Education Idioms

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Education Idioms


1- Match the idioms with the correct meaning:

1. Pass exam/test with flying colours

2. Be the teacher’s pet
3. To hit the books
4. Be as easy as ABC
5. Go back to basics


a) Something very easy

b) Pass with very good grade
c) The favourite student of the teacher
d) Study a lot

e) Go back at the beginning

2- Complete the sentences with the correct idiom

1. Fabiola ____________ to pass the exam with _____________, she got 19.
She even studied 2 nights in a row because the exam was important
to save the semestre.
2. Learning a new language is ______________ for me, but for other
people is really difficult.
3. Laura is the ______________ and we all have realized that. The teacher
always treats her in a special way.
4. Mario didn’t pass the exams, so we recommended him to go
______________ and have it all reviewed.

3- Complete the questions with the correct idiom.

a) Do you think it a positive thing to be the _____________? Or you risk

that your classmates would hate you.
b) When was the last time you passed a test with _____________?
c) Did you use to ______________ when you studied for an exam, or you
passed it without studying a lot?
d) Tell me something that is as ____________ for you.

4- Discuss the questions with your teacher.




1-b ; 2-c ; 3-d ; 4-a ; 5-e


1- hit the books / flying colours

2- as easy as ABC

3- teacher's pet

4- back to basics


a) teacher's pet

b) flying colours

c) hit the books

d) easy as ABC

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