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Brand Strategy Idea ("Holistic Beauty Empowerment"):

I would like to propose the "Holistic Beauty Empowerment" brand strategy for Lilac Beauty.
This means that Lilac Beauty will not only focus on outward appearance but also on
maintaining and enhancing skin health. This will be a significant advantage for us.

Example: For instance, Lilac Beauty currently has a popular line of makeup products. With
the "Holistic Beauty Empowerment" strategy, we can develop new makeup products that
not only beautify the face but also contain ingredients such as vitamins and SPF that are
beneficial for skin health. This will be a significant value addition and serve as the
foundation for this brand strategy.

2. Why I Propose This Brand Strategy Idea?

2. Why I Propose This Brand Strategy Idea?

First, Audience Empathy:

To succeed, we must genuinely understand our customers' concerns and needs. Many may
worry that makeup could harm their skin, like causing acne. Here, Lilac Beauty's advantage
shines, as our makeup products also nurture their skin, addressing this concern. For
example, we can conduct surveys or interviews with potential customers aged 18-28 to
grasp their worries about makeup and skincare. Results may reveal that many fear acne
after makeup use. This brand strategy caters to these concerns, offering skin-friendly

Second, Differentiation:

In the fiercely competitive beauty industry, we need a unique selling point. Focusing on
makeup that promotes skin health sets us apart from other brands. Imagine an
advertisement comparing Lilac Beauty's vitamin and SPF-enriched products with
competitors lacking these benefits. This highlights our difference in skin care, attracting
potential customers.

Third, Empowerment Messaging:

Young adults often seek beauty products for confidence. Lilac Beauty empowers them to
feel beautiful inside and out. We can create advertising campaigns featuring young women
using our products and feeling more confident because their skin is healthier. Messages like
"Feel Beautiful, Feel Confident" effectively convey this empowerment.

Fourth, Building Trust:

Trust is paramount in today's marketing landscape. Collaborating with influential figures and
credible skincare experts is essential. They'll use our products and share their experiences,
building trust. For instance, we can partner with a renowned dermatologist who can provide
testimonials about Lilac Beauty products and offer insights into their contributions to skin
Fifth, Product Education:

Explaining why Lilac Beauty products benefit the skin is crucial. We'll create educational
content, such as blog articles and videos, to showcase our products' skin health advantages.
This content will be shared through social media, email, and collaborations with leading
beauty magazines. For example, we can create video tutorials explaining how to incorporate
Lilac Beauty products into a daily skincare routine, helping customers understand how our
products maintain their skin while enhancing their appearance.

3. How I Will Execute and Activate the Brand Strategy?

First, Product Development:

I will continuously innovate in product development to enhance the skincare benefits of

makeup products. First, I will conduct in-depth research to identify natural ingredients that
are beneficial for the skin. Then, I'll ensure our products contain these ingredients. For
example, we can collaborate with skincare experts to identify the best ingredients for the
skin and formulate them into our new makeup products. For instance, we can add aloe vera
extract, known for its skin-friendly properties, to our foundation.

Second, Influencer Collaborations:

I will collaborate with well-known influencers in the beauty and skincare world who have a
large following on social media. They will use Lilac Beauty products and share their
experiences with their followers. For instance, we can seek out influencers with large social
media followings, especially those who frequently discuss skincare. They can use Lilac
Beauty products and share their experiences with their followers.

Third, Content Marketing:

I will create informative and engaging content about our products. This will include blog
articles about the benefits of using Lilac Beauty products and video tutorials on how to use
our products. This content will be distributed through various platforms, including social
media, email newsletters, and collaborations with leading beauty magazines. For example,
we can create a blog article titled "Unlocking Skin Health with Makeup" that explains the
benefits of using Lilac Beauty products. This article can be posted on our website and shared
via social media.

Fourth, User-Generated Content:

I will encourage our customers to share their experiences with Lilac Beauty products. This
can take the form of reviews, before-and-after photos, or video tutorials. We will use this
content in our marketing campaigns to build trust. For instance, we can launch a social
media campaign with a specific hashtag inviting customers to share their before-and-after
photos using Lilac Beauty products. We will feature some of these customer stories on our
official accounts.

