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process, which we can control far more

than the result, typically don’t catch
our attention. If the aim is to learn
from experience—mistakes as well as
successes—acknowledging that process
is crucial.

Fooled by
Imagine that two firms use the same
risky strategy, but one gets lucky and
prospers while the other doesn’t. We

celebrate the first one and condemn the
second—a response that disregards
the underlying causes. The tendency to
overreward the results of a decision and
What you think you’ve learned may be wrong. underreward its quality is known as the
A guide to figuring out the real lessons. outcome bias.
This bias can influence our actions
in subtle ways. A good outcome can
lead us to stick with a questionable
strategy, and a bad outcome can cause
W E R E LY ON T H E W EI GH T of experience If our goal is to improve decision us to change or discard a strategy that
to make judgments and decisions. We making, we can use our knowledge may still be worthwhile. For example,
interpret the past—what we’ve seen and of those filters to understand just what in the NBA, coaches “are more likely
what we’ve been told—to chart a course our experience has to teach us. Dis- to revise their strategy after a loss than
for the future, secure in the wisdom of tilling a wide range of research on the a win—even for narrow losses, which
our insights. After all, didn’t our ability subject, we focus in this article on are uninformative about team effec-
to make sense of what we’ve been the biases that result from three types tiveness,” a recent Management Science
through get us where we are now? It’s of filters: the business environment, article shows.
reasonable that we go back to the same which favors the observation of out- A focus on outcomes can also in-
well to make new decisions. comes (especially successes) over the fluence our sense of ethics. A Harvard
It could also be a mistake. processes that lead to them; our circle Business School working paper finds
Experience seems like a reliable of advisers, who may be censoring the that “the same behaviors produce more
guide, yet sometimes it fools us instead information they share with us; and our ethical condemnation when they hap-
of making us wiser. own limited reasoning abilities. We also pen to produce bad rather than good
The problem is that we view the past consider techniques for overcoming outcomes, even if the outcomes are
through numerous filters that distort those biases. determined by chance.” In other words,
our perceptions. As a result, our inter- if everything turns out OK, we’re more
pretations of experience are biased, and likely to think that the decision was not
the judgments and decisions we base on We Focus on just effective but also morally sound.
those interpretations can be misguided. What We Can See Our attention to outcomes—and
Even so, we persist in believing that In the business environment, the out- disregard of the processes that create
we have gleaned the correct insights comes of decisions are highly visible, them—makes solutions seem more
from our own experience and from the readily available for us to observe and valuable than preventive actions. A
accounts of other people. judge. But the details of the decision decision maker who solves a burning

