Hukam Part 3

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JAH aaI-3 saet whet tae fee wat TCH At Hevea er nS re a dt Fe-wer ys WSs mera” Ti fer F Cus “a-ue’ wi feord tee at te’ Tae T1 wheat tae fea rat ‘aay Ha, IOH Facto TUS Tt awe fea wise 0, us feat has fee Cone Te TSH fes fess Tl orstia tae = van fea UeW & gH gers wT TST Sat TATE US STS YS Ct Hen! ve Hae Ta Tt faa feast Taw ot ot ter TIGH & MH gare feds foas & ct mt ‘front yor’ feu feud Hoe ots ‘Taw’ 3 OH” Hoe Tl mat mus SH-gere fes st, must vent as, feat Hae’ fea eH de Ts mus tt ve fee fesse TI fen wet fer feat Hee fed forse wet st, WS HSS dt ‘fader Hi Se’ aest TI feg SS Hae aet TS UH A ey’ adt Jal fea Tt fas AS Tt Watters Tatar — feast Hy foray forfont Hout great aot mfr TI musta gearet nz foufoat SS farsa TI fen set wheat tse & au we’ fed fans x ‘fesvat Hae” fes yen aes et, frags Ho wT OW Ft as ‘BESS’ ot TBST! Fe, Wst UGH-Sfant Ho, wheat Hes fest wos et Ta, mus aw feu fesse o, at fer S Hom faa Aer Td! Fe, WU-Hats as ag ot four wre, Hat HS HEU T a, Tow’ t ws fea mar gt, gi fen & ‘Co-ne’ wt ‘Taw feo wer gl fen ciew mS Fadl ‘Se’ ee AT ae At fre odt ae US Hune Ja 3 ol wuve se mT US ‘aS’ feu vse a wut de we Fe ST TaN 5 TT Se Tt SS eer || ae fife sou vetfeor sa ot Ss rep II (t5T-400) ud fen a3 Se 3 oet fers Toy ot ever TI we fete & feast orfenr il (tret- 1063) afe ua & feast Hea dfs nas faGarctii (trat-495) Ae so gan Tenfe afer | Tart wy gets Ag uetfen II (ter-144) HO OTe, TH, Tea", foAT, ws HAW FSS Bet— 1. Gearet ot nareet, 2. Worhas tarts, 3. Wg-SH fangs fem, @ufs Bs TI Nv Arahat mTuShat wreaebat gabat ot Sars’ St AS first S ant Os mA USS I as WS dies $ TSS ‘Au’ S a ueet seed TI aust ~faPHSS (ignorance) St reser F Tt, wat Taw’ FH &, wTUS miu S Tu” fee a ome fea wat Ha tae’ S ot, ‘Sat gow afs g, ue gS ag FSH? FS ave A ad? Te wage wees Til AAT WS AS ae Vor HT TS St At aras as ores feds oS met aGH § US uur & ‘Sas adh AS Til us Fas fort on ot ost wer faas st Saat ger afs g, as fae ‘Ger eT saseeg! fen oad § Hv Set ay Guus fed Hie TS — ne far yret § tas fea we wet Ufa ater g, ot ws ware’ fed fag weve free To — Tae aH de SST fas fea we ot fess fra ? HS atalt fee Hers out fart! oa ot hos Seat St TST an we Tee ot Sug JI wobni-ordt afte & Sat AE wea Ta ST TAH Sot Thea! on aaa ot uA SI Fe feo are eat ret gd fe Teret ows Has’ gas oT sate gon feet d/ st neva fewer d, oa STON F sis UST dT yoe” Gn ct Had? det stm S Te aruannszwnde A fours suat Fave aet far wierd, gt aera freer gd, “Faso are Ta eat BS, Coe! neat!” fea stmt Fost & wT Ta, ue ufsar fete fore & ferrat ‘etre’, ds far & Fe S— aus une cates? Fyre Ut Ss Ts Fe aTET Thea ? st ge Tes Cot ume HTT oa 3 fers fes we agar ot oret TI fea ws sadt sg Ho Wes Hat Bad? fons usar dt sarst TI Sat us Het asat ot aet TI Sfonretat F ger ot uaTTE TI uanes feafent o cord Wel & Hgee AHE Sar Tt oat TI Ha-He Out wet ugs ot at Ss FI oa-gy set adt J, fers