Summary Physical Recreation Section Report v1.0

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Emma Montivero

International College SA,Uruguay

Silver Level award started on 05 - May - 2023

Physical Recreation

First Log Hours Hours

Status Major
Entry Completed Required

Awaiting 20 - May -
No 26.5 26
Assessment 2023

Personal Training
Goal: For the next six months, I will go to the gym once a week for at least an hour, with the goal of
bettering my stamina. I know I will have achieved this goal when I am able to do a full hour
session and still feel energetic.
Assessor: Martina García

Date Duration Description

20 - May - 2023 02:30 As our first time going to
the gym together,
Sienna (who would be
accompanying me and
doing the exercises
alongside me) and I
pulled inspiration from
different TikTok
accounts in order to try
to find a routine that
would suit us both. That
is how we ended up
settling for starting with
20 min approx. in the
treadmill (7 min walking,
5 min jogging, a sprint
until failure, followed by
3 more minutes of
walking), 15 minutes in
the bicycle, 10 minutes
in the elliptical, hip
thrusts (50), hip plank
(1.5min), plank (45 sec),
bicep curl, tricep curls,
calf raises, vertical pull,
rows, arm squats, abs,
and finishing off by
walking for 10 minutes.
Personal Training
Goal: For the next six months, I will go to the gym once a week for at least an hour, with the goal of
bettering my stamina. I know I will have achieved this goal when I am able to do a full hour
session and still feel energetic.
Assessor: Martina García

Date Duration Description

27 - May - 2023 02:15 We went over the
routine we had created,
easily feeling
exhausted, and finishing
with some stretches
after completing the
03 - June - 2023 02:30 Finding we worked best
and felt the most
relaxed at night time we
decided to keep with
this schedule and
exercised following the
routine we agreed on,
finding we needed to
take some more breaks
in between the different
exercises after feeling
sore quicker.
10 - June - 2023 02:15 After starting with a
warm up (heel to butt,
knee to chest, hip
rotations, knee circles,
forward skips, shoulder
rolls, leg swings and
arm rolls), we continued
on with the workout
system we previously
developed, beginning to
get more comfortable
with the exercices and
gaining a certain
amount of confidence in
the fact that we were
able to achieve this
series of exercises.
17 - June - 2023 02:15 We continued with the
routine yet with some
minor changes, such as
including 6 minutes in
the stairmaster, and
instead opting out of the

30 Nov 2023 18:20

Personal Training
Goal: For the next six months, I will go to the gym once a week for at least an hour, with the goal of
bettering my stamina. I know I will have achieved this goal when I am able to do a full hour
session and still feel energetic.
Assessor: Martina García

Date Duration Description

24 - June - 2023 02:30 I met with Sienna at the
GYM, where we began
our usual workout,
involving a warm-up,
treadmill for 20 min (7
min walking, 7 min
jogging, 3 min sprint
until failure, followed by
3 more minutes of
walking), 15 min bicycle,
6 min stairmaster, 50
hip thrusts, 1.5 min hip
plank, 45 sec plank,
bicep curls, tricep curls,
reps calf raises, 8 min
row machine, arm
squats, abs, 10 minute
cool-down in the
treadmill, and stretching.
01 - July - 2023 02:15 I followed the planned
routine, ending with
some stretching
(shoulder stretch, tricep
stretch, toe touch, hip
flexor lunge, butterfly,
side stretch, quadriceps,
cobra pose, knee to
chest), and minding to
drink as much water as
necessary throughout
the workout.
08 - July - 2023 02:15 We began with our
usual warm up, followed
by our routine, and
finished with some
much needed stretches.
(I did later on tie my
05 - August - 2023 02:30 After warming-up, we
used the routine, exited
to begin seeing results
such as an
improvement in our
stamina (seeing as we
don’t get tired as quickly
as we used to) and the
weight we can use
12 - August - 2023 02:30 I followed the routine,
beginning with a warm-
up, and ending with
some stretching.

30 Nov 2023 18:20

Personal Training
Goal: For the next six months, I will go to the gym once a week for at least an hour, with the goal of
bettering my stamina. I know I will have achieved this goal when I am able to do a full hour
session and still feel energetic.
Assessor: Martina García

Date Duration Description

19 - August - 2023 02:30 We warmed up,
continuing our routine
(with small breaks
between the exercises),
and finishing up with
light stretching
26 - August - 2023 01:30 Seeing as we were both
tired from previous
activities, Sienna (the
girl I go to the GYM
with) and I decided it
would be best to switch
today up in order to be a
lighter form of workout.
Therefore, instead of
following our usual
routine, we opted to try
Daisy Keetch’s viral
routine, which although
hard, was much shorter
than ours.
02 - September - 2023 02:30 With full energy, we
went back to our usual
routine, starting with a
light warm up, taking
breaks to drink water
and catch our breaths,
and finishing up by
09 - September - 2023 02:15 We followed our usual
routine, beginning with a
warm-up, taking small
breaks to drink water
and keep hydrated, and
ending with stretching.
16 - September - 2023 02:15 We did a warm up, went
through our GYM
routine, and did all
necessary stretches.
Taking mindful breaks
throughout the routine in
order to keep from
being tired.
23 - September - 2023 02:15 We followed our routine,
completing the
exercises and stretches,
taking breaks, and
listening to Olivia
Rodigo's new album.
30 - September - 2023 02:15 We followed our routine,
taking small breaks and
stretching before and
after the workout.

30 Nov 2023 18:20

Personal Training
Goal: For the next six months, I will go to the gym once a week for at least an hour, with the goal of
bettering my stamina. I know I will have achieved this goal when I am able to do a full hour
session and still feel energetic.
Assessor: Martina García

Date Duration Description

07 - October - 2023 02:15 After following our usual
warm up, we worked
out, making use of our
planned routine as
always, and finished off
with some light
14 - October - 2023 02:15 We did our routine,
starting with a warm up
and ending with
21 - October - 2023 02:15 We followed our warm
up, routine, and
stretches, where we
both noticed great
changes in our ability to
do these exercises
compared to when we
started, seeing as we
did not get tired as
much and could
accomplish the
exercises with ease.
04 - November - 2023 02:15 We followed our routine,
beginning with a warm
up, taking water breaks
every couple of
exercises, and finishing
by completing our set of
11 - November - 2023 02:15 After feeling sore from
playing sports, Sienna
(whom I go to the gym
with) and I decided to
do a light warm up,
followed by a way
lighter work out which
consisted of some time
in the treadmill, followed
by 10 minutes in the
elliptical, 10 in the
bicycle, 5 in the stairs
master, adding a small
yourube work out, and
cooling down by another
10 minutes in the
treadmill. Ending with
18 - November - 2023 02:15 We followed our set
warm-up and routine,
taking small water
breaks between
exercises, and finishing
our GYM session by our
usual stretches.

30 Nov 2023 18:20

Personal Training
Goal: For the next six months, I will go to the gym once a week for at least an hour, with the goal of
bettering my stamina. I know I will have achieved this goal when I am able to do a full hour
session and still feel energetic.
Assessor: Martina García

Date Duration Description

25 - November - 2023 02:15 Beginning with our
usual warm up, we
completed our GYM
routine, took small
brakes to rehydrate, and
finished off with some
light stretching.

Assessor Report
I Certify That as the Assessor of this activity that the participant has met the requirements. Please comment on
the participants improvement/ performance/ commitment.

Name: Phone/Email:



Signed: Date:

30 Nov 2023 18:20

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