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Curriculum Vitae

Location : Medan
Telephone : +62 81934373341
e-mail :
Linkedin : sabrinayohanalimbong

Graduated from the Faculty of Electrical Engineering 2022 with GPA 3.00, Telkom University,
majoring in Engineering Physics. Enthusiastic learner with various experiences of social
organization and has great enthusiasm to share positive things with the environment, fast learner,
able to work independently as well as in team, have skills in public speaking and leadership
aditionally I am well recognized as a great team member acheive SMART GOAL of the


University : Telkom
University Faculty :
Electrical Engineering
Major : Engineering Physics


Data Processing Software

(ETAP) Leadership
on Problem
Microsoft Office (Ms. Word, Ms. excel, Ms. Power Point)

Bahasa (Proficient), English (Intermediate)


September, 2022 – April 2023

Internship Data Analyst, PT
Magpie Adskom
Magpie is the leading e-commerce market intelligence platform in Indonesia. We aggregate data from
e-commerce and present them into customized view for your business requirements

Maintain company database system. Collaborate with data researchers to obtain the data the company
needs. Organize the data obtained to be managed according to the type of data. Analyze data that has
been grouped with statistical tools.
Recogation :
2022 Increase sales 2000 USD VS 2021 by optimizing database. Reward loyal customer by gving
voucher from the company
Magpie become on of the top market leader 2022

May, 2020 – September 2020

Internship, PT ANTAM Unit Bisnis Pertambangan Bauksit
PT. Antam (Persero) Tbk Bauxite Mining Business Unit (UBPB) Tayan, is a bauxite mining
unit with a Chemical Grade Alumina (CGA) processing plant that supports alumina processing
 Conduct research covering processes on electricity and generators
 Processing data taken from the field
 Compile reports from research results and data processing
 Supervise the performance of the generator

May, 2019 – August, 2019

Internship at Technology Division, PT Perkebunan Nusantara III
PT Perkebunan Nusantara III (abbreviated PTPN III) is a fully state-owned enterprise
engaged in Indonesia's agriculture sector. The company's main business products are crude
palm oil (CPO), palm kernel oil (PKO), palm kernel (PK), palm kernel meal (PKM) as well as
 Coordinating the implementation, maintenance, control, and development of
systems on hardware and software
 Planning an integrated operational system development plan, specifically technology

August, 2018 – May, 2019

Mentor, Telkom University
The mentoring body is a religious laboratory which is directly under the auspices of the PPDU (Basic and General
Lecture Program) Telkom University which is in charge of mentoring mentee studentsContributes in Management
team, Business Development, and Marketing Strategy
 Designing change projects and implementing change project designs
 Provide guidance, advice for the purpose of change for the mentee

Catholic Student Families as Mentoring Division Staff (Aug 2018

- Dec 2019)
Members of North Sumatra as Staff of Business Fund Division
(Jan - Dec 2019)
Physics Engineering Student Association as Staff of the Cadreization Division
(Mar 2019-Feb 2020) Leadership Trainer at Latihan Dasar Kepemimpinan Muda
Berani Pemimpin attended by ITB Students, UNPAD Students, UNPAR Students,
BINUS Students, Unikom Students, UNJANI Students held in Bandung (Apr -
Aug 2019)
Revelli KMK Telkom University as Staff (May -
Dec 2019)
Voluntary for Community of Sant' Egidio Komunitas
Anak Jalanan (May 2019 –n ow) Helping the
comunity to be creative such as : makes and selling
Tempe, Homemade detergent, teaching basic
education writting and reading and basic knowledge
of avoiding DRUGS
No. SP2.28815/AKD31/PBHS.0/22
ľo whom it may conceín
ľhis is to ceítify that
has taken an English Píoficiency ľest - Home Edition at Language Centeíľelkom Univeísity. ľhe
íesults of the test aíe as follows :

Subjects Raw Scoíe Conveíted Scoíe

Listening Competence 41 57
Gíammaí Competence 30 56
Reading Competence 39 56
Bandung, Decembeí 10,

Retno Hendíiyanti , Ph.D Valid until Decembeí 10,

Head of Language Centeí 2023
ľelkom Univeísity
Komplek Taman Setia Budi Indah I Blok MM No. 19 Kel. Tanjung Rejo,
Kec. Medan Sunggal Medan – Sumatera Utara 20122

No. : 1963/Sket-AK3U/LMA-K3/MDN-IX/2023


Dengan hormat,

Bersama ini kami PT Lanto Masa Anugerah, menyampaikan bahwa kegiatan Pembinaan K3 Ahli K3 Umum telah diselenggarakan
pada tanggal 11–23 September 2023 secara Online training via Zoom, Google Classroom dan Teman K3.

Sesuai dengan Peraturan Menteri Tenaga Kerja Nomor 12 tahun 2015 tentang Keselamatan dan Kesehatan Kerja Umum di
Tempat Kerja sebagai penyelenggara Pembinaan yakni PT Lanto Masa Anugerah dengan SKP KEPDIRJEN BINWASNAKER & K3
NO. 5/414/AS.02.04/XI/2021 menerangkan bahwa benar yang bersangkutan telah mengikuti dan menyelesaikan seluruh
kegiatan pembinaan ini:

Nama : Sabrina Yohana Limbong

Tempat Tanggal Lahir : Medan, 7 April 1999
NIK : 1271034704990007

Melalui surat ini kami memberitahukan, bahwa penerbitan Sertifikat, Surat Keputusan Penunjukan (SKP) dan Kartu Tanda
Kewenangan Ahli K3 Umum tersebut sedang diproses di Kantor Kementerian Ketenagakerjaan R.I di Jakarta.

Demikian Surat Keterangan ini diberikan sebagai tanda bahwa yang bersangkutan telah mengikuti dan Lulus Pembinaan
Ahli K3 Umum Online untuk dipergunakan seperlunya.

Medan, 26 September 2023 Hormat


Sukamto Edy
Direktur Utama

Office : Telp. 061-80571033; E-mail.

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