Bellaiche2000 Piezo Exp

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Virtual crystal approximation revisited: Application to dielectric and piezoelectric properties

of perovskites
L. Bellaiche
Physics Department, University of Arkansas, Fayetteville, Arkansas 72701

David Vanderbilt
Center for Materials Theory, Department of Physics and Astronomy, Rutgers University, Piscataway, New Jersey 08855-0849
共Received 25 August 1999兲
We present an approach to the implementation of the virtual crystal approximation 共VCA兲 for the study of
properties of solid solutions in the context of density-functional methods. Our approach can easily be applied
to any type of pseudopotential, and also has the advantage that it can be used to obtain estimates of the atomic
forces that would arise if the real atoms were present, thus giving insight into the expected displacements in the
real alloy. We have applied this VCA technique within the Vanderbilt ultrasoft-pseudopotential scheme to
predict dielectric and piezoelectric properties of the Pb(Zr0.5Ti0.5)O3 solid solution in its paraelectric and
ferroelectric phases, respectively. Comparison with calculations performed on ordered alloy supercells and
with data on parents compounds demonstrates the adequacy of using the VCA for this perovskite solid
solution. In particular, the VCA approach reproduces the anomalous Born effective charges and the large value
of the piezoelectric coefficients.

I. INTRODUCTION good accuracy for the VCA in some semiconductor and fer-
romagnetic materials,2–7 but it was found to be inadequate
The application of first-principles electronic band- for an accurate treatment of the electronic structure of some
structure methods to the study of disordered alloys and solid unusual semiconductor systems.8–10 Until the recent pioneer-
solutions requires some approximation for the treatment of ing work of Ramer and Rappe,11 nothing was known about
the alloy disorder. A ‘‘direct’’ approach is to make use of the the ability of the VCA to describe the properties of an im-
supercell approximation, i.e., to study one or more disor- portant class of materials, the ferroelectric perovskite solid
dered configurations in a supercell with artificially imposed solutions. Their work strongly suggests that these alloys are
periodic boundary conditions. Such calculations generally re- good candidates for modeling with the VCA, since it repro-
quire the use of very large supercells in order to mimic the duces the strain-induced transitions of ordered supercells of
distribution of local chemical environments, and tend to be Pb(Zr0.5Ti0.5)O3 . However, it is not known whether the
computationally very demanding. A much simpler and com- VCA is good enough to predict the anomalous dielectric and
putationally less expensive approach is to employ the virtual piezoelectric properties of perovskite solid solutions.
crystal approximation 共VCA兲,1 in which one studies a crystal A second concern is more technical. By its nature, the
with the primitive periodicity, but composed of fictitious VCA is closely tied to the pseudopotential approximation.
‘‘virtual’’ atoms that interpolate between the behavior of the Indeed, unless pseudopotentials are used, it is hopeless to
atoms in the parent compounds. This technique has seen apply the VCA to the usual case of isoelectronic substitution
wide use in band-structure calculations.2–11 Another possible 共i.e., atoms belonging to the same column but different rows
approach would be to make use of the coherent potential of the Periodic Table兲. However, as pseudopotential methods
approximation 共CPA兲,12 but unfortunately the CPA is gener- have matured, it has become less obvious what is the correct
ally not well suited for use in first-principles total-energy or optimal way to implement the VCA. For the case of local
methods. A different way to go beyond the VCA is to carry pseudopotentials, the implementation is straightforward:8 the
out a systematic perturbation expansion in the difference be- potential of the virtual system made from the (A 1⫺x B x )C
tween the true and VCA potentials, an approach that is some- alloy is generated simply by compositionally averaging the
times referred to as ‘‘computational alchemy.’’2–4 However, potentials of the parent AC and BC compounds,
this method is much more complicated than the usual VCA,
requiring the use of density-functional linear-response tech- V VCA共 r兲 ⫽ 共 1⫺x 兲 V AC共 r兲 ⫹xV BC共 r兲 . 共1兲
Clearly the VCA has the advantages of simplicity and In practice this is usually done in Fourier space by averaging
computational efficiency, if two possible concerns can be V AC(G) and V BC(G). In the case of semilocal 共e.g,
addressed. First and foremost is the question of the accuracy Hamann-Schlüter-Chiang13兲 pseudopotentials, a similar aver-
of the VCA approximation. Previous work has demonstrated aging of the radial potentials V A,l (r) and V B,l (r) can be done

