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Structure Did + Sujet + Verbe + Complément Sujet + Didn’t + Verbe + Complément Sujet + Verbe au prétérit + Complém

Did I go to New York? I didn’t go to New York. I went to New York.
Exemples Did they eat a hamburger? They didn’t eat a hamburger. They ate a hamburger.
 Were we in Atlanta? We were not in Atlanta. We were in Atlanta.
Forme la bonne (you/drink) (I/cheat) (you/sleep)
phrase avec le = Did you drink? = I didn’t cheat. = You slept.
(verbe et le (she/speak) (we/be) (they/run)
pronom) = Did she speak? = We were not / weren’t. = They ran (run/ran/run) .

Traduis Où es-tu allé hier ? Tu n’as pas parlé avec le président. Hier, j’ai joué au football américain.
 = Where did you go yesterday? = You didn’t talk with the president. = Yesterday, I played American footb
Pourquoi ont-ils bu un diabolo fraise ? Ils n’ont pas terminé leur Tacos. Il a embrassé sa copine.
= Why did they drink a Shirley = They didn’t finish their tacos. = He kissed his/her girlfriend.

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