eans gs feo He femrabat & oF ore F SHS TS! ‘uo fras ferait oe 71 ‘fea va fiter, water fas for, ofa fen agi & méa mfarrost, Hone! me aHfsast T TH-TS HsaeuT ws At edHs Hes fea ws Vs! fens fears, wmafsa onfse’ at ge Jolt ae St aise usts ge us, us Cat & eae Ate fads Hs-HeRY FI nmUe-TS fe THIS TA et Ba-uTT Tt ase Ts, TUS om F tar fee Is, ws TH TS Sawa” Ade IS! 4 fea ds wate Het d, td orafsa sid, usd oe Hera aeet dus ae cen-aiat foes ert Iet Fi fea ret $ wruNt TS Ste fue oa rus a aS Ow aaet I as Sat § see-g heat fes aret suet 31 fea St wTuSt Ho-Medt aect TS Fat Taw’ S wis Wad TI feqt toes ow gare fed fee fears T— ufs tfss meat FHSTE II wo Aes ot wats sue | (tet 1046) add weds a Guens we ufs dT dZ ofr faerat aus war wg oT US II (War 1369) ae for CafeG Ag ot Aa At goes & FS UTES II (Hee UT: 10) med Gudh atu os ad II Wes ASS ASN He II (trst-269) ue TH S STS UAT gas ae II od 3 Bait way TT Haus sea ATE II (tret-70) wet fas mat aus TCH-2S" Ho aS, wheelt Hesu, Hatt ued afre oS wut ‘Ho-Hed? & oe aed afye TH ug FE ynnag of wes aet Ugar atest aret got Tet JOH, ‘TS’ TH Sea’ a wisr-watten” goer Un ade Tt lus wfeat Parse Get, mT TUS HSS eaY A tyet “gre” ease Tt ug “UsHTSa’ Bet TM To 1 TS SGT ONT TS-ueS’ as Sse Tt WIS’ Tate Ten Seat fea feat marge wet St rust “grer’ Sse TS aa SS Tat HoT St Medes’ wT eae us ag fee Ties Te Tt, METS, Ast, wotyset S Quen wot, Wrest =e WS Ugo of Hetet Hos a far TI Hae As aes fe ow II are faarfar zug ofs SY II (f5r-290) He WHA ufe afe on mete 11 ay Haifa His SA use TS WS I (tsr-52) dfs aw THe arte S a At TST II ugng dfse as cafe wa Sg I (tst-727) oe Me fife PHSTST BST UH BET AMES II (U.- 1388) far ag’ fue efor ar afaor d fr Tans sare Bet aet UTat C3 aga ease ual fen agi afears fee at nis-nis aéo Ft Tow’ yess IS, TS MS Ja J A Feast ade fea ags usw’ a esd ster do, fea feont Jan "ais, tt, MH aT ISI feu feardt Taw ues, fea Wd, MTS ms mus J, AateSTS € ad-ad fes ‘afe sfoor gaue’ TI ifeat Hae ot Hats OS st Jan’ uses dF fhes Soret Hae fes dt od, us feo FH oor FH ufen” fone Ss TSS TI (Karmic Law of ‘As you sow’ so shall you reap). ferme feorat Fo Ss og ¢ faGte fras ‘fears’ ot ruet foot fadt Jen S udis aa ade TS OSTA SaTeT GI feN “AaH-T se tose few, neta feat Gor ow Aes Ja S SUS BT oer, fan agi peret age fee aedt nears wT om Sa Ss SUS odt ger feqt aGH atte cote asta ST ‘farsa Ter far Aer a, far & ashT AS MSH STS UST I few Ha” SF At ge oot Foe | fes ofs orfens Fores we 1 (trst-461) 6 Av ot FSS aa Fear Bs II (trat-134) aus Toh wy ot AT II (ST-888) mat Sitar an St HT II (trat-4) deat eat re at fer o fa WH FS aan st we yE ade Tus Gao Gyr gaat a Te SS Fue Tus TaweSt T WS feG waa sect T— fag atst urea arret AT ures at fas wrabit | (tetT-474) we Gn 8 8 far SH aa mufem II FH oor FA urfear ee @ tA eT FAT II (trat-433) ae feret At uets dept dt AS yrsE ee STS adh feet, usatuet fans a aed ot ose Sara wT aTuSt SHUSTet AT MSHB-US BT Er Tat fra FS Sse