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NAME: ______________________

DATE: _______________________
1. I ___________ dinner at six o’clock yesterday. (eat)
GRADE: ______________________
2. A: ___________ Helen ___________ to work? B: Yes, she
___________. (drive)
3. My neighbor ___________ a new car last week. (buy)
4. They ___________ to Italy on their last summer holiday. (go)
5. A: ___________ they ___________ at the beach? B: No, they
__________. (swim)
6. My family and I ___________ a comedy movie last night. (see)
7. First, we ___________ exercise, and then we ___________ some water.
(do / drink)
QUESTIONS 8. Suddenly, the animal jumped and ___________ my hand. (bite)
9. What time (do)___________ you ___________ this morning? (get up)
10. The Wright brothers ___________ the first airplane in 1903. (fly)
11. I think I ___________ a strange sound outside the door one minute ago.
12. When I was ten years old, I ___________ my arm. It really __________.
(break / hurt)
13. The police ___________ all three of the bank robbers last week. (catch)
14. How many times ___________ you ___________ that book? (read)
15. Unfortunately, I ___________ to bring my money. (forget)

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