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St. Xavier’s Catholic College of Engineering

Chunkankadai, Nagercoil – 629 003

Question Bank
Subject:MS22106 - Information Management
Course Outcomes (COs)
CO 1 Learn the basics of data and information systems.
CO 2 Demonstrate the system development methodologies.
CO 3 Summarize database management systems and its types.
CO 4 Learn the various technologies in the information system and its security.
CO 5 Gains knowledge on effective applications of information systems in business.
CL-Cognitive Level; Kn-Knowledge;Un-Understand;Ap-Apply;An-Analyze;Ev-Evaluate;Cr-Create;
Question Marks CL CO
1. What is Data? 2 Kn CO1
2. Compare Data and Information. 2 Un CO1
3. How would you use sub systems of GIS? 2 Un CO1
4. What is mean by Functional Information System? 2 Kn CO1
5. What are the applications of Information Technology? 2 Kn CO1
6. Explain the components of Information System. 2 Un CO1
7. Define Information Technology. 2 Kn CO1
8. How would you show your understanding of International Information Systems? 2 Kn CO1
9. Define Knowledge Management System. 2 Kn CO1
10. What is GIS? 2 Kn CO1
11. What is meant by Marketing Information System? 2 Kn CO1
12. List out the components of Knowledge Management System. 2 Un CO1
13. Define Executive Information System. 2 Kn CO1
14. What is DSS? 2 Kn CO1
15. Define Information System with an example. 2 Kn CO1
1. What is Information System? Explain its evolution, types, and hierarchy in detail. 16 Un CO1
2. Demonstrate the types of Information System based on functions and hierarchy with
16 Un CO1
the simple case study of your choice.
3. Janata Sahakari Bank is a Pune‐based cooperative bank with operations in western 16 Ap CO1
Maharashtra, Marathwada and the Konkan region. Established in 1949, Janata
Sahakari Bank is ranked fifth among cooperative banks in India. The bank has many
firsts to its name: a cooperative bank to have achieved the scheduled status, a
cooperative bank to have become an authorized banker for the Pune stock exchange,
a cooperative bank to be awarded with ISO 27001 certification, and a bank in India
to have shared its data center with other banks. The bank took the technology leap in
2005 and based its core banking solution on Linux‐IBM DB2 technology. It was the
first time that DB2 technology was being used in the Indian banking sector.

Janata Sahakari Bank had got fully computerized in 1999. The bank was using an
offline server for data backup. It would mean pulling the database down for half an
hour every time data was being updated. By end‐2004, when the bank was
introducing core banking, it started looking for a solution that would provide zero
disruption of services. The management also wanted to build a disaster recovery
center. It was looking for a high availability solution for banking production database
and real‐time synchronous data replication from production database to the MIS -- 2024&oddeven=ODD&unit=0&subcode=MS22106&… 1/4

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system. The bank moved to Linux‐based DB2 technology from IBM in mid‐2005. In
2009, the management decided to migrate to the latest version – IBM DB2 Version

Analyse the case and give your opinion to the organisation.

