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Connective Tissue and Fibroblast

Senescence in Skin Aging
Meinhard Wlaschek1, Pallab Maity1, Evgenia Makrantonaki1,2 and Karin Scharffetter-Kochanek1
There is increasing evidence that skin aging is signif- furthermore intends to provide insight into state-of-the-art
icantly enforced by the accumulation of senescent technology, which has undoubtedly advanced our under-
dermal fibroblasts. Various stressors damaging mac- standing of fibroblast senescence driving skin and other organ
romolecules inside and outside fibroblasts are aging with the unique opportunity to develop and refine
responsible. In addition, NK cells fail to adequately modern preventive and therapeutic strategies.
remove senescent (SEN) fibroblasts from tissues. SEN
fibroblasts by the release of the proinflammatory, Senescence of fibroblasts in skin aging
tissue degrading senescent-associated secretory
The role of senescence in skin aging. An emerging
phenotype factors and vesicles with distinct cargo
hypothesis of skin aging postulates that mainly fibroblast
impact on their endogenous niche and spread senescence drives skin decline and skin aging due to irre-
senescence and skin aging. In this review, we will versible proliferation arrest and enhanced release of a
further discuss less noticed facets, including the senescence-associated secretory phenotype (SASP). SASP,
plasticity of distinct dermal fibroblast phenotypes, the through chemokines and proinflammatory factors, induces
underestimated impact of the extracellular matrix it- chronic inflammation, reduces proliferation by impaired
self, and the depletion of fibroblast subsets on skin release of essential GFs, and enhances the degradation of the
homeostasis and aging. ECM (connective tissue) by enhanced activation of proteo-
Journal of Investigative Dermatology (2021) 141, 985e992; doi:10.1016/ lytic enzymes, including matrix-degrading metal-
j.jid.2020.11.010 loproteinases. Cellular senescence transiently occurs in
several physiological conditions during embryogenesis
(Muñoz-Espı́n and Serrano, 2014) and wound healing
(Demaria et al., 2014) shaping and regenerating organs. By
Introduction contrast, fibroblast senescence is mainly a persisting perma-
Dermal connective tissue connects all histogenetically nent state and, in consequence, drives skin aging, aging in
distinct cells and tissues of the skin to a functional organ. general and aging-related diseases (Campisi et al., 2019,
Fibroblasts constitute the principal component of the con- 2005; Demaria et al., 2015; Toutfaire et al., 2017; Treiber
nective tissue. As such, fibroblasts occur—apart from the et al., 2011; Velarde and Demaria, 2016; Wang and
skin—in virtually every tissue and organ of the body. The Dreesen, 2018). Given that the fibroblasts confined to the
capacity of fibroblasts to synthesize and organize the extra- connective tissue stabilize every organ parenchyma, cellular
cellular matrix (ECM) and communicate with the adjacent senescence of fibroblasts may play a more general role in
stem cell (SC) niche and quiescent, mitotic, and postmitotic organ aging, in organismal aging, and likely in many aging-
cells and tissues of distinct origin makes them, so far, an related diseases (Figure 1). In fact, senescent (SEN) fibro-
underestimated central component in skin homeostasis and blasts are increased in human skin, in the dermis (Dimri
aging. In this review, we will summarize the advanced un- et al., 1995; Ressler et al., 2006), and in many other organs
derstanding of the role of cellular senescence for stromal (Krishnamurthy et al., 2004; Tuttle et al., 2020). The most
aging in general as well as for skin aging in particular. important evidence for the role of SEN fibroblasts in enforc-
Wherever possible, we will differentiate between data that ing skin aging is summarized in Table 1. Permanent senes-
are relevant for aging in general and stromal aging and—most cence can be induced in quiescent (nonreplicating)
importantly—the ones that have truly been shown to play a fibroblasts in the skin by cell-autonomous and exogenous
role in murine and human skin aging. This review stressors leading to the shortening of the chromosomal
termini, termed telomeres (Bodnar et al., 1998; Harley et al.,
1990; Yu et al., 1990), mitochondrial dysfunction (Berneburg
Department of Dermatology and Allergic Diseases, Ulm University, Ulm,
Germany; and 2Dermatology Center Wildeshausen, Wildeshausen,
et al., 1997; Birch et al., 2018; Birch-Machin et al., 1998;
Germany Passos et al., 2007), DNA damage, and subsequent activation
Correspondence: Karin Scharffetter-Kochanek, Department of Dermatology of DNA damage response (DDR) signaling pathways leading
and Allergic Diseases, Ulm University, Albert-Einstein-Allee 23, 89081 Ulm, to permanent or transient cell cycle arrest (d’Adda di
Germany. E-mail: Fagagna, 2008; Hoeijmakers, 2009) and metabolic reprog-
Abbreviations: AP-1, activator protein-1; CDK, cell cycle kinase; DDR, DNA ramming (da Silva and Schumacher, 2019; Figure 2). In this
damage response; ECM, extracellular matrix; MMP, matrix metalloproteinase;
MSC, mesenchymal stem cell; scRNA-seq, single cell RNA sequencing; SASP,
regard, also the accumulation of oxidized proteins due to the
senescence-associated secretory phenotype; SEN, senescent loss of the proteasomal capacity to remove oxidized and
Received 27 August 2020; revised 28 October 2020; accepted 11 November misfolded protein activates DDR pathways and thus leads to
2020; corrected proof published online 7 February 2021 the induction of cellular senescence (Chondrogianni and

