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The King of All Goblins

Encounter 1

"He calls himself the King of All Goblins," says Baron Chief Wyrd is the chieftain of the flesh moulders.
Greigory. "Please stop laughing, this is actually a serious When Chief Wyrd is placed, read the following aloud:
matter. This rotund rascal, Splig, has called all the
goblin tribes of northern Terrinoth and the Dunwarr It is possible that the creatures that caper into sight
Mountains to pay homage and gather under his banner. were goblins once, but their flesh has been twisted
Alone, each tribe is simply a nuisance. United, they beyond all recognition. The tallest creature seems like it
could pose a genuine threat to Arhynn." might have once been two goblins, now blended
together by fel magics.
The old baron touches one leg absently and trails off, as
if in memory. After a moment he comes back to ESCAPING THE AMBUSH
himself. "Ahem, well, the simplest way to solve a Each goblin chieftain may move off the map through an
problem like this is to intercept the goblin chieftains Exit. When a goblin chieftain moves off the map
and jolly well eliminate them. Then press on to the - through either Exit, remove the objective token from
hem - 'Goblin Throne,' which I understand is just a its corresponding Monster card and place it in the
rock in a cave, and tear it down before Splig completes overlord's play area. If a goblin chieftain is defeated,
his crowning ritual." remove the objective token from its corresponding
With his words still ringing in your ears, you press on Monster card and place it in the heroes' play area.
towards the "Goblin Throne" and prepare to intercept
the goblin chieftains on the banks of a nameless river Reinforcements
descending from the Carthmounts. You wonder why At the start of each overlord turn, he may place 1
the old man seemed so concerned. They are only monster from each monster group whose chieftain is
goblins, right? currently on the map. These monsters may be placed
on either the Camp Site or the Ruins, respecting group
Monsters limits.
Barghests. Flesh moulders. Goblin archers. At the end of each overlord turn, if the number of
chieftains on the map is less than 2, the overlord may
Setup place 1 monster group that has not yet been placed
Heroes place their figures on the Ford in the unique during this quest. This monster group may be placed on
spaces marked with an "X." either the Camp Site or the Ruins.

Place 1 monster group on either the Camp Site or the Victory

Ruins. The other monster groups are not placed during
setup. If all objective tokens have been removed from their
corresponding Monster cards and there are at least 2
Place 1 green objective token faceup on the goblin objective tokens in the heroes' play area, read the
archer Monster card. Place 1 blue objective token following aloud:
faceup on the barghest Monster card. Place 1 white
objective token faceup on the flesh moulder Monster Well, that wasn’t so bad. Above you on the mountain
card. slope, you can see a trickle of goblins creeping into a
sinister cave. That must be where Splig lurks.
Place search tokens based on the number of heroes.
The heroes win this encounter!

Special Rules If all objective tokens have been removed from their
THE GOBLIN CHIEFTAINS corresponding Monster cards and there are at least 2
objective tokens in the overlord's play area, read the
Each master monster in this encounter is a goblin following aloud:
chieftain and corresponds to an objective token.
Above you on the mountain slope, you can see the
Chief Zag is the chieftain of the goblin archers. When mouth of a sinister cave. In ones and twos, led by their
Chief Zag is placed, read the following aloud: chieftains, goblins pour into the cavern. It’s possible
that Baron Greigory had a point.
A goblin with a strange red cap leaps from the trees,
shrieking in his primitive language. Soon, more of his The overlord wins this encounter!
tribe follow. They dash forward fearlessly!
Note which objective tokens are in the overlord's play
Chief Zig is the chieftain of the barghests. When Chief area. These are important for Encounter 2 (see "The
Zig is placed, read the following aloud: United Goblin Tribes").
Heralded by an eerie howl, a pack of barghests
approaches. With mounting terror, you realize that the
grim dogs are serving as mounts for a tribe of goblins,
led by a chieftain with a wicked-looking spear.
The King of All Goblins
Encounter 1
The King of All Goblins
Encounter 2

