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Time-bound Home Exam-2020(Fall)

Master of Business Administration/First Semester/Final
Time: 03:00 hrs. (+2 hours for submission) Full Marks: 60/Pass Marks: 24
CO-516: Marketing for Managers (New Course)
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Group A:
Group A: (Case Study)
Compulsory Question. 1×15=15
1. Read the case and answer that follows.
Global Marketing Strategy of Barista
Barista, the leader in espresso coffees, is positioned as a lifestyle brand with Italian neighborhood.
Barista was established in New Delhi in 2000 and is the fastest growing coffee chain in India. It has
an alliance with Tata coffee in supply chain management. Every month it introduced and focused on
a particular type of coffee. The idea was to change customer's occasional indulgence and make it a
habit and educate them about the original coffees. It also developed store-in-store concept by
focusing on themes that compliment coffee, such as music, books and art. Barista entered home
brew segment with freshly grounded coffee. The company extended its product portfolio from roasted
coffee range to single origin coffee. Barista's single origin coffee powder has a status symbol. It was
planning to enter the international market.
Barista's adopted a strategy on which it segmented itself to the elite class. This class has high
potential because these people associate with anything that is of status symbol. They spend very
high. So Barista choose this segment contains people with big designations like MD's, Doctors,
CEO's and people belonging to elite class. They like to be in a place which is classy and luxurious
like Barista. This segment has high potential.
The strategy adopted by Barista would suit the Indian market. Barista came up with uniqueness in
its interior with Indian neighborhood. It also offered several services along with serving coffee.
Several international varieties of coffees are served in Barista. The ambience was great. The perfect
Italian varieties of coffees were served with brew masters from Italy. They came up with single origin
coffees and attracted with the niche set of consumers. Many varieties of coffees are served in Barista
people feel very comfortable. It also serves food items like pastries, sandwiches. People started
thinking that Barista has become a status symbol. So they wanted to associate themselves with
Barista. It's planning to go international into many countries. It's even planning to co brand with
several banks for credit cards. People of India always wanted something new and different. So
Barista's strategy perfectly suits the Indian market.
(a) Analyze marketing strategy of Barista in terms of market segmentation, target market strategy
and brand positioning, in reference to Indian market.
(b) Recommend the market growth strategy for Barista.

Contd. ...

Group B: (Long Answer Type Questions)

Answer TWO questions. 2×10=20
2. Why do you think "holistic marketing" is important to gain competitive advantage in the market?
Discuss by explaining its various components.
3. "Market positioning is the central to developing a marketing strategy." Discuss.
4. Marketing strategies need to be adapted in each of stages of the Product Life Cycle? Why do you
think so? Discuss marketing strategies to be adopted in each of the PLC stages. What could be the
marketing strategy for a product in the growth stage?
Group C: (Short Answer Type Questions)
Answer FIVE questions. Q. (10) is Compulsory. 4×5+(5×1)=25
5. Explain the different marketing concepts.
6. Explain the layers of marketing environment.
7. Why markets are segmented? Explain.
8. How is product line extended?
9. Explain export marketing with reference to Globalization.
How would the business community and the world benefit from green marketing.
10. Answer the following questions in a single sentence.
(a) Point – of differences
(b) Price skimming
(c) Vertical marketing system.
(d) Sales promotion
(e) Digital Marketing

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