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g, .

• Prë-listening/reading questions:
1- \ .
tion? If so, d escr1•b e
r~ 1. Hav e you. eve r help ed a fr1end out of a dif.ficult situa
' • the exper1ence.
g with?
Wh at kind ?f people. don 't you usually get alon
Wh at are fr1ends for 1n you r opinion?

. D1alogue: What are friends for?

I)~ryl: Hey Rex, lon g tim e no see. Where
• have you bee n?
_Rex: Her e and there, you know. I've actu-
ruly bee n quit e bus y recently.
IDàryl: Hav e you?
~·R_èx: Yeah, I got ano ther part-time job Scan the QR CODE with your
fipping bur ger s at the new join t on Vin- cell phone camera to listen.
r ~'ent street, it 's only temporary, but I really
iieed it now.
;;f)aryl: You look kind of worried. Is something the
~~e x: Man , I am wor ried as a mat ter of fact.
heads are bett er than one ,
Daryl: Wh at is it? Maybe.I can help you out. Two
to be talking abo ut tlùs.
.Rex: Sure Dar yl, but I feel kind of embarrassed
s, rem emb er? Jus t tell me
]?aryl: Talking abo ut what? Hey, we 're bes t bud
what the pro blem is.
I'll prob ably nee d to bor row
- Rex: Weil, I'm run nin g out of mon ey and
Daryl: How muc h do you thin k you will need?
wou ld tide me over till I get
~Rex: Abo ut thre e hun dred bucks. I thin k that

bro ke befo re, it 's terrible!

my nex t paycheck. Gos h, I 've never bee n this fiat
. I t can hap pen to any one .
. "' . Daryl: The re 's no need for you to feel like that
so don 't wor ry abo utit any-
Listen, I've got som e cash that I can lend you,

Rex: Thanks Darylt I knew that I could count on you. It's just that I've ha
some unexpected extra expenses and things got out of band.
Daryl: Sure Rex, I know exactly what you mean. That's happened to m
before. I 'm glad I can help you. After ail what are friends for?
Rex: Man, I feel better already. I can 't thank you enough!
Daryl: Cut it out alreadyf You 'd do the same for me if I were in your shoe
Hey, how about a capucccino or a latte?
Rex: That 'd be great. I do feel like a hot drink.
Daryl: Goodf Let's bit the coffee shop at the corner. My treatl

What are friends for? - True, False or I don;t know?

1. Daryl ha~ never had any unexpected extra expenses before.

True_ False _ I don' t know _
2. Rex did not think Daryl would lend him some money.
Trûe _ False _ I don' t know
3. Daryl and Rex were roommates in the past.
True_ False _ I don' t know _
4. They decide to grab a bite to eat at a restaurant nearby.
True_ False _ I don' t know _
5. Rex is working two part-time jobs at the moment.
True_ False _ I don' t know _
t '
What are friends for? - Focus on Words & Expressions
Find words or expression s in the dialogue that mean the same as:

a. Stop saying that:_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

b. I'll pay for it; it's on me_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _""'ifJ
c. Support me through a difficult period_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
d.Gotouto fcontroll_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _,

,.. e. Depend o n ~ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - : 1
f. Go somewhere:_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _1i
·\. 1.
Îf ;t,
: 1
'. :

'l • :
g. I haven't seen you in a long time._ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _---:11
h. Using all of something that is available,_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
i. Dollars_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
j. Working at a job that doesn 't pay well and that has few opportunities fo
k. Having no money at ail_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
1. Best friends,_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _- i

,il _in the blanks below with a word or expression highf11hted 1n•
11îè dialogue:
; j~:
.' , \

has never been very reliable. I don't think we can

, •"Joe ------
-: :. him." said Roger to his friends.
_ _ _ at the
• ~-;~- ~'Sorne people got drunk and things _ _ _ _ _
told Caroline.
-;·~~· party. That's why the neighbors called the poliée." Alice
on." Harry
·: •!'We 're - - - - - - - gas. I '11 pull over at that gas stati
•.• told James.
coming up, but
;_ •~ '.'l wish I had money to buy tickets for the playoff games
•..·.,, I 'm - - - - - ·" Vince told Barney.
hadn 't
: Bill, __ __ __ __ __l" said Tony to a friend he
.s~en 1n years.
..,~_'N '.:...~·.,,;';
• •~·.·::.
. -"-1scuss1on & Conversation 1

' , ·=-~•0:.:
., .. ';·'- ':.
....... .

you use social networking apps/sites to keep in touch with

. •
-l'i-~. ;... ,·
•. .~~r~;:· Explain your answer.
thought was your
t;i:?"Have you ever been disappointed by someone you
~;}{: _: friend? If so, describe the experience.
.;~~ :;: ·Have you ever let a friend clown? What happened
1:ri~•v •. , •

)J,?.,ii!-What quality do you admire most in people?

usually do.
.;.~~/ S/ How often do you bang out with friends? What do you
rv.;: .., . .
:...;. ~:.. ~.
<f:~•"'f. ·1~
"'.:,"..~::-~:.: ' ;
. .
& Expressions
~f?,. ·,rie ndship - Additional Vocabulary
.... ~:. .
,; .
·.,''.,.~-;::;·t7: .,
_;.7 Hit it off: get along well with someone
r~r- ~'f 'avoid talking to Charlie since we don ' t seem to bit it off"
, Gab e told
:_;;i\ralery. ••
_:· : ;/
. ...

