Project Synopsis

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Batch 2018 - 2021

Project Synopsis

Submitted in the partial fulfillment for the

Requirements of the degree of BCA

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Project Guide Student’s Name

Designation: Registration No.

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Batch 2018- 2021

Project Synopsis

(REG. NO. – 18303313041)


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Internal Examiner External Examiner


I hereby declare that the Project Work entitled “SNAPSHOT” has been carried out by me

under the guidance of (Amar kumar, asst. prof.) at International School of Management,

Patna. The work is original and has not violated any of plagiarism norms.

I also declare that this Project has not been submitted to any University/ Institute for the

award of any Degree/Diploma.

Place: Patna Aditya Raj Kamal

Date: (Student’s Name)

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This is to certify that the Project Work entitled “photography management system” has been
accomplished by (Aditya Raj kamal, 18303313041, BCA) under my guidance and
supervision. This project is being submitted by him/her as the partial fulfillment of
requirements for the award of BCA from International School of Management, Patna.
This work has not been submitted by him/her anywhere else for the award of any
Degree or diploma. All sources of information and help have been duly mentioned
And acknowledged.

Project Guide:


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The most awaited moment of successful completion of endeavor is always a result of persons
involved explicitly or implicitly there in. It is impossible without the help and guidance of the
people around to carry on this project work. I take the opportunity to express my sincere
gratitude to each and every person who gave me the guidance and help for preparing the

I take this opportunity to thanks to (Management), International School of Management, for

providing me an opportunity to work for this research.

I am also desirous of placing on record profound indebtedness to (Project Guide) and all the
members of faculty of International School of Management, Patna, for the valuable advice,
guidance and support that they offered.
Last but not the least; I would also like to thanks all the respondents for giving me their time
and relevant information.
I am grateful to Mr. Amar Kumar, Asstt. Prof. of ISM, Patna, who guided me
throughout the work, deserves my special thanks.
My strength and inspiration are the blessings of my parents and my friends. I owe all my
success and achievements to them.

Aditya Raj Kamal

(Student’s Name)

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The “Photography Management System” is an online photography services project.

The main purpose of the project is to provide online or offline photography services
for customer who have interest in photography, videographer etc they can easily
book slot through this website. Actually the main purpose of making this project is to
connect the client directly to the photographer as per her/him choice. In this project
we can add different-different section like photography, wedding shoot, event shoot,
cinematic etc.

This software was user friendly and easy to use so users can easily interact with
“snapshot” which is the title of this project.
Photography management system can describe above, it can lead to error free,
secure, reliable and fast management system. So that the information of client is
secure and stored at long time period.

Thus it helps organization in better utilization of resource. The organization can

maintain computerized records without redundant entries. That means that one need
not be distracted by information that is not relevant, while being able to reach the

The aim is to automate its existing manual system by the help of computerized
equipment and full-fledge computer software, fulfilling their requirements, so that
their valuable data/information can be stored for a longer period with easy accessing
and manipulation of the same. Basically the project describes how to manage for
good performance and better services for the clients.


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S. No. Contents Page No.
1 Introduction of the project

2 Objective of the project

Project category

4 Tools to be used

5 Hardware & Software requirement

6 Modules

7 Structure chart


9 Database introduction

10 ERD

11 Output of the project

12 Limitation of the project

13 Security

18 Future scope and enhancement


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This project was assigned by the IT department of the ISM collage.

I have a chance to work for this project and I’m aiming to create a staining &
responsive project.
According to my research paper on this project it solves our daily life problem.
Overall this generates an amazing impact in our daily life.
In this project I'm creating an E- commerce website through which we can hire some
photographer and provide photography, videographer, and cinematography services
through an online platform.

Job of the system are as follow:

a) Online Booking Process

It is a process of online booking for different services provided by a website. When a
client/user can apply for booking, the admin will receive the booking request and
communicate with the respective user via email and call facility.

b) Information System
The proposed system provides different information such as facilities/ services
offered by iconic studio to user.

c) Administration
The proposed system consists of the administration section. Under this there are
different jobs which are done by the admin. Admin is responsible for approval of
users booking, photographer/videographer/cinematographer management, updating
new notifications,
Live chat and giving responses to different enquiries through mail or call.

d) Enquiry
In the proposed system there is a facility of message and contact us. Through any
of these a user can make enquiry about the organization and its functionalities and
its services.
e) Gallery Management
The gallery section consists of different images of different events organized by the
organization. Admin can add or delete any images to the system. A user can only
view those images which admin has given permission to view.

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f) Live Chat
Any user can directly communicate/chat with the organization via live chat/leave

The proposed system has two types of accessing mode:

Clients will apply the form of booking to take booking. She/he has the facility of
chatting with the organization.

Admin has full access to the system. He will approve the booking request via email
or calling facility, manage the gallery, post blogs and publish any news & events,
manage all services and requests.