58 HBR Special Issue

Fall 2023 Illustration by AMANDA BERGLUND

problem can be identified and re- voice objections. If all your advisers
warded, while one who takes action to We Trust Our Circle of follow that approach, you won’t have
avoid the same problem is far harder Advisers any dissenters.
to spot. Honest feedback—an unbiased, undis- Your demeanor can make matters
Among outcomes, successes are torted assessment of one’s experience— worse. Shooting the messenger doesn’t
more visible than failures. The business is essential for improving decisions. Yet facilitate healthy communication.
world is awash with success stories: The decision makers are often surrounded Indeed, welcoming criticism is hard,
latest best-sellers, the biggest start-up, by individuals who have incentives to especially for people with high status.
and winning corporate strategies are feed them censored and self-serving Censorship and a desire for confor-
widely trumpeted, while failures quietly information—and these people are not mity give decision makers a distorted
disappear. necessarily a crowd of yes-men. view of their strategic competence, a
Relying on stories of successes and Censorship is a powerful tool for bias that can result in their downfall.
on analyses of what those successes influencing opinion. Restricting the A recent article in Administrative
have in common is as unreliable a information that reaches decision Science Quarterly suggests that such
practice as it is popular. In an article in makers installs a strong bias in their misperceptions may reduce “the like-
Organization Science, Jerker Denrell perceptions. Even if we are aware of lihood that CEOs will initiate needed
points out that observing the common the existence of censors, it can be diffi- strategic change in response to poor
managerial practices of existing orga- cult to think beyond the immediately firm performance,” which, of course,
nizations can mislead us in a couple of available information. Our intuitions can lead to their dismissal.
ways. First, failures can share some of are often shaped by the evidence we Executives who are surrounded by
the same traits as successes. Second, if recall, no matter its relevance—a people who agree with them may also
certain factors always lead to failure, tendency cognitive scientists call the experience decreased creativity and
we won’t be able to discover them by availability bias. problem-solving abilities. Conceiving
studying only successes. Approach Individuals who are hoping for a an idea, a strategy, or a methodology is
with caution any list that purports to raise, a promotion, or some other ben- rarely a solo act. A successful creative
reveal, for instance, “10 common traits efit may well choose to deliver partial endeavor involves input from a diverse
of successful companies”—whether it is and insincere feedback, omitting any- set of people. If everyone is simply
punctuated with an exclamation point thing negative about a decision maker’s trying to conform, the group cannot
or comes with the seriousness of performance. As the organizational benefit from people’s backgrounds,
a legitimate study. psychologist Lynn Offermann argues in perspectives, and experiences.
Ignoring failures has another effect. “When Followers Become Toxic” (HBR,
In Fooled by Randomness, Nassim January 2004), leaders run the danger
Nicholas Taleb argues that doing so of being “surrounded by followers who We Overvalue Our Own
masks the failure rate. If the rate is fool them with flattery and isolate them Experience
high, chances are there is no magic from uncomfortable realities.” In this We can’t place all the blame for our dis-
formula for success. And if there’s no way, flattery can be an especially power- torted view of the world on the environ-
magic formula, then a manager can’t be ful filter. ment and our inner circle. Some of the
faulted for missing it. By concealing the But your trusted advisers aren’t nec- blame lies with us. Our own reasoning
prevalence of failures, the environment essarily aiming to ingratiate themselves abilities can sabotage how we collect
makes it more difficult for us to learn with you; they may just be trying to information and evaluate evidence. We
from them. Instead, we are fooled into conform. One powerful way to do that end up learning the wrong lessons from
thinking that we have more control over is to agree with you. It is much easier our experience—even when it’s possible
success than we actually do. to conform to others’ opinions than to to learn the right ones.

60 HBR Special Issue

Fall 2023
Idea in Brief


Experience: We think of it as
our guide, a reliable source of
One issue is that we tend to search into seeing patterns that do not actually insight and the foundation of our
for and use evidence that confirms our exist and illusory relationships between expertise. As we make decisions,
beliefs and hypotheses, and we gloss unrelated variables. we rely on our experience and
over or ignore information that contra- Our belief in the relationship be- on what advisers and confidants
dicts them—an exercise of selectively tween the past and the future also can tell us about theirs.
building and interpreting experience interfere with our view of the world.
known as the confirmation bias. We can Predictions based on experience make
We view our experience through
easily support our beloved supersti- the crucial assumption that the future multiple filters that distort real-
tions, spurious correlations, and bogus will resemble the past. One of us, Robin ity, limiting our ability to figure
connections. This natural tendency of Hogarth, has done extensive research out what’s actually going on
the human mind hinders competent on how human intuition fares in predic- around us. As a consequence,
decision making. tion tasks. The findings suggest that not our experiences fool us instead
of making us wiser.
Some see external, information-rich even experts with a tremendous amount
big data as a possible remedy, but data of experience are proficient in foresee-
is subject to the same kinds of bias. If ing economic, social, and technological We can base our decisions on
analysts cherry-pick information to suit developments. a clearer view of the world if we
managers’ expectations, managers will Managers should be aware that just focus not just on outcomes but
be reassured about their decisions and because something seems obvious after on the processes that lead to
see no need to improve them. And once the fact does not mean that it could them; learn from near misses;
encourage disagreement and
misleading insights are data-approved, have been predicted. Decision makers
the search for disconfirming
they are even harder to challenge. often fall into this hindsight bias, which
evidence; and broaden our
Another issue is our memory. The can lead to overconfidence and illusions perspective.
philosopher John Stuart Mill wrote of control. When it comes to effective
in On Liberty, “There are many truths decision making, not knowing that you
of which the full meaning cannot be cannot predict is a bigger sin than not
realized, until personal experience being able to predict. just two months in 2010. To give more
has brought it home.” Mill’s sentiment people the opportunity to share their
assumes that we record and remember stories of failure, a group of entrepre-
events accurately. We don’t. How Not to Be Fooled neurs has been organizing FailCon, a
In addition to the poor quality and The following techniques can uncover conference dedicated to giving visibility
reliability of our memory of experience, the real lessons experience offers. None to experiences that would otherwise
there is the crucial problem of quan- are easy, but making the effort to adopt remain hidden.
tity. The issue is sampling variability: them can help you base decisions on a To identify what could be done better
A manager’s personal experience is clearer view of the world. in the future, companies can also con-
inevitably based on small samples of Sample failure. Failures and the duct decision postmortems to analyze
incidents that are most likely unrep- processes that lead to them are doomed underlying processes. Of course, the
resentative of the whole context; there to stay in the dark unless special occa- goal of learning must dominate the
is no way that any one manager can sions are created to bring them to light. natural tendency to assign blame.
experience the entire range of possibil- It is not easy for managers to share their Don’t miss near misses. Another
ities. Differences among incidents may experiences of defeat. One exception is oft-ignored event is the near miss—
be due to unknown factors or random- Paul Biggar, a founder of Newstilt, who a failure that’s disguised as a success,
ness. If managers read too much into posted a detailed account of the fall of but only because there are generally no
those differences, they may be fooled the news website, which stayed open for dire consequences.