0163-1829/2000/61共12兲/7877共6兲/$15.00 PRB 61 7877 ©2000 The American Physical Society


separately in each angular momentum channel l. However, ten in terms of the one-particle wave functions ␾ i as
with the fully non-local Kleinman-Bylander type separable
pseudopotentials14 that are most commonly used in the cur-
rent generation of electronic-structure calculations, the E tot关 兵 ␾ i 其 , 兵 RI其 兴 ⫽U 共 兵 RI其 兲 ⫹ 兺i 具 ␾ i兩 ⫺ 1
2 ⵜ 2 ⫹V ext兩 ␾ i 典
implementation of the VCA is neither straightforward nor
unique. For example, Ramer and Rappe11 discuss four differ-
ent ways of implementing the VCA for such pseudopoten-
tials, each of them providing different physical results. Simi-

冕冕 dr dr⬘
n 共 r兲 n 共 r⬘兲
兩 r⫺r⬘ 兩
⫹E XC关 n 兴 ,

larly, the best way of applying the VCA to the case of 共2兲
ultrasoft pseudopotentials15 is less obvious still.
The purpose of the present paper is to report progress in where
addressing both of the above concerns. Taking them in re-
verse order, we first present a first-principles VCA approach
which is easily implemented for any type of pseudopotential.
V ext共 r,r⬘兲 ⫽ 兺I V psI 共 r⫺RI ,r⬘⫺RI 兲 , 共3兲
The method is demonstrated and tested in the context of
calculations on Pb(Zrx Ti1⫺x )O3 共PZT兲, an important perov- RI is the location of the site I, and V ps are the pseudopoten-
skite solid solution. Our approach also has the advantage that tials. Here, n(r) is the electron density, E XC is the exchange
it can easily be used to obtain estimates of the atomic forces and correlation energy, U( 兵 RI其 ) is the ion-ion interaction
that would arise if the real atoms were present, thus giving energy, and atomic units are used throughout. A local
insight into the expected displacements in the real alloy. pseudopotential takes the form V ext(r,r⬘)⫽V ext(r) ␦ (r
Such information, which for example is highly relevant to ⫺r⬘), while a non-local pseudopotential is written as a sum
many properties of ferroelectric systems, is not provided by of projectors.
the usual VCA techniques. In either case, it is possible to derive a ‘‘VCA’’ operator
Second, we use our new approach to evaluate the quality equation by simply averaging the pseudopotentials of the
of the VCA approximation for predicting the unusual dielec- alloyed elements on site I,
tric and piezoelectric properties in ferroelectric perovskite
alloys. Perovskite compounds are known to exhibit anoma- I
V ps共 r,r⬘兲 ⫽ 共 1⫺x 兲 V ps
共 r,r⬘兲 ⫹xV ps
共 r,r⬘兲 , 共4兲
lous dielectric properties. For example, they display anoma-
lously large values of the Born effective charges, resulting where, e.g., A⫽Ti and B⫽Zr in Pb(Zrx Ti1⫺x )O3 . For the
from hybridization between the transition-metal d and oxy- sites occupied by the nonalloyed C elements 关Pb or O in
gen 2p orbitals.16,17 Similarly, piezoelectric coefficients are Pb(Zrx Ti1⫺x )O3 ], one simply takes
large, compared to other classes of materials, both because of
the large Born effective charges and because of the large
V ps共 r,r⬘兲 ⫽V ps
共 r,r⬘兲 . 共5兲
microscopic reaction of the internal atomic coordinates to
Then V ext can be written
macroscopic strain.18–20 Using Pb(Zrx Ti1⫺x )O3 with x⫽0.5
