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Fast Track-:_____
Exercise O Base Level QueStions
9, A , train cr?sses a platform in 30 8
l, A train . covers 90 m in passing a · travelling with a speed of 60 kmlh. If th
standing . man. Find the length of th e length ·of the train b~ 200 m, then the
train. . · ·· length of the platform 1s [SSC CPO 2013e1
(a) 20 m (bJ 87 m (a) 420 m (b) 500 m
(c) 71 m (d) 90 m (c) 300 m (d) 250 m
(e) None of the above · 10. A train crosses a bridge ?f length 150 Ill
2, A 220 m long train passes a si~al pos_t in 15 sand a -man standing on it in 9
in 12 s. Find the speed of the tram, ·· The ·. train ·is travelling at a unifor s.
· . [Bank Clerks 201OJ speed. Length of the train is Ill
(a) 72 l<m/h (b) 60 km/h 012
[SSC CGL (Mains) 2 ]
(c) 66 l<m/h (d) 69 km/h · (a) 225 m (b) 200 m
· _(e) None of the abo_ ve . .. (c) 135 m . (d) 90 m
3. '·A train .takes 9 s to cross a pole. If e th 11.A train moving with uniform speed
speed of the train is_48 km/h, then length · . crosses a pole in. 2 s and a 250 m long
of the train is · . [CDS 26141 bridge in 7 s. ·Fmd the length of the
(a) 150 m (b) 120 m train. [SSC CGL 2010]
(c) 90 m (d) 80 m , (a) 150 m (b) 120 m
4; A train running at the speed of 72 km/h. ·· · (c) 100 m (d) 80 m .
goes past a pole in 16 s. What is the , _ 12, The lengths of a train and a platform: are
length of the train? . [CDS_26131 - / . equal. If a train running at a speed of
(a) 150 m· (b) 200 m . 90 km/h, crossed the platform in 1 min
(c) 300 m ·(d) 350 m · then find the length of the train. '
5: 160 m long train ~ g with the speed ·· (a) 500 m (b) 550 m
, ~f 90 km/h to cross a ~ridge in ~6s. What , ·, ·(c), 600 m _:, (d) 700 m ·
the length .of the bndge? , · c ·
i · - ', (e) · 750 m ·, ,
., (SSC CGL2012] 13 ·,I. • r . ·' . .·
(a) 500 m· ·: ·.·• · (b) 600 m _ _·A tra,m ,trave_lling with uniform speed
· (c) 659 m · _ ;. (d)° 550 m ', ' ,:: ' : , crosse~ nyo bndges oflengths .~00 m ~nd
6. . . ••.· · '· · - · . '.,.240 mm 21 sand 18 s, respectively. Find
. -- A tram travelling at a s_peed ~ .~O mis the speed of the train. . [SSC CPO 20111
ci:osses a 600 m long p3:&tform m 30 s. . (a) ·72 km/h (b) 68 km/h
Findthelengthofthetrain. 15$CCG1,2007l i: :•,, (c) .65 km/h ·, ·: 'd'1 60 k /h .
(a) 120 m . (b) 150 m ,, . -14, . . · ,, ·• · .
(c) 200 m (d) jop m · · - · \ - · ; Ty,o ::·.trams :: are moving m opposite
7 , A 240 m long train croeses a latti . .. .. . directions with. speed~ of 6. mis a_nd
ual length in 27 What, tbp omed off i - 12 mis, respectively. Find their relative
eq • • ,, 8 • 18 e, o speed. ·
· t~:/~~mkm/h. (b) .: - o;,;r. ~8 m1s ·1 \: (b) 15'm/s
·(c) 56 (d) 64.. ,..._. . i................._,w 20 mis . . . (d) 6 m/s
(•! ~one of the above <(e) of Iha above_ .
8 • A tram crossed a platform in 4$ 8 - - ~IP,llf. '1'8 : movmg m the sa!Ile
length of the train is 170 m , What ia't¥, jif:'l..:..!n with ~peeds of 16 km/h and
speed of the train? . llffl liJllf! IIOJII t ,_ _nepeetively. What ie the ,peed
. (a) 233 km/h - - _ • mnapect of each other?
(b} 243 km/h 6 lirVh · \
(c) 265 km/h krTv1l i
(d) Cannot be determined
(e) None of the above
Problems Based on Trains/ 443