As you pass into the cave, you find flickering torches The Throne of all Goblins must be destroyed. A hero If there are ever 3 fatigue tokens in the overlord's play
and hear the high-pitched squeaking of many goblin may attack the Throne of All Goblins as if it were a area, read the following aloud:
voices. Are they… chanting? Is this some sort of goblin monster with 2 gray defense dice. If the hero's attack
ceremony? deals at least 1 ≥, place 1 fatigue token on the Throne “Splig! Splig! Splig! Splig!” Goblins pour into the
of All Goblins. chamber like water, struggling to lift their corpulent
You hear the familiar voice of Splig, King of All champion upon their shoulders. A half dozen
Goblins echoing from within. “I am your king! I am the As an action, while adjacent to the Throne of All squashed-flat goblins later, Splig is carried
biggest and the strongest!” Goblins, a hero may test ∂. If he passes, place 1 fatigue triumphantly out of sight. You decide to leave before
token on the Throne of All Goblins. they remember you’re still alive.
“Yeah, boss,” says another reedy voice, “but what about
those heroes outside? Are you bigger and stronger than THE CORONATION OF ALL GOBLINS The overlord wins!
Splig is performing a ritual to complete his coronation.
“Of course I am!” bellows Splig. “I am bigger and Each time Splig performs an attack that defeats a hero,
stronger than anyone!” the overlord places 1 fatigue token in his play area. Win or lose, each player recieves 1 XP.

“Prove it,” says the second voice, “and I’ll bow to you as Once per turn, as an action, while adjacent to the If the heroes win, they recieve 25 gold per hero.
King of All Goblins!” Throne of All Goblins, Splig may call for help. If he
If the overlord wins, he recieves 1 additional XP.
does, place 1 goblin archer on the Exit.
You’re not quite certain what that mean. “Bring me the
Club of All Goblins!” you hear Splig shout. The first time Splig is defeated, read the following
Ah. Well, that makes it simple. Smash the Throne
before Splig smashes you. “You dare lay a hand on Splig, the King of All
Goblins?” bellows Splig. With a shocking bound, he
Monsters leaps high into the air and comes to rest atop the
supposed throne at the far end of the chamber. “You
Splig. Goblin archers. 1 open group.
will be punished for your insolence!”

Setup Reinforcements
Place Splig on the Throne Room as indicated. Place
At the start of each overlord turn, if Splig is not on the
goblin archers on the Antechamber. Place the open
map, the overlord may place Splig in a space adjacent to
group on the Throne Room.
the Throne of All Goblins.
Place 1 objective token facedown on the Throne Room
At the end of each overlord turn, he may place 1 goblin
as indicated. This is the Throne of All Goblins.
archer on the Entrance or Exit, respecting group limits.
The overlord collects search tokens based on the
number of heroes. He replaces 1 of these search tokens Victory
with the unique search token and places them based on If there are ever 4 fatigue tokens on the Throne of All
the number of heroes. The unique search token is the Goblins, read the following aloud:
Key of All Goblins.
“Aw, my boulder - I mean, the Throne of All Goblins!”
Special Rules shrieks Splig. “These intruders have committed
If a hero reveals the unique search token, he has
discovered the Key of All Goblins. The hero draws a “Yeah, but, boss,” says one nearby goblin, scratching
Search card as normal and discards the unique search thoughtfully behind one ear. “That boulder is just like
token. The locked door may now be opened normally. that other one over there.”

THE UNITED GOBLIN TRIBES “Sure,” says a third goblin. “And also it was too pointy
to sit on anyway. No proper throne.”
Each objective token in the overlord's play area
represents abilities gained by the goblin archers. “I don’t see how it can be sacri-whatever to smash a
rock,” says the second goblin again. “You smashed a
Green - Courageous: Each minion goblin rock just yesterday.”
archer is treated as if it did not have
the Cowardly ability. “No, listen to me!” bellows Splig. “Kill the intruders!
Am I not your king?”
Blue - Frenzied: Each goblin archer deals “About that…”
+1 ≥ on each attack.
As the argument continues, you scoop up some
White - Twisted: Each goblin archer gains 2 discarded goblin loot and walk out. No one tries to stop
additonal Health. you. Problem…solved?
The heroes win!
The King of All Goblins
Encounter 2

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