_;:::/ ~uddy: a close friend

buddies for a long
'· >;,f'I first met Josh at junior high school, so we've been
d;:.. time.", Newton told Claire.
• • l I ,.

.... ,-, .

seen each other for a long time

~-<~eunion: a social event for people who haven't
was emotional. I talk-
: ·:: '~ttending my thirtieth high school reunion 1ast night
• : êd to friends I hadn 't seen in years." Gary told Susan.

A_{ingl_e~~edl_rtlingle,d: move around and truk to other people at a so:
cial e'~cnt·. -
Y 1
,. • ,. •
• A
• \

':Jeffrey is a bit on the shy side. He' s not the kind of person who mingle~:
casily with other p~ople at social events.", Laura told Nancy. •
... .. • • • 1

See eye to eye: have the same opinion; agree with someone )
"Roger .and 'fyler. don.'t always see eye to eye on many issues, but they' r
good friends." S~antha told Anna.

Hang C?.Ut with: spend time in a particular place with people

Fred enjoys hanging out with his friends and going bowling on weekends. /
1 •

Bury the hatchet: forget about arguments and become friends again
"It 's about time you two buried the hatchet." said Michael to bis friends.

Fill in the sentences or short dialogues below with words o_r

exp~ssions presente~ in Ad~itional Vocabulary & Expressions;~
1. .Christopher has an outgoing personality. He _ _ _ _ __
everyone wherever he goes." Diane told Burt.
2. Barry: So, howwas the party last night? Dana: Great. I particularly lik~_

meeting Steve. He's a real n_tce guy. Barry: I knew you and Steve woul
• . I think you have a lot in common, don' t you? •
3. -''I always have a good time when I go fishing with my _ _ _ _ _......
It's great to r~lax." Joey told Dylan.
4. ''Unfortunately I can 't make it to our_ college _ _ _ _ _ this year a
1'11 be away on business." said Terry to a friend. ..
5. "Do you wan~ to _ _ _ _ _ at the mali after school today?" Ma_
asked a classmate. •

....• n & Conversation .2 •

~40 you tbink th~ most important qualities in a friend?
011tell a close friend aseaet? Would you trust him/her?
. . . .--:W~ bigight witb a friend? If so, what happened?
•~-easily? Wheie is a good place to meet n~ peopl
.,•. -. . ~; mth friends ftom high school and college?
~,.]te • Q?
oose the alternative that best ex 1
.arns the meaning of the
, _9rds in bold in the sentences belo~
' .
. 111 , '

11:. ·"I don't want to flip burgers for th e rest of my lire 'd Daru.eJ to a
u •" sai
r. • end.
'°'.•, •1r1 .
,t ,:',;-:.. a. make barbecue
'1~:_: ••• b. grill meat

c. be stuck in a dead-end job

d. kill time

wed two hund red bucks 1ro

George. That should tide me
"I borro
_ m
-~ lle.
?, :• over till payday." Ernest told Miche
a. money - help me
b. dollars - sustain me
c. currency - assist me
d. coins - support ffie
.'< ...;., . _. ,..

rk today?" Stanley asked a coworker.

i. .. ; -..........

:',""'-...;. •
. wa nt to hit the bar after wo
o yo u
.,... .. a. go to
.. . ..

. =--- ..

..•:· ~.. .'.

.,._,· ......
b. leave
. ~,. ....
.... ~: ..
c. find ,

....... A'-,
·' ~ - ,,ç

.. _...~. - . 1,,

.-· . .
a,~- ·'1. ,...

on_ something, they ...

If two peo ple do n't see eye to eye
a. are in full agreement
b. need to wear glasses
c. have the same opinion
1 •
d. have different opinions
. .
buddies." Julian told Barbara.
.:·. •5. "I love to bang out with my
a. spend time
b. waste rime
c. stay away from
d. stay out late

jl '

Compt~te~th~· sentences tielow with your own words.

1. We "'ve bèèn best buds .............................••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• •

2. . ...... :. i ,._ •.•.• bang out .....................•••• ••••••••••••••••••• •
i, .'-,. ~, ,"• • •

3. We 're running out of ...........................................•••••••••• •••

4. . ........ , , .-. , .. , ......... , ........................................... fiat broke.-
5. Things got out of band wben ...................................••••••• •••••

Discussion & Conversation 3

1.·. Are all your.friends reliable? Do you trust ail of them?

2. "A friend in need is a friend indeed." Do you agree with this sayin •
Why/Why not? ,
3. Have you made any friends online that you have met in person? If s
what was the experience like?
4. Do you consider yourself a good friend? Explain your answer.
S. Should someone's parents be their best friends? Why/Why not?

1 :.•

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: 1

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