ele.tive speed of a trai_n in respect of

,_0 filer. go km/h when tram and car are (a) 5 s (b) 6 s (c) 7 s (d) 8 s
19 24. A t .
8 ca~ opposite to each other. Find the ram passes two persons who are
JIIO~g speed of train, if car is moving ~alki~g in the direction opposite to the
•~tll e. speed of 15 km/h. [Bank PO 2011 I direction of train at the rate of 10 mis
lflth okm/h (b) 105 km/h and 20 mis respectively in 12 s and 10 s,
(a~ ~5 km/h (d) 100 km/h respectively. Find the length of the train.
[SSC CGL 2013)
None of the above
(a) 500 m (b) 900 m
trains of lengths 70 m and 90 m are (c) 400 m (d) 600 m
17,1"0\fing in opposite directions at 10 mis 25
d 6 rnfs, respectively. Find the time •A train A is 180 m long, while another
~en by trains to cross each other. ,_,· train B is 240 m long. A has a speed of
30 km/h and B's speed is 40 km/h. If the
(a) 10 s (b) 8 s (c) 12 s (d) 16 s trains move in opposite directions, find
A 440 m long train is running at when will A pass B completely?
18· }anfh. .In what t~me will it pass a [SSC (10+2) 2012]
an running in the direction opposite to (a) 21 s (b) 21.6 s
:at of the train at 24 km/h? (c) 26.1 s - (d) 26 s
[Hotel Mgmt. 2009) 26 · A tra1.n A of length 180 m, running by
(a) g s (b) 6 s (c) 12 s (d) 4 s 72 km/h to cross the another train B
(e) None of the above which is running in the . opposite
19,A400 m long train takes 36 s to cross a direction to speed of 108 km/h and length
man we.lking at 20 km/h in the direction is 120 m, in how much time?rssc CGL 20121
opposite to that of the train. What is the (a) 23 s (b) 12 s (c) 6 s (d) 30 s
8peed of the train? [IBPS Clerks 2011) 27 · A 110 m long train is running at a speed
(a) 20 km/h (b) 30 km/h of 60 km/h. How many seconds, does it
(c) 15 km/h (d) 11 km/h take to cross an another train of length
(eJ ~ Mhe above 170 m, which is standing on parallel
20,A train crosses a platform . track? - . [SSC CGL 2011]
times •of its length, in (a) 15.6 s(b) 16.8 s(c) 17.2 s (d) 18 s
What is the speed of the 28. Two trains of equal length are running

[IBPS Clerk 2011) on parallel lines in the same direction at
46 km/h and 36 kmlh. The faster train
a,J passes the slower train in 36 s. The
(c) ~ J111~ length of each train is [SSC (10+2) 20121
d.tlermined ·r ' . (a) 82 m (b) 50 m (c) 80 m (d) 72 m
29. Two trains, of same length are running
· 512 in ·and 628 m in parallel tracks in opposite directions
~ch other on with speeds 65 km/h and 85 km/h
and 60 km/h, · respectively. They cross other · in
, will they be 6 s. The length of each train is ·
e!lt they [SSC (10+2) 2013)
(~ 100 m (b) 115 m

i1 s c) 125 m (d) 150 m
Q trains start at the same time from
11 nts ,c and y towards each other and

after crossing, they take 9 h and 4 h in

reaching points y and x. respectively.
Find the ratio of speeds of the 1st train
• tQ that of the 2nd train.
• . (a) 2 : 3 (b) 3 : 2 (c) 2 : 5 (d) 5 : 3
, (e) None of the above
3l•'"'8 ratio between the speeds of two
~• ia 8 : 9, Second train covers 360 km
JA 4.hi- Diatance covered by first train in
8 Jgn) is . (SSC (10+2) 2012)
.JIJ.,~ (b) 480 (c) 120 (d) 60
44:4 / fast nack ObjectiVe Arithmetic

