Hukam Part 2

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JAH gsTaI-2 Aad fear Fer far age Imre AS mS Sat T F TUS Tt wud oa fea dag d We nS deat Sa at Ga at ferre me aH mond Cues fredt I -us CH oS Sagi Sar dt ease ats wer T | udnad far et leer are Gr Ss wus Wed ‘a et wre ufowe awe gi Gu Sag F wes a, Vga ge He I ms us a at wees o ferns wen ot Tare See gS ATT | SH Sgt unt ‘ate’, whet t an gare fea wus feat ona-fusr $ ge ae vi aS wUNT fect fact aA few, mué ot we fea fesse a ntué ave TUS Tet feats Fer wes (i5T-601) mes FT tbo FT fer? Saget mond Oat ot Tent fee wheat Hee gare gil uate uefs Foret Het 3S GT HTH (at-133) fen agi mat omuet feast fears ‘om’, uts, un, oF, Tan’, we, reorfe feo suf SSE afte TS ew STM ISS fee Sagi ure TS Vt Te TH Fa BT To 3 asst se at BE Sehr I ae fife sou vetfeor sa ot Ss re II (t5T-400) po-parsat F Ig, wes, Motus, wuShyt Aeabat F web gore wg wes fesrdt ot-mp ofeet un Ss CaS reeet ‘Tow’ ct was CueH SF yest aed we Jo, us a Tt AS maruet feat ferns ws ‘gow ot wa set As? Ar ‘ufsste” oot ret deal ws MeAA Stat aS od fa So faet feardt, ‘Oe at wey’ SHIT we, tess, de -ATet, aeret gafent, Hefent Tent ot, fre wars oT agar for fen fest Ton’ = uSte, asset mafia ge S HUBS, WE, ufsTs™, Ave, Vise, US, Hoe, ange 3 mnge far 71 wat fer wsfia, wafra, we-afsst, weAs-us, aust, Fest ot fanrag ws cueet fre? ws ales T woth, Hefae, oaHt, wate, wate des cua uy fesse afoe t far do! fen feast TE, ow fay, Ton’ Fae se TF SHS T a, wruet freu fea oru-ged’ Ta, nus ae fea dt wees afooret mgd tl geret fes feat Gan’ $ o-Ave, aT se A auf SS Aves cd was Je fae Tae wows FNS TSS ast at T ua ant nut afer ns Pose fes Has’ Ta, feat fest ae sorat & OSs ot Su we T Hrefar Hat stad wor faatae arte 1 Afs fas Farin at Fas CSU TE II (Wer- 1370) Jou owe wus 3s feafe Tes II (trat-66) Tay oS AST Sil ete Ter Ste SAS II (tet-85) HOWY Tau at Asal fsa HG AH AST II (ar-90) ud Ts a TaN SHS GT Hos vifamata Hor fae Hf II (ust-303) wn fete safs 3 Jeet gan 3 shar we II (57-560) Bree Jan 3 eset aor adh Ae I (Wst-954-55) fags 3 fireet gan o 88 use nfo AHTST II (tret- 1013) Fay 3 88 UAH oT Het og AST II (trst- 1094) mat mTUs HST SAEISH (wireless) TH TI-TIS FAS TT fer 2 sgt ws-wats? usat TSG At eelStns Gus Hee TH fen ‘S°S-HS’ (communication) Bt— 1. SB’ THT (working radio) 2. fea sfae (wave length) 3. ‘aTA’ Hea (particular cycle or meter) 4. BA WH Tase|d Mica (strong transmitter) 5. A'S SMG HSS (clear atmosphere) Ass! vet fea—forv fant opt wenat gdbit debt Ja ug Ae Wat 3stG far we vied us SE-B (wave-length) SF ‘Ae’ (tune) ats dfeur cS st GA Fe Sa wes Hed Tot wea Tt Het aret 31 Sh agi we ont far oe ae age vi st Sg fast = ‘fore’, zoefant ot ze Sa fea ne fee Tet wT, ea" a-foorat ws tts & ast fie act faaser| HS ‘ees’ gi 3-Tet wheat whed Hes, WS Hfeal fewest a yore’ Je Us, fag ons, fas, gore ae Sas A TS He wt Set-TP T Hat TI feandt ‘gan’ ot ‘de’ Cd-Hd orate tee ¢ ee Bu CS zsh T, A wofha ate gt tas t Se Se SS MT, FST, TST oot 7 Hore fe feardt ‘ger usd ot arual Te fest Gufs J, far agi non fee cul usHad & wtuet Ha few, fea ‘goH-gur, ‘Your At ‘ow’ eT fean ota as wd ofa Se ad-ad fester sn ‘ale afew gaus 0’, fan eure feo wheat Hee afeer fern A ‘aH’ tt ‘seoal at afon-we fees ve far oI gant arete fSfimr fuarg gan Gea neta II gon Hefe Afra fleas Que fre ot arf I... 3 gon rete afer fiparg gan ATS ATE I gant af geretit fiers nous od HATE II Jan nafs usteby fund waars dor ate 1 Jon Tes Tee flrs TaH TSH Ste I gan ge seren firnrg meafe vet fe 11 gow fren rs ot fiend we fre Sfanret ae 11 (irsT-636) daft core wus vow wy ove fe | (ust-1241) Tout WH aut etd Sa VA fs Be II (Wst- 1289) ST Jay wud T Set Is SUE II fan og us sent HVS TTS II (trat-396) USAT aTuSt Abs sth eore, fer Te fs HHH, TST ‘om few feast ‘gon’ At aS S TSS Ast 8S Ti ns ferret forts t ScH-gore fea Sag? urs Ti aruet fimnreu ms Wea-onten Casha gars are, fo ane Hees Gee ot ofan age gi ug He wUS USS HSS T Ae Js ours fee fase a food’ Ta, Cx ASH At AHS S TT Teer wT Tow afe & wus Ho S feo fee Tl geret ons fer feardt ‘gon’ $ Hs ferret fama as, hear, feu, afer sot a Hee, faC fa fea Ton watie tes a frond de di fer st gut ise Fs Cao Co a sha tse Ss Se BUS, OSH, ness ST Tt afsur, Aifser, ufsrtenrt WW Hoe 31 fer age, Teret fea ‘Ton’ $ Fut as ‘HHE” at efron, safe ‘gon’ & orsfie ‘as-se’ J ‘ave’, “‘ufseoe’ FY Ts'o, A fe fres HSS MOSS’ VT at T Aa TI fen mud, Te featt ‘Taw } gver, ufseser, Heer AT ‘anrGer He & astra tae ct te’ F1 Abs sot es ‘Ale’ nuet fersit fanreu ove fer feat Tow S oases Ade JS MSs BT He’ At OM” Hae To, fasta eat vest tae Bu fess aT USP (variation) I, 3 Ale AS T BIT 4 TAS TUS fimeu as asthe Hse & feast gan @ fers mae Ms fearfior ag sae TF as niTuSt TSH S US ur ws amu as Hefout S rSéfeat fea srret gue Tt Wat ost wend $ far et 28a OS, vata at Hfear sat WHET | eH 3g fewat frre, ees St, eAbrt Blast (wave length) 3 uss At AS’ Sot 7 Hoe | de fea Fe & fas-fss ferret & secteur shat nfs—ors ofoat TShut Ta fA eS OAT fea SA muy Sot Hee | fer Set wheat tee fes— aes sfort (misunderstanding), TSF SAT (misconceptions), HA, Steer, firs— —are, feda, sarebat aT — ue, ees, Heart, afar", yea S fir 4 feu oe- ae J ue tas, feanes asa we, aHeaet, efor, fing, fina et, eabut few ave Ot frat 3 fen wt ye ose feardt fea gan’ S or ase” TTI Honfy gon 3 as gust fos eH aay arte I (treT-1423) nea MS LSS St feat Hews T FES OS oH ase Ts, ug qeaet msn tee fee xfsaet & fs mn feast eoefeni nS iy east or ugerst o, a Ss gu Seda Sarg ua T a ofe oat soue’ J! feg arate ‘sa-AgUY SeSF (spiritual institutional wave length) Os UoTHS Tet Tat ‘Te, Tan’, ‘on’, ‘Fae’, Wheat has ct Ah aut Spat wfeat wfad? (cosmic wave lengths) HA uae’ Fug TI fed arse d fo His uve, aer, atase Sent Shen St ont Tewret F ashe “SS-TU gISt STSGTS"” (spiritual essence) F aig aad dil Fe fer as wate tse fed Cutter cfear frost ‘gow’ mat ~must ufgat As stl Sasa ae ‘UTS’ He, EF, ‘ufsoeS’ Tt odt noe st fen Gow’ S Heer at oat fas T HET T ? fara dos st ont feast gow of ras wadhat at, afanr, forte wee ot, ws Bat J fen Tat TaN Ss Has Ss oes SH gat 5 ade Tug a ue Wife & aH Jere foes wut TEH Tae lus ot Tan at we feg ve ad Ti! TS Is