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Reflection on the Problem of Philippine Elections

I would say that the election in the Philippines was fraudulent, dishonest, and full of
deception. One thing that almost all of the politicians who have run for any post in the
government seek is the title of such positions and the money that they can steal without
getting discovered. This is not true of all politicians, but it is true of the vast majority of
them. Even if only a few of people have any intention of helping, protecting, serving, or
being loyal to the Filipino people, we continue to struggle with this issue generation after
To improve the election and the political parties here in the Philippines, I suggest that
we should have a proper background check on the person involved in the Comelec, the
political parties should also have persons that are qualified and their respective
occupations are related to the position and the name of their political part. I also think
that in every election we should have recounts over recounts so that every Filipino
people would believe, not protest, and accept the fact that their chosen candidates did
not win and respect what the majority wants even if it will be bad for the country
My thoughts are first, we were right about the current president. He just wants the title
but he doesn’t want the job. There is still no concrete action for people suffering from
hunger and poverty, people who are losing their jobs, and people who can’t buy their
needs because of high inflation. Second, If only the right person won that election, I
really think that the result and impact of that on the country would be very different.
Lastly, I think that the election back in May was so dramatic, anxious, and very intense
since it composes of an attorney, a boxer and senator, a former police general and a
senator, a mayor, and a dictator’s son.
Senators or even the President should have a college degree, just like us normal
citizens before we get the jobs that we want, we must sacrifice and work through the
hard times just to attain the degree and job we want. There should not be an exemption
to the candidates, we must have higher standards for choosing who are the rightful
persons or candidates that can lead us. We can’t just rely on the heart of the candidate
we must also rely on their plans and how can they execute the things in their mind.
Social media is the one that misleads the Filipino people, people are using social media
platforms just to hate other candidates, spread misinformation on candidates and the
candidates they are supporting, and give fake articles to people to read on. Social
media plays a very important role in every election since it is very easy for us to access
every website or page available. Every Filipino people should have fact-checked if the
information they are receiving is true, they can just believe or be convinced about the
things they see, read, and hear on social media.

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