trains are running 40knifh

, The average speed of a bus .is 38• 1:~infh respectively, in the •~
~ction, Th•. ~••I. train con,pl:•in,
32 three-fourth the average sp~ed of a tram.
e train covers 240 km m 12 .h. How h? passes a man s1ttmg r the
f th m t slow train
much distance will the bus cover m 7 •
[IBPS Clerk 2011) 5 s. Th• 1,ngth o e ••• a train ia
a) 110 km (b) 115 km 2 rn
(a) 23- (b) 27 m '1
( 9
(c) 105 km (d) 100 km
(e) None of the above (c) 2~_7 rn . (d) 23 m
33, From stations Mand N, two trains start
moving towards each other at speed n(\,__ ,0 traTns of same length take 6 8
'1 125 km/h. and 75 km/h, respectivel~-t ~9~:s, respectively to cross
. a. pole. If band
When the two trains meet each other, 1 the trains are runrung . m the sallle
is found that · one train covers 50 km direction, then b?ow long will they take to I
more than anothOr. Find the distance croBB each other. '
OOtween Mand N. . (s) 30 s (b) 36 s {c) 40 s {d) 42 s j
(a) 190 km (b) 200 km · {e) None of the aboV8 !
{C) 145. km ·· d B (d)art225
fr kmDelhi and ~ e distance between two stations . p and I
34, Two trams A ar ;\ o:d Delhi,,,.....,..----· Q is 145 .km, A tra!n with speed of
Patna towar s . an~ · 5 ,__fh leaves station at 8·00
respectively. Afterdpassing each other,
h to reach Patna 2 JU1UU station
towards • Q. Another tram am ·
•• with
t ey t ake 16 h an 9
h Delhi, respectively, If the train from
and • apee o a f 35 km/h 1 · t t'
~•••• • • ion Q at
Delhi is moving at 90 kni/h, then find the 9:00 am tow~rds station P. Then, at what

I speed of the other train (in kni/h). ·

(a) 120
(c) 125
(b) 190
(d) 145
time both trams meet?
(a) 10: 00 am
[SSC Multitasking 20131,
(b) 11 : 00 am
35. Excluding stoppages, the speed ofa train (c) 12_: 00 am · (dJ-11 : 30 am
is l~kmlh and including stoppages, it is 41~ P and Qare 27 km away. Two trains will
90 km/h. For how many minutes does the having speeds of 24 km/h and 18 km/h
train stop per hour? [SSC CPO 2012 l , : . respectively start simultaneously from p
(a) 5 (b) 9 and Q and travel in the same direction.
(c) 10 · ; (d) 6 'l:heY meet at , a 'po1nt .·R beyond Q.
36. Without stoppages, the. speed of a train Distance QR is :,: · [SSC CGL 20121
is 150 km/h and with stoppages/ it is (a) 126 km (b) Sfkm
100 km/h. How many minutes, does the (c) 48 km (d) 36 km
train stop?
(a) 20 · (b) 1 .. .- · (MBA · 42, Two trains A and B start from Howrah
2008) ,
(c) 25 · (d) 455 , , . · · and Patna towards 'Patna and Howrah
(e) None of the above . . ,. ·. respectively Rt· the same time. Afttlt
. · P•.•~ing each other, they take 4, h, 48

9 wo trams
T .,roa, running in opposite
a man standing
platform in 54s and 34s respectively and
they cross each other in 46 ,. Find
on the . ·mm and·3 h, 20 min to reach Patne and
.. Howrah, reapectively. If the train from
Howrah is moving at 45 km/h, then the
ratio of their speeds. .. \ , o£the other train is
(a) 3 : 2 (b) 2 : 3 _ . · [SSC Multitasking 20141
(c) 5 : 3 (d) 3 : 5 (b) 45 km/h
(e) None of the above .. (d) 54 km/h •

Exercise @ Hig;
'' ,_'