HBR Special Issue

Fall 2023 61

Why Learning from An executive at a chemical company

told us of a near miss when a machine
Experience Is Complicated malfunctioned at a plant, causing a
sudden burst of extremely hot gas.
Luckily, no workers were nearby, but a
BEHAVIORS CONSEQUENCES REMEDIES quick inquiry revealed that some of the
workers in the plant hadn’t been wear-
ing protective gear at the time of the in-
We focus on outcomes, We don’t study the process Deliberately study failures.
cident, even though they are required to
especially successes. leading up to an outcome.
Conduct postmortems on put it on the minute they step onto the
We underestimate the role of decision processes. premises. Exposure to the gas without
Learn from near misses. the safety gear would have resulted in
We change strategies for the serious physical injury.
Reward people who prevent
wrong reasons. It might be easy to dismiss this
problems from occurring.
Solving problems is rewarded; episode as unimportant, since no one
preventing them is not. was hurt. But doing so would deprive
the company of an opportunity to learn
Advisers censor what Our view of our strategic Build a brain trust with a valuable lesson without having to
they tell us. competence becomes differing points of view on suffer dreadful consequences. Ironi-
distorted. strategic questions. cally, ignoring this near disaster—as so
People feel compelled to agree Find a confidant who will often happens—would lead workers to
with the group. disagree with you. perceive it as inconsequential and thus
The group becomes less Create risk-free, anonymous would help perpetuate the same danger-
creative. reporting channels. ous behavior.
As Catherine Tinsley, Robin Dillon,
We focus on evidence We continue to base decisions Actively look for disconfirming and Peter Madsen have shown in “How
that confirms our on spurious correlations and evidence. to Avoid Catastrophe” (HBR, April 2011),
beliefs. connections. risk-free, anonymous reporting chan-
Imagine the decision went
Data analysts and consultants badly, then figure out probable nels can reduce close calls and disas-
may feel compelled to tell us reasons. trous mistakes in many sectors.
what we want to hear.
Don’t tip your hand to data
Pursue prevention. Recognizing a
scientists or other experts potential problem requires a different
brought in to help. approach than solving an actual prob-
lem. One strategy is to harness em-
We rely on our faulty We see patterns that don’t Seek out caveats that would ployees’ collective talents by allowing
memories, our limited exist. endanger your mission. people to raise concerns about the firm’s
experience, and our
We try to predict things that Imagine more than one possible
operations. Many companies’ incen-
misguided belief tive mechanisms work exactly to the
can’t be predicted. scenario.
that the future will
contrary, and employees often hesitate
resemble the past. Unexpected events are seen Acknowledge the role of luck.
to speak up for fear of reprisal or being
as hindrances rather than
Embrace serendipity. labeled a nuisance. But the signs of a
blunder can be picked up more easily
by lower-level managers and personnel

