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UNIT 4 - DATING, ROMANCE & RELATIONSHIPS Pre-listening/reading questions: What's your marital status? How long have you been married/single/ engaged/divorced/dating? 2. Has a boyfriend /girlfriend ever let you down? What happened? 3, Have you ever dumped a boyftiend/girlfriend? Have you ever been dumped? 1. Dialogue: Whatever happened to forever? Leslie: Hey Margo, what’s up? You look kind of sad! Is something the matter? Margo: I do feel miserable if you really wanna know the truth, : Leslie: Do you feel ie telling me what Scan the QR CODE with your happened? I guess you'd feel better if you Call Shot Canesra wo llseehL got it off your chest. Besides, two heads are better than one, right? Maybe I can help. Margo: | don’t think there’s anything you can do to help me out here. Gosh, I wish we could be talking about something else. Leslie: You ‘re starting to scare me Margo. Would you please tell me what’s going on? Margo: Ive just been dumped by Freddy, that’s what happened! Leslie: Gee Margo, 1’m sorty to hear that. Wow, I’m teally surprised, I mean, you two seemed to get along so well together. Did anything happen? Margo: Yeah, I guess so. I may be wrong, but I think he’s met someone else. Leslie: Really? What makes you say that? Margo: I ‘ve been racking my brain for the past half an hour, trying to fig- ure out what could have possibly happened and that’s the only conclusion T can come to. Leslie: I’m so sorry for you Margo. I wish there was something I could do. You're actually being very helpful g, already. Leslie! You've always been such a Margo: You're doin, somethin, ed . ‘Thanks indeed, listening to me whine. great friend. Leslie: That’s the least I can do Margo. Sorty, 1 wish there was something else I could say to make you feel better. Margo: It’s okay Leslie. Jdo feel better used to say we were meant to be togethes Leslie: Yeah, whatever happened to forever? Seems redictable these days, huh? ; Marge: T'll tell you what happened to forever my friend. Forever really means until the day it ends. Leslie: I think I’ve heard that in a song before. ; Margo: You probably did. That’s where 1 got it from and that’s what T be- lieve in. I guess it makes perfect sense, doesn’t it? ' | False or | don’t know? already. It’s funny, you know. Freddy forever. So much for forever! like people are so un- Whatever happened to forever? - True, 4. Margo suspects that Freddy is seeing someone else. True ___ False __ I don’t know ___ 2. Freddy has always been a womanizer. True ___ False ___ I don’t know 3. Leslie isn’t dating anyone now True ___ False ____I don’t know __ 4, Margo and Freddy did not get along very well. True ___ False ____ I don’t know __. 5. Leslie is surry for Maigo and wishes she could do something else to help her. True ____ False__ I don’t know __ Whatever happened to forever? - Focus on Words & Expressions Find words or expressions in the dialogue that mean the same as: a. Really; in fact b. Ended relationship, ¢. Thinking very hard Saga ann d. Have a good relationship comet wert something f. Complain repeatedly eae 38 pSortofalitle pFrighten That cannot be known in advance; likely to change____———— j-Veryunhappy ik, What’shappening ee 1, Told someone about something that has been worrying you. Fill in the blanks below with a word or expression highlighted in the dialogue: 1. “I can never how to set the time on the micro- wave.” Bill told Russell. 2, “The weather has been so recently. I wish we could have a sunny day tomorrow, but who knows what’s going to hap- & pen?” said Clive to his friends. eee eres, Batty) asked his teenage kids when he saw the ruckus they were making, 4, “Cindy has been feeling since her boyfriend dumped her. I wish I could do something to cheer her up.” said Elaine ~ toa friend. 5. “A major downside to being Carol’s roommate is that I have to listen * to her about her boyfriend all the time.” Jennifer told Brigitte. Discussion & Conversation 1 4. Do you think outgoing people have an edge over shy people when it comes to relationships? Why/Why not? 2. Have relationships been changing in the past few decades? How so? 3. What are the advantages and disadvantages of martied life in your opin- ion? Have you ever been on a date that went wrong? If so, what happened? Do people change after they get married in your opinion? Explain your ve answer. 