· 1, Two stations A and B, 100 km far l ffi peed of 75~
to each other. Two trains starts at t:11. t distance bO
same time from station A and station".'.!{ · ach other frO~
The · train starts from station A _ [SSC CGL 201
running with the speed of 50 km/h 0km
station B. The train starts from statio None of the58
Pr.oblems Based on Trains/ 445

stations P and Q are at a distance of

, . 160 r~ Two trains start moving from p
Q and P respectively and meet
and 0ther after 4 h. If speed of the train
(a) 12 s (b) 15 s (c) 16 s (d) 18 s
(e) 20 s
8, The distance travelled by a train is
each . g from pis more than that of other 1830 km. The speed of the train is one
s~y 6 km/h, then ~nd the speeds of more than twice the time taken to travel
tr h the trains, respectively. the distance. What will be the respective
bO~ 19 km/h, 13 km/h ratio of the speed of the train and time
13 km/h, 9 km/h taken to travel? [Bank Clerks 2010]
~) 17 km/h, 23 km/h (a) 30 : 61 (b) 61 : 30
(c) 25 : 51 (d) 51 : 25
d) 16 km/h, 10 km/h
(e) None of the above
~e) None of the above
9, The average speed of a train in the
Atrain travelling at 48 km/h completely
onward journey is 25% more than that
3, sses an another train having half
in the return journey. The train halts for
~~gth of first train and travelling in
2 h on reaching the destination. The
~posite directions at 42 km/h in 12 s. It
total time taken to complete to and for
~so passes a railway platform in 45 s. journey is 32 h, covering a distance of
The length of the platform is '1600 km. Find the speed of the train in
(B) 400 m (b) 450 m the onward journey.
(c) 560 m _ (d) 600 m (a) 56.25 km/h (b) 60 km/h .
{e) None of the above (c) 66.50 km/h (d) 67 km/h
4, Atrain leaves Mumbai for Goa at 3 : 45 (e) None of the above
pm and goes at the rate of 50 km/h. 10. A train overtakes two persons walking
Another train leaves Goa for Mumbai at along a railway track. The first one
2:36 pm and goes at the rate of 60 km/h. walks at 4.5 km/h and the other one
If the distance between Mumbai and walks at 5.4 km/h. The train needs 8.4 s
Goa is 510 km, at what distance from and 8.5 s respectively, to overtake them. -
Mumbai will the two trains meet? What is the speed of the train, if both
(a) 200 km (b) 150 km the persons are walking in the same
(c) 145 km (d) 309 km direction as the train?
(e) None of above (a) 66 km/h (b} 72 km/h ,
S, A train P starts from Mokama at (c) . 78 km/h (d) 81 km/h
6:00 pm and reaches Hazipur at (e) None of the above
6:00 pm. An another train Q starts from 11. A 125 m long train take 25 s to cross a
lijzipur 1 at 5:00 pm and reaches person who is going in the -same
Vob"1a at 6:80 pm. At what time, two direction with the speed of 4 km/h. After
• will cross each other? crossing that person, the train can reach
,pm (b) 4:36 pm next station in 30 min. How long that
pm (d) 7:00 pm person takes to reach that station after
of the above being crossed by them?
•M"~"i} pole in 25 s and train (a) 3 l h (b) 2 h
h\ 1 min 15 .s. Length 4 , 4
th,e length of train B. (c) 3 h (d) 2 l h
J;,Jtween ~e speeds of 4 .4
(e) None of the above
12, A train covers certain distance between
two places at a uniform speed. If the
train moved 10 km/h faster, it would
take 2 h . less, and if the train were
slowe:r by 10 km/h, it would take 3 h
more than the scheduled time. Find the
distance covered by the train.
(a) 300 km (b) 600 km
(c) 800 km (d) 1200 km
(e) of the above
Answer with Solutions
.'Sxe'l'dse O sase Level (:luestions
(d) Length of platform is not .
8 ' cannot be determined. given. So'I.

• d) We know .that, the distance covered

d' rnanbYora , (C) Speed of train = 60 km/h
1 (train in passing a pole or a stan lll9, (of 9 = 60 X rn/S :: SO
a signal post or any other obJect 0 f 18 3 rn/s
negligible length) is equal to the length
the train. In this case, train covers go rn to Let length of the platform be x m.
According to the question,
cross a standing rnan, 5
:. Length of the train== 90 rn 200 + X = 0 X 30
2. (C) We knOW that, 200 + X = 500
X = 300 m
10, (a) Let the length of the train be x
Speed of the train .; X == 66 km/h
· 12 5 According to the question, m.
3, (b) Let the length of the train 5be x m. - = Speed ... [I)
Now, speed== 48 km/h== 48 X· -18 m/s X + 150 .
= Speed ...[ti)
Train takes 9 s to cross a pole. and 15
:. Length of train, X == Speed X Time . .. From Eqs. (i) and (ii), we get
X + 150
:: 48 X !,._ X 9 :: 120 m
9 15
X X + 150
4, (c) Speed pf train
== Length of train -=
3 5
Time taken to cross the stationarv object 5x = 3x + 450
:. Length of train == Speed of train x Time x=225m . ·
taken to cross the stationary object
. :: 72 X 5 X 15 :: 300 m 11. (C) Let length of the train be L m.
18 . . According to the question;
L ., L + 250
' • ., 't•: '

