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Coal (Fuel Technology )

What Is Coal Bed Methane?

Coal bed methane (CBM) is a form of natural gas which can be recovered from coal deposits or coal
seams (a coal deposit is a geographical location containing mineable accumulations of coal while a coal
seam is entrapment of coal in underlying rock).

The gas is formed during the natural conversion of plant material into coal, known as coalification. When
coalification occurs, the coal becomes saturated with water and methane gas is trapped within it. CBM
can be recovered from coal deposits and seams through drilling and extraction .

Coal reserves
Coal reserves refer to large deposits of coal which, based on geological surveys and engineering studies,
are thought to exist to a very high degree of certainty.

Effects of different constituent of coals :

In terms of ingredients:

1. Carbon: the main combustible component, accounting for 50-95%, the higher the carbon content, the
higher the ignition point, and the easier it is to catch fire.

2. Hydrogen: 2-4%, Hydrogen has a high calorific value. It will account for part of the calorific value of
the coal, the bigger the better.

3. Oxygen: plays a role in supporting combustion.

4. Sulfur: It is a harmful component in coal and should be avoided.

5. Nitrogen: When burning, it is discharged with the flue gas and loses heat.

6. Ash: the less the better.

7. Moisture: It has an influence on the combustion of coal. It contains a moderate amount of water and
can release Hydrogen, but too much water makes it difficult to catch fire, and the smoke contains a lot
of water.

8. Phosphorus: It accounts for a very small amount, and some types of coal basically do not contain it.
Phosphorus can also be burned to release heat.

Coal Reserves in Bangladesh

Bangladesh holds 323 million tons (MMst) of proven coal reserves as of 2016, ranking 48th in the world
and accounting for about 0% of the world's total coal reserves of 1,139,471 million tons (MMst).

Bangladesh has proven reserves equivalent to 153.8 times its annual consumption. This means it has
about 154 years of Coal left (at current consumption levels and excluding unproven reserves).

Chemical Composition of coal
Coal is a combustible black or brownish-black sedimentary rock, formed as rock strata called coal seams.
Coal is mostly carbon with variable amounts of other elements, chiefly hydrogen, sulfur, oxygen,
and nitrogen. Coal is formed when dead plant matter decays into peat and is converted into coal by the
heat and pressure of deep burial over millions of years. Coal is a mineral, a black rock that can be
extracted from the earth and burned for fuel.

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