ª 2021 The Authors. Published by Elsevier, Inc. on behalf of the Society for Investigative Dermatology. This is an open access
article under the CC BY-NC-ND license ( 985
M Wlaschek et al.
Fibroblast Senescence and Skin Aging

Figure 1. SEN fibroblasts drive tissue,

organ, and organismal aging. SEN
fibroblasts imprint their environment
with a proinflammatory SASP, soluble
factors released upon the installment
of the senescence program, thereby
affecting distinct tissue in the skin and
various organs, here apart from the
skin, bone, and muscle among others.
This drives organ aging, aging-related
diseases, and likely organismal aging.
This hypothesis needs to be further
proven because it bears many
promising therapeutic and preventive
opportunities. This review gathers
further evidence. SASP, senescence-
associated secretory phenotype; SEN,

Gonos, 2010) and to the release of soluble senescence- p15, or p27, which induce and maintain the state of senes-
spreading factors (Catalgol and Grune, 2009; Eckhart et al., cence, clearly depends on the specific triggers of senescence,
2019). Apart from many other stressors (summarized in including ROS imbalance (for review, see Lozano-Torres
Campisi [2005]; Gorgoulis et al. [2019]), mitochondrial et al. [2019]). In case of their inhibition, CDKs cannot
dysfunction in fibroblasts with increasing concentrations of phosphorylate Rb, which physiologically sequesters the
ROS (Gu et al., 2020; Rinnerthaler et al., 2015; Treiber et al., transcription factor E2F. E2F is a crucial protein enforcing the
2011) either leads to DNA damage of fibroblasts in the skin expression of genes that are mandatory for cell cycle pro-
and other organs (for review see Demaria et al. [2015]; gression. Its inhibition leads to cellular senescence.
Treiber et al. [2011]) or enhances activator protein-1 (AP-1)‒
and NF-kB‒dependent signaling pathways among others SASP and senescence spreading in skin aging. Clearly by
related to inflammation (Meyer et al., 2017). In fact, mito- their nonproliferating state with increased proteolytic activity
chondrial dysfunction is a major driver in both intrinsic and and suppressed function to deposit components of the ECM,
extrinsic skin aging and possibly constitutes the common link long-term SEN fibroblasts enforce tissue decline and skin
between both of them (Krutmann and Schroeder, 2009). aging. In addition, SEN fibroblasts have the unique property
To further explore the link between ROS and fibroblast not to die. They hardly can undergo apoptosis, cannot be
senescence, we earlier generated a mouse model with a sufficiently removed by the adaptive immune system, and, in
fibroblast specific deficiency for SOD2. Hence, mitochon- consequence, hang around in the connective tissue for a long
drial superoxide anions cannot be detoxified and, in conse- time with enhanced release of a variety of proinflammatory,
quence, accumulate in mitochondria of fibroblasts. These matrix-degrading chemokines, cytokines, and proteases and
fibroblast-specific, SOD2-deficient mice develop a severely a concomitantly suppressed release of essential GFs, collec-
accelerated skin aging phenotype with a marked reduction in tively referred to as SASP (Ghosh and Capell, 2016). The
collagen and dermal thickness, lack of resilience, enhanced SASP released from SEN fibroblasts is a typical DDR and can
DNA damage, and the induction and accumulation of SEN occur either transiently as in wound healing and develop-
fibroblasts in the skin, bone, and muscle leading to skin ment or persistently as in aging (Campisi and d’Adda di
atrophy, osteoporosis, and sarcopenia (Treiber et al., 2011). Fagagna, 2007; Rodier et al., 2009). The SASP differs
These data show that mitochondrial dysfunction and depending on the studied cell type, tissue, overall context,
enhanced superoxide anion concentrations lead to fibroblast and likely the senescence-inducing agent, although these
senescence accelerating aging phenotype in connective tis- differences have not been systematically studied (Demaria
sue‒rich organs and reduce the life span of fibroblast-specific et al., 2014; Ghosh and Capell, 2016; Meyer et al., 2017;
SOD2-deficient mice. Of note, the transcription factor Nrf2, Muñoz-Espı́n et al., 2013; Rodier et al., 2009). Recently,
which is a key regulator of the antioxidant system if overex- Basisty et al. (2020) reported a SASP Atlas. This represents a
pressed in murine skin fibroblasts, induces skin aging comprehensive proteomic database of soluble and exosomal
(Hiebert et al., 2018). Thus, an imbalance of ROS detoxifi- SASP factors, which are enforced by a variety of senescence
cation enforces tissue decline and aging. The activation of the inducers in skin fibroblasts. Each profile consists of hundreds
specific signaling pathways promoting the overexpression of of largely distinct proteins but also includes a subset of pro-
cell cycle kinase (CDK) inhibitor proteins such as p16, p21, teins elevated in all SASPs (Basisty et al., 2020). SASP factors

