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In Autumn's tender, mellow grasp, where colors clash and textures clasp,

Under skies of smoky gray, a tapestry of life in disarray.

The sun, now mild, a softer glow, bestows its warmth, a gentler flow,
Painting leaves in hues of fire, in reds and golds that inspire.

The air, crisp with a cool caress, whispers secrets of nature's undress,
As trees shed their vibrant crowns, carpeting earth in russet browns.
Fruits and seeds, the season's bounty, fill the fields in vast amounty,
Harvest time, a period of giving, a moment's pause in the cycle of living.

Geese in V-formations soar, above the land, to distant shore,

A farewell song to warmer days, as Autumn's chill begins its stay.
Pumpkins bright on porches sit, in the season's spirit, perfectly fit,
And the scent of woodsmoke in the air, a cozy blanket, shared and spare.

Autumn's sunsets, a spectacular show, in brilliant oranges and indigo,

Reflecting on the world below, a softer, gentler, amber glow.
The nights draw in, a longer stretch, under stars that seem to etch
The passage of time, in the dark expanse, an invitation to a slower dance.

It's a time for reflection, for thanks, for rest, for gathering close what we love
For stories told by firelight, for warmth against the longer night.
Autumn, with its subtle power, reminds us of the fleeting hour,
Urging us to live, to love, to be, amidst the falling of each leaf from every tree.

So let us walk through this season of change, through landscapes both familiar and
Holding onto the beauty that will pass, in every leaf, in every blade of grass.
For in Autumn's embrace, we find a calm, a peace, a space, a balm,
A reminder that in every end, lies the promise of a start, a bend in the road, a
chance to mend.

Let's embrace each moment, each day, as we watch the world transform in a
spectacular display,
And carry Autumn in our hearts, a symphony of endings and starts,
A testament to change, to cycles, to life's intricate and beautiful puzzles,
A season that teaches us to let go, to harvest joy where it might grow.

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