4. Elaborate the relationship between EIS, KMS and GIS. 16 An CO1
5. How is Functional Information System related to Manufacturing and Human
16 Un CO1
Resource Information System? - Elaborate.
6. 'The Information Systems are so essential for running and managing a business
16 Un CO1
today' - Comment.
7. Elaborate various types and components of DSS. Briefly describe each with suitable
16 Ap CO1
8. Explain Transaction Processing System and MIS with examples. 16 Un CO1
9. Explain the components of International Information System and its significance in
16 Un CO1
current scenario.
10. Explain Marketing and Financial Information System in detail. 16 Un CO1
11. Design a suitable DSS for an organisation with suitable illustration. 16 Un CO1
1. Define the term system. 2 Kn CO2
2. How would you apply DFD rules? 2 Un CO2
3. List out the tools utilized for system development. 2 Kn CO2
4. What are the functions of 'system analyst' in the development of I.S? 2 Un CO2
5. How would you rate the class & objects? 2 Un CO2
6. Write a short note on decision table. 2 Un CO2
7. How would you use Data flow diagrams (DFD)? 2 Un CO2
8. Write a short note on context diagram. 2 Un CO2
9. What is your opinion of sequence diagram? 2 Un CO2
10. What is function of system flow chart? 2 Un CO2
11. Define logical system design. 2 Kn CO2
12. List the important features of Object-Oriented Programming. 2 Kn CO2
13. How would you show your understanding of decision table? 2 Un CO2
14. Define first level of DFD. 2 Kn CO2
15. Define entity relationship. 2 Kn CO2
16. Explain the role of UML in OO design. 2 Un CO2
17. Define object diagram. 2 Kn CO2
18. List out the types of system development methodology. 2 Kn CO2
1. Recall details about the systems analysis and design briefly. 16 Un CO2
2. Explain the Unified Modeling Language in detail. 16 Un CO2
3. Summarize the rules for drawing DFD and prepare a DFD for HR recruitment
16 Ap CO2
4. How would you create decision table? Construct decision table for a book store. 16 Ap CO2
5. Explain object-oriented concepts and design in detail. 16 Un CO2
6. Illustrate the steps of systems development lifecycle method of an Information
16 Un CO2
7. How would you show your understanding of Data flow diagram with suitable
16 Ap CO2
8. Explain Entity-Relationship Modelling and types of relationships in ER Diagram. 16 Un CO2
9. Explain system analysis and system design in detail. 16 Un CO2
10. Discuss Entity-Relationship (ER) Data Model in detail. 16 An CO2
12. Draw a context level DFD for order processing system and hiring system. 16 Ap CO2
13. Draw and explain the difference between spiral and waterfall model while
16 Ap CO2
implementing in small projects. -- 2024&oddeven=ODD&unit=0&subcode=MS22106&… 2/4