for our test system, Born effective charges and piezoelectric
coefficients are calculated using our VCA approach together V ext共 r,r⬘兲 ⫽ 兺I 兺␣ w ␣I V ps␣ 共 r⫺RI ␣ ,r⬘⫺RI ␣ 兲 , 共6兲
with the modern theory of polarization.21,22 We find that the
VCA can be used with fair confidence to predict dielectric ␣
where V ps is the pseudopotential for an atom of type ␣ and
and piezoelectric properties of Pb(Zr0.5Ti0.5)O3 alloys. As a I
w ␣ is a ‘‘weight,’’ which specifies the statistical composition
matter of fact, our VCA technique yields large Born effective on site I. In cubic Pb(Zrx Ti1⫺x )O3 , for example, we set w
charges that are very nearly equal to the average between the ⫽1 for Pb and w⫽0 otherwise at the cube-corner site; w
effective charges of the parent compounds. Furthermore, ⫽1 for oxygen and w⫽0 otherwise at the three face-center
comparison with calculations performed on ordered
sites; and w⫽x and w⫽1⫺x, respectively for Zr and Ti
Pb(Zr0.5Ti0.5)O3 supercells demonstrates the ability of the 共and zero otherwise兲 at the cube-center site. In other words,
VCA to mimic piezoelectric coefficients of perovskite solid we think of this crystal as composed of six atoms in the
solutions. primitive cell: the usual one Pb and three oxygen atoms, and
The paper is organized as follows. In Sec. II, we imple- two ‘‘ghost’’ atoms 共Zr and Ti兲 sharing the same lattice site
ment our VCA approach in the context of density-functional
共and having weights x and 1⫺x respectively兲. We then treat
theory, emphasizing the advantages of the approach. Section
this unit cell containing six ‘‘atoms’’ in the usual first-
III reports the predictions of this new VCA technique for the
principles pseudopotential approach, solving the Kohn-Sham
Born effective charges and piezoelectric coefficients of the
equations in the presence of the potential given by Eq. 共6兲.
Pb(Zr0.5Ti0.5)O3 solid solution in its paraelectric and ferro- This approach has the advantage of requiring only very
electric phases, respectively. We conclude in Sec. IV with a slight modifications to the usual first-principles pseudopoten-
discussion of perspectives and future directions. The Appen- tial code. One simply inputs the weight w, along with the
dix contains details about the implementation of our VCA position and atom type, of each ‘‘atom’’ in the unit cell.
technique within the Vanderbilt ultrasoft-pseudopotential These weights are then used in just a few places, e.g., in the
scheme.15 construction of the total external potential 共6兲. Perhaps the
only subtlety is in the treatment of the Ewald energy23 in the
ion-ion interaction term U appearing in Eq. 共2兲. Here, we
Within a pseudopotential approach to density-functional clearly have to prevent any Coulomb interaction between
theory, the total energy of N v valence electrons can be writ- two ‘‘ghost atoms’’ on the same site, or else the Ewald en-

ergy would be infinite. In fact, the Ewald energy that we ward. This extension is discussed in the Appendix. In fact,
calculate is that of a crystal having valence charge all of our tests presented below have been carried out within
the ultrasoft formulation.