I. Organizational Introduction:

Iconic studio is an online freelance photography management platform which

provides the best photographer services for different different locations . It offers
different services for clients.
Following are the different services offered by the clinic:
❖ Photography
❖ Videographer
❖ cinematography
❖ Product shoot
❖ Wedding filmmaking

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The objectives of the proposed system are described as follows:

a) High degree of reliability:

This software is very much reliable and trustworthy. The stored data is fully secured
and cannot be accessed or stolen by any third person. The data can be only
accessed by authorized users. The probability of error is also minimized. It maintains
the data integrity and thus we can say that our software is completely reliable.

b) Robustness in official work:

Another important aspect of good software is to maintain robustness. This is fully
followed here as manpower can be tired of working but a computer system is never
tired of doing work. It works 24x7 and there is no issue with the membership

c) Direct Communication:
Any user can directly communicate with the organization via live chat. Users can
also contact the organization via sending mail or submitting the contact us form.

The main objective of this project is to solve some relevant problems which we
are facing in daily life.

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The project is a web-based application. It is based on Client-Server 2-tier

Architecture & comes under the category of “RDBMS” (Relational Database
Management System).

RDBMS is a very powerful system for the graphical user interface where each and
every tool available in the GUI feature which helps the user connects friendly. The
front end application is used as an interface with the database; the fronted is used as
an interface between the user and the database. It deals with the application use to
interact with the database by requesting and receiving the information from the
database server it also maintains the database integrity.

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Application : Web based Application (Online Application System)

Operating System : Windows system 2010

Fronted Development : HTML, CSS & JavaScript

Backend Development : PHP, JavaScript, AJAX

Database : SQL, MonGoDB

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1 Hardware Requirements:
The section of hardware configuration is an important task related to software
development. The hardware should be powerful enough to handle the entire

PROCESSOR : i3 or above

RAM : 1 GB or Above

HARD DISK DRIVE : 5gbbor Above

MONITOR : Display regulation (800 *600)
KEYWORD : 104 keys
MOUSE : scroll mouse
PRINTER : Color printer
INTERNET : An active Internet Connection

2 Software Requirements:
A major element in building a system is the section of compatible software since the
software in the market is experiencing geometric progression. Selected software
should be acceptable by the firm and one user as well as it should be feasible for the

● Windows 7 or higher
● VS code
● MYSQL database
● Running PHP v 5.2 +

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Each module works in an efficient manner and makes this project useful for the
recommendation in photography management. The process logic of each module is
as follows.

In the home section all information will be listed and mention some details about this
project related to work .

About section:
In this section users can interact with the team members of the project who can
manage this entire thing.

In this section there are more than one services listed here which we will provide
through this company.

In the contact section we will offer a client to contact us to register yourself first.

Book Now:
In the BookNow section Any user who wants to take booking for services from the
snapshot can fill the booking form through the website. When booking is confirmed,
the client has access to enroll our services.

Live Chat:
Any user can directly communicate through a live chat facility given on the website.

Admin panel:
Log in It is the module through which admin can log in to the system and access the
system. After the successful login, the admin can confirm the booking, manage
photo gallery, manage notifications, live chat, etc.

Booking Approval:
Admin can confirm the booking requested by the user. After confirmation of booking
we will send the confirmation to the users through the email or call.

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In this module admin can add new services to the application, if any new services
will be added in future.

Gallery Management:
Admin can upload and delete the photos to and from the gallery. He has the right to
show/hide any photo from the gallery.

Live Chat:
Admin can communicate with any user who wishes to chat via a live chat facility
provided by the application.

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❖ 0-Level DFD (online booking system):

★ 1-Level DFD for (online booking system ):

★ 1-level DFD for Admin:

★ 2- Level DFD For ADMIN:

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★ 2-level DFD for Admin :

★ 2-Level DFD For ADMIN :

2-level of DFD for Admin:

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Database implementation:

In this project following tables are present:-

This table consists of booking records. It includes booking details having client
name, age,email id, contact no, booking date and time, services and messages.

2. Contact:
This table consists of contact details. It includes the details of contact which had
been done by submitting contact us form. It includes name, message, email id,
contact no. of person who had submitted the form.

3. Services:
This table consists of a list of services offered by the company. It has only two fields:
service_id and service_name.

4. Portfolio:
This table has six fields: img_id, img_nem, img_name, description, u_date, status.
There are two modes of status show (1) and hide (0). Only those images can be
viewed whose status is 1.

5. Notification:
This table has five fields: N_id, Title, N_Date, Description, Status. It includes the
details of news and events added by admin.

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Since input has been given to the project; so, there must be some
Following are the output of the application:

User Appointment Details

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When a user fills the appointment form, the admin receives a booking request. It is
the list of booking.

User Contact Details:

It is the list of all users who have contacted through contact us form.


Although this project is developed as per the need of freelance photography, yet
there are a lot of possibilities which could be included in this project so that it can be
more advanced.

Some of the possibilities are as follows:--

★ This project doesn’t support messaging facility after booking. It only support
email facility.
★ It doesn’t support mobile based application.

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Since there are some limitations in this project. So, we would add various things in
this project so as to enhance the scope of this project.

So, some of the future scope and enhancements are as follows:--

1. We would extend this to message based applications.

2. We would extend this to mobile based application.

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3. Web Design - Creating Cool Websites With HTML, XHTML, and CSS - John Wiley

4. Beginning PHP 5.3 – Matt Doyle


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Simon Collison

6. Fundamentals of Software Engineering – Rajib Mall

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