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14. How would you classify the flow charts symbols? Draw a system flowchart for an
16 Ap CO2
inventory control system for an automobile company.
1. What are the major capabilities of DBMS? 2 Un CO3
2. List the categories of Data Model. 2 Kn CO3
3. Define Database. 2 Kn CO3
4. Why do you think Rational DBMS so powerful? 2 Un CO3
5. What is the best programming language to store and retrieve data from database? 2 Un CO3
6. How does DBMS differ from RDBMS? 2 Un CO3
7. Define Normalization. 2 Kn CO3
8. What is Data Mining? 2 Kn CO3
9. State any four applications of Data Mining in marketing. 2 Un CO3
10. List all the DDL commands. 2 Un CO3
11. Explain OODBMS. 2 Un CO3
12. What is RODBMS? 2 Kn CO3
13. What types of computation can a DBMS perform? 2 Un CO3
14. Explain OLAP and OLTP. 2 Un CO3
15. What are the databases used in e-business? 2 Un CO3
16. Define Data mart. 2 Kn CO3
1. What is Data models in DBMS? Explain in detail about the types of data models. 16 Un CO3
2. Explain in detail about the features, objectives, advantages and applications of
16 Un CO3
3. How do you use database to improve business performance and decision making?
16 Un CO3
Substantiate it with examples.
4. Discuss in detail about data mart and differentiate it from data warehouse. 16 An CO3
5. Explain the concept of database. Discuss the various features and applications of
16 Un CO3
6. Discuss the steps in designing RDBMS applied to reality by assuming suitable
16 Ap CO3
number of reports in that reality.
7. Explain RDBMS, OODBMS and RODBMS in detail with suitable examples. 16 Un CO3
8. Explain the components of data warehousing in detail with suitable examples. 16 Un CO3
9. Explain various data mining techniques in detail. 16 Un CO3
10. Traditional file systems have their advantages when compared to database. If you are
about to choose between the two, what will be your preference? Justify your answer
16 Ap CO3
by considering the advantages and disadvantages of one over the other. Also, analyse
how your decision will help any firm.
11. Explain the key differences between OLAP and OLTP in detail. 16 An CO3
12. Explain the characteristics, construction and working principle of RBDBMS. 16 Un CO3
13. Describe the data warehousing framework and its components and list out its
16 Ap CO3
14. Explain the DBMS language and the commands of each language. 16 An CO3
1. What are the security aspects of information? 2 Un CO4
2. Identify the threats and controls for disaster management. 2 Un CO4
3. What is disaster management? 2 Kn CO4
4. List the advantages of DBMS over file system. 2 Kn CO4
5. Define threats and vulnerability in information system. 2 Kn CO4
6. What specific problem does the internet create in information system? 2 Un CO4
7. What is mean by malicious software? 2 Kn CO4
8. What is mobile technology? Name the gadgets under this category. 2 Un CO4
9. Differentiate authentication from authorisation. 2 Un CO4
10. Identify the role of firewall in information security. 2 Un CO4 -- 2024&oddeven=ODD&unit=0&subcode=MS22106&… 3/4
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11. What are the crimes that primarily target computer networks? 2 Un CO4
12. What is phishing? 2 Kn CO4
13. Define hacking and list out the types of hacking. 2 Kn CO4
14. List out the types or forms of social media. 2 Kn CO4
15. List the advantages of firewalls in securing information systems. 2 Un CO4
16. List out the types of internet security. 2 Kn CO4
17. Define spoofing. 2 Kn CO4
18. Explain knowledge based DSS in brief. 2 Un CO4
19. Explain cyber security. 2 Un CO4
20. What is HTTPs and SSL in web security? 2 Un CO4
1. Explain the security threats faced in internet supported information system. 16 Un CO4
2. Explicate about cybercrimes. Analyse their impacts in any business firm. Review the
various mechanisms through which cyber-crimes in your organisations be treated and 16 An CO4
impacts be minimized.
3. Define security in Information system and discuss the need for security in
16 Un CO4
information management and the control measures for securing an IS.
4. Illustrate computer crimes and their effect on information system protection with
16 Un CO4
5. Develop a mobile integration strategy for a company of your choice. 16 An CO4
6. Explain the disaster management in Information Systems. 16 Un CO4
7. Define security in IS and describe about the controls that promote security for
16 Un CO4
computer hardware, networks, software and computerized data.
8. Explain in detail about the physical and non-physical threats in IS. 16 Un CO4
9. Explain the knowledge based DSS, its characteristics and the stages in developing
16 Un CO4
such a system.
10. Construct a method of integrating social media in today’s business arena. 16 Ap CO4
11. Identify an organization that has recently been in the news for some kind of IS
16 An CO4
security breach. Analyze its security plan and suggest the security measures.
12. Explain the different causes of vulnerability in Information system and how do you
16 Ap CO4
secure the web?
13. Increased dependence on computers has bought with it problems of vulnerability to
16 Ap CO4
dishonest and unethical practices – Elaborate the statement.
14. Assume that you have joined as a chief security officer for a major IT company.
Formulate a mechanism to build and ethically operate information system with 16 Ap CO4
proper controls, security and culture.
1. What is your opinion about pervasive computing principles? 2 Un CO5
2. Explain big data analytics. 2 Un CO5
3. 'Cloud computing is essential' - Justify. 2 Un CO5
4. Define Big data. 2 Kn CO5
5. What do you mean by cloud computing? 2 Un CO5
6. How big data is used by marketers to plan for social media campaigns? 2 Un CO5
7. Define commercial clouds with examples. 2 Kn CO5
8. Describe your understanding on deep learning. 2 Un CO5
9. Differentiate deep learning from machine learning. -- 2024&oddeven=ODD&unit=0&subcode=MS22106&… 4/4

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