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John Allenson D.

Chapter 8: Exercise

1. Why is work considered as man’s moral obligation?

- Work is a moral obligation directed towards the promotion and preservation
of one’s life and those of others. It is a creative process which results in self-

2. What do you think is the best way of maintaining good employer-employee

- Effective and open communication is fundamental. Employers should
establish clear channels of communication and encourage employees to voice
their opinions, concerns, and suggestions. Regular feedback, both positive
and constructive, helps build trust and enables a collaborative atmosphere.

3. How will you develop efficiency and productivity in your work?

- I will prioritize tasks, create schedules or to-do lists, and allocate specific
time slots for different activities. Avoid multitasking as it can lead to
distractions and reduced productivity. Furthermore, I will actively attend
workshops, seminars, or training programs to enhance my knowledge and

4. In making decisions, is it right to listen to your subordinates or just insist on your

ideas? Why or why not?
- Listening to my subordinates will allow me to tap into their knowledge,
expertise, and unique perspectives. They may offer valuable insights,
alternative solutions, or identify potential risks that I may have overlooked.
Collaborating with my team fosters a sense of ownership, encourages
creativity, and promotes a culture of inclusiveness.

5. What are the characteristics needed for one to be considered as world-class worker?
- By considering the TESDA Handbook on Work Ethics, a worker may be
considered world class if he/she observes speed, the ability to observe proper
procedures, economy, high quality of work, and ability to keep the
workplace’s safety standards.
6. Give the plan on how to improve your personal efficiency?
- First, I will improve my Self – Efficiency by proper Time Management, I will
prioritize tasks and set realistic goals. Also I will avoid procrastination and
eliminate time – wasting activities. Next, to improve my Social or Group
Efficiency I will enhance my communication skills to convey ideas,
instructions, and expectations clearly. In addition, building relationship,
cultivating positive relationship with colleagues, and maintaining
professional connections may contribute to improved efficiency and
productivity. Lastly, keeping my workspace organized to minimize clutter
and ensure easy access to tools, equipment, and information. Plan ahead for
tasks and projects, breaking them down into manageable steps will improve
my Efficiency with Things.

7. What is the golden rule? Explain

- The Golden Rule of action therefore of not doing to another what one does
not want to be done him, means that showing kindness, respect, and fairness
to others in your words and actions. It encourages empathy by asking you to
imagine how you would feel if you were in someone else’s situation. By
following the Golden Rule, you aim to create positive relationships and a
harmonious society based on understanding and consideration for others.

8. Why workers are considered the biggest assets in an organization?

- Workers are considered the biggest assets in an organization because they
bring valuable skills, knowledge, and expertise. They contribute to the
productivity and output of the organization, provide innovative ideas, and
play a key role in ensuring customer satisfaction. Their teamwork,
adaptability, and resilience contribute to the organization’s success, while
their experience and knowledge transfer help in training new employees.
Workers also shape the organizational culture and create a positive work
environment. Recognizing their importance and investing in their well-being
leads to higher morale and long-term success for the organization.
John Allenson D. Dacosin
Chapter 9: Exercise
1. What is personality?
- Personality is derived from the Latin word persona, meaning “masks” which
are used to refer to the central and enduring aspects of an individual.

2. Why is it important to understand the personality of an individual?

- Understanding the personality of an individual is important because it allows
you to connect with them better, communicate effectively, and work together
harmoniously. By knowing someone’s personality traits, you can understand
their preferences, motivations, and strengths, which helps you interact with
them in a way that resonates with them.

3. Is it important to know how and why people behave? Why?

- Yes, it is important to know how and why people behave. Understanding why
people behave the way they do helps us make sense of their actions and
reactions. It allows us to communicate better, build stronger relationships,
and resolve conflicts more effectively. Knowing the reasons behind someone’s
behavior helps us connect with them, show empathy, and create a positive

4. In Horney’s theory of personality, why do we need to move toward others? To move

against people? To move away from people?
- We move towards others to feel or seek approval, affection, and a sense of
belonging from others. It was driven by the need of security and a fear of
being alone and rejected. An individual move against people when they strive
for power, control and superiority over others. Moving against people is
driven by a need for self-esteem or recognition. We move away from people
when we want to be independent and self-sufficient. It is also a strategy when
we want to avoid emotional involvement and relying on self-reliance.

5. In Fromm’s Isolation Theory, how does man satisfy his needs to have self-identity?
- A man wants to be different and unique from others. This need is satisfied
through his own ingenuity and creativity.

6. According to Maslow, what will happen if one’s goal is blocked?

- According to Maslow (1987), man by nature is good and he longs for the
achievement of his goal. If his goal is blocked, he becomes frustrated and

7. What is meant by self-actualization needs according to Maslow?

- These needs are less prioritize. Only few people strive for these needs. These
are needs for exceptional and extraordinary achievements and other
scholarly works.

8. What is the highest hierarchy need of Maslow? Why is it that only some people
work for this need?
- According to Maslow biological need is the highest need in his hierarchy of
needs. These needs should be satisfied to give comfort to the body such as
foods, clothing, shelter, air and other material things. Some people only work
for this need because their low-level needs are not met, such as not having
enough food or water, they will be motivated to work towards fulfilling those

9. Why does a person have to associate with others?

- Because, once an individual’s physiological needs are satisfied, they seek
social interactions and connection with others. Humans are social beings by
nature, and social relationships play a vital role in our overall well-being and

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