fig. 4 Challenge test
0.2% resultssorbate
Potassium manual dishwash formulations at pH 6.0.


sofwjournal | 145 | 04/19

28 1.0E+04

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home care | preservation

formulation with 0.2% potassium sorbate also passed the that under more challenging conditions, addition of potassium
challenge test A criteria. The addition thus helped lowering sorbate could be beneficial to achieve the required level of pres-
the use level of potassium sorbate required for effective pres- ervation.
ervation. Celanese SOWF Tab 4_eng_2019-02-19 .pdf 1 19.02.2019 16:53:01

Preservative Efficacy in a Fabric Ingredient Func�on % w/w

Conditioner at pH 3.5 Water Solvent Ad 100
Dipalmitoylethyl hydroxyethylmonium
In a next study, the efficacy of potassium Condi�oning agent 5.6
methosulfate (90%)
sorbate in a fabric conditioner (Tab. 4) was Magnesium chloride Viscosity builder 2
investigated, using a protocol similar to the
Nutrinova® Potassium Sorbate BFX Granules Preserva�ve 0 - 0.15
Ph. Eur., but involving multiple inoculations.
Citric acid pH Adjuster q.s. to pH 3.5
In total, 3 inoculations were done at 7 day
Tab. 4 Liquid fabric conditioner composition.
The fabric conditioner formulation, as would be
expected for this type of for- Celanese SOWF Tab 5_eng_2019-02-18.pdf 1 19.02.2019 16:52:35

mulation at pH 3.5, is largely

self-preserving and passes the Cfu/g, day 7 a�er inocula�on
Fabric condi�oner pH 3.5 Fabric condi�oner pH 3.5
A criteria of the Ph. Eur. chal- Unpreserved control
0.1% Potassium sorbate 0.15% Potassium sorbate
lenge test without preserva- Inocula�on Inocula�on Inocula�on Inocula�on Inocula�on Inocula�on Inocula�on Inocula�on Inocula�on
1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3
tion (Tab. 5). The results with P. aeruginosa <10 <10 <10 <10 <10 <10 <10 <10 <10
the addition of 0.1–0.15% S. aureus <10 <10 <10 <10 <10 <10 <10 <10 <10
potassium sorbate show that E. coli <10 <10 <10 <10 <10 <10 <10 <10 <10
a further reduction of Asper- C. albicans <10 <10 <10 <10 <10 <10 <10 <10 <10

gillus brasiliensis is obtained as A. brasiliensis 8.6 x 10³ 7.9 x 10² 8.6 x 10² 1.2 x 10² <100 <10 <10 <100 <10

compared to the unpreserved

Tab. 5 Results of challenge test on liquid fabric conditioner.
formulation. This indicates
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sofwjournal | 145 | 04/19
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Celanese SOWF Tab 6_eng_2019-02-18.pdf 1 19.02.2019 16:52:10

Efficacy on Consortia of Bacteria and

Ingredient Func�on % w/w Fungi and Efficacy over Shelf Life
Water Solvent Ad 100
In a final study, the efficacy of potassium
Sodium laureth sulfate (70%) Surfactant 1 sorbate against a broader range of bacte-
C8-C16 Alkylpolyglucoside (52%) Surfactant 0.3 ria and fungi was demonstrated in a basic
all-purpose spray formulation at pH 5.5
Dipropylene Glycol Methyl Ether Solvent 2
(Tab. 8).
Disodium EDTA Chela�ng agent 0.1 Prior to testing, the samples in this study
Preserva�ve were aged for two weeks at 54°C, simulating
2 year shelf life [9], to demonstrate the effi-
Citric acid pH Adjuster q.s. to pH 7.0
cacy and stability of the preservation system
over shelf life.
Tab. 6 Composition of all-purpose cleaner spray formulation at pH 7.0.
The method used involved 3 inoculations at 7
day intervals with a consortium of eight bac-
Preservative Efficacy Test in All-purpose Cleaner teria and a consortium of fungi, consisting of two yeasts and
at pH 7.0 two molds (Tab. 9). These microbiological strains are repre-
sentative of those widely used in the industry for purposes of
All-purpose cleaners can be formulated at different pH, de- preservative efficacy testing [12].
pending on their targeted application. Bath- Celanese SOWF Tab 7_eng_2019-02-18.pdf 1 19.02.2019 16:51:42

