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:- Pre-listening/ reading questions:

Do you have a healthy life style? Explain your answer. :

How often do you go for a medical checkup? · ·
Do you ever feel stressed-out? What situations make you feel stressed?

. Dialogue: Health cornes first

. _ Melanie: Hey Alison, small worldl

_Alison: Hi Melanie. Great to see youl
. Melanie: I haven 't seen you in a long
while. What have you been up to?
, Alison: A lot of things, I guess.
Melanie: You look great!
-Alison: Thanks! I do feel like a million Scan the QR CODE with your
,bucks ever since I took up Pilates. ceU phone camera to listen.
Melanie: You're doing Pilates?
Alison: Yeah, for about three months now and I reaJly recommend it, the
benefits are amazing. So, are you still working at that financial institution
Melanie: Oh no! I quit my job there a few days ago.
Alison: ReaJly? That explains how you can be in a maJI in the middle of the
·afternoon of a regular weekday. I would never expect to bump into you here
~t this rime. So, tell me, what happened? Why did you quit?
Melanie: Honestly? I think I was about to burn out.
_Alison: Oh, I see. Too much pressure huh?
Melanie: Yeah, I had a very demanding and hard to please manager who
~ept me stressed-out all the time.
Alison: Oh, I' m sorry to hear that.
Melanie: don't be. It's all over now!
·son: Sure. You look happy!
elanie: I am happy! That manager was too high-maintenance and I just
ouldn't take the heat anymore. Quitting that job was the wisest thing I've
ver clone in my life. I feel like I have liberated myself

> .. p 1'
Alison: It' s a great feeling! I do agree with you that health cornes first. ,
Melanie: I k.nowl Listen, do you wanna go grab a cup of coffee or something? :,j
Alison: Qooking at her watch) I wish I could, but I' m actually running late. ,.
I have to go meet Brian in about fifteen minutes. •a

Melanie: Brian? Who ' s Brian?

Alison: My new boyfriendl ij
Melanie: You're not dating Steven anymore?
Alison: No, h~'s history. I'm sorry I can't talk right now, but let's arrang~~
to meet somettme soon and catch up. . .: 'j
/. Melanie: Qaughing) Sure, seems like we have a lot to catch up on!
Alison: Is your cell phone number still the same? , ij
Melanie: Yepl -1
Alison: I 'li call you soon. Sorry I have to take off now. .}l
Melanie: No problem at ail. Enjoyl ·• i
Alison: Thanks Melanie. I 'li keep in touch. Bye! j _j
. ."'l
Health comes first-True, False or I don ..t know? . ,j
1. M~lanie regrets quitting her job. True _ False _ I_ don' t know ·. ·1
2. Alison has gotten engaged. True _ False _ I don t know _ .: .,
3. Melanie couldn 't stand her boss any more. True __ False __ I don :~
4. Brian is dating Alison. True _ False _ I don' t know _
5. Alison and Melanie went to high school together. True __ False ____;,$

don't know

Health comes first - Focus on Words & Expressions

Find words or expressions in the dialogue that mean the same as:

a. Meet someone by chance_ __ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ __ _ _

b. Put up with criticism; take the blame------------~
c. Someone hard to please or deal with._ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _
d. Late
- - - --------------------~
e. He' s no longer worth consideration·- - - - - - - - - - - -~
f. Talk to someone in order to find out what they have been doin.h----'-'!i!'!
g. What have you been doing?_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __.z
h. Started doing something new_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
i. Becomeexhaustedfromovetwork_________________
· j. Peel great; feel extremely good,_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
k. Leave suddenly_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
, 1. Tired, tense and nervous; suffering from a high level of stress_ _ _ __

Fill in the blanks below with a word or expression highlighted

in the dialogue:

1. ''Jake will ________ if he keeps working double shifts so

frequently." Virginia told Tracy.
''You won' t believe who I _ _ _ _ _ _ _ at the mail the other day."
Travis told Ruth.
"I always _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ after my morning workout." said
Suzy to a friend .
.·. 4. "My old man _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ golf when he retired. He spends a
lot of rime playing with his friends." Matthew told Deborah.
"I think Tyler is going to end up _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ if he keeps
working long hours like that." said Bill to a friend.