兺␣ w ␣I z ␣v
z̄ Iv ⫽ 共7兲
A. Born effective charges of the paraelectric
Pb„Zr0.5Ti0.5…O3 alloy
on site I 共so that, in the case of isoelectronic substitution, this Our first goal is to determine the dynamical effective
is just the usual Ewald energy兲. In practice, as long as the charges of the Pb(Zr0.50Ti0.50)O3 solid solution in its
same gaussian width is used for all species when splitting the paraelectric phase, as predicted by the VCA. This alloy is
real-space and reciprocal-space Ewald contributions, this can usually denoted as PZT. For this purpose, we first perform
be done very simply by replacing z ␣v → w ␣ z ␣v inside the local-density approximation25 共LDA兲 calculations within the
program and deleting the infinite on-site interaction terms Vanderbilt ultrasoft-pseudopotential scheme on the cubic
that would occur in the real-space Ewald sum. perovskite structure, using our VCA technique. As detailed
There are three definite advantages to this new VCA ap- in Ref. 26, a conjugate-gradient technique is used to mini-
proach. First of all, it is extremely easy to implement, as mize the Kohn-Sham energy functional. The Pb 5d, Pb 6s,
already indicated; only the minor modifications of Eqs. 共6兲 Pb 6p, Zr 4s, Zr 4 p, Zr 4d, Zr 5s, Ti 3s, Ti 3p, Ti 3d, Ti
and 共7兲 have to be implemented when starting from a con- 4s, O 2s, and O 2p electrons are treated as valence elec-
ventional first-principles pseudopotential code. Second, in trons. A weight w of 1 is assigned to Pb and oxygen atoms
contrast to the approach of Ref. 11, there is no need to gen- on their corresponding sites, while w⫽0.5 for both Ti and Zr
erate a pseudopotential for each virtual atom. Here, the at the cube-center site 关see Eqs. 共6兲 and 共7兲兴. Consequently,
pseudopotentials are created once and for all for each true the VCA calculation includes 44 electrons per cell. We use
atomic species; only the weights wI change when dealing the Ceperley-Alder exchange and correlation27 as parameter-
with a new composition of the solid solution. Third, the al- ized by Perdew and Zunger.28 A 共6,6,6兲 Monkhorst-Pack
loyed elements are still considered as separate atomic species mesh29 is used in order to provide converged results.26 The
共with corresponding weights兲, rather than creating a single lattice parameter a0 is fully optimized by minimizing the
virtual atom as a whole. total energy, and is found to be very well described by Ve-
This last point is less trivial than it might seem. Because gard’s law. In other words, a 0 is very nearly equal to the
the two ‘‘ghost atoms’’ on a site are considered as separate compositional average between the lattice constants of pure
‘‘atoms,’’ one can consider responses to the displacement of PbTiO3 and pure PbZrO3 given in Ref. 26.
just one of these ‘‘atoms’’ alone. In fact, the program auto- To mimic the paraelectric phase, the atoms are kept in the
matically reports the forces on all the ‘‘atoms’’ in the unit ideal cubic positions. The dynamical effective charge Z33, *␣
cell, including those on the two ghost atoms separately. For of each real and ghost atom is then calculated by using the
structures of low symmetry, these forces need not be the formula
same.24 These forces can provide some hints about the
兺␣ w ␣ Z 33,
atomic distortions that would occur in the true disordered
d P z⫽ * ␣ du z, ␣ , 共8兲
materials. The magnitudes of the force differences also act as
a kind of internal diagnostic for the appropriateness of using
the VCA for the system of interest. A large magnitude would where d P z is the change in polarization along the z direction
suggest that the VCA approximation is not expected to be induced by the displacements du z, ␣ of the ␣ atoms along the
very accurate, while a smaller value implies that the VCA z direction, and w ␣ refers to the weight assigned to the at-
can be used with fair confidence to mimic structural proper- oms. We allow the two ghost atoms to be at different atomic
ties of the disordered alloy under consideration. positions in order to compute the contribution of each of
It is also straightforward, using our approach, to use them on the Born effective charge of the whole virtual atom.
finite-difference methods to evaluate other kinds of response We follow the procedure introduced in Ref. 21, which con-
to the separate ghost-atom displacements. For example, the sists in directly calculating the spontaneous polarization as a
Born effective charges can be defined as the first-order po- Berry phase of the Bloch states. Technically, we use roughly
larization changes with respect to first-order sublattice dis- 660 Bloch states to assure a good convergence of the effec-
placements. As we will see in Sec. III, the contribution of tive charges.
each ghost atom to the Born effective charge of the whole Table I shows the Born effective charges of the different
virtual atom can thus easily be calculated. To do the finite- atoms predicted by the VCA approach, as well as the com-
difference calculation, we simply compute the change in po- positional average between the Z 33 * of pure paraelectric
larization as the two ghost atoms are displaced to slightly PbTiO3 and PbZrO3 as given in Ref. 16. The Born effective
different positions. Of course, to be meaningful, any real charges of a centrosymmetric supercell ordered along the
physical quantity 共e.g., the derivative of some observable 关001兴 direction 共i.e. alternating sequence of Zr and Ti planes
with respect to displacement兲 ultimately has to be evaluated along the z-direction兲 are also given for comparison. This
at the configuration of identical ghost-atom positions. centrosymmetric supercell is chosen to have the same lattice
The discussion above has been limited to norm- constant as the VCA paraelectric cell, while the atoms are
conserving pseudopotentials, but the extension to the case of allowed to relax to minimize the total energy. In this table,
Vanderbilt ultrasoft pseudopotentials15 is fairly straightfor- the averaged transition-metal atom interpolating between Zr

