How Animals Grow Booklet Web

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How Animals


Vicky He


Theme: I Spy
Word count: 296

Glenview, Illinois
Boston, Massachusetts
Chandler, Arizona
New York, New York

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Associate Publisher: Amy Land

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1 18

ISBN 978-1-4869-0511-9
How Animals

Vicky He

Literacy Consultants
David Booth • Kathleen Corrigan
What is a life cycle?
It is how animals grow up.
It is how their bodies change.
It is how they have babies.

The babies grow up.
They become adults
and have their own babies.
These are some animal life cycles.

This is a polar bear.
Polar bears make dens in the snow.
The babies are born in the dens.

Baby polar bears are called cubs.
The cub is small.
The cub eats a lot of food.
It grows bigger.
The cub will be very big one day.

This is a sea turtle.
Sea turtles lay eggs
on the beach.
They dig holes in the sand.
They bury the eggs.
Then they leave.

Baby sea turtles hatch
from the eggs.
They come out of the sand.
They go into the ocean.
They grow bigger.

These are swans.
Swans lay eggs in nests.
Their nests are made
of sticks and plants.

Baby swans are little and gray.
Their feathers turn white
when they are older.

This is a frog.
Frogs live near water.
They lay eggs in the water.



Adult frog

Baby frogs are called tadpoles.

They have tails.
Then they grow up.
They grow legs, and their tails shrink.

This is a shark.
Sharks have their babies
in the water.
Baby sharks are called pups.

Sharks do not help their pups.
The pups can get food
on their own.
They eat other fish,
and they grow bigger.

This is a bee.
These bees live in hives.
They lay their eggs
in the hive.

A baby bee is called a larva.
Other bees give it food.
The larva grows into a bee.

You also have a life cycle.
You were a baby too.
Now you are bigger.
You will grow.
What will you be like
when you are older?

Think About It

Use a compare and contrast graphic organizer.

Choose two animals from the text. Tell how the
animals are alike in the column on the left. Tell
how these animals are different in the column
on the right.


Alike Different

Images: [Cover: Willyam Bradberry; 1: turtle–rujithai; 2: sea turtle–Khunjompol; baby sea turtle–Freedom Man;
2: forest–Subbotina Anna; 3: polar bears–FloridaStock; 4: sea–Nataliia K; 4: polar bear–outdoorsman; 5: cub–
Shvaygert Ekaterina; 6: laying–Nico Traut; beach–Everything; 7: hatching–IrinaK; 8: swan eating–Dmitry Abitotsky;
swan–iliuta goean; lake–Simun Ascic; 9: cygnet–Abi Warner; 10: lilypads–afoto6267; frog–Artur Synenko; 11:
frogs–Eric Isselee; ripples–Ray49; 12: sea–rangizzz; tiger shark–Matt9122]; 13: juvenile tiger
shark–NHPA/SuperStock; 14: [hives–Andrey Ezhov; daisy–Yellowj; bee–irin-k; 15: bee–stefanolunardi; 16: forest–
Subbotina Anna; boy–imtmphoto]
How Animals Grow
Vicky He

ISBN-13: 978-1-4869-0511-9
ISBN-10: 1-4869-0511-0
90000 >

9 781486 905119

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