Discussion & Conversation 1

Have you or anyone you know ever had àn emergency medical situa-
tion? If so, what happened?
Do you follow a healthy diet? Are there any foods you avoid for health
Do you work out regularly? How often do you go to the gym?
Have you ever had a surgery? If so, what was the experience like?
What can people do to keep healthy on a daily basis?

·Health & Well-being - Additional Vocabulary & Expressions

~Alive and kicking: well and healthy; strong; full of energy; active
,"It' s goàd to know old Mr. Spencer has bounced back from his illness and
is now alive and" said Angela to a friend.

Come down with: become sick with

"William had to call off the meeting because he came clown with a bad tt
told." Nathalie told Joshua.

Take a toll on: have a bad effect on someone or something; cause suffering '.
or damage :'
''Years of heavy smoking have taken atoll on Mr. Blake's health. He is often :
coughing and he has difliculty breathin!}" Sharon told Monica. '

Chili out: relax and take it easy

"l've had a long day. I just need to chill out for a while." said Jake to his wife. :

Recharge one' s batteries: take a break from a sttessful activity in order to

recover your energy
"I really feel stressed-out. I need a few clays off to recharge my batteries.'(
said Clive to a coworker.

Pull through: survive an accident, an illness, etc

The doctors met with the patient' s family after the surgery and told the ·, _
they were confident he would pull through.

Call in sick: call one's place of work to say you are ill and cannot corne t~-
"Michael is not attending the meeting with us today. He called in sick e
this morning." Dave told a coworker.

Fill in the sentences or short dialogues below with words or .

expressions presented in Additional Vocabulary & Expressions:

1. Stacey: I wonder how Bill has been doing since his surgery last mon · ·
Do you have any news? Rodney: I do as a matter of fact. I talked to ;·
sister yesterday. It seems that he has recovered really well. She told in
he's _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
2. ''You have been working around the dock in the past few weeks. I
you should take a few days off to _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
ielle told Steve.
3. "l wish I could _ _ _ _ _ _ _ about my current project, but I hai ·
a deadline to meet." said Frank to a friend.
4. Sally: Hey, you don'tlook too good. Are you ail right? Noah: Notreal.Î
I think I' m _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ the flu. Sally: Really? May~
you should go see a doctor.

5. Although Mr. Miles had been seriously injured in a head-on car crash
he managed to _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ and is now on his way to full

Discussion & Conversation 2

1. Have you ever had to call in sick? What happened?

2. How important is sleep to mental and physical health in your opinion?
3. How do you feel when you see blood? Would ypu consider studying
4. Have you ever tried acupuncture? If so, describe the experience.
S. What are the best ways to release stress in your opinion?
f .
~i: Choose the alternative that best explains the meaning of the
· · words in bold in the sentences below.

"I always knew he would pull through." Jenny told Heather.

a. showup
b. go for a medical checkup
c. survive
d. have a healthy lifestyle

"I bumped into Claire on my way to work this morning." Vince told a
a. gave her a ride
b. punched her
c. crashed into her car
d. met her by chance

"Let' s get together and catch up." said Nicholas to a friend.

a. talk about what we have been doing
b. close the deal
c. badmouth each other
d. go fishing

4. "This is starting to take a toll on me ·" said Mi ch elie to a fnend
a. run smoo thly ·
b. have a bad effect
c. have a migraine
d. recharge my batteries

S. If someone calls in sick, they ...

a. have just taken some medicine
b. are allergie to certain medications .. :·
c. can 't corne to work because they don' t feel well
d. suffer from burnout

Complete the sentences below with your own words.

• James took up ................................................................

2. . .............................. burn out ................ ••••••·················[

3. . ............................. runrung late ............ · ·· · · · · · · · · · · · · · · ·· ····

4. Harry took off when ...................... . .......... •••• •• ••••· · · · · · ·· ····.,,

S. . ............................... chill out ...................... ••••• •••••••••••

Discussion & Conversation 3

1. How often do you take medicine? Do you know anyone who is a hyp
chondriac? If so, what is he or she like?
2. '~ apple a day keeps the doctor away". Do you agree with this prove
Why/Why not?
3. Should smoking be allowed in public places such as beaches, parks":_,·
restaurants? Explain your answer. .
4. Do you know anyone who has suffered from burnout? If so, what h?i
pened? "
S. "Laughter is the best medicine." Do you agree with this saying? Exp_ •
why or why not.


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