TABLE I. VCA dynamical effective charges Z 33 * of paraelectric TABLE II. Structural parameters of ferroelectric
Pb(Zr0.5Ti0.5O3 ), as compared with those of a paraelectric relaxed Pb(Zr0.5Ti0.5O3 ) within our VCA approach 共denoted ‘‘VCA’’兲 and
supercell ordered along the 关001兴 direction 共denoted ‘‘Ordered’’兲, for the ferroelectric supercell ordered along the 关100兴 direction used
as well as, with those of the parent compounds and their average. in Ref. 20 共denoted ‘‘Ordered 1’’兲. ⌬z are the ferroelectric atomic
Last two rows show the comparison of the individual VCA Z 33 * displacements, in c-lattice units. Last two rows show the ⌬z values
values for Zr and Ti with those of the paraelectric relaxed ordered for Zr and Ti in the ‘‘Ordered 1’’ structure.
supercell and with those of the parent compounds 共Ref. 16兲.
VCA Ordered 1
Atom VCA Ordered PbZrO3 PbTiO3 Ave
⌬z共Pb兲 ⫺0.0486 ⫺0.0480
Pb 3.92 3.86 3.92 3.90 3.91 ⌬z( 具 B 典 ) ⫹0.0076 ⫹0.0064
具B典 6.47 6.40 5.85 7.06 6.46 ⌬z(O1 ) ⫹0.0790 ⫹0.0827
O1 ⫺2.54 ⫺2.52 ⫺2.48 ⫺2.56 ⫺2.52 ⌬z(O3 ) ⫹0.0585 ⫹0.0555
O3 ⫺5.28 ⫺5.22 ⫺4.81 ⫺5.83 ⫺5.32
⌬z(Zr) ⫹0.0161
B: Zr 9.62 6.43 5.85 ⌬z(Ti) ⫺0.0033
B: Ti 3.32 6.37 7.06