Ti HS at ate ‘gran Si eT my mTUSbat TSbut J ASH MOAT wer@'e ui, ug fen w cu dy CS SCS Ui fa Tas WS HS Su fad olus Tewet gts wre unt 3 fer ‘feo wis aries orfeg war fan S avs use gerd for A ay fea TS oat aa ade ot Cnet ot Ssh WS HES TT Gee TS! fen sgt festat Usat SF atsat F eH e wAT FS MEAS, HIS WS slo T oe ai fa feqr Quem es foars at sot age ms fegt F aye de wet rust Stes Sut Shvt Casha Forshat are as sas ot avee afee Tt saat whet tas fee Ff Hoeu, frreut, Casha, sarsbPut, feSat ont wed ot, fer Ha Ss TSH SS’ na Ht ot vet, ver, JH, TG, oH, des cs T eS HT feat tee fea rat Gd S Sar ‘che’, ‘Sal’ AT usGuarg Stet 7 divs dF fod veh Cs wares der T18F gi wefite ‘fafour, an-ais’ Ht IGH-SS Hs aS dt ats ATS Us, us TaTet fes fegt & fee fotat atst ret TI oy as off gate oH Ufss oH Fatt Afonat || fomrat dat we oH es feo afa asta sat «= (treT-974) we oS aH OST FT TSS || (Wer- 1004) UG IG ads AH AST TS TG HSI ulfs sot AG on fre SE SS aan fara (ust-252) die ses Ag we afs He Aud ISI oad foes we fas fae ove fenste ll (et-1428) Fa ta ad Sfemret nfs fats sos yee | (ter- 1328) feat ‘aQ” fes ats ae aat-orst fee feast Gan’ oT ‘Sus’ odt der, faO fe feu ate feet tes few aafie’ vue Ss ats HIS Jo, a UM ote & Ba fee ES ISI feardt ‘Tan’ tt Gan-Set, FaH-Aet UU Ss Te St TA” oH adet o, fe TSH ST MTS’ FT eT eT! Sag wat Ten uss’ at Saet wheat hse fes Wen SAT og foo Jv, far ace feast Gow s mat aru wy out Ho ws Fos fes Ft fare uss ag ad ot HoHY Tat T UT TIS & Tet II wey IS TE 5 ae II (5T-831) Houde farare wa 5 Tet 11 feta fefs ure Ga B Fe 1 (trst- 1051) ferns ferns ae He at 11 afa ofa we ad ey det II (4sT-831) fen Hun as claw fea $ Je Hune cae Bet ay Curuse fer Are Jal Ter aa Hop Sfe-adt-souy’ 31 mat fea fea ver ufese ged, faSte uss fee fea geast Hau feed rs wag set CHS ai und 8 de aaa, fea focus get dius vast Gers ‘TS? ow TS A TS HS TSA ASS ws USS So arg ssw, vet for Sat oot, a8, debate gest oS Us rs Hos T Ate F afaat fee, wat 3 rarfoat foe ws Hus Cws-uTs ae st fes wg hae oe Ft dos ot we I as Totes Jer! fen + Guz, faS-fas uest S Gus wan ee Ese Ti, fa@-fae arg tee We, HOSS mS HUSTe Ter AFT TI oH agi we focfent & fea-foe Hes Ts, us fer aet wae oy odt dal Fate nfs RH ieret, coef FS TSH STS asl orate wee, fest in, sear me ty neuer ev afer Stew o1 a ats fans, ule, UH, oF, US S Hee, HTSS HUST Was Jo, fan fed I weave! Chat mn, faars watie frsst, Sl asthe yo A oH’ ware wfeat FH-gTsU vs Te S Tt feardt Gow’ Ht FAS?, ‘ufsee’ T AaeT TI fen feardt Hae’, BM’, ‘Hieo-F ot sesal FH ssas F Tt Tow far wer gv, AAs aet fe-afow-seuey’ FI geast wet, der, fase ad dtea-gu 7d! ufsst uvet AIG o fag ofr Ag ate 1 (trst-472) Ae wet fee nave, weH, afoe AT Su, flor fe frees ai, Tut aA Te st St sgt arfen sot F, us On firsree’ noWST 9 wet d Ge yes Aid Jo es ‘freds-We’ sens Gre mn AT oot ges! al al seus One Tow’ $ FS HiT I! SH Sgt Ae A HTSH Ton’, ‘Ales 7, OS, Toa wheat tS ferret at oat at Sa Us Ater T, si AST