5, Let length of bridge be x m.

2 .7
We knOW, Speed= Distanee
. . Tune 1L = 2L + 500
AccOrdin9 to the question, ·
,90 X·!_ _16_0__ 7L-2L = 500
18 2 5L = 500
==t 26 X 26 160 +
650 • 150 + X 1
' L'=~=100m

==t :• • ,· . ''·
' . 5
:- X •500 m1.
6, (d} Let lenQth of tbs be x ~ -. 12• (e) Let length· of both train and platfo~
be x. . .
Relative die irhiri = <x + sob>
tliistion, .: . i m D covered by the train to cross d
p • x+x=2x
19 I" + 600 = 900
300m Ill 1P'!'.l"-90 km/h ·. ..
= Distance • II 9() S( ;.E_ = 25 m/S
. Tlme . 18 · , ·. .
_ _ . .:. ) x!! ~ xnme
6 21 ><80

-a• km/h 0-
t'roblen, B
s ased on Trains/ 44 7

et length of the train = L

(O) L .
13• ording to the question, 2 0, (C) Length of the train = 280 m L + 300 = L + 240
Leng th of the platform = 280 x 3 = 840 m
21 18 Taken time = 6 min 40 s
L + 300
7 =---
L + 240
= (360 + 40) s = 400 s
:. Required speed = Distance
61 + 1800 = 7L + 1680
L=120m 840 + 280 1120
~ g the length of the 2nd bridge into . 400 400
consideration, 21, (Q) Relative speed = (84 + 60) km/h
., L + 240 120 + 240
Speed of tram= = - - - - rn/s = 144 km/h= 144 X rn/s
18 18 . , 18
= 360 X km/h = 8 X 5 = 40 rn/s
18 5 Distance covered in passing each other
=512+ 528=1040m
=72km/h Require d time=
. . 1040
- = 26 s
4 (a) When two trains are moving in opposite 40
1 , direetlons,·then their relative speed is equal 22. (d) According to the formula,
to the sum of the speeds of both the trains.
:. Required relative speed
Require time = -x+y
. d .
· = 6 + 12 = 18 rn/s
Here, x = 50 m, y = 65 m, u = 18 m/s and
15 (c) We know that, if two trains are running V = 11 m/S
• in the same direction, then relative speed is .. . 50 + 65 115
equal to,the difference -of the speeds of both :. Required time = - - - = - = 115 s
18 - 17 1
the trains.

l'- :. Required relative spee~ = 21- 15 = 6 km/h 23. (b) Total length of the train
= 105 + 90 = 195 m
(c) Relative speed o~ train ·
Relative speed = 72 + 45 km/h ·
= Speed of i ~ + Speed of car
9~ = Sp&ed of~;:t: 15 585
= 117 km/h= (117 X ~) = rn/s
18 18
~- ~ d of ~ain..= ~ - .15 = 75 km/h
g to_the formula,
..· Required time = (195 x ~
585) s = 6 s
u+v 24 . (d) Let the speed of the train be x.

m, y = 9d m, u = 10 m/s and According to the question,

(x + 10) x 12 = (x + 20) x 10
=> 6x + 60 = 5x + 100
,~ f,,,---
90 =~=10s => X = 100 - 60 = 40 m/s
. 16 :. Length of the train = (x + 10) x 12
= (40 + 10) X 12= 600 m
Faet Traak MetholA
Here, Ci = 12 s, tz = 10 s, a= 10 m/s and
b = 20 m/S
According to the formula.
L~ of the train . ,
" ,Pifference in speeds x t1 x tz
-~ ei-tz
[by Technique 4]
(20 _ 10) X 10 X 12
12 - 10
10 X 10 X 12
• 2
.. l,! .eoom
/ fast Track Objective Arithmetic
32, (C) Average speed of train
25. (b) Total distance = x + y =240 =20 km/h
=180 + 240 =420 m 5
Average speed of bus
'\ , 1

Active speed = u + v = (30 + 40) X
18 =-43 X 20 =3 X,5 :: 15 -•11n 1,,.,,."