ratio c/a are equal to 3.99 and 1.0345 Å, respectively. The

and Ti is referred to as 具 B 典 , and the oxygen atoms are atomic displacements are fully optimized by minimizing the
grouped into two kinds: those denoted O3 , located between total energy and the Hellmann-Feynman forces, the latter
two 具 B 典 atoms along the z direction; and those denoted O1 , being smaller than 0.05 eV/Å at convergence. During these
located between two 具 B 典 atoms in the perpendicular minimizations, the ghost atoms can move but always share
directions.19,30 One can first see that the VCA reproduces the same position. The Hellmann-Feynman force on the vir-
very well the effective charges of Pb, 具 B 典 and O atoms found tual 具 B 典 atom is simply the sum of the forces on the Zr and
in the centrosymmetric ordered supercell, as well as in other Ti ‘‘ghost’’ atoms, i.e., having a weight of 0.5 in Eqs. 共6兲
paraelectric PZT solid solutions: 31,32 Z 33 * is around 4, and 共7兲. In the ferroelectric VCA ground state of PZT, the
⫺2.5, and ⫺5.5 for Pb, O1 and O3 atoms, respectively, force on the Ti atom is along the polarization direction, i.e.,
while the effective charge of the 具 B 典 atom is close to 6.5. In along the z axis. This force is exactly opposite to the force on
fact, Table I shows that the VCA approximation essentially the Zr atom. The magnitude of these forces is found to be 1.1
averages the effective charges of the parent compounds for eV/Å, which is less than three times larger than the force
Pb, O1 , O3 , and 具 B 典 . The VCA approach is thus able to used to get convergent results in Ref. 33. This indicates that
mimic the weak and subtle interaction between the d orbitals the VCA approach can be used with some confidence to
of the transition-metal atom, treated as a single atom, and the describe the structural properties of PZT alloys. As a matter
O 2p orbitals. This interaction is responsible for the anoma- of fact, Table II shows that the VCA can reproduce remark-
lous effective charges of both O3 and 具 B 典 atoms.16 On the ably well the atomic displacements leading to the appearance
other hand, Table I demonstrates that the Z * contributions of of ferroelectricity in the ordered Pb(Zr0.50Ti0.50)O3 alloy.20
the Zr or Ti ghost atoms in PbZr0.5Ti0.5O3 are not well ap- Once the ferroelectric ground state is determined, the
proximated by the Z * ’s of the corresponding Zr or Ti atom modern theory of polarization21,22 is used to calculate the
in the centrosymmetric relaxed ordered supercell as well as piezoelectric coefficient of PZT within our VCA procedure.
in their parent (PbZrO3 and PbTiO3 ) compounds. There is More precisely, the piezoelectric coefficients ei j can be com-
an enhancement of the effective charge of the Zr ghost atom puted via34
in PbZr0.5Ti0.5O3 with respect to the effective charge of Zr in
1 d
relaxed ordered alloy supercell or in PbZrO3 . Conversely,
the effective charge of the Ti ghost atom in PbZr0.5Ti0.5O3 is
ei j⫽
2␲⍀ 兺␣ R ␣ ,i d ␩ j 共 ⍀G␣•P兲 , 共9兲
much smaller than the effective charge of Ti in the relaxed
ordered alloy supercell or in PbTiO3 . Interestingly, the un- where ⍀ is the cell volume and ␣ ⫽1,2,3 runs over the three
derestimation for Ti cancels with the overestimation for Zr, real-space lattice vectors R␣ and reciprocal lattice vectors
yielding an effective charge of the whole 具 B 典 atom which is G␣ , and ␩ j is the macroscopic strain. Equation 共9兲 has re-
nearly equal to the average between the effective charges of cently been derived in order to make the piezoelectric coef-
the B atoms in the relaxed alloy supercell or in the parents ficients independent of the choice of branch of the Berry
compounds. phase.34 At the same time, Eq. 共9兲 automatically eliminates
of the so-called ‘‘improper’’ terms19 as required to correctly
predict the piezoelectric coefficients.34 Technically, Eq. 共9兲 is
B. Piezoelectric coefficient of the ferroelectric
evaluated by finite differences between two strained configu-
Pb„Zr0.5Ti0.5…O3 alloy
rations: first that of the ferroelectric ground state, and then
We now apply the VCA procedure to determine the pi- for an additional 1% strain relative to this ground state. In
ezoelectric coefficients ei j of the ferroelectric tetragonal the second run, the relative atomic coordinates naturally have
P4mm ground state of the Pb(Zr0.50Ti0.50)O3 solid solution to be reoptimized in response to the applied strain.
as predicted by the VCA. We use here the lattice constants As done in Ref. 18–20, and 35, the piezoelectric coeffi-
minimizing the total energy of the ordered supercell of Ref. cients can be decomposed into ‘‘clamped-ion’’ and
20; that is, the lattice parameter a 0 and the tetragonal axial ‘‘internal-strain’’ contributions,