62 HBR Special Issue

Fall 2023
A good outcome can lead us to stick with a
questionable strategy, and a bad outcome can cause us to
change or discard a strategy that may still be worthwhile.

who deal with daily operations than If you do go the route of using big tage over those who have illusions of
by their senior colleagues. Employees data, refrain from revealing your hopes control and are overconfident about the
should be made to feel comfortable and dreams to the data scientists you accuracy of their judgments. Change is
reporting issues to the very top—even hire to collect and mine information. Ask both inevitable and unpredictable. As
obliged to do so. questions in a way that prompts them Spyros Makridakis, Robin Hogarth, and
Disagree. As Peter Drucker wrote, to look for caveats that would endanger Anil Gaba argue in Dance with Chance,
“The first rule in decision making is your mission but that doesn’t reveal managers who accept that can cali-
that one does not make a decision unless what you actually hope they’ll find. brate their intuitions accordingly and
there is disagreement.” To devise healthy Lose focus. It may seem that to learn to see change as an opportunity
strategies, executives need to hear many mine our experience for valuable les- rather than a shock. To do so, they must
perspectives, including feedback that is sons, we must focus on the experiences broaden their perspective. Welcoming
critical of their own actions. Executives we think really matter. In fact, a narrow diverse experiences will help decision
should surround themselves with people perspective can be a serious impedi- makers manage the unknowns ahead
from diverse backgrounds and promote ment. In The Luck Factor, the psycholo- and greatly increase the odds of being in
independent thinking in their team. gist Richard Wiseman shows that when the right place at the right time.
Many executives task certain coworkers, people focus too much on an issue
friends, or family members with speak- or a task, they inevitably miss out on THE LE S S O NS E X PE RI E NCE seems to
ing frankly on important matters. unexpected opportunities. For a firm, be teaching us, accepted uncritically,
Ed Catmull, the president of Pixar spotting those opportunities is vital. should almost never guide our actions.
and Walt Disney Animation Studios, A company that directs its R&D efforts What we learn from experience is
stresses the importance of building on a single domain, a start-up that uses typically filtered: by the business envi-
a brain trust, a group of advisers who only a few channels of communication, ronment, by the people around us, and
will deflate egos and voice unpopular or a manager who employs only people by ourselves. If we keep the filters and
opinions. He argues in his September from a certain background will not be their antidotes clearly in mind, we can
2008 HBR article that disagreements in able to cope well with the complexity of discover what experience actually has
meetings end up benefiting everyone today’s business environment. to teach us.
in the long run, because “it’s far better Being open to the unexpected is also As the late Hillel Einhorn, one of the
to learn about problems from colleagues crucial for individuals. A wide perspec- fathers of behavioral decision theory,
when there’s still time to fix them than tive can help, giving new meaning to asked, “If we believe we can learn from
from the audience after it’s too late.” our varied experiences and allowing us experience, can we also learn that we
Disconfirm. Rather than finding to learn from them and draw on them in can’t?”
clues that corroborate your hunch—all surprising ways. The result is often ser- HBR Reprint R1505E
too easy in an information-rich world— endipitous discovery and innovation.
start by asking yourself how you could Curiosity prompted Alexander Fleming Emre Soyer is the founder of SOYER Deci-
know you were, in fact, wrong. What to inspect a moldy petri dish before sion Advisory and an adjunct professor at
evidence would contradict your belief cleaning it, a move that resulted in the INSEAD, Bayes Business School, and TUM.
and how likely is it that you would see discovery of penicillin. Similarly, a pas- Robin M. Hogarth is an emeritus professor
it? One technique is to use this thought sion for hiking and hunting led George at Universitat Pompeu Fabra, in Barcelona.
experiment: Imagine that you are de Mestral to invent Velcro. Seeds that They are coauthors of The Myth of Experi-
ence: Why we learn the wrong lessons and
already in the future and things have got stuck in his dog’s fur gave him the
ways to correct them (PublicAffairs, 2020).
not turned out as you had hoped. Now idea for the product.
use your new hindsight to ask how this Managers who acknowledge the role
might have happened. of serendipity and luck have an advan-

HBR Special Issue

Fall 2023 63
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