65aed0a1b60ab Beyond Karma Case

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Beyond Karma

About Greenpeace India: Greenpeace India is on a mission to protect our planet from serious
threats. In a world where people care more about money than the environment, Greenpeace
fights back. Greenpeace values optimism as a courageous force and believes in the impact of a
billion acts of courage for a brighter tomorrow. They actively model, champion, and share stories
of courage by supporters. Our planet is in trouble, and Greenpeace relies on a team of
passionate activists, supporters, donors, and volunteers. They rely on everyday people like you
and me to help them out. Greenpeace India is a rising tide, fuelled by a network of 7.5 lakh online
warriors and 19 lakh mobile champions who were successfully able to conduct various campaigns
in the past. Their voices roar on social media and reverberate across villages and cities. They are
the rising generation, demanding a green future.

Current Problem statement: The success of Greenpeace India environmental missions heavily
relies on the active involvement of dedicated volunteers who contribute their time, efforts, and
skills. The successful campaigns and the ongoing campaigns are dedicated towards a safer
future. Campaigns like “Bus hai toh Delhi mast hai” focuses on having more and better public
buses and fewer private vehicles. “People for Climate Greenpeace Indian Ocean Ship Tour” is to
engage with people on the critical issue of climate justice. However, the current landscape poses
a challenge in mobilizing and retaining volunteers for their campaigns. This scarcity affects their
ability to comprehensively cover critical issues, hampering the data collection, awareness
building, and advocacy efforts. To keep the volunteers committed, they are thinking of ways to
make it more enjoyable for them that strengthen their bond and providing opportunities to see the
impactful results of their contributions, ensuring they remain committed to the shared mission.
Design solutions that fit busy lives, fuel passions, and turn every click, tap, or tree hug into a force
for good.

Winner gets exciting cash prizes and certificates and maybe even a ship named after them (okay,
maybe not, but cool prizes guaranteed!).

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