18 Required distan~e = 15 x 7 = 10 5 km
:. Required time = -
(X + y) = 420 X 18 33, (b) Let the trams meet after tirn
+V 70 X 5 distance x from station N, then an e t at
U . . Othea
commg from station M covers a dis r tra~
= 21.6 s (x + 50). tance 01
26. (C) Required time For station M, (x + 50) = 12St
Distance covered by train => X = 125t - 50
i !, It =
!\ I.; Relative speed of train For station N, x = 75t ••,(i)

, "d = 180 + 120 = 300 X 18 = 6 s From Eqs. (i) and (ii), we get •·,(ll)
! l ':
' I· I
i (72 + 108) X • 180 X 5 75t = 125 t - 50 => t = 1h
. 18 . ' Distance between stations M and N
27, (b) Speed= 60 = 60 x m's= m's
, = =
125 + 75 t 200 X 1:: 200 km
, , 18 3 Faet Track Method
R . d . _ 110 + 170 Here, a= 125 knyh, b = 75 km/h and
equll'e time -
50 d = 50 km
According to the formula,
3 ' '
' 3 . .
= 280 X- = 16.8 S Dist~~e be(t::e~ }the stations
50 . .
: M andN = a_ b [by Technique 21
X d
28. (b)Let the iength of each train be x m.
Relative speed =46 - 36 =10 km/h ' , , +-
125- 75) X50
'· 10X5 : 25 = (-
=-.--m/s=-m/s . 125 - 75
·1a · s ·
S_um_of_l_en-=gth:..-o;.;.f.;.,;.tr,;;..;ai.;.,;.n = T'1I11e
- taken =200 X 50 =200 km
Relative speed of train 1

34; (a Given, t1 = 16 h, t.!=9 h and


.'. • · = 36 =-2x = = 1·00 ·.

25 , ,· ; g a= 90 km/h
9 , ti'. · , .:, I •• • ' " t ·. . r : ·; t. ,) According to the· question,
:. x = 60 m . , , . ., 1.. 1 • . •J • Li _:'.Speed of B = a [ [by Technique 61
29. (C) length of each train )Jex m. ·
Then, (86 + 8&) X _!,•= ,·, .-
- v~
= 90 X µ6 = 90 X !
. 18 · 6 · .,
, 150X6X6 ·• 2x ,
. .-
, Ve 3
,-,, •.· 19 : ..: .· · ·· = 30 X 4 = 120 km/h
,, 35 • (C) Because
· of stoppages, train covers
=- 2x=250
,·. , , x = 125 m · :- , • , , , 18 km less per hour.
30. (a) Given that, 7j = 9 h anct"°r2 = 4 •·· ~ , taken to cover 18 km
• .!!_ = ,! h = .!. x 60 = 10 min
'. ' .• ·1 ·' :
According to the formula, · ··
' 108 , 6 , 6
(1st traln's speed) : (2nd traln's _siJ&..
.. _< •Ji: Jg= 2: 3 i - -~ ft-.r.aok MnhatA
. 1-~ • 4e&ikm/h ~d b = 90 km/h

31. (a) Let speed of 1st train be 8 x and

of 2nd train be 9 x. to the formula,
According to the question, ' · a-b
~ e•.- .
Speed of second train ·a , 91
[by TecbJllq\18
= 360 = 90 km/h
9X = 90 - X = 10
So, speed of 1st train= 8 x 10 = 80
,', Required distance = 80 x 3 = 240 bn
...,~roblems Based on Trains; 449