986 Journal of Investigative Dermatology (2021), Volume 141

M Wlaschek et al.
Fibroblast Senescence and Skin Aging

Table 1. Evidence for the Role of Fibroblast Senescence in Skin Aging

Experimental Evidence for a Role of Fibroblast Senescence in Skin Aging Reference

p16INK4a-positive SEN cells increase in the dermis of human skin and the number correlates with wrinkle formation and Ressler et al. (2006);
typical morphologic features of aging of the elastic fibers in human skin. Waaijer et al. (2016)
scRNA-seq of young versus old human skin reveals that aged fibroblasts show a functional decline, loss of priming into Salzer et al. (2018);
distinct subtypes, and a propensity for adipogenic traits with disturbed dermal‒epidermal interactions. Solé-Boldo et al. (2020)
In situ aged human dermal fibroblasts in human skin reveal in part a proteome profile identical to senescence-associated Waldera-Lupa et al. (2014);
changes. Waldera Lupa et al. (2015)
A proteome atlas depicts that in vitro‒induced senescence of human fibroblasts results in the secretion of factors enforcing Basisty et al. (2020);
skin aging, inflammaging, as well as matrix degradation. Coppé et al. (2010)
Fibroblast-specific genetic ablation of SOD2 enhanced the number of SEN (p16INK4a-positive) fibroblasts in the skin and Treiber et al. (2011)
other organs in a murine model, and this correlates with severe skin aging, osteoporosis, and sarcopenia.
Transplantation of human SEN fibroblasts into the skin of young NSG mice resulted in the spreading of senescence with the da Silva et al. (2019)
expression of senescence markers in the dermis 3 weeks after transplantation.
Organotypic human skin culture models constructed with human SEN fibroblasts show hallmarks of skin aging with disrupted Lämmermann et al., (2018);
epidermal differentiation and function. This can partly be reversed by plant extracts. Weinmüllner et al. (2020)
In a perforin-deficient mouse with reduced removal capacity of SEN cells by NK cells, SEN cells accumulate in various organs Ovadya et al. (2018)
and, importantly, in the dermis of the skin leading to structural changes in skin aging.
Topical treatment of human skin with rapamycin in vivo resulted in the reduction of p16INK4a-positive cells in combination Chung et al. (2019)
with a decrease in fine wrinkles, reduced sagging, and an increase in dermal volume.
Abbreviations: scRNA-seq, single-cell RNA sequencing; SEN, senescent.