Fifth, Sustainability Initiatives:

I will ensure that Lilac Beauty demonstrates our commitment to sustainability by using eco-
friendly packaging materials and participating in recycling programs. This information will be
clearly communicated to our customers to strengthen our brand's image as environmentally
conscious. As an example, we can use recyclable packaging and convey information about
Lilac Beauty's commitment to sustainability through special labels on our products and

Sixth, Customer Engagement:

I will actively engage with our customers on various social media platforms. I will respond to
their questions, acknowledge their feedback, and participate in meaningful conversations.
Additionally, I will organize online events such as beauty workshops and Q&A sessions to
create a sense of community around our brand. To illustrate, we can host live Q&A sessions
on Instagram or Facebook where customers can ask questions about our products and
skincare in general. This will help build a community around our brand.

Seventh, Strategic Advertising:

I will use data to determine the target audience most likely to be interested in Lilac Beauty
products with skincare benefits. I will direct our advertising efforts toward them with
relevant messaging. We will also utilize effective online and offline advertising platforms to
reach our target audience. For example, we will use social media analytics tools to identify
the audience most likely to be interested in makeup products with skincare benefits. Then,
we will target online ads to them with relevant messaging.

Eighth, Data Analytics:

I will implement robust data analytics to track the success of our brand strategy. I will
monitor customer sentiment, analyze sales data, and identify market trends. This will help
me make necessary adjustments to our strategy to achieve our ambitious sales goals in Q3
2023. For instance, we will use data analytics tools to track changes in product sales over
time, monitor customer sentiment through reviews and feedback, and measure the level of
engagement in our social media campaigns. This will help us evaluate the effectiveness of
our brand strategy and make adjustments if needed.
1. Tell us about a time when you were faced with multiple competing priorities or tasks.
How did you prioritize your work and stay committed to achieving your goals?

During my tenure as the Chairmanship of Commission B at BPM Trisakti School of

Management, I often found myself juggling multiple competing priorities and tasks. The role
involved overseeing various aspects of student governance and required a meticulous
approach to time management.

One specific instance that comes to mind was when we were in the process of transitioning
leadership to the next BPM generation. Simultaneously, I was enrolled in my undergraduate
program and had to prepare for a crucial college exam. To address this challenge, I
employed a well-structured approach using the STAR method.

Situation: The situation was demanding, with a high workload in both my academic and
organizational roles.

Task: My primary task was to ensure a smooth transition of leadership within BPM while
also preparing for my college exam, which was a critical academic milestone.

Action: To effectively prioritize my work, I began by creating a detailed schedule that

allocated specific time blocks for BPM responsibilities, study sessions, and exam
preparation. I also delegated certain tasks within BPM to capable team members to share
the workload. Additionally, I identified key priorities within BPM and focused my efforts on
critical initiatives while temporarily minimizing involvement in less urgent matters.

Result: As a result of this strategic approach, I was able to fulfill my responsibilities within
BPM, ensuring a seamless transition of leadership. Simultaneously, I dedicated sufficient
time to study for my college exam, leading to a successful performance in the exam.

This experience reinforced my ability to manage competing priorities by setting clear goals,
creating structured schedules, and effectively delegating tasks when necessary.

2. Have you ever been in a situation where you were tempted to quit or give up on a
project or task? What motivated you to stay committed and see it through to the end?

One notable instance where I was tempted to quit but ultimately stayed committed was
during my role as a Marketing and Product Development intern at CV Jawai Mitra Agro
(JMA). I was tasked with spearheading a project to integrate eco-conscious packaging
materials into our product distribution process. Initially, this project encountered significant
challenges, testing my commitment and resilience.

Situation: The situation involved the implementation of eco-conscious packaging materials,

which faced resistance and logistical complexities within the organization.

Task: My task was to navigate these challenges, successfully integrate the new packaging
materials, and optimize the distribution process.
Action: To address the resistance, I initiated open and constructive dialogues with the team
members and stakeholders involved. I conducted thorough research to identify alternative
eco-friendly materials and explored innovative distribution methods to mitigate logistical
hurdles. Additionally, I sought advice from mentors within the organization and leveraged
their expertise to find viable solutions.

Result: Despite the initial setbacks, my persistence and commitment paid off. I successfully
introduced eco-conscious packaging materials, leading to more efficient product
organization and reduced environmental impact. The project not only enhanced our
sustainability efforts but also streamlined distribution processes, contributing to cost

What motivated me to stay committed was a strong belief in the importance of

sustainability and the potential positive impact of this project. I was driven by the
opportunity to make a meaningful contribution to the organization and the environment.
This experience taught me the value of perseverance and creative problem-solving when
faced with challenging projects, reinforcing my commitment to seeing tasks through to

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