TABLE III. Piezoelectric coefficients in C/m2 of umns of the periodic table 关e.g., Pb(Sc0.5Nb0.5)O3 or
Pb(Zr0.5Ti0.5O3 ) within our VCA approach 共denoted ‘‘VCA’’兲, for Pb(Mg1/3Nb2/3)O3 ].
the supercell ordered along the 关100兴 direction used in Ref. 20 The present study also strongly suggests that first-
共denoted ‘‘Ordered 1’’兲, for the supercell ordered along the 关001兴 principles derived effective-Hamiltonian methods, already
direction used in Ref. 18 共denoted ‘‘Ordered 2’’兲, and for the su-
available for simple perovskite systems,37–43 can be used
percell ordered along the 关111兴 direction used in Ref. 18 共denoted
with confidence to predict finite-temperature properties of
‘‘Ordered 3’’兲.
lead zirconate titanate solid solutions, by modeling these al-
VCA Ordered 1 Ordered 2 Ordered 3
loys within the VCA approach.

e 33 4.4 3.4 4.8 3.6 ACKNOWLEDGMENTS

e 33,c ⫺0.8 ⫺0.8 ⫺0.7 ⫺0.7
e 33,i 5.2 4.2 5.4 4.3 L.B. thanks the Arkansas Science and Technology Au-
thority 共Grant No. N99-B-21兲 for providing financial assis-
tance, and P. Thibado for the loan of a computer. D.V. ac-
e 33⫽e 33,c ⫹e 33,i . 共10兲 knowledges the financial support of the Office of Naval
Research Grant No. N00014-97-1-0048. N. J. Ramer and A.
The ‘‘clamped-ion’’ or ‘‘homogeneous-strain’’ contribution M. Rappe are also thanked for communicating their results
e 33,c is given by Eq. 共9兲 for the case i⫽ j⫽3 and evaluated at 共Ref. 11兲 to us prior to publication. Cray C90 computer time
vanishing internal strain 共that is, without allowing the addi- was provided at the NAVO MSRC under ONRDC No. 1437.
tional relaxation of the relative atomic coordinates that
would be induced by the strain兲. e 33,c reflects electronic ef- APPENDIX: IMPLEMENTATION OF THE VCA
fects, measuring the extent to which the Wannier centers fail APPROACH WITHIN THE VANDERBILT
to follow the homogeneous strain. The ‘‘internal-strain’’ part ULTRASOFT-PSEUDOPOTENTIAL SCHEME
e 33,i measures just those contributions to the piezoelectric
response coming from internal distortions, i.e., reflecting the In this appendix, we indicate how Eq. 共6兲 can be realized
extent to which the ions fail to follow the homogeneous when using the Vanderbilt’s ultrasoft pseudopotentials
strain. In practice, e 33 and e 33,c are computed, and e 33,i is scheme.15 In this approach, the external potential V ext of Eq.
then obtained from their difference. 共2兲 contains a local part V loc
and a fully nonlocal part V NL ,
The results for e 33 , e 33,c and e 33,i , as predicted by the
VCA, are shown in Table III and compared with various V ext⫽V loc
⫹V NL . 共A1兲
calculations on ordered supercells. One can first notice that
the VCA is able to reproduce not only the magnitudes but The local part contains local ionic contributions
also the signs of the piezoelectric coefficients of ordered su-
percells. In particular, the clamped-ion contribution, which is
negative and independent of the ordering, is very well de-
V loc 共 r兲 ⫽ 兺I V loc
共 兩 r⫺RI 兩 兲 , 共A2兲
scribed by the VCA approximation. Similarly, the VCA re-
sults for e33,i and e33 lie between those of the different or- while the fully nonlocal part is given by
dered supercells, for which a larger spread exists. Overall,
the results shown in Tables II and III confirm the adequacy
of the VCA to mimic ferroelectric properties of PZT.
V NL⫽ 兺
D nm,I 兩 ␤ In 典具 ␤ m
兩. 共A3兲

