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Show us your rarest sharks tooth

shark teeth worldwide rare

By Notidanodon
October 9, 2020 in Member Collections

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Posted October 9, 2020 

Hi guys, we’ve seen people’s 6 gill and 7 gill teeth,

we’ve seen peoples extraordinary common teeth and I
thought why not post your single rarest sharks tooth

this is mine, incredibly rare from a very small site that

has been closed for decades, I haven’t seen another, if
you have please tell

7 3

Posted October 9, 2020 

That's a fantastic tooth Will. I remember someone

found one in the Gault Clay Formation at Folkestone a
few years ago.

Posted October 9, 2020 

Great tooth Will.

My favourite and rarest shark tooth has to be this one.

The species itself is pretty Common, but the location is

Squalicorax pristodontus
Late Cretaceous
Congo River

This tooth used to be part of a very old collection. I've

unfortunately lost the original label .

6 2

Posted October 9, 2020 

 On 10/9/2020 at 1:53 PM, Kosmoceras said: 

That's a fantastic tooth Will. I remember someone

found one in the Gault Clay Formation at
Folkestone a few years ago.

Thanks , i heard that was another place in the Uk to

find them, ill have to visit folkestone someday,
surprisingly i havent done so yet

 On 10/9/2020 at 2:02 PM, gigantoraptor 


Great tooth Will.

My favourite and rarest shark tooth has to be this

one. The species itself is pretty Common, but the
location is not.

Squalicorax pristodontus
Late Cretaceous
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Very Nice, i love teeth from rare locations, ive never

seen one from the DRC before

Top Trilo
Posted October 9, 2020 

 On 10/9/2020 at 3:18 PM, will stevenson 


Very Nice, i love teeth from rare locations, ive

never seen one from the DRC before

The DRC is a rare location, most African fossils come

from Morocco, imagine all the hidden fossil locations in

 On 10/9/2020 at 12:49 PM, will stevenson 


Hi guys, we’ve seen people’s 6 gill and 7 gill

teeth, we’ve seen peoples extraordinary common
teeth and I thought why not post your single
rarest sharks tooth

this is mine, incredibly rare from a very small site

that has been closed for decades, I haven’t seen
another, if you have please tell
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3 months later...

Posted January 16, 2021 

anyone else ?

Posted January 16, 2021 

I'll bite but I don't get into enough locations with good
shark teeth often enough to collect many "rare" teeth. I
guess my rarest would be this Eostriatolamia
holmdelensis I collected from Western Georgia in the
Blufftown Formation (Cretaceous, Campanian). Maybe
it's more of an "uncommon" tooth overall but they're
also rare from the location. 1.1 cm greatest length.

Posted January 16, 2021 

Haven't seen too many of these, and not many teeth

from Galveston, so I guess it's rare. One of my favorite
sharks, too.

Great Hammerhead
Sphyrna mokarran
Galveston, TX
Lower right lateral

It's got some wear, these are complete teeth from a

modern specimen:

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Bobby Rico
Posted January 16, 2021 

Nice thread Will and it has given me the urge to watch

one of my favourite films Jaws
again . @ThePhysicist Great tooth , I agree
Hammerheads are super cool.

I can’t say if the next two teeth up are rare as I don’t

know. My juvie Megalodon is from Lee Creek and now a
lost location. So that add a rarity to it. Both teeth was
Won in this year’s Grand Christmas auction and
off Frank . I also used one of Frank’s photos to show
possible predation I hope that is ok @Troodon.

The next and very beautiful tooth is a C. auriculatus

from Harleyville, Santee Limestone, South Carolina
Eocene 2" Diagonal.

sorry Will if they are not rare but they are sublime and
gives your thread a bump.

stay safe all Bobby

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Posted January 16, 2021 

@Bobby Ricothey are sublime indeed thanks for the

@ThePhysicist nice tooth!
@Thomas.Dodson It’s a quality tooth!

Posted January 16, 2021 

I like this Cretaceous aged Leptostyrax macrorhiza

tooth from Texas. I’d love have a couple more, but they
are tough to find.

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