WSs MAM S UE AE II (uer-474) Tat Jo BIS BUST safe Fafa MeSH II (st-423) wad Hoe Bet mat GH Hie ws Sese CS TSI TEE Ti, fan F Ou yact Yous debut ysl de fan Hed us eeSu SF CT ugat Hepat Sot AT Hae wat fas, frast, Hay ot ‘HEP ot roe yet feat eee io-wtenr fea wes ws Tess TI OF Bet ut wus wT “TS TU MoT THIS F Car at— Sued, F-YST, woe, foprat, wens, HIS die afe T far ose ont fer ay, wale, ‘ave fou’ feat gan 3 ‘Hae’, ‘aye’ ‘ufswae FS MHGE Tt, Hoe as anGer s aft Ht fen set mn feast ‘gon’ $ eve, ufos set, wot fours, Host-faast § yrué red HTS =e HSS” UST | Fer wufoor wetfeur eg ne feas wie wrfe 11 eds Sus efs 3 We oT Aa USS II (ust-646) ud Fat-garsat SF yot et feast $ wont wheat es fea fase, dao, vsa we us wotka da-an dae fee Tes Te cH ores ust Tet TI feat furs S fears aaa Ant Haar mips aoa 1 fed wee o fa ws, unt, alesse, fins, Hat fes ot AST He Sot feoren| Afar ot feT wm Horfes Het aret 71 fen et mMTT, eT, FBIM Ho S MS Ut Ha fs AOS wisi Ws ated feg Ee aos d faod Texte wT II (ast-219) ugHe $ te a set fines ufanmn ots sate wrote tse eens feat Ss-gu gay 3 wien, stor, ufsafenr sat 6 WT Hae ganfs mons, fen Gow’ asta ‘us’ $ ore wet safer Sfeat yot-use, Tore flerfoat ot Aas we Aer, fois wate us Hotea Tet Tl fre Worafs ga aes oH II (aar-12) Ba Usa He ATT HHTEM afe Fou Ue I (frer-1208) wee afs & wT at seer feg AWG II (st-218) feo feardt, weut, sven, xfs Fu Jan et ‘Safiraet’ et Qe’, ufenc So 3 rctet eos at 5, far fee ue ws Weed ST Para ay Tt Stora Tear T as aru dt ‘Ate? fea fess oust gow east far Timmy dt aus fierfent St, Hor use Spat arepa? sare aus ‘Tor $ vise ct ars A ferns Sfrrd fen Ue fea uss Set ae fea T fa wars yay wus 4m ot cot unt gus go 3 ue feo os we ot et ast Tet te S aru dt es ue go for TI “Sus & uss ar” fen Art aut, safes, ween, Tus, foorat, feast ‘fut’ fesnors use © fiers, sufar, Teurte a asta F ot seat’ a afon we S ot Taw’ far fart 51 fen rat ‘feed? gus Ye wae Tay’ fea det nfs mor ‘as-ae t, fan 3 far fees sun 38 Tore fund 3 st WISH, Moss ware Styur, when, ufsofent TJ us mH Hot use dt fen Sun-Cut, HoH-HST fest WH-s’, we-fsrsr t gan’ $ ‘Fy’ & nfoa-HaTte ‘Sesto’ At SHY aT asl fen Bu & rds fea fete a efoor d fa 84 BU Bat ow me feardt & ot devsait ot Afon oe’ cht “wlos’ Cs fortes me fSHS’ Tt aUS HI-WaS LS MSA S, HIS, AfoA-HSTte Tt oabot ar adh ISI us fears di fea Het Fa 0, FuSt fimreu, Cadhat-aarshut, wes-sos ware feardt Taw ot setsait oF ‘afoa-ae Ai ‘gre’ fed foas a, muet foot fadt JOH & ‘unene’ (whirlpool) fa an ate dws Goa og ‘uss uate Foret Het FS TE Hg’ zor fie ats ae 1 fine & da J ‘fu’ & fesars Set Saat, uret ni wfast QS, ddid for freu at tee F, nua, uew dt uret S Sar fesgst act ¢, us A fan eat ors Cu Saat afeg cae So fora We ot for us tS aS wet tune ue fee or At 1 fes dfd fea gat AIT Sas w Cove, feo-fas fears 3 eae dg, faCta fears ot She gut erat mint ‘Ae’ TA Tet froreu Gashut-gasht & ave feat gan ot deadil ot af we ai ae fed foas F aust foot fadt Tew oF une Usa GHA SF wrest dad S ee fea en Wet Ts aa mond od daret JI fefa vou His 3 reat set eH oe feofe 11 (traT-1419) uss fea SH teste Shut Tevet WSF (strong air currents) TePAT Us A S-SeB" Say zara? JS! fegi “Gerat-arg-ure?’ $ ‘TS a Ht far wet Tidal A S-sas’ ST usSt CS Su-tss fest ae Te IE IS, us HASH gerat Sa Wet yest FT Gus uss fes nan sedbat afrebyt ge ‘ar-eae’ Star A et st feat geat-eu-we fesesae st feu srs fearrunsd tt Sat ret 1 fer gerat Sve “SATS (air current) fea mA Ssa-ueer (gliders) CSOT Tt, F fen Soe ct HAs wast ous uss fea mMu-wod Ose Fie JS! ae BH agi, urate Has fes feast ‘von’, Atea- 7, ‘on’ at seraait ot rfsn-ae ofe-adt sue TI eH seaal At Tow feu Ate S froreut, Gasbat, Fars, wds-sus, Hasu-feasu, war-Hont, Holi, feag-fest age at Se oot Ut, fatta gat ‘gow’ ot ‘Atea-7 aru dt ws Hew S Waa, Hae (glider) F Tut ‘Hfon-weS’ At ‘ers’ fees mores, 8 ae, Hfod-Hatte ot var at di AS mTuSt foot fact As st shat frareut, matt weed oot Webat, faSta wat uo, fos, Sot mare-ugy ot mds mS gw fenrenu, as few gan soe Td, Fe fes, TS fea oH age TI SH agi Tan aret sweet ated fafer ats’ A wat art od Hoe Tl fsag Sfog ofe ave 3 fers fafa afer wie | afsge & ae Fue fete Sfoe Hor ote I (trst-40) fen wena fed Ho & Aoeut, feasur, cat, want } feat WS O das Ve Tet 7g, fan aS oT TUS Tent TF fers oct ges at en od USI 84 BU St St mMoATS MS TS i fen feat Gor’ ot sesait aare fea ‘Ae Teh go, us fears S uruet Wet Ss Ga TS, On feat Hea-F, Jou, WHE, 3H, AfsA-wS, avs fea, mTUS ve, fos, Ft S He agar ter TI nmushut Hedhat faosbut S feat tee fest oe a, fins DAT, HM, TSH, asta Has ot Alea-F ot gesat a afoa-we’ are ‘Ae aeat Tt Tan S BvNT, ASST, ufeTser, Weer, orger far we TI wat gat st fest gon’ ot Hfon-we’ fee ‘wus’ adt & Hach, ug fears ruet fimreu, Gasbat-gashut ave, fra sit fer dt eo vadt Jd, feat gan fes ‘cus de ot afaraget Tad feat ree Tor’ ct ‘afsa-we’ F B-AE” (out of tune) Ta we ot sesal fes ‘feus’ ue ayer Tus Tus gS few ue & fess Ser wer Tl fen mS Su cht feast ow fads fer d:— 1. fes feardt ‘gow’ fea , aus gd, ‘are’ fefew J, ‘afe- stow seus’ F, MIS’ T, aS T, aS TOM T, we T, MUTT o,nee dou G, Tea PG, ‘seed 3g, ‘afor-we g, t-te” Jd, Us-forar J, As-anrsr g, ‘es-ae sw g, ‘Ter TI 9 2. fea feat Tow’ Fut ct AHe, He, fears, farts, fesret, froreu, fefeu, fefarrs, ‘urs Sud FI 3. fer feat daw’ tase ms ufewoe SF fast wat Saet weet tee &t TCH & wfes fes dt fesse dius aT Ts onret-gree’ & ‘ars’ fee ue afte ot | 4. Teret mows fer fest gon § ge ws ufswae wet (Q) fows, ect, fart § tg asa ee fines mifsm waar! (x) mg-wTSH Hee-HeS fes fae-ste T © ‘wae Shut mutate’ Bfaet (wave length) FJ USTST! (8) feat Ooh rebut astra tees chat ty srearet Shut Shas (celestial wave lengths) fed Saat oS tent Tent, wasTSt ss-farnts ya TST #) aratie tse © van few, ag ot safe are pgs wraT Ton, weST nos Use ws CHS ure fearat Taw’ Ut Ast, EF me ufgere T Hat TI 5. fer arafie as, feast von et meget FH, ave Me ufasoe feo, sud de Tone furtfani, yot-uset ot Aas as He oat us fps osetea It F, fafa Cait are Te mrathe ates Shar ment aeers forgat (personal powerful vibrations) wat fester That aaa frost & fears aaa, weet, W-wSH =e Was’ ms wwe-Hes fes wt aes fes nofea gem sl fen useae wt