The functions ␤ In as well as the coefficients D nm,I

ize the pseudopotentials, and thus differ for different atomic
In summary, we have developed a new first-principles species.
virtual crystal approach. This method 共1兲 is easy to imple- The electron density in Eq. 共2兲 is given by
ment, 共2兲 does not require the generation of pseudopotentials
for each alloy composition, and 共3兲 its outputs, via the com-
putation of the Hellmann-Feynman forces on the ‘‘ghost’’ n 共 r兲 ⫽2 兺i 冋 兩 ␾ i 共 r兲 兩 2 ⫹ 兺
Q nm 共 r兲 具 ␾ i 兩 ␤ In 典具 ␤ m

兩 ␾ i典 ,
alloyed elements, provide a hint about the ability of the VCA 共A4兲
to mimic properties of the disordered alloys under consider-
ation. This technique has been applied, within the Vanderbilt where the augmentation functions Q nm (r) are also provided
ultrasoft-pseudopotential scheme,15 to predict dielectric and by the pseudopotentials and are strictly localized in the core
piezoelectric properties of the Pb(Zr0.5Ti0.5)O3 solid solution regions. The ultrasoft pseudopotential is thus fully deter-
in its paraelectric and ferroelectric phase, respectively. Com- ion,I
mined by the functions V loc I
, Q nm and ␤ In , and by the scalar
parison with calculations performed on ordered supercells (0)
D nm,I . The algorithm used to generate these quantities is
and with data on parent compounds demonstrates the ad- described in Refs. 15 and 44. The wavefunctions ␾ i are
equacy of using the VCA for such properties. More work is eigensolutions of:
needed to assess the ability of VCA to describe properties of
other isoelectronic perovskite solid solutions 共e.g., H 兩 ␾ i典 ⫽ ⑀ iS 兩 ␾ i典 , 共A5兲
Ba1⫺x Srx TiO3 ), as well as heterovalent alloys,31,36 i.e., sys-
tems in which the alloyed elements belong to different col- where S is an hermitian overlap operator given by

S⫽1⫹ 兺
q nm 兩 ␤ In 典具 ␤ m
兩 共A6兲 I
D nm ⫽D nm
⫹ 冕 I
drV eff共 r兲 Q nm 共 r兲 . 共A9兲

with q nm ⫽ 兰 drQ nm
(r), and where Equation 共6兲, which is the fundamental equation underly-
ing our VCA approach, can thus be realized by simply re-
H⫽⫺ 21 ⵜ 2 ⫹V eff⫹ 兺
D nm 兩 ␤ In 典具 ␤ m
兩. 共A7兲 placing three ionic quantities provided by the ultrasoft
ion, ␣
pseudopotentials, namely V loc (0)
, D nm, ␣
␣ , and Q nm , by their
product with the corresponding atomic weight w ␣
Here V eff is the screened effective local potential
ion, ␣ ion, ␣
→w ␣ V loc 共A10兲

V loc ,
␦ E tot n 共 r⬘兲
V eff共 r兲 ⫽ ⫽V loc
共 r兲 ⫹ dr⬘ ⫹ ␮ xc共 r兲
␦ n 共 r兲 兩 r⫺r⬘兩 ␣ →w ␣ D nm, ␣ , 共A11兲
(0) (0)
D nm,
␣ ␣
with ␮ xc⫽ ␦ E XC关 n 兴 / ␦ n(r), and Q nm →w ␣ Q nm . 共A12兲

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