aecause of stoppages, train covers Now, trains are travelling in opposite

36, (Ol less per hour. directions.
50 k~ 0 taken to cov~r 50 km So, relative speed= 25 + 35 = 60 km/h
;. 'l'iill 50 50 120
=_ h = - x 60 = 20 min Time taken to cover 120 km = = 2h
150 150 60
t 'frac;k Method :. The time, at which both the trains will
f ,it 8 = 150 km/h and b = 100 km/h meet, is 2 h after second train left i.e., 9:00
rding to the formula, am + 2h = 11: 00 am
p.cco a-b Faet Trac;k Method
p.equired rest time = -a- [by technique 9] =
Here, d 145 km, t = 9: 00 - 8: 00 1 h =
150 -100 a = 25 km/h and b = 35 km/h
= Time taken by trains to meet
= 50
= ! h = ! x 60 = 20 min
150 3 3 T [d+ tb) [by Technique 6]
a+ b
, (al Let the sp~eds of two trains be
37 x and y, respectively. , = 145+ 1 x35 = 180 = 3 h
. Length of 1st train= 54x 25 + 35 60
··Length of the 2nd train = 34y They will meet at = 8 : 00 am + 3 h
According to the question, = 11 :00 am
54x + 34y =
46 41. (b) If the trains meet after t h.
x+y ..:-211<m-
54x + 34y = 46x + 46y •R
pt ) 24km/h Q) 18km/h
27x + 17y = 23x + 23y
Relative speed of train = (24 - 18)
4x =6y .=> 2x =3y =>. -y = -32
= 6 km/h

... x:y=3:2
=> Distance= 27
38, (C) Tbe length of the (ast train 6 2
='Reiative speed x Time :. QR distance travel by train which is
5 · ·7 travelling at a speed of 18 km/h
ti. (40-20) x - x5=27-m . 9
18 , . 9 ·.
= 18t = 18 X - = 81 km
~t. =6s and__ =9s 2

'• t ·
· to cross each 42. (d) Given, a= 45 km/h; y = ?, ti = 4 h
48 min and = 3 h 20 min
4 hand 48_min
Using y = a - = 45 ,_ __ _
· 3 h and 20 min

4 3
=45J=45l5 X x10

=45 X .J1,44 =45 X 12

t '

- km/h..
Skill Level Questions
, 3x =200-2x
5x = 200
x=40km .
• (c) IM U)e ·speed of both trains be x km/h
tn.d (,x + 8) tm/b. respectively. '
acCQJ'Cllng to the question.
160 • X X 4 (X + 6) X 4 +
'1 80 ~ 4x + 4x + 24
Objective ·Arithmetic
450 I a=ast Track
X (1-!Q_)
6 .
=: 44
-~ 40 = X + X + 6
2x + 6 =40 x = 44 x 3000

2x = 34
X = 17
6 110 == 200 kiri
i . .. h h trains are Aturnate Method
Hence speeds of bot t e d
The 2nd train leaving Goa starts its .0
I! 17
23 km/h.
and (17 + 6) km/h i.e., 17 km/h an
earlier and it travels= 60 x (3:45 Pm~ llrney
1 2:35)

Faet Track Method = 60 x 1- h = 70 km, when the 1st

6 train
Here, d = 160 km, t = 4 h and x = 6 km/h,
:. Speed of faster train = ( d ;t tx) km/h (that leaves Mumb~i) starts its journey_
Now, both the trams_ cover (510 _ 70)
ie 440 km with relative km
[by Technique 71 (50,+ 60) km/h= 110 km/h. . speed

. 8 (d 3_ tx)
= 160 +24 =23km/h
Therefore, the trains meet after =
110 4 b
Speed of slower train = after the 1st train starts at 3:45 pm.

= 160 - 24 = 17 km/h Now, the 1st train covers .

8- 4 x 50 km= 200 km to meet the 2nd train. '
3. (a) Let the length of the first train be x m. S. (a) Let the distance between Mokama and

Then. the length of s~~o~d train is ( f) m.