room cleaners are generally formulated in the

Concentra�on (% w/w)
acidic range, in order to also have a descaling Preserva�ve 0 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.6 0.8
effect, whereas kitchen cleaners tend to be for- Potassium sorbate No pass B pass B pass B pass nt nt
mulated in the alkaline range. To understand Sodium benzoate No pass nt nt No pass No pass No pass
whether organic acids would still be effective nt= not tested

as preservatives in an all-purpose cleaner spray

Tab. 7 Challenge test results all-purpose cleaner spray formulation at pH 7.0.
formulation at a pH close to neutral, compar-
ative studies were carried out using potassium Celanese SOWF Tab 8_eng_2019-02-18.pdf 1 19.02.2019 16:51:14

sorbate and sodium benzoate as the single

preservative in a formulation at pH 7 (Tab. 6). Ingredient Func�on % w/w
A challenge test according to the Ph. Eur. was
Water Solvent Ad 100
performed. Potassium sorbate was tested at use
levels of 0.2-0.4%, whereas sodium benzoate C8-C16 Alkylpolyglucoside (52%) Surfactant 2

was tested at a use levels of 0.4-0.8%. A high- Nutrinova® Potassium Sorbate BFX Granules Preservative 0 – 0.25
er use level for sodium benzoate was anticipat- Xanthan gum Thickener 0.1
ed based on the differences in the calculated
Citric acid pH Adjuster q.s. to pH 5.5
amounts of undissociated acid at pH 7.0 for the
two different acids (Tab. 1).
Tab. 8 Composition of basic all-purpose spray formulation at pH 5.5.
Whereas the formulations pass the challenge
Celanese SOWF Tab 9_eng_2019-02-18.pdf 1 19.02.2019 16:50:50
test B criteria already with a concentration of
0.2% potassium sorbate, a concentration of
0.8% sodium benzoate is not yet sufficient to Consor�um of bacteria Consor�um of fungi
Aeromonas hydrophila (sobria) Yeasts
pass the challenge test (Tab. 7) .
Alcaligenes faecalis Candida albicans
This confirms our hypothesis that at a pH close
Providencia rettgeri Saccharomyces cerevisiae
to 7.0, higher concentrations of sodium ben- Pseudomonas aeruginosa
zoate would be required to achieve adequate Pseudomonas putida Molds
preservation in comparison to using potassium Shewanella putrefaciens Geotrichum candidum
sorbate. Citrobacter freundii Rhodotorula mucilaginosa
It also confirms that sorbates are still effective Serratia marcescens
preservatives in these type of surfactant formu-
Tab. 9 Micro-organisms included in the consortia of bacteria and fungi.
lations up to a neutral pH.

Home & Personal Care Ingredients & Formulations:

04/19 | 145 | sofwjournal 31

home care | preservation

Growth or no growth is determined by cfu count 7 days after Sorbic Acid BFX DF, Celanese provides the home care industry
each inoculation. a possible alternative to MIT in formulations up to pH 7.0 that
The non-preserved samples show growth of both bacteria is efficacious, ecolabel-compliant and non-skin sensitizing.
(Tab. 10) and fungi (Tab. 11), confirming that the formula-
tions are prone to spoilage and require a preservative. At a References
concentration ≥0.1% potassium sorbate, growth of the mi-
cro-organisms is effectively inhibited. Weber K, New Alternatives to Paraben-Based Preservative Blends, Cosmetics &
Toiletries, Vol. 120, No. 1, 2005, 57-62.
Contrary to the general assumption that sorbates are pre-
[2] W
 eber K, Siebert J, Organic acids - a modern alternative for preservation of
dominantly active against fungi, these results demonstrate a cosmetics, SÖFW-Journal 129, 6-2003, 8-12.
good activity against a broad range of bacteria. [3] Commission Regulation (EU) 2018/1480 of 4 October 2018 amending, for the
purposes of its adaptation to technical and scientific progress, Regulation (EC)
No 1272/2008 of the European Parliament and of the Council on classification,
labelling and packaging of substances and mixtures and correcting Commis-
sion Regulation (EU) 2017/776.
Conclusion [4] Stiftung Warentest, Mittel mit Makel, September 2018, 64-71.
Ippach C, Spülverderber, Ökotest-Magasin Vol. 6, June 2018, 130-138.
Shaw DA, Browne B, Rook T, Geis P, Ananth V, Critical Elements of Household
The results presented in this paper clearly illustrate that po- Product Preservation. Happi, May 2014, 79-85.
tassium sorbate can be used as the single preservative in sur- Fevola MJ, Sorbic Acid/Potassium Sorbate, Cosmetics & Toiletries, Vol. 127,
factant formulations at pH 3.5-7.0 with efficacy against both No.11, 2012, 756-762.
Eklund T, The antimicrobial effect of dissociated and undissociated sorbic acid
bacteria and fungi. While the results presented from laborato-
at different pH levels, Journal of Applied Bacteriology, 54, 1983, 383-389.
ry experiments based on the Ph. Eur. challenge test conditions Lück E, Sorbinsäure, Band II, Behr’s Verlag GmbH, Hamburg, 1972, 88-90.
show favorable results, a testing program should be under- [10] S teinberg D, Effective vs. Ineffective Preservation Using Water Activity*, Cos-
taken to determine the most effective dose for each applica- metics & Toiletries, Jan. 2011. Retrieved on 8 February 2019 from https://www.
tion, taking into account the composition of the formulation, [11] L eschke M, Siegert J, Boosting Efficacy of Preservatives, Personal Care Maga-
susceptibility of the product to contamination and the micro- zine, September 2008, 1-4.

biological challenges observed in a production setting. With [12] CIPAC Method 46.3 Accelerated storage procedure,
Nutrinova® Potassium Sorbate BFX Granules and Nutrinova® [13] Ananth V, Rook T, Shaw D, Ganguly-Mink S, Vitolo, P, Brutofsky, M, Detwiler
C; Preservative Efficacy Testing, Happi,
Celanese SOWF Tab 10_eng_2019-02-18.pdf 1 19.02.2019 16:50:22 April 2015, 2-6.

Nutrinova® Potassium Sorbate CFU count bacteria

BFX Granules 1st Challenge 2nd Challenge 3rd Challenge
(% w/w) Day 0 Day 7 Day 0 Day 7 Day 0 Day 7
0.00 1.0 x 103 3.9 x 107 3.7 x 107 4.7 x 107 4.7 x 107 2.3 x 107
0.10 9.1 x 10 2
9.2 x 10 2
8.8 x 10 2
9.5 x 10 2
9.4 x 10 2
≤ 10
0.25 9.4 x 102 6.1 x 102 9.0 x 102 6.8 x 102 8.9 x 102 ≤ 10 contact

Tab. 10 Results of the preservative efficacy test in a basic multi-purpose cleaner spray formulation,
consortium of bacteria.
Sylvia Nefkens
Celanese SOWF Tab 11_eng_2019-02-18.pdf 1 19.02.2019 16:49:57

Aukje van Kooij

Nutrinova® Potassium Sorbate CFU count fungi
BFX Granules 1st Challenge 2nd Challenge 3rd Challenge Celanese Services Germany GmbH
(% w/w) Day 0 Day 7 Day 0 Day 7 Day 0 Day 7 Am Unisys-Park 1
0.00 9.4 x 102 1.5 x 105 1.5 x 105 3.1 x 106 2.8 x 106 1.5 x 107 65843 Sulzbach (Taunus)
0.10 2.1 x 102 2.8 x 102 8.3 x 102 6.3 x 102 8.5 x 102 3.5 x 103* Germany
0.25 9.3 x 102 1.7 x 102 8.8 x 102 5.0 x 102 8.6 x 102 < 10
*No sta�s�cally significant growth
Tab. 11 Results of the preservative efficacy test in a basic multi-purpose cleaner spray formulation,
consortium of fungi

32 sofwjournal | 145 | 04/19

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