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Review of Industry

The industry being studied is the agricultural industry. The term “agriculture”

can be defined as the practice of cultivating plants and livestocks. The agricultural

sector can be divided into two main sectors, crop and livestock production which is very

important to the development of the country’s economy. One of the most fundamental

attributes of this sector is the ability to produce crops and livestock for use at a local and

international level.

Thus the development of the agricultural sector is also relevant on political and

soc,za,a,,aA,a,a,,a,a,,,a,a,zaazial ground.The agricultural sector has many ventures,

most notable of these is the Jamaica broilers Group, It is one of the major constituents

in the development of the country. The agricultural sector is central to the Jamaican

economy. It is important for employment and foreign exchange earnings. According to

the University of West Indies, Mona it accounted for 6.8 percent of Jamaica’s GDP

(Gross domestic product) in 2012. It is particularly important in providing employment

for persons in the rural areas of the country. Agriculture is an important part of

Jamaica's future by providing job opportunities for the Jamaican society, to reduce the

country’s trade deficit, to increase the country’s food security and to earn foreign

exchange. The primary export crops produced in Jamaica are: bananas, sugar cane,

citrus fruits, cocoa and pimento with sugar cane, which 45% of earnings of all export

goods is a contribution of sugar cane.

Agriculture plays an essential role in sustaining and driving the economy. It is the

backbone of everything that drives us. In addition to providing food and raw materials, it
also provides employment opportunities. It serves as a source of food supply as

agriculture has been the basic source of supply for mankind for centuries, whether a

country is underdeveloped,developed or developing all nations depend on the

agricultural industry for food. It also contributes to the national income of a country. This

sector also helps in the creation of infrastructure such as roads,storage units,market

yards etc. For an industry that’s creating high demands for industrial products, the

agricultural sector also demands the development of the commercial sector.

Agriculture in Jamaica can be traced back to over 500 years with the arrival of the arawaks.

The antillean arawaks were agriculturists who lived in villages sometimes with up to 3000

inhabitants. They practiced a method of cultivation known as slash and burn cultivation, the

slash and burn method allowed people to farm in places where it usually is not possible

because of dense vegetation, soil infertility, low soil nutrient content, uncontrollable

pests, or other reasons. They cultivated mainly cassava and corn. When the Spaniards

arrived in 1494 they brought with them many crops, Some of these crops include: sugar cane,

bananas and citrus fruits.This emphasized the agricultural activities that have been at the heart

of economic activity and livelihood for the masses of the Jamaican people for several years

leading up to independence in 1962.

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