Hazipur be x km.
Time taken by train P to cover x km = 1h
. ,· . . 3
.:. Relative speed = (48 + 42) km/h Time taken by Q to cover x km = - ti
_· =(sox ~)m/s=25m/s :. Speed of train P. = x km/h
According to the question.
km/h. x)
(x+!:) =.
Speed of train Q = (
' 3
_.___2___ 12 Let they cross each other y h after 5:00 pm.
25 ·. 2
Then, xy + -"Y = x
''" 3x =300 -3
:. Length of first train = 200 m
x=200 m

. 2y
y+-=1 ~ y ( 1+-
. =1
3 '
.. the length of platform be y m. , ' 3
=-3 X 60 =3 X 12 = 36 mm.
·- · ·=. (48-x5) 40
Speed of the first train . . , . . . · . Y=- h
5 5
. ·: , . 18
- m/s=-m/s
I 3 .
·t Hence, the two ~rctlns rr{eet 36 min after
5:00 pm.
Speed . ' :. Meeting time = 5:36 pm
... (200·~ y) X
.!_= 45
6. (a) Let the lengths·of the trains ·A and B be
a and 2a. respectively.
600 + 3y = 1800 When a train crosses a pole, it covers the
... · y=400m
. .. •
~tance equal to its length. ·
. . a 2.a
4, (a) Let the two trains meet at X km from ·: •• ~atio of speeds = - : - = 3: 2
Mumbai. Then, . · 25 75

3:46 pm+ - ·= 2:35 pm+

' X ' · 510 - f
x. ffi,;f'Cl distance covered by· the train 10
50 60 Platform and bridge
(3:45 pm :...·2:3~ pm)+
. .. .
(.!..50 + .!..)
• of the platform + Length of bridge
between platform and, brld~

·· + Length of the trail'

:ii (1!h)+
+ 60)=_!1
X 60 2
~ IIAD.:t 1(36 + 30 .+ 110 = 440 Ill
;,()fll'atn = 110 m/S
. , . (110) 17 7
. . ,

. 3
3000 =2-8 ·, X - 440 -i2s
Problems Based on Trains/ 451

(bl Let ume taken to cover the distance = t

8· 55
speed = (2t + 1) · x=-m/s
2 9
c(2t + 1) = 1830 2t + t = 1830
Now, distance covered by the train
zt + t -1830 = 0 in 30 min
55 ·
= - x 30 x 60 = 11000 m = 11 km
Thus, time taken by the person to cover the
= -1 ± + 14640 = -1 ± 121 distance of 11 km = !.!. h = 2 h.
4 4 4 4
Takin9 •+• sign. t = -1 + 121 = = 30 12. (b) Let the distance covered be x km and
4 4 speed of train be y km/h.
:. Required ratio= (2 x 30 + 1) : 30 = 61 : 30 Now, according to the question,
9, (b) Let speed in the return journey= x
----=2 .. . (i)
y y+ 10
:. Speed in onward journey
_x_.:..~=3 .. . (ii)
=125 X =(~x) km/h y-10 y
100 4
On adding Eqs. (i) and (il), we get
2x~xxx ~--x-=2
Average speed= · 4 = lOx km/h y y+ 10
5 ' 9
-X+ X ·
4 _x_ _ ~=3
• 9 . _' , < ··•. • C
y-10 y
:. 1600 x - = 30 [·: Train halts for 2 h] _x_ _ _x_= 5
l - · 10x ·
:. X = 1600 X 9 =~8 km/h y-10 y + 10
30 X 10 , · .· x(y+l0-y+10)_ 5
' · - ·· · · - 5 ' 5 . (y - 10) (y + 10)
:. Speed in onward journey= - x = - x 48
4 4
.. ( . 20 ) 5
I• . r, ,' = 60km/h
, . X y2-100 =
10. (d) Speed of 1st person
(4sx ~)rn1s . 18 ·
,•• X ..:
.. .
- 5;(y2 100)-
· . 20
y2 .:..100
- =-----
... (iii)

On substituting the value of x from Eq. (iii)

in Eq. (ii), we get
n=6.4km/h y2 - 100 _ y2 - 100 =
m/S = 1.5m/S 4 (y - 10) 4 (y)
' y + 10 _ y2 - 100 =
JC UJ/S, 4 4y
y (y + 10) - (y2 - 100) = 3
y2 + 10y -3
y2 + 100 =
10y -12y = -100
. -2y=-100
t)n putting the value of y in Eq. (iii), we get
(502) -100 2500 - 100
X =---- = ----
! 4 4
.,_,..,,,.,...... . X = = 600
ce covered by train is 600 km.

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