Phrasal Verbs With Off

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Phrasal Verbs with “Off”


1- Match the phrasal verb with the correct meaning:

1. Tell off
2. Show off
3. Call off
4. Log off
5. Let off
6. Send off
7. Cut off
8. Break off


a) Show something to gain attention

b) Cut the connection
c) Express good wishes/luck to someone that is leaving

d) To end
e) To speak angrily to someone
f) Cancel
g) Don’t be punished or grounded
h) Separate someone or something from the group

2- Complete the sentences with the correct phrasal verb

1. She’s just bought a new Ferrari and of course, she’s ________it_____ to

her partners.
2. Marco’s friends are really stupid. They want to __________ Jose from
the event because he is not popular enough.
3. Let’s _________ the meeting and reschedule it for another day, how
does that sound?
4. I got an affectionate _________ from my colleagues when I left the
5. Let me finish this report, __________ from the campus, and then we
can go out and have dinner.

3- Complete these questions with the correct phrasal verb.

1. Tell me a time when you quit a job and your colleagues ______ you
_____ or maybe, one of your friends quit the job and you organized a
party to _____ them _____.
2. Do you often ______ dates ____ because you are just too tired?
3. What needs to happen for you to _________ someone because they
deserve it?
4. Do you like to ________ a new thing you’ve just bought?

4- Discuss the questions with your teacher




1-e ; 2-a ; 3-f ; 4-b ; 5-g ; 6-c ; 7-h ; 8-d


1- showing it off

2- cut off

3- call off

4- send off

5- log off


a) sent you off / send them off

b) call dates off

c) tell off

d) show off

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