oatste Uo fes AU Aas aes BT TeeeSt fes wets gan F— Het Het Hae Afar ou Fg on ere eerfe|r || (trsT- 1078) usa ao wars AE Yote SfeS usu afta Farah 11 fifeS tg fires fs aaa HOH ASH at Het Aa II 10 (tet-204) mudafs & wad ys fae do Se II (tet-966) mrodats fife ofe oF ure 1 uragay fre Hts mare I (War 1348) woHats fesse I Jest II (ter 1071) fife naHafs ue ue ute afe Has & ateard II (tf -982) Asha vfs on fasted es ater urfent aret i (trsT-909) This Divine Current is governed by the all-engulfing, benevolent Divine Law or Divine WILL, which is inherent and in-laid in every soul and is working secretly, inperceptibly and invisibly in the life of every particle of the universe. But under the spell of illusive Maya and consequent false sense of 'Ego'—we humans, have become ignorant of this un-erring, all-engulfing and benevolent Divine Laws; whereby we have become subject to the Cosmic Law of —"As you sow so shall you reap." It is all a matter of change or transformation of our consciousness — FROM — illusive false egoistic conception, TO—the consciousness of all—engulfing, benevolent, magnanimous, kind, loving, blissful Divine Law. To attain this exalted state of consciousness —it is imperative to turn our thoughts in-ward—by contemplation and meditation on the Divinity, GOD and HIS DIVINE LAW. In this very difficult subtle and sacred process of mind, heart and soul, help, guidance and blessings of Tuminated Souls—'God-man' is essential. Wy Hels & Ufo uA ot wes — far feeee 3 wade fer fe fefimr g— Personal contact or company is the easiest and quickest way of conveying thoughts and influencing others. The affect of such influence is dependent on the intensity and conviction of one's fellings on the one part, and the receptibility of the receiving mind. Hence persons of developed minds and Illuminated souls with deep conviction and strong faith—can influence and infect weaker minds. Where vocal exhortations or intellectual philosophies— fail to leave any sustaining mark on the minds of the audience, the very presence of a dynamic Enlightened Soul— can silently inspire and transform the lives of individuals —with his penetrating spiritual a Rays and Vibrations, constantly emanating from his sublime dynamic Personality. The same principle applies to the Intuitional Writings of Enlightened Souls —which are ever fresh, original and soul stirring, call them Saints, Sages or 'God-Men' as you like. If cultivated powerful mind can affect the ordinary mind so deeply on the mental and emotional plane or wave length—lIIluminated and Enlightened soul can also inspire, awaken and ignite the aspiring soul and usher it into the subtle Intuitional Spiritual plan or wave length. If lasser rays can penetrate through thick metals, and the destructive dynamic ray of ‘Lightening’ can do so much havoc on the physical plane—the Volatile, dynamic subtle rays of Divine vibrations, emanating from the dynamic Divine Personality of a 'God - Man'—can also pierce the thick walls of our materialistic and intellectual