ISH-Sfan Hs, tbat Sabato fara Fa mus ot are’ few aan ager 5, FT fanet & ade ot Gat dev ad us Guess yee of aS oN faa-fae sar-adaibut drab ste Tet os | feos ss tear T fe soa ns Cnet salts drat ot ome ‘Te’ F far S mt aruba oT oat Set mTyNt Ho-Heet AT MTS ave’ feg sage Til So at wher a ‘sor-gere” U, fan § Teret fea fee sorter fara T— aA ad afs us II ate arefs Hate ureter tes wos Fe Afar gs 12 NaS awe farsa ous ase Sat Afar TS ATA faorfor we | dee aa nadee Hier fatto ufs Sues Ag 11211 am au Hfs ufss ueat sou oes He aft ue | as soa ys ds cles ae se aS HT ST || (UST-823) we fey Aa TS TST II ay om ot finde afar fen ofa faarar il | (aT-684) a S Aa soft Shen I om 8 ae Hf o fea II (tar-92) fea pars soft serfent feos SF ate 11 (trst-558) fes ‘gon’ WS He dt Hate STON cH areat F Cufsew o few Bet fad-ud ferret fara ove fer ‘gan’ eT VST vs Set THAT 10 ase $ Tse" fan sgt vd ag HAST IT ? TSa" Tt free Guat mQe are amd Afar ot es Ss-us Ate TI of fgg uae ue ure I Worfa gay free 11 (trst-193) OM ot rat st ot oret a ag HraHarfs fT I (trsT-208) Uy o wg Sd Js state at gy orfet Aret II (tst-607) Fe asa fas wr ots fe 5 OH at are? II (iaT-684) OM AUS FS Ty SE US II (ursr-914) fast fea wast Hs ‘gon fees o, omit WH S wed fee Ti, must He Heat age Tt as rus ot ae’ fes fesse TH Aw fea as — 1. mus “SH-gars’ Th Tt wy od! 2. wTuet GH & st fare od! 3. Fue d fara ms stor we T fegi forest s fare aot wget ms GA udet des os feu gst Ate Ti 4. Ff feret fore ator are gi oH wt ‘SH-ae’ SeeT od 5. fete tat gs sau S ug de fan Saest-Oad »rstha MSA St Ast ot oct! 6. Fat et Ast ot et ot fore” sot TI 7. afore stor we ot yes ot Hot ‘A adh frst! 8. AAU St fe WS Stars Wes# S Tee ot fags ws Gen oot geT! 9. HSfra ms arstho mene or Het fosar at ufsee Sot 11 1@. 11. 12 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. vat fea not fase adie sus Thome st orstha Uo fea wer de da ws sae-shnt fea en @ aust Ales MAeT TST ad dol feo ‘or feus & ad oT Gus a’, fears tt Bea aT us! must HS-HeaY AF OTUS ITS” Ss fears Ton’ wt for Fat fora” aot Te"! fearct ‘Ton’ $ sve, dise, ufsese vt ATS aot ret me oT SS Tt THT TI ug He & fare ra & Cavs ave Het At msubat veast asa Gua fro ‘aor-aerar ow ysetet MS weet aT TIS TA SH Tt s-us Aer TI woafra gefant ot sgt, wafra ws urstia seh AHA SH Sat Ts MAT mS mT Ss ‘Tor-IS oa Ft UTgaIeHY HUvS Ba TS Ti HS-aBus Wafha wisarat ws farbat-frabat S at arate yust AHS o ara fede ot far ae AST asthe afammr fea gorvec USA TI feat mest, gotbut wate yusbat fea mat 8S ured fere u fa deat 3 atet ons OS BA WA a sae S ue TF me Hoel ‘ese’ Se S fanre us fers afoe Ti aet end Ast Watho Cede” fesat eu niet d fa See wofte ae of nae Os Bet TI Fe fas feo wefie wéo ST Ere et seer’ T St fen oT GSS (lava) PAT Ta J ASU ST aE FETT SI 12 19. Weft we UAT, aH fopH ms ast yusbut S ot met arate ‘fru at ifs Ast 8S atl us Tauret ws fe saat aget J— we ufse ug de states foets pian AT II te nar fre Aa 3 sefae fae moafo ae 11111 funn fes fafa fees o wet H ate AGH SAT II ate ules Homi & werd Stet Sto fast iar rat-641) 20. Gusset tarshat F usu cd fa As wafta aan for, wept yushit fas us Jaret wheat vee fea, Tt = afeg aret ot Ales ga feat fea TS-ordt HO-HeaY AT MUS TS’ OT SIS-SITT aS FS TST TI u@ fete nfeors afsorg | ag fefe wu te AGI (f5T-466) afar oGH He oe fer He wait eA THEI HS UGH TSH fas 3 Cs FAS Stee Tel! ag fafa aon awed vet HE Salt wt II ufsa te 3 Cad veg ferrrstor ate! (tet-39) feat dat teet, wz fegt fea ees ad ‘gan’ fe feos, fesues ous Cuel Yew ITT T— wGH ST ysetet F TSH UATE T| Ho-Heat FI feardt ‘gan’ 71 Hone gi S37 Me wT ds! ga w ae-eer gd wu asad! amn-a Tg! cnt 3 de fes dl nreT-Teo" TI fes-for v1 gseaer dl fuer dl urd froreu ot ea TI sIsTI ones Jl der ves TI seg dl ons Fo Ara’ T1 amar Afss 71 as TSH Fl TSN Yer TI Hye es TI Het GH-gHe’ TI aant F aTATS TI TH Ss Se’ Tl ‘aga 3 Hes" TF! wate deo! Hat dg ‘fgus mute’ oI usd us sat va sre oI fess TI vifsarAt TI ware fae ge ret TI fers TI oats We Arata’ TI foram 31 ‘ora af oe TI yen fee Ou a yom ger J as fea ‘ou wet fet § Tat, fou, dee F 3 Hast orf, udai ast years aget TI fen tu & yom, fearn us fagat ware — 1. Hee gt seoatt, 2. fquet = aon fea yea er, 3. fow, wast, »rfe wat, 4. tet Huse, Una, Ats-HaTs, 5. @ te, 6. Ha Gunter, 7. ZUS-sSST| meter, ues, TUS, Wetet, fea-w, gecst foo, osot ot for we ot sesail A sas S ot Tua’, Tow’ far TI SH ogi mare usu F— ‘aee a users, Uster= UT YG yom oT feat fearn a dare sare ot cetoait geet ot ‘Sar’, saat afer -oe” Rfon-we © foo fount oH sas oot feast gov far Fre TI fer frost gow a ‘AfsA-weS’ dealt, 3S SF alas fes St foot fadt ‘He-Hedt’ é asger, (synchronize) dxor Z ‘ae ager ot Tar ers Sse si ot at | fed feat gow wSs— Her er Hat, TT, oH Ha Har Ta, ‘travian MEETEY TG, ‘aafam gu’ Ta, ah-gu’ Ta, fut-firarer FS a, ‘SMH-UHTS BES, mua, Samy Abu’ F a, TeETT YE’ a, oufs Yisy’ se a, wae-gu da, SM-AgU da, wel afears & ad-ad feu, ‘afe-afow-gaue’ T1 Tow oe Tt SaH-Sst, FaH-Het ene S Tewet few fees sorfenr far T— Ret arte F gu sre dfs firreu ae 3 re II on afee Se Agetet I ufs mr tt sere? 1111 Ha yrs fust afe afer 1 ofe faa ufsurse oar oat sat aafeor |aoS I dbs As so od ys act fa Drs I fa aes Fase SHA GHA Sa ASST I (WST-626-627) ud feo feardt Hse FF ‘fun be’ — fewatt Aue Gasbui-qarshat Sa fares a-ais vo-ueHt 16 wether vas ore HSV sdf AT Hae! farrs farts wa Ae get II ofa off we ad ey Tet fara fours Ag at FSH aus aifon Ag Ag gS! aaat afs soy o ATT Ha afe afe dt Saret | We aad feg ae aes T faog Toute AAT II eH Bent fea, ue Spat — frrareut Sashat-qarshat, wast meh Rite $ Ha-Ha & afsag & ‘gon’ e— utfes agar, ‘are a dar wSaT, “‘fun-fumrrer’ uter, ‘fun-on” fes HAS Ter, yal fes fannre der, fare T & mur gee” ‘StSa, StTSQ’ STS Het Tar 17 (WeT-831) (ust-728) (Wet-655) (Wet-219) ntué ave fed faaeet o, us feardt ‘ae’ fea mGer 1 py DS

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