39 Dating, Romance & Relationships Additional Vocabulary & Expressions ivel} omeone regularly and exclusively — Go steady with someone: date s f Jissa for quite some time “Frederick has been going steady with Mel think he’s going to marry her?”, Andy asked Ruth. Blind date: a romantic date with a stranget d Susan. “So, how did your blind date go? Did you like him?”, Dave asked’ 20s Head over heels in love with someone: completely in love with someon’ ith each other. Anthony and Bianca seem to be head over heels in love wit Cheat on: be unfaithful to one’s spouse or comantic partner ape a “I know why Margaret left her husband. She found out that he had bee! cheating on her. That’s why.”, Molly told Katrina. Get over someone: forget someone and feel happy again after a relationship has ended Ie took a long time for Rachel to get over her ex-boyfriend. lave a crush on somconc: have an infatuation or affection for someone “Monica has had a huge crush on Nicholas since they met at high school.” Linda told Carol. Make up: become friends again after an argument “don’t worry about Paul and Sabrina. They argue a lot, but they always end up making up.”, said Tony to his triends. Fill in the sentences or short dialogues below with words or expressions presented in Additional Vocabulary & Expressions: j 4. “Tknow Jake is known for being a flirt, but it seems that this time he'd fallen a girl who lives next doo to him 2. Patty: Have you heard the news? Alison and Gregory broke up. Neil: Really? They've broken up and many times be- fore. I think it’s just a matter of time for them to get back together. “4 | 40 “J think Stephanie Mike. Did you see the waY she looks at him?” Nicole told Wanda. . Priscilla: Miranda has been feeling miserable since her breakup with het boyfriend. Jane: I know. Maybe we could do something to help her get over him, What if we arranged for het to go on a _ Do you think she‘d like that? “T’ve always been faithful to Amanda. I ‘ve never eve. her.” , Richard told Barry. Discussion & Conversation 2 1. “Breaking up is hard to do.” Do you agree with this statement? Why/ Why not? Has someone ever stood you up? If so, describe what happened. Do you believe in love at first sight? Why/Why not? “Out of sight, out of mind.” Do you agree with this proverb? Do you believe in soul mates? Explain your answer. WPprwnr Choose the alternative that best explains the meaning of the words in bold in the sentences below. 4. “I'm sick of Ronny whining all the time.”, said Jeff to his buddies. a. bragging b. complaining c. having an affair d. misbehaving 2. “Getting over your ex takes time. I know that from first-hand experi- ence.”, Bruna told Sophie. a. blackmailing b. figuring out c. having an infatuation d. forgetting 3, The young couple eventually made up after their heated argument. a. became friends again b, stopped talking c. broke up d. apologized to each other a” years 10%", - 4. “Ronald has been going steady with Cathy for over #7° Diane told Liz, a. badmouthing b. dating her regularly and exclusively c. ignoring d. avoiding jumped her. 5. Sandra racked her brain trying to figure out why Tom had 4 a. didn’t care at all b. was sorry for herself ¢. pretended she didn’t know 4. thought very hard Complete the sentences below with your own words. 1. The newlyweds 2. Elizabeth decided to get a divorce because . 3. Larry has been feeling miserable since .......++.-+ 4, a. Discussion & Conversation 3 1. Are married people happier than single people in your opinion? 2. “Getting a divorce is sometimes the best solution.” Do you agree with this statement? Explain why or why not. 3. Have you ever gone on a blind date? If so, how did it go? Do you know anyone who’s had this experience? 4. “Beauty is only skin deep.” Do you agree with this saying? Why/Why not? 5. Do you think online dating apps/websites are helpful? Explain your answer. 42

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