illusive conceptions, touch the Divine Fringes of the Soul of the Aspirant, and usher him into the Intuitional Wave length of the Divine Realm. Thus the silent invisible but dynamic rays of Divinity can transform and change the life of an aspiring soul— into a spiritual 'God - Man’. He is re-born into the Divine Realm. This is the direct way of introduction of an inspiring soul—into the spiritual intuitional Wave length of the Divine Realm, from which all manifestations emanate, and are governed by the Divine Law —under Divine grace and glory. But such true Illuminated Souls are rare and far between, and can hardly be recognised or identified ! fen a dart fee Case fen ag ott at naet J— ‘cen fienfent ao ie mae Aro Hes’ ot rafter ns ster UST oT HUT Ms MAGeTER AIS TI Tart & fierest of fess ws waw-sTeat ct stags Sara aferrmpat OS Cai ft ‘afue was? mane, Afar at mg Yet TI 12 fae gaat fers uss a ung aS fas set - Guar fa ger 3g, Ga owrstha Aes as nat-usut & Atew’ fest Gudbat stu mata fosat— Sau vformpat Spat gat $ saa, gu-gus Ti, Guat a Hes see ROSH TSI Sot wae Hot-usut chat SuSbut S st weer d, A fa gis feg nom seat SS usset-gs-farrrs TT ysreret TAA S uetort —orstie tes & yas Shit Meget steate? Tea Ts, ane dt fads, fore, FAdbat, fect feast (Divine rays) OS gaud gebat gal fea mathe Hse shut ngaet fager— gear afarmpat ebat gat § See nS wrest fe ae aarGe vt Had sedbat vol SH ase ‘Tawar S aai-Ha wes ‘aig’ Afar Aer gl Fad, Fash Hot o fenait eoefent or Aue Hat GS fessor ang U Hae 3 ot ae Te ashe Ales SS niu mata ates Shit forse? or srearet GSu afer Spat gar S2ag, ar a, wotha-e7 one, feowt yon iss at rst wtost (wave lengths) J uITSS SF st wast seh Ts Had SA TH (laser rays) WS Shut Hebat eat } feq x urs W raha Je ot gu Te Hot-ueet fed faasbat Sus wste fagat (strong vibrations) 3t, Hfent & He S Hes afaa ‘es oy IM TTS-IS ToS’ Vis s Ate Tt wast Fw sae TS us msi Hae ot UTA He? TaEdt fea use RaSh TSI fen agi urstia ates + Surhit foaat FSor-afaparepnt St ot S TU-SUN a tee fecha Is 3 Oat we Bet dew TAS asta tae a fest dee fes ous Je Bet us feat Tow § we, ufywse, oe us oe wet qaret fea Sat Het Aet gars ‘Wa-Aars’ Sat at TI Sarg Hare’ & rather 43s (Divine wave length) fes— nigu-sAgot, U-Aeust, fur-fiewsr, afe-an, afe-sar, 13 argu? a feat cen, cua, Se -St Tat F, A free ‘fear zemton? gone fuartont & fesars dt T Aaet TI ats sage, fen ast feast oH ot Set-SSt A UN oT usta gl fea feat tse = feet farrs et use sot fasta wheat Hee er ferat forma, Sasha gorse, fereut eas", irstirer Hse Shut comfoa fara’ fargat, SH ATS aS ate Ja— oH aged Taeet fea gan J— Zeno fr een ate S Sw Ho UH II (tsT-595) Hao fae Het SS Set As AS faeTT II Age fae oH ow ute afe gafs gd gas IN Aso Ha Unt rgul Se stor He aT ter | (rsT-614) As ure df oy frie nee ane se ep I (aT-610) HY & Afar us SH IS I Aa & Afar fax Gufs ASS I... ruff afis on oo . rng & Afar Sat us Hist II wy & afar ute wife stor | (trst-271-72) Wudafs & aHd ys PRE dT SE II (usT-966) ‘Saag’, Ads usw Te ane, far ust at ‘gan’ fes od TGs wu Jan!’ F, us Qu S mue|t Ha fes saet wheat 4s, MUS MUTE MS UTS TOW wars afaurt Ss yer feat TI feat Jou ease tar fafa are II (tat-425) 14 amy ATA My gat TU Sete aafE 1 (Wet-722) gout fyafe abas ag fafs AAT II ST TOY 3 AU SST AS SeY UTE II (US"-786) wm ad aoe aT TaH chow Ae T II (Wer- 1043) ug feta au eas us So ug fefe or uss 11 (tat-1275) feard tse & ‘yom’ fees ai frase wate “Uu-Heusr |e ot usa 0, faa — Fret ide, FET Ae, HET fina, fun oF, HoT gH, FET oa, HST WE, HET dar, HET Te’ zag fart TI ud Soret wheat tee fee unt avbat uaai (levels) CF Mdm Tsai SF nuts Ales sss ase Tt ms wTuNt ‘TSH ws freoreu ons a ade IS, udat Guat fes A TF Tt — aedt Head ase Fret ase BIT USA AAS aan trarfes oho feusrat setfesi (moral obligations) oeteea fret trafher Hfexrer ao-atat & feo sft = fas le. FAare S gS 11. dat ot gent 12. GAGS TAT fer wu ‘Hleo-sus’, feast ‘gan’ $ ‘arse’ us “T- toe’ er ot asta oa! far feo fies feowat yo ot ent cet TS we dart TI UGH fefs AIG Fo dT ow 3 A fs ate I (trsT-560) oan uM Afs Saar ure Ue Ae II 15 Oman anp wn Pe HHS Ho HW SUST Us ASS A UT II (Wet-551) feg ag ng aby & Sue aret sot gar AA Fara 1(trsT-602) Aram ae ows ofa fac faa wry safes 11 (raT-702) nfoa aa Ae IST A ott F Gus Ue I (tar- 1075) Het Het orf Sats Sfow 1 sofa Hofer neste fear fear (as"-761) feg ue oo sir ay arte 1 feet yor Her freSTte Il (dat-1176) ome ot fafa ng a8 aS Seo ot fea det I (i5t-331) fore fours Ae Set TS II siufe siftpa Ae Aa Ss I (f5T-728) 84 BU Fat St man] ot feat gan & what Hee & faa S adbat debat Js, us Su? adhat Te as fearat Fo st ISH UT oa-sereS fer, We-ss aT, A Hes TT 1. feat gon F F-yes nS Fe T at Tus 2. wieat Susi fes wu-weg cH at T aS TT METS, HoT use arte F ot, wruShat Ateabat ws rebut Tt Saat ade ue Js, Us ss ot fears wTuet ISH S go-gere fes fegar afer 3 “nrefonr feaer’ o fa fen S mre — 1. JoH-gere fed faase, 2. feat oon do ase, ufsese, 3. wfeat fost F sce, 4. wettse ms ange, 5. ntuat afore ot Ast, fears, sons ot Sot Ss 3t SS’ ot oret 31 Gen ot at aaa HT feo Wad Su chit feos CS Taret eS wae ust g -— ae gon o wut ase fate s we afe I 16 (Wer-53) Ba SH Jan d otec Afsale dor sete Me 1 (WT-72) gan uetfe st uA freer II (Wer-92) Aet frorer # ufséar gay wd fam dior AIG 11 @rsT-108) Het so daw dente afer | worst wry gets Ag vette II (We 144) Hea a@ Her af ret 1 doy aff usw ue uret II (ust-292) fafs Jay UsTST Udt ae Het Hee WY USE I (ter-440) Tou So ue oa Teufe fart FETE I (ir-441) a vane dteg He gon ge FFE I (tat-555) gow tafe a ufe fe a feeg aeH arte 1 UGH fefs gots o deet gay o Sfsa ATE II (ts5T-560) TOY SF F Fat achat Fan fH fas se II (tra*-908) Tou UTS UAH ot ert wed fire arte (fsT-991) ae facur 3 Jan vee ll daw ada af fafa wen (o- 1027) warty of F Jay use WS TaN MEET (Wer- 1037) Tot fe" Ta MTS Ta ASST ATT TI (t5t- 1054) JOH 88 FH ASa AIPA (tret- 1076) Bal bg Ag mrf SUS I) Toy EF St eS WE |! (te™-1176) TAM USS HSS AS Ser gIPH Her (Wer- 1350) gow uf AS ae foorsr fea gars ot weet! = (WST- 1077) dbus nafs aerate st state edt ost usefs seg JaH use HY TS fes TST! (usT-156) 17 pa Zz 18

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