released from SEN fibroblasts are responsible not only for the progression of malignant tumors, including squamous
skin aging and aging of other organs but also for a variety of cell carcinomas (reviewed in Coppé et al. [2010]; Farsam
age-related diseases (summarized in Childs et al. [2015]); for et al. [2016]; Liakou et al. [2016]; Mavrogonatou et al.
[2019]); and for the nonhealing state of wounds (Sindrilaru
et al., 2011). The SASP derived from human fibroblasts
consists, among many other factors, of increased concentra-
tions of IL-1, IL-6, IL-8, IL-18, matrix metalloproteinases
(MMPs), and a variety of chemokines (Coppé et al., 2010). In
addition, lipids (Ni et al., 2016) and micro RNA (Terlecki-
Zaniewicz et al., 2018) packaged in extracellular vesicles
direct and modulate basic biological functions such as
migration, proliferation, and senescence (da Silva et al.,
2019; Gonzalez-Meljem et al., 2018; Herranz and Gil,
2018; Malaquin et al., 2016; Weilner et al., 2013) of neigh-
boring cells (Faget et al., 2019; Lee and Schmitt, 2019), im-
mune cells (Prata et al., 2018), and other skin cells.
Interestingly, in vivo reprogramming and the transplantation
of mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) suppress SASP factors
(Taguchi and Yamada, 2017; Vander Beken et al., 2019).
Interrelated paracrine loops of some of these factors such as
IL-1 and IL-6 have earlier been described to induce c-Jun
N-terminal kinase and AP-1 and, in consequence, matrix-
degrading metalloproteases as a response of human fibro-
blasts to UV irradiation and in part also for intrinsic aging
in vitro and in vivo in healthy humans (Fisher et al., 2009;
Schneider et al., 2017; Urbanski et al., 1990; Wlaschek et al.,
1994) and in intrinsic aging. IL-6, in fact, increases in elderly
adults and contributes to wrinkle formation in human skin
(Kim et al., 2012) and other age-related diseases (Beyer et al.,
Figure 2. Cell-autonomous and external cues determine fibroblast
2012; Cohen et al., 1997; Jenny et al., 2002) and increased
senescence and skin aging. Senescence-promoting and -suppressing
mechanisms depend on the quality control and its disturbances of cell‒cell
mortality (Lee et al., 2012). Senescence spreading from SEN
and cell‒matrix interactions, cellular location, and the release of a specific human fibroblasts to adjacent non-SEN human fibroblasts
SASP from fibroblasts. Malfunction drives and spreads fibroblasts senescence, in vitro and SEN hepatocytes to non-SEN hepatocytes in the
skin aging, likely the aging of other organs, aging-related diseases, and liver in vivo has earlier been shown (Acosta et al., 2013;
organismal aging. There is an intimate relationship between autonomous Nelson et al., 2018, 2012). It is of relevance to interrupt the
(mitochondrial dysfunction, enhanced concentrations of ROS, DNA damage, spreading of senescence and the SASP. In an independent
telomere attrition, epigenetic marks, loss of proteostasis, others) and external
recent systems biology approach employing a Boolean
(cell nonautonomous) cues. For further details, see the main manuscript.
SASP, senescence-associated secretory phenotype; SEN, senescent.
network technology, we were able to mechanistically show 987
M Wlaschek et al.
Fibroblast Senescence and Skin Aging

that DNA damage‒mediated SASP triggering of IL-6 and IL-8 (Baker et al., 2016; Soto-Gamez and Demaria, 2017). The
is mainly relayed through NF-kB in human dermal fibro- genetic ablation of SEN cells was an encouraging proof for
blasts. This computational study also identified and experi- the causal role of SEN cells in aging-associated disorders.
mentally verified NF-kB essential modulator as a promising The next step was to screen for small pharmacologically
inhibitor among other inhibitors (Meyer et al., 2017). active molecules. Employing bioinformatics and small
interfering RNA technology, anti-apoptotic pathways active
SEN fibroblasts with an aberrant SASP disrupt dermal‒ in SEN cells were uncovered as senolytic targets, including
epidermal interactions. Recently, Liu et al., (2019) made the anti-apoptotic proteins BCL-2, BCL-W, and BCL-XL; the
the seminal observation that weakening of collagen type transcription factors p53 and p21; HIF1a; phosphatidyli-
XVII, which serves to anchor murine epidermal progenitor nositol-4,5-bisphosphate 3-kinase and protein kinase B; the
cells in the hemidesmosome and, in consequence, within the serine protein inhibitors (serpins); and the heat shock pro-
basement membrane of the skin, results in being replaced by tein 90, among others (Fuhrmann-Stroissnigg et al., 2017;
another progenitor cell that produces intact collagen XVII Zhu et al., 2015). With this advanced understanding, the
(Liu et al., 2019). Enhanced disintegrin and metalloproteinase rational design of drugs became possible. In this context,
and MMPs released by SEN fibroblasts in the papillary dermis navitoclax (ABT-263) is a specific inhibitor of BCL-2, BCL-
or shedding of collagen XVII induced by the SASP factor IL- XL, and BCL-W, enforcing the killing of SEN human WI-38
1b released by SEN fibroblasts (Franzke et al., 2002) may fibroblasts, human IMR-90 lung fibroblasts, and many other
contribute to the reduction of collagen XVII, with possibly cell types. Interestingly, this senolytic action is independent
constant replacement of epidermal progenitor cells, and this of the senescence-inducing trigger. Navitoclax is endowed
most likely will contribute to epidermal SC exhaustion. In with the capacity to rejuvenate SEN hematopoietic stem
addition, IGF-1 mainly released by dermal fibroblasts is cells and SEN muscle stem cells (Chang et al., 2016; Kim
essential for MSC niches and the balanced regulation of et al., 2017). Importantly, the BCL-2 inhibitor ABT-737
epidermal cell proliferation and differentiation. Keratinocytes reduced the population of SEN stem cells in the epidermis
themselves cannot synthesize IGF-1 but do express the IGF-1 in a mouse model of inducible senescence in the basal layer
receptor. IGF-1 belongs to the SASP factors, and the IGF-1 of the epidermis of the skin (Yosef et al., 2016). Currently,
released from SEN fibroblasts is significantly reduced. This the combination of two senolytic agents (such as the
is due to enhanced superoxide anion production in the tyrosinase inhibitor dasatinib and quercetin, a singlet
mitochondria of human and murine dermal fibroblasts oxygen-quenching agent) has entered clinical trials. One
in vitro and in vivo (Singh et al., 2015). In fact, earlier, we study is successfully completed now for primary pulmonary
could show that superoxide anions at increased concentra- fibrosis, a severe lung disease with a proven accumulation
tions in murine and human skin fibroblasts suppress IGF-1 of SEN cells and life-threatening fibrosis destroying the lung
signaling at the level of decreased IGF-1 receptor activation structure (Justice et al., 2019). The other disease treated with
(Singh et al., 2015). This deprived IGF-1 release, and the a senolytic approach in a clinical trial is human diabetic
inhibition of relaying the IGF-1 signal suppresses collagen kidney disease (Hickson et al., 2019). Of note, the com-
synthesis in the dermis and led to epidermal atrophy with bined therapy with quercetin and dasatinib resulted in the
enhanced accumulation of the DNA damage‒induced suppression of the low-grade inflammation with the reduc-
phosphorylated histone protein, gH2AX, and p16INK4A-posi- tion of CD68þ macrophages in the subcutaneous fat tissue
tive epidermal cells. The essential role of IGF-1 in human beneath the dermis in human individuals (Ellison-Hughes,
skin, muscle, and bone was earlier reported (Anisimov and 2020). Of note, a plant extract of goldenrod displayed a
Bartke, 2013; Gallagher and LeRoith, 2011). Reduced IGF- moderate senolytic activity and a substantial suppression of the
1 expression in the dermis of elderly humans and reduced SASP with some rejuvenating effects on human skin equivalents
IGF-1 serum concentrations directly correlate with tissue (Lämmermann et al., 2018). Collectively, senolytics hold sub-
decline in human skin aging and osteoporosis (Hassan et al., stantial promise for the successful treatment and delay of a
2015; Lamberts et al., 1997). Of note, the age of human in- variety of aging-related diseases that are due to SASP-induced
dividuals from whom dermal human fibroblasts have been low-grade inflammation.
isolated impacts on keratinocyte differentiation and wound
healing (Hausmann et al., 2019). These data clearly show Fibroblast heterogeneity and its potential role in aging
that SEN and aged fibroblasts play a major role in dermal‒ By contrast to the well-established lineage hierarchy in the
epidermal interactions and overall skin tissue decline. hematopoietic system (Zhang et al., 2018), the existence of a
hierarchy of fibroblast lineage is largely unresolved. Single-
The development of senolytic agents. Employing a genetic cell RNA sequencing (scRNA-seq) analysis recently uncov-
approach that selectively induced apoptosis of p16INK4A- ered an enormous variety of fibroblast subsets, each with a
positive SEN cells in murine models of aging-related diseases typical and reproducible transcriptional fingerprint (Driskell
led to impressive improvement (Baker et al., 2011), in and Watt, 2015; Jahoda and Gilmore, 2016; Korosec et al.,
particular of osteoarthritis, atherosclerosis, cataract, sarco- 2019; LeBleu and Neilson, 2020; Lynch and Watt, 2018;
penia, and dementia (summarized in Childs et al. [2017]). Philippeos et al., 2018; Sacco et al., 2019; Sahai et al., 2020;
Currently, it is unknown whether the genetic depletion of Salzer et al., 2018). Accordingly, a lineage hierarchy of these
SEN cells from the dermis would delay aging. The depletion newly described fibroblast subsets is slowly emerging, and it
of p16INK4A SEN cells significantly improves organ function is possible—although currently not understood—that distinct
and thus extends both health span and overall life span fibroblast subsets are more prone to senescence than others.

988 Journal of Investigative Dermatology (2021), Volume 141

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Fibroblast Senescence and Skin Aging

Using transplantation assays and lineage tracing, Driskell and elastin among many others (Bjorksten and Tenhu, 1990) af-
Watt (2015, 2013) showed that murine skin fibroblasts arise fects the physicomechanical properties (stiffness) of ECM
from two distinct embryonic lineages. Similarly, Jiang et al. proteins, and this likely is responsible for disrupted mecha-
(2018) characterized embryonic fibroblast lineages on the nosensing causing cell and tissue dysfunction and aging
basis of their history of expressing the EN-1 gene. EN-1 is a (Segel et al., 2019; Wang et al., 2019). Earlier, Sun et al.
transcription factor expressed in a small subset of early em- (2011) placed MSCs from old mice on the ECM from young
bryonic cells and switched off permanently later in embryo- mice and observed an impressive 16-fold increase in their
genesis (Rinkevich et al., 2015). Single-cell fate mapping, life proliferation. Although it is unclear whether enhanced stiff-
three-dimensional confocal imaging showed that wound ness of the ECM from old mice is responsible for this, reju-
healing and regeneration are driven by those fibroblast de- venated MSCs showed a decrease in intracellular ROS
scendants originating from cells that during embryogenesis concentrations and increased adenosine triphosphate levels.
did not express the EN-1 gene (engrailed history-naive cells). Interestingly, aging-dependent collagen fragmentation by
By contrast, EN-1 history‒positive fibroblasts deriving from enhanced activity of distinct MMPs impaired fibroblast‒ECM
embryonic cells, which transiently express EN-1 during interactions with reduced mechanical forces, resulting in
embryogenesis, are responsible for scarring. Transplantation fibroblast reprogramming with dampened collagen synthesis
of EN-1‒naive cells prevents scarring. Interestingly, using and enhanced proteolysis amplifying a vicious cycle of tissue
scRNA-seq of normal human skin, Vorstandlechner et al. decline (Fisher et al., 2009). Injection of hyaluronic acid
(2020) made the seminal observation that the tran- fillers into the human skin of elderly adults helped to restore
scriptomic heterogeneity of fibroblast subsets in the adult the functional capacity of aged human fibroblasts in the skin
human skin is more extended than previously anticipated in with increased collagen synthesis (Quan et al., 2013). These
the earlier described two lineage models during embryo- data may imply that the quality of the ECM impacts fibroblast
genesis. Studies based on scRNA-seq of skin from photo- function and senescence.
protected young and old human individuals (Dubois et al.,
2020; Solé-Boldo et al., 2020) and from mice (Salzer et al., Position stability and depletion of fibroblast may drive skin
2018) highlight the age-related loss of fibroblast cellular aging
identity with alteration in functional and spatial gene Tracking the same skin fibroblasts in live mice, Marsh et al.
expression signatures. Using population and single-cell (2018) show that fibroblast position is stable over time and
transcriptomics as well as long-term lineage tracing, Beni- that this stability is maintained also in the case that neigh-
tah’s group (Salzer et al., 2018) convincingly demonstrates boring fibroblasts are experimentally depleted by laser abla-
that the identity of old fibroblasts becomes undefined in a tion. Interestingly, fibroblast membranes are apparently
murine model where fibroblast signatures present in young highly dynamic in skin maintenance and homeostasis. This
skin are no longer clearly demarcated in old skin. In addition, also holds true during aging, with clustered fibroblast
old fibroblasts not only reduce the expression of genes depletion in aging skin (Marsh et al., 2018). Fibroblast
involved in the formation of the ECM but also gain adipo- membranes surprisingly spread and extend to fill the space of
genic traits. These potential tissue devastating changes can, lost adjacent fibroblasts. This extension of cell membranes
however, in part be restored by long-term caloric restriction. occurs in a Rac1-dependent manner. These data imply that
By contrast, a high-fat diet potentiates them. Apparently, positional stability and cell occupancy prime events that are
tissue decline and aging can also occur owing to the loss of key for the homeostasis of skin fibroblasts in vivo throughout
fibroblast identity and the adoption of adipogenic traits, and the lifespan of mice. This network of fibroblasts may also
this can be reversed by metabolic changes with caloric re- provide interaction substrates for recruited immune cells and,
striction. This exciting observation supports the beneficial in addition, may facilitate paracrine communication between
effects of caloric restriction, which in part has already been both immediate and more distant neighbors (Adler et al.,
translated for clinical application (Longo et al., 2015). 2018; Inaba et al., 2015; Sanders et al., 2013; Zhou et al.,
2018) and if disrupted—possibly by the release of a persis-
Fibroblast plasticity and cues from the ECM tent and proinflammatory SASP—may even drive skin aging.
There is growing evidence that fibroblasts are not only The capacity of fibroblasts to spread their membranes may
regulated by their developmental origin and position with imply that changing the cell size requires less energy
retained memory and transcriptomic signature indicating compared with the energy demand for proliferation and
where they come from (Sacco et al., 2019). In addition, their migration but is sufficient to survey putative ECM zones
morphologic and functional plasticity is further amplified by (Abdel-Haleem et al., 2017; Zanotelli et al., 2018). Interest-
epigenetic marks, by transitions from distinct cells to a ingly, although the number of SEN cells accumulates in hu-
fibroblast phenotype, by cell‒cell interactions, and impor- man skin during aging (Ressler et al., 2006), there is evidence
tantly, by the ECM itself (for review, see Fedintsev and that older human individuals when compared with young
Moskalev [2020]; LeBleu and Neilson [2020]). In fact, there individuals had fewer fibroblasts and with a greater number
is emerging evidence that stochastic nonenzymatic modifi- of longer membrane projections (Andrew et al., 1964e1965;
cation of the long-lived ECM molecules and other mac- Novotny and Gnoth, 1991; Salzer et al., 2018). The cellular
romolecules have a previously underestimated impact on depletion does not occur uniformly, but there are clustered
skin, tissue, and organ aging (Fedintsev and Moskalev, 2020). cell losses. Collectively, depletion of fibroblasts during aging
Postulated first by Björksten in 1942, this hypothesis predicts with the concomitant accumulation of SEN fibroblasts con-
that crosslinking of macromolecules such as collagen and tributes to skin aging. 989
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Fibroblast Senescence and Skin Aging

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Cohen HJ, Pieper CF, Harris